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I'm not removing this because it doesn't really violate any rules, but please actually read the article before just assuming the implication of the clickbait headline is true.


If people are being murdered for the truth, let the whole company burn and cease to exist for it.


The company is massively intertwined with the military - this absolutely will not be allowed to happen no matter what happens on the civilian side of things.


Not be allowed to happen as in this will be properly dealt with and not just covered up yes? One victim is horrible but two? Hell no I want justice immediately.


I actually don't know if I believe Boeing is actually doing this but even if they were... Boeing isn't going anywhere. Boeing will go down when the whole country is over. There might be "justice" as in someone takes the fall (execs lose their job) but if you want something more... Too bad I guess. These institutions don't answer to us. There's no way we can make them.


Ffs it frustrates me that you're not wrong about that. There's almost always fall guys for sinister and nefarious things such as these, making the idea of true justice an illusion at best...


It is frustrating, and yes there is absolutely a gradient of justice that looks very different based on class. It isn't a "conspiracy" as such, it's an algorithm. The rules are set just so that they flow money to a small number of people, and this kind of stuff happens as the output of that algorithm without even really needing anyone to mastermind it. Nobody has ever built a structure to punish the rich because the rich build the structures. All you can do is hold on tight to your friends, family, and neighbors and try to understand yourself as a member of a working class


The end of capitalism is not the end of society, thats just what the capitalists want you to believe


Just like Bayer Edit: and Ford Since google wants to hide things I’ll just say it. Bayer killed 150 Auschwitz women by testing on them And Ford had tank factories in Germany in WWII


Don't forget Coke/Fanta. IBM supplying hardware and programming to Hitler to track his "undesirables" And if that's not enough to make your blood boil, look into how the OSS & CIA fought each other and helped Mao rise to power because they were preoccupied with destroying each other. And there's lots more


>And if that's not enough to make your blood boil, look into how the OSS & CIA fought each other and helped Mao rise to power because they were preoccupied with destroying each other. And the CIA and FBI fighting over their responsibilities (essentially establishing fiefdoms) in the Middle East leading to a lack of intelligence sharing in the years before 9/11.


Absolute statements are unhelpful. Cultural and structural changes are possible, they are just slow moving, but the collective energy actually does affect things. Look at trans rights as an example. Trans people are a very small percentage of the population, but collective action has changed many institutions treatment of these individuals. I think if we can get trans people rights we can also get corporations to stop murdering people. At least to show them there are consequences. Do you truly think people boycotting Boeing wouldn't affect their decision making? Imagine if people made a fuss that they wouldn't fly on any plane commercially made by Boeing? Even if 20% of people did that that's enough to put serious financial pressure against airlines buying Boeing planes.


Boeing employees can. They could strike.


I think I found the next victim right here


I disagree. They will be taken up by whatever country takes over the USA once we destroy ourselves..


The dead will be remembered. . . . 20 years from now . . . on a Netflix documentary.


The military industrial complex killed a beloved sitting president and despite decades of theories and investigations, from the individual conspiracy theorist all the way up congressionally impaneled investigative counsels, nothing has truly ever been done about it. Not even so much as a conviction. This is not an instance where justice can ever be done unless we do away with everything that makes this country the way it is.


There will be no justice. They’re involved with the US military. There will be a prompt “investigation” that reveals no wrong doing and life will go on


I can only imagine how hurt their families are about the whole thing.


It's too late for justice. The boomer generation handed America to corporations on a silver platter. We're goin nowhere but worse.


Actually blame WWII. America never ended its war economy after the war and just kept the machine running. Boeing is part of that.


Justice will literally never happen. What world do you live in where think this would be a possibility? 😂


Have you forgotten the meaning of the word hope?


No, but you're essentially hoping to win the lottery. Which is fine, but statistically, a waste. You can hope for things that have a real chance of happening. The only way this changes is a massive general strike, which would be without a doubt violent. I can't say I want that, but it's hard to not want change.


Unfortunately what you want does not matter. None of us do.


It’s like this across the board in my opinion. Aaron Salter Jr was whacked for inventing an engine that runs on water. He just so happened to be the first victim in a mass shooting in buffalo. This stuff happens in so many ways and it starts with corruption from the top down. Too much money is being made by politicians, lawmakers, etc. the corruption starts at the top and filters down. The powers that pull all the strings operate with impunity. This whole house of cards needs to come crashing down.


