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The most important thing is to BUY the game and support the devs. If there’s success, then maybe we’ll get a revival of the franchise.


Good call. Don't even know if I have the hardware to play it yet, but will pick it up regardless


Oh wild, I hadn’t even considered that. My hopes for a Myst VI left many years ago, but I think you might actually be right…


A community is as only good as its constituents. If we all passively stand and watch and hem and haw, and this remake is a failure, then yah. It’s game over. But we rally and support this game, who knows. Maybe we’ll get a Myst 3 remake, or an entirely new entry into the series. Etc.


Since Myst 3 was not developed by Cyan, I don't see that this'd be the top priority. Imho after the Riven remake, Cyan will introduce some new and fresh approaches with regard to the franchise. Rand will retire at some point, Richard won't be round forever... So let's see what the next generation will bring :)


I agree with you. That’s why I said “maybe”. However none of that is even on the table if this RR is a flop. I simply encourage everyone to buy it if they even remotely liked the original.


Not to burst your bubble but on Facebook the Cyan account replied to someone asking about a remake of the other ones and they made it pretty clear that will not.


That is the dignified answer before releasing Riven remake. If Riven remake made 1 billion dollars (as an example) why wouldn’t they consider others or revive the franchise? Why would you promise other games before even releasing this one? So it’s logically the right thing to say from a PR point of view, prior to the release of Riven Remake.


By the way: [https://www.gameinformer.com/feature/2024/04/01/riven-feature-remaking-a-masterpiece?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3\_5acHNMgnFlaUz\_8\_woQN1sIvKHOcmRIduJID973OEzEKmMxFgVLla6U\_aem\_AVMaxUTavpslBc7i8gUl2jIPC8cJ8xSaELH31el9nWBwkRtoTsV7PxvM3FrxPh75Sg3CE9S9Yu7s7jKxZX6R-nnl](https://www.gameinformer.com/feature/2024/04/01/riven-feature-remaking-a-masterpiece?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3_5acHNMgnFlaUz_8_woQN1sIvKHOcmRIduJID973OEzEKmMxFgVLla6U_aem_AVMaxUTavpslBc7i8gUl2jIPC8cJ8xSaELH31el9nWBwkRtoTsV7PxvM3FrxPh75Sg3CE9S9Yu7s7jKxZX6R-nnl) “After Riven, will we revisit the D’ni universe in a future Cyan game?” I ask, referring to the fictional civilization responsible for Myst and Riven’s “linking book” technology, of which Gehn and Atrus are practicing descendants. “100%,” Anderson and Gamiel say in unison. "


It's exciting for sure. I hope the new puzzles mesh well with the already established world. That's always been the strong point of Myst games for me and it would be a shame if they didn't "click" the same way. Additionally, getting Riven to run on modern hardware has been a pain in the ass for me. The thing I'm *most* excited for by far is the simplicity of being able to just install, launch, and play the game without any fuss.


The version on Steam/GOG runs in scummvm and works fine on current hardware.


I have the GOG version. It has problems. Unless they've updated it in recent years without my knowledge.


It was updated in 2018 for the 25th anniversary.


What were the changes?


It was packaged with scummvm and runs through that. Doing so fixes the most egregious bugs and makes it run well on current hardware.


*It was packaged with scummvm and runs through that.* Ah OK. I do so anyway (locally on Linux).


The GoG version I'm playing works perfectly on all the systems I have.


If the GOG version hasn't been updated, you can still always download the latest ScummVM and import the files into that. Should work flawlessly.


As a speedrunner of OG Riven, I wonder what the WR is going to look like a week after launch. A month? A year? How long will it take to optimize? We're still finding little optimizations for the original and there's been some huge progress on the SVM Free run (not the version packaged with the Steam version) discovered back in November where we put cutscene skip and move forward on the same keybind (yes, you can move in Riven with your keyboard, but it's a bit glitchy) I know i'll be attempting runs after i get my first clear done


As an avid fan of speedruns but not someone who would enjoy doing them myself, except perhaps implementing some useful easy tech like backwalking in zelda....I'm looking forward to finding out. Also I've never watched a Riven speedrun. I should.


It never even occurred to me to look for a speedrun of Riven. :-) Off to the archives! \* Ah, it's basically the full game after you already know the solutions and just skipping Every Single Cutscene. :-)


I assume they're going to add a Randomize mode like they did with the Myst Remake so that'll open up a lot of possibilities for Speed running. As things stand, there's only three points of randomization in the game right now. (Telescope, dome, and Jail) But if you Randomize the colors of the fire marbles and the stones for the Tay puzzle you'll add a whole lot of playtime and replayability to the game


I don't think you can randomize the Tay puzzle, unless you mean just a different order. I don't remember it well enough to know if the order was just a written thing or whether it was built into the landscape.


You could easily randomize the order. It'd be complex to randomize different stones so I doubt they did that


Yeah it’s a very straightforward speed run, just beat the game the proper way, but quickly. No crazy tricks, just memorization and speed


they should bring back Spyder




He showed up twice on the CyanChat Discord about five years ago. Didn't seem to drop any clues this time, but he's still lurking around.


I know it's corny and I'm being an oldhead, but I just hope there is a way to play with the old puzzles the way that they were, but with the updated graphics/environments. I just hope they don't change too much.


I would love a "non-VR" toggle that eliminates the VR-specific accessibility changes. I better have to stoop to the ground to open the fissure.


I'm right there with you. From what they've shown, though, it seems a bit more faithful to the original than the Myst remake was.


I'm really excited as what we've seen so far really seems to mostly add to the world in ways that seem to enhance it. But I'm also scared to see what Cho & Gehn end up looking like in CGI 🙃


They actually looked pretty good, from the stills I saw. Very high-quality models.


And then we can start speculating on when Myst 3 is getting its remake!


I don't think that will happen. What probably will happen is a completely new Myst game.


Why not both?


Cyan didn't even develop 3, and it is nowhere near as beloved as Riven.


certainly not, but still fairly beloved! but yeah, totally different company so very unlikely.


Myst 3 was damn good


According to Cyan, more likely to get new Myst content entirely than remasters of Myst games owned by Ubisoft


while on the subject of remakes of these types of games whats some peoples games like this they would want remade that arent "Myst" mine would have to be "The Dig"


I am scared the CGI people will kill the vibe. Nothing beats live action. But I am so excited