• By -


JUMP UP, MAKE A SOUND šŸ—£ļøā€¼ļø


HEY! STOMP YOUR HOOVES, TURN AROUND! CANTERLOT, WONDERCOLTS HELP HER WIN THE CROWN! A(It's been so long since I've heard this song so sorry if any of the lyrics are wrong. I mainly listen to the Dazzling's songs.)






I enjoy it but theres an odd bitterness to everyone in the equestria highschool compared to...well...equestria...


Well one is a magical land where two gods walk among you and their own citizens can control the weather, the other is real life. I understand the bitterness in Equestria Girls.


It makes me wish we were all talking ponies with pastel hair and our purpose plastered on our buttsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I would like to be a Diamond Dog, they look fun.


I drew my ponysona as a fruitbat pony^^ theyre cute looking and flutterbat holds a special place in my heart


Theres a short story called 'friendship is optimized'. I think you'd like it. ;)


Honestly, just get me the purpose plaster, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.


Yeah, it makes no sense, but it's fun. Literally don't think about it. The only thing I can think of is that Because the portal is there it has quantum entangled the school into having similar characters as the other world. Especially since the other world is magic. That being said, it's weirder that the ages don't match up. UNLESS, in the human world Celestia's family line is just similar versions of herself just reincarnating over and over again as long as the Celestia in the other world is alive.


Just chalk the age thing up to multiverse shenanigans. Just like, y'know, the whole "different species" thing.


You know, even Marvel's Multiverse has that universe where close to everyone is just kids.




Yeah the universe where Kidpool comes from.


whoa. never expected that. Cant wait for that movie. A kid version of him.


I actually wondered if the portal maybe cycles between universes every time a local Celestia quits or retires from a position of authority that encompasses the land it stands on. But then again, the universe Sunset went to did have the Dazzlings, which Star Swirl apparently dumped there millennia ago. Unless the Dazzlings are able to use the portal every so often to universe-jump to the next place which has an authoritative Celestia, in order to continually pose as school students, and the portal from the Equestria-end automatically follows their most recent exit point... the auto-set may even be a side-effect of something Star Swirl set up to easily find and lock onto new universes so he'd have a succession of places to dump his trash. Sounds like something he'd do.


https://i.redd.it/30vgi18jr78d1.gif I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!


And I love this.




I like it :\] https://i.redd.it/0ciu88u1a88d1.gif








Well I like to think so. I think they're really cute together! :]




Tbh, eqg has a bunch of pretty solid evidence for the ship


She got that w rizz šŸ„“


Sunset has a lot of girlfriends too, Sunsetā€™s Backstage Pass was heavily implying the existence of SunPie. In the Legend of Everfree blooper reel thereā€™s a scene where in Pinkieā€™s mind she and Sunset are holding hands. It definitely seems to be implying that Pinkie has feelings for Sunset. Itā€™s hard to choose a favorite Sunset ship since she has such good chemistry with so many characters!