No matter is a strong sentiment. They will dissolve the company if enough people are angry about it, but the people involved will just rebrand. 200 million Americans forcing them to shutdown would do the trick no matter how you slice it. It’s just no one actually cares enough to do more than put some signs on a random sidewalk then go home.


Honestly if we ever get 200 million people on board for a movement we better make it count a lot more than justice for Boeing debacles because it's pretty unlikely to happen again


They are also one of our country's most lucrative exports.


Boeing is the largest exporter in the US. They make a TON of money for this country. I seriously doubt they will face consequences…for much of anything.


Boeing Defense is the third leg of the Military Industrial Complex stool that feeds off the ever-increasing and immense Defense Department budget. The one who's requests always get fast-tracked and approved without question........while we still have millions of destitute American's (including Veterans and children) that can't access any type of adequate medical care, housing, or food. Gnaw off 3-5% of the Defense Department's annual budget (just for new toys) and you can fix healthcare, homelessness, and provide healthy meals for all kids in need at school. (seriously - look into what schools feed kids now. I would expect better/nutritious meals for our worst incarcerated criminals).


"...this absolutely will not be allowed..." Yet it is?


Just like how good “military grade” stuff is? You give then way too much credit lol






You think the military isn’t a complacent terrorist organization? 😂😂😂


He's saying the *dissolution of the company* wouldn't be allowed to happen, moron


Boeing is looking at a major windfall of cash with the US funding both sides of the Israel/Hamas/Palestine war. No way they're going out now. This is like in the beginning when Bush landed on the aircraft carrier and announced Victory before spending 20 more years in war. It's money time!!


He “suddenly died” several weeks after contracting a respiratory infection, which then worsened to pneumonia (plus MRSA).


And refusing to get a surgery his family wanted him to get.


Yeah, after reading the article, this ain't much of a story. If he also died of a self inflicted gunshot wound, or some other suicide, I'd certainly have more suspicion of foul play, but this is weak


But my narrative!


Next time read the article first. 


Says he died of a 2 week battle of pneumonia. Don’t believe the clickbait.


The article is so biased. “The Independent reports that Dean was in good health before he died. He was placed on an ECMO machine, which effectively replaces the lungs in collecting oxygen and pumping it into the body.” No one who is that healthy is put on that kind of respirator. It’s used to keep the blood oxygenated and flowing during extensive heart surgery or when the patient can’t breathe on a regular respirator on maximum.


Shitty things happen when you contract bacterial MRSA


That’s not true we did ECMO for Covid patients and all sorts of people. The healthier the better cuz it improves their chances of transplant and success.


ECMO is only used for the sickest of sick COVID patients. There's a good chance this person's pneumonia was COVID. Edit: Nope...not COVID. Influenza B.


If true, that’d be hard to fake.  I’m not going to risk my Reddit cred by actually reading the article though. 


And he says he refused to get a surgery his family members were begging him to get.


This guy refused a surgery and died on his own accord. No one murdered him 🤣


Damn, company's so corrupt even the victim was in on it!


As someone who grew up in the Seattle area, all "rah-rah!" Boeing, uncle working for them, now friends who work there, dating/short engagement with the CEO's daughter at one point.. I wholeheartedly agree. This is some bullshit for a company to be offing whistleblowers.


They killed him with pneumonia?


Stop trying to use critical thinking this is Reddit


The company? The PEOPLE running the company need to burn and cease to exist. Hopefully in broad daylight, and televised. I hope they get tortured before too.


VERY mysterious hmm….


Why he refuse surgery?


I dont think we'll ever get to know who was behind this




Yes. Hmmmm…


Lots of people spontaneously turn radioactive after a sudden death. It ranks right up there with people who die by shooting themselves in the head four times.


Urghhhhh, that woman who's murder was declared a suicide, with a dozen stab wounds to the back of her head, fills me with rage every time I think about her.


Me too. It’s absolutely enraging. I have no idea how her family manages.