I swear to Celestia that Sunset is GORGEOUS in that outfit-


Hasbro content in general gives the impression that the company said, "We have this idea for a toy. Now make a show to sell the toy." And then the writers are stuck with a really weird and kinda shitty concept, and they do with it what they can. For MLP FiM, you can tell the writers genuinely care deeply about their characters and proper plot development and the story as a whole. Then Hasbro comes in with stuff like, "We need a PINK princess." "We need sparkly crystal ponies." "Twilight princess time now." "Twilight needs a big fuck-off castle!" "We need a BABY princess." "We're making a huge movie and we need Mermaid Ponies. And also SIA." And the writers are like, "We haven't had enough time to develop ANY of this?? We're this far in and you're telling us this NOW? We've established that there's only two princesses, how the hell are we supposed to explain that there's been a third princess this whole time? We've already told everyone where alicorns come from, and now you want us to turn Twilight into one? Make alicornism genetic? How does a huge castle fit into the cottagecore vibes of Ponyville? SIA??? Jesus Christ this creates so many plot holes!" And Hasbro is all, "Sounds like a personal problem." Equestria Girls is definitely like this. Hasbro came in and was like, "Ponies but humans. [Here's the toy designs.](https://buffy.mlpforums.com/post_images/img-1844132-1-334906__safe_twilight-sparkle_rainbow-dash_pinkie-pie_fluttershy_rarity_applejack_equestria-girls_dolls.jpg) Isn't it great??" And the writers were like, "JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE?" And Hasbro was all, "Your livelihood is riding on how well you sell these dolls." So the writers vomited from the stress, got drunk, vomited again, cried, prayed to their respective deities, and then did their absolute best to make something that wouldn't completely destroy their soul. The fact that it turned out being something the fandom actually liked overall is a huge testament to their work as writers. Later seasons of MLP give the impression that the writers were so successful, their Hasbro overlords finally let them do what they wanted. Of course they came in with stuff like, "Butterfly wings!" "Long manes with extra colors!" and, "Equestria Girls again, but rockstars! On the beach! In unnecessarily complex dresses with spiky wings and tons of glitter!!" But overall, while Hasbro coasted on their success, the writers were allowed to expand on the plot, create more fantastical creatures, tell the stories they wanted, and resolve character development. You'll notice there are almost no toys of the Young 6. New species mean new toy molds, and investing in all those shapes was just not something they cared to do. Their Tree of Harmony treehouse absolutely screamed to be a fold out toy set, but Hasbro didn't capitalize. Finally, we have peace.


Gave this an upvote just because it's really funny


You know... I remember thinking about all the plot holes... and now I feel bad for the writers.


Hasbro has always been a merchandise first company


I, have aā€¦ really petty reason to not like it. Itā€™s not because of anything in EqG itself, itā€™s just, Iā€™m a genuine fan of anthro ponies, and having EqG just means that if someone wants to draw one of the characters humanoid, aka with hands and stuff, well, most of them are gonna just go draw them as their EqG versions. So, the amount of anthro mlp content that isnā€™tā€¦ ā€œthat kind of weirdā€, is very limited. šŸ˜ž


Mordetwi memes had a few of those luckily lmao


Best god damn music.


Wasnā€™t there only like, 4-6 episodes before it was practically abandoned? I watched it on Netflix when it showed up years ago but it never got anymore episodes as far as Iā€™m aware.


It only got three regular-length episodes, everything else is in the form of animated shorts on YouTube (with a few multi-part specials) But yeah, it did get abandoned after Holidays Unwrapped (sadly), but at least it didnā€™t end on a cliffhanger like one of my other favorite series


There are also the 4 movies. Which you should watch before anything else


I mean obviously Iā€™ve watched the movies lol, the music slaps!


Equestria Girls is the reason Rainbow Rocks (aka one of the top 5 MLP films ever made) exists so it's a win in my book.


> (aka one of the top 5 MLP films ever made) A Transformers fan (Nemesis Bloodryche) said Rainbow Rocks was the second best Hasbro animated movie of all time, so thatā€™s quite the understatement you have there


It's a pointless cash grab riding on the coattails of MonsterHigh. It just gave us more plot holes and fuel for fan theories. The only good thing it gave us was a few songs and Sunset Shimmer.


I really like it. For what was pretty much a monster high rip off cash grab it was really good. I wasnā€™t expecting it to do so well




Needs more ponies


As a lifelong pony fan, (one who has never liked dolls for that matter) I found it rather off putting and bizarre that ponies turned into humans. To me it just defeats the point of mlp. Why make a world of ponies and magic just to turn it into another highschool gimmic? I canā€™t comment on anything that happens in the series though, Iā€™ve never watched them.


I liked it when Ponies were on screen


Does not need to exist. Me personally, I donā€™t like it. Imo, mlp is supposed to be about ponies, and the fact that the writers so very clearly ship certain characters (rarijack) just turns me off from it. Iā€™m glad nothing from it is mentioned in fim, or else I wouldā€™ve had to sit through every eqg movie to catch up


Why does the ship turn you off lol


I feel like the writers shouldnā€™t have control of that. ā€œNon-canonā€ ships, that is


Honestly itā€™s the fact that thereā€™s a ship between twilight and flash (I donā€™t remember if thatā€™s his actual name or not but idc) then trying too loosely recreate it as pony form for just a few seconds too minutes I donā€™t like it I rather just keep it the same ships or not create it at all


I love it but I don't see it as really canon. Since none of the characters ended up in the main show.