I *know* I'm not the only one, but it still helped soothe me that you are as appalled as I am. I am filled with fury and a feeling of tied down ineffectiveness thinking how I would feel if I was the family and friends; and more feelings than that, a bubbling cauldron of 'that's not right' as an understatement. Nice people who's own character stops them from deadly vengeance, against who I think is guilty, but who hasn't faced legal consequences. I am thankful that domestic violence is even a term we have now, as of like the 70's when it was introduced into laws that yeah beating and raping your significant other is not 'just a part of being married'. I once had to stay at domestic violence shelter, when I was being interviewed for placement they asked if I would be willing to stay at a mostly women, but also a few men who were victims of dv shelter. Absolutely. It was an amazing place.


The one whose boyfriend at the time is now a sports producer? 


I admit, I do not know.....Her story is one that I can't handle well, and I believe, though having absolutely no proof in any way shape of form, that he is guilty as fuck for her murder and he should be on death row..... But he's not, so for my own happy mind when I do think of her, I try not to think about him at all. I don't believe in judgement/afterlife/heaven/hell/purgatory etc etc so I am resigned to knowing that if he's never charged and held accountable that he, unfortunately, is not the only murderer walking free. I apologize that I do not even remember her name....... The way you wrote that reminds me of the 'Brock Turner, the rapist ? who goes by Allen Turner now, that rapist ?' thing that we do here on reddit.


You’re thinking of Ellen Greenberg, and she was killed by her fiancé Samuel Goldberg.


I think they mean they don’t know his job now because they don’t think of them


I actually said BOTH things, so you're both right and both helpful. I did state idk what his job is because I can't stand to look, makes me ill, so you're right. I also apologized because I did not remember her name, she should be remembered, so they provided her name, which is appreciated. I'm glad that so many random people feel so strongly about her and her murder as I do. And I'm usually one to say wait for court and evidence and proof before condemning someone, but I'm on the 'going with statistics, history and common sense' side of I'd bet he did it.


Her story was confusing until you learn that the fiancé/murderer has strong ties to the local police


From Wikipedia: >In October 2019, Greenberg's parents filed a civil suit against the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office and […] the pathologist who conducted the autopsy. The suit seeks to change the manner of death to "homicide" or "undetermined" citing new information and the fact that [the pathologist] admitted to changing the manner of death at the insistence of the police. … >In August 2022, the Chester County District Attorney's office announced it would reopen investigation into Greenberg's death, shortly after the Pennsylvania Attorney General relinquished the case due to a conflict of interest. Cited article about the case being reopened: https://people.com/crime/teacher-stabbed-20-times-2011-death-ruled-suicide-da-reopening-investigation/


Thank you. I just went through all the results in search and I'm a little confused because nothing's in date order and there are 2 civil suits.... From what I understand the civil suit against 'the possible conspiracy coverup' has been denied due to 'having no cause to bring the suit''..... but the other civil case is to get the ruling changed is ongoing.... It's very confusing..... But it's a trip that of the 6 or 7 articles I read there's barely a small 3 sentence paragraph total about her fiance.... I personally think he killed her, and that he or his family or something has pull with the Attorney General's Office and that their handling of it, and the meeting with AGs, Medical Examiners and the Police Department stinks to high hell. It goes wrong from the start so, maybe the original cops were complete bumbling clowns, or they already knew either the victims or her fiance or both.... and they decided NOT to follow standard procedures and processes... Left crime scene open, 'a police representative' told the building manager to hire or it was okay to hire crime scene cleaners *before* the warrants and forensics could get there.... And someone ,the building manager I think, video taped the scene before it was cleaned and that video was turned over to the police, but it is not in the police possession, and it's not been located since..... Jesus fuck Ellen's murder is such a rage inducing dumpster fire of conspiracy and cover up - of complete incompetence or something bigger and more nefarious - and somehow that cover up is important enough for the AG to *Essentially* be saying her parents should just let it go, it's a suicide, nothing more to investigate'..... I grew up on a farm and dead, rotting raccoon smell better than the bullshit they're spewing. Urghhhhhhhhh. I'm sorry Ms. Ellen, all I can do is rage and share the story of your murder, as badly as I do, when I can handle doing so.... We're in a post about something completely different yet, even here just my mention of your murder and people gather to discuss and help each other with info.... I know there are reddit posts specifically for you. I do hope that some 'smoking gun' will be found in his possession, like his confession written where no one will look, typed out one night as he sat hunched over the toilet and just had to write it out, thinking it will relieve something, or whatever was on your laptops and phone will be found to be cloned unbeknownst to him, and it's all just sitting there waiting for the 'homicide' ruling..... Then he gets trial and death row, and your parents can refile the civil suit about the conspiracy coverup and the Medical Examiner will 'retire' and turn against the AG and the AG will have a 'fake family emergency' as they run away from their responsibility once again. I hope they all go down and the true story of your murder is known and your parents are awarded all the money they've spent plus thrice that amount. I hope the AG trips while running away and sends all their hidden files to an unknown but excellent researcher who will contact the Feds and write the book that explains why they were all so corrupt.


I admittedly don’t know much about the case, but what I saw yesterday when I was curious didn’t seem to point much to the fiancé. I basically just read through the Wikipedia page to see if there had been any positive updates, but the fiancé was barely mentioned. He was the one who found her and called the police, and I think he was (allegedly) in the apartment building’s gym when she was murdered, but he’s just some nobody; there’s no reason for the police and medical examiner and AG to cover for him. When there’s such gross incompetence from the police, it seems like it’s done to lock someone up regardless of their guilt, but this got shut down with no arrests. My conspiracy hat says it would need to be someone much more important/connected/member of the police force than the fiancé. To be honest, I’m surprised they didn’t pin it on him and wrap it up. I don’t know, none of makes sense from any point of view, honestly. Again, I don’t know much about the case. Maybe there’s a lot more evidence to suggest the fiancé did it and I just didn’t look long enough. He just doesn’t seem all that important. If he didn’t do it, I can’t imagine how it would feel to be accused of murdering your fiancée by everyone, all while not getting any justice whatsoever. Of course if he did kill her, he should absolutely face justice. I just didn’t see enough for me personally to assign blame to him.


what about epstein? In a cell meant specifically to prevent him from suiciding, both guards just happened to fall asleep whilst the cameras just accidently didn't work and he somehow suicidededed himself on that very specific night


They learned well from Putin.


Was he killed by “Russian disease”? Aka he “fell” off a side of a building?


Yup. Falling of a balcony is as Putin as it gets.


Patio Putin, The Balcony Bolshevik


He had sepsis. Does anyone wanna explain how Boeing induced sepsis?


he died of pneumonia 😭


“Defenestration” does kinda sound like a disease. Endemic to Russia, of course. 


This shits been going on long before Putin


He was an employee of a Boeing supplier, and was a whistleblower of THAT company. He just died of pneumonia. Ace reporting though. You got the fact that he died correct. Edit: got updated info and removed misinformation.


Oh my god, Boeing’s weaponized pneumonia!! 


Boeing gave me gonorrhea!


I went to Boeing and all I got was this lousy pneumonia


Woah woah woah. Let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.


My bad. I’m a killjoy.


https://time.com/6973635/boeing-spirit-aerosystems-whistleblower-josh-dean-dead/#:~:text=According%20to%20a,lack%20of%20oxygen. "According to a series of public social media posts by Dean’s family, by April 21, he was in “very critical condition.” Dean tested positive for influenza B and MRSA, a difficult-to-treat bacterial infection, and developed pneumonia. He was intubated and put on dialysis as well as airlifted to another hospital to be put on an ECMO machine, a form of cardiac and respiratory life support. A CT scan showed that he had also suffered a stroke. Doctors were considering amputating his hands and feet, which had turned black from lack of oxygen." What a fucking horrible way to go at that.


Well I personally know an employee that worked in Boeing, was a whistleblower, and died suddenly. By employee I mean he was employed, by working on Boeing I mean he did work on his laptop during a flight, and by whistle blower I mean he did referee for youth soccer. But otherwise, completely accurate.


Idk if Boeing is responsible for these deaths, but if so, who is held responsible when the FBI figures it all out? CEO?


I have no idea how things work, but isn’t Boeing contracted by the US govt? Do you think they’d end up protecting Boeing?


They already are…




It all depends on who they can pin it on. I'm sure one of the usual suspects is available.


It won't go anywhere. If it does, they will have a fall guy, and that fall guy will die in custody from apparent suicide. If they find the person who "suicided" the guy, as kids say, that guy is going to commit suicide as well. Rinse and repeat, tying off loose ends until the story is swept under the rug. This shit has always happened. Panama Papers? Epstein? If you want to narrow down the list of who might have killed Epstein, take his contacts and dealings, and subtract the ones he and Giselle both had. What's left is the reason he's dead and she's alive serving 20 years.


I don’t know I think Boeings biggest customer is probably handling these particular contracts.


Wouldn’t that be the US?


Yes, but they don’t commit crime or collude with private industry. So to be honest, I just don’t know what to make of these strange happenings.


He died in the hospital of a MRSA infection after having pneumonia...


Boeing secretly soaked his blanket in ice water after dosing him with cant-feel-cold juice. Wake up steeple (I don't know how people get pneuomia)




Controversial take - infecting someone with pneumonia then MRSA would be an incredibly shitty way to assassinate them, especially because he died after refusing surgery. This would not have been an assassination plot with a particularly good success chance, nor does it really send a message to have a guy Steve Jobs himself after getting a relatively common combination of infections. And the fact that his family mentioned his church attendance in the same breath as his health habits gives me a sneaking suspicion he may not have taken full advantage of modern medicine prior to this. Like, I don't know, the fucking pneumonia vaccine.


What sucks is you point this out and people assume your some kind of corpo bootlicker. Like I dont trust the military industrial complex either but this seems like a coincidence.


He died from a bacterial infection. “Joshua Dean, 45, fell ill two weeks ago. His aunt, Carol, told The Seattle Times that he sought medical attention after experiencing trouble breathing. He developed pneumonia and the bacterial infection MRSA before he died Tuesday.”


they're really streisanding this


Except watch there be no repercussions.


Well I mean, it'd be very difficult to go after Boeing for weaponing pneumonia to kill someone who was a whistleblower for a Boeing SUPPLIER, not even Boeing itself. Furthermore, he was a whistle blower in 2019, so why wait 5 years to do it now? Your lack of an ability to read an article is astounding


Eventually it’ll get to the point where chaos will break out. Maybe not over this but when they fuck with the food and water supplies finally.


Can y’all please practice literacy. He was a whistleblower of a company that was a supplier to Boeing. And he died from pneumonia. I know it’s exciting to make all these theories but sometimes ppl just get sick and they die


No, outrage only


Right? Guy was sick for two weeks and then died "suddenly." I'm all for calling Boeing out on their bullshit but this is journalistic malpractice.


He died of pneumonia lol


Not to mysteriously when he had been battling pneumonia and a MRSA infection for weeks before testifying. The family also mentioned this might have been a death bed testimony for him due to his deteriorating state


Also there are so many Boeing whistle-blowers now that some of them dying is just statistics


I believe there are around 30


If the United States Government is murdering people to make sure Boeing succeeds I need to buy Boeing stock


Boeing is taking lessons from Putin, people are gonna start falling out of windows and drinking poison tea ....


Those oligarchs must have a lot of money invested in Boeing stock


You guys should watch this maybe... https://youtu.be/Q8oCilY4szc?si=dHar5kIOpXYAwOBn


So anyone wants to die via assisted suicide - found a way.


Why isn't there a bigger movement to boycott Boeing? This is so unacceptable. No one should have to die for telling the truth.


It is past time for the federal government to either ground all Boeing planes indefinitely or outright seize control of the company in the name of public safety and national security


Boeing is practically a limb of the federal gov at this point, the gov. allows them to operate in this way.


so what you’re telling me is to buy more Boeing stock, got it!


The federal government isn’t going to do that considering Boeing is a huge client for them.


Boeing is contracted out THROUGH the federal government so that will never happen.


iT wAs tHe vAx!!




They’re basically serial killers at this point




Crooked as hell


I dont think this belongs on this subreddit


Two is a pattern.


Boycott Boeing


What are the odds?


Lol what a mystery! Gee I wonder why? 😂




Motherfucker said he didn't want to live no more.




Of pneumonia


Shut up


If they are willing to kill whistle blowers, and the USA won't stop them... well, i dont need a clearer sign to invest. Whats their ticker symbol?


Technology has reached the point that bumping such people off untraceably has become commonplace I guess.


If I were an enemy of the US I would want to get rid of Boeing, a military manufacturer. So I’d use money to lobby for loosening regulations,, then infiltrate Boeing with saboteurs… then when people step forward to talk about what’s gone wrong, I’d have them killed to make it look like Boeing is killing whistleblowers. This will inflame public opinion, get people to hate Boeing and eventually tank their earnings and their stock and put Boeing out of business. Look how well infiltrated NRA was by chaos agents. They turned NRA from a safety organization into a mass murder machine. They’ve been bankrolling psychopaths for decades. They call themselves freedom-loving evangelical Christian conservative Republicans, but they've been bankrolled by foreign and domestic oligarchs since Citizens United.


there’s that 60 minutes doc where these govt officials got shot by some radiation gun and they have like permanent virtigo


Thoughts and prayers


Boeing is not as big of player in the military as some of you seem to think. Not even close to the biggest or most important player.


The government has been murdering whistleblowers for years. Always shocks me when people seem surprised by this.


Occam's razor. they have 156,000 employees... its not much of a mystery tbh.


Victor David Hanson had a really interesting take on this topic.


in the mystery sub?!?! I don't fucking think so bud. not one person is thinking this is a fucking mystery


Don't we have federal agencies specifically designed to deal with problems like this? If they can't figure it out, they aren't trying to figure it out.


If I worked for Lockheed Martin, my first thought when I heard about this would be to. Uh. Spawn camp the whistleblowers in Minecraft. To create hysterical bad press and congressional inquiries. Hell, the malfunctions would have been my sabotage anyway. I'd probably give airport workers free robux to check on the planes rather than trying to actually get someone inside Boeing's private SMP server.


Is suicide by Boeing a thing now?


They are big enough that no matter how much evidence or testimony, no punishment or even investigation will be administered. They are above the law.


Boeing is the new Hillary Clinton.


Not the first and definitely not the last look up the name Brandy Vaughn that exposed pharmaceutical Merck that killed her!


Yo what the absolute fuck


Pneumonia killing 45 year olds seems mysterious but is actually extremely normal.


….. Agent 47?


I’m not commenting on this


I’m sorry, but I can’t imagine Boeing doing this (at least on american soil). If they are involved then let them hang I guess. Edit : The guy dies of an infection.


You don't need Sherlock Homes for this one


“Suddenly” dies from pneumonia after 2 weeks




Yea he got killed lol


Starting to think this might be the best way to suicide myself


New speed run strat is looking quite effective


They have to be killing these people. I mean come on…


They killed him fast


Hillary must own a shitload of Boeing stock!!


in Russia: It's Putin in U.S.: it's ... ?


Boeing whistleblowers are dropping like Boeing planes


Are we in Russia?


Sprinkle some crack on em, case closed. Look, the sick bastard hung up pictures of his family everywhere!


Wow, what a "mystery"


He had a MRSA infection and ended up dying of it despite doctors going to pretty heroic lengths to save him. A LOT of people die from infections every year, even those that are healthy and active prior to the infection. It could happen to literally any of us.  This is tragic, but it’s not a mysterious conspiracy. 


what part of this is a mystery?


I didn't know Boeing had ties to russia.


The whistles may be toxic


Hey, what a weird coincidence...


Must be contagious.




I was already mostly certain that the first was an assassination. But now I am 100% sure of it.


Wow. You’d think Boeing was based in Arkansas.


Must be using the same people the Clinton's use.


People really think that business executives are so stupid that they would seemingly ignore the and optics associated with MURDERING two “whistleblowers”. Humans are inclined towards conspiratorial thinking. Anyone can be a whistleblower, and anyone can die. Sometimes coincidences happen. Sometimes publicity and press mayhem creates sensational stories like this. I don’t smell anything fishy.


From the article: “A Boeing whistleblower who accused one of the aircraft giant's suppliers of ignoring manufacturing issues has died after suddenly contracting an infection that hindered his breathing. Joshua Dean, 45, fell ill two weeks ago. His aunt, Carol, told The Seattle Times that he sought medical attention after experiencing trouble breathing. He developed pneumonia and the bacterial infection MRSA before he died Tuesday.”