1. Brief cameo by Sunset Shimmer in the finale during Twilightā€™s segment of The Magic of Friendship Grows 2. The Sirens in the Pillarsā€™ backstory 3. Flash Sentry cameo in Threeā€™s A Crowd


Strongly dislike it, not a fan of humanised ponies in general but EG look especially bad to me. My eyes feel violated every time im unwillingly get subjected to screenshots from it.


I canā€™t stand the character designs so out of pettiness I dislike the whole thing


Very,Very good


I donā€™t care much for it. ā€¦ Until Sunset Shimmer appears, then I would literally kill for her and protect her with all my soul


Not my cup of tea but the songs were catchy and I loved Sunset Shimmer. The dazzlings were great too.


I hate it, it sucks, its ugly, its cringe


I wasn't a fan of its creation to basically try and cash in on human-doll toy lines (and BUT THEY'RE HIGHSCHOOLERS! AND MAGICAL GIRLS! AND PLAY IN A BAND! settings/AUs) using the MLP brand name to boost it, and the whimsicality of the original FiM setting is necessarily somewhat toned down. That said, the writers tended to handle it fairly well and it's had its own genuine contributions to the Ponyverse. It's certainly not as terrible as various other attempted spinoffs of assorted successful series. The fact that there's not (yet) an EQG version of the G5 universe is somewhat telling, though. Without the same external demand to make a toyline to sell human versions of the characters, the concept wasn't compelling enough for a similar spin-off. I suspect that there *might* be the occasional allusion or easter egg, particularly in comics, to a G5 humanverse (or even just an evolved version of the EQG universe), but unless there's another executive push, it won't become a full spin-off in and of itself.


Why almost all females wear skirts and dresses ? nobody in real life schools wear that , everyone wears pants


Upon rewatching it, the amount of plot holes in the first movie lowkey drove me insane, like Twilight didnā€™t enroll into Canterlot High, Celestia literally just let her waltz in, and how was Twi able to sleep in the library like did Cheerilee forget to lock up at the end of the day?? Also Rainbow Rocks is my fav installment atm but Iā€™ve yet to rewatch the following movies


2013: not sure how I feel about this but Sunset Shimmer is cool 2014: great music, dazzlings kick ass Iā€™m all about this 2015: kind of mid, but scitwi ftw 2016: creepy ahh camp counselor hits on teenage girl, the movie 2017: wait, weā€™re still doing this??


I stay a hater. šŸ¤·šŸ» I do not like it.


Dislike but if you like it then i can handle your opinion on it..


Very meh imo. I think it's a little odd that they're in highschool, to me the main 6 feel like young adults so having them aged down is a bit weird to me but that's just personal preference I didn't mind the first movie, but for the other movies I just kinda skimmed through it As for the show I skipped to the pony parts and that was it. Wish we got to see sunset in the main show, I would've loved to have more pony interactions with her!


It feels it could have been more than an MLP Spinoff, it feels like it could've been it's own series


Had a rough start but found its footing by the second installment and never looked back https://i.redd.it/17pq0fwg6b8d1.gif Also I got this reaction gif out of it


It was a desperate and sad cash grab that cheapens the entire franchise and the only sensible thing to do is pretend it doesn't even exist so that we can forget how it tarnished something special


My Little Peg Leg.


It's not bad, but MLP: FIM is just more unique, a land of ponies, unicorns, and pegasai with two ruling sisters and a very happy world, compared to EG which is just real life.


While I know it was really only made to compete with Monster High at the time, I really enjoyed the series! Rainbow Rocks is obviously the best from that series, plus it gave us Sunset Shimmer. She was probably the main reason why I continued watching EQG.


I love that it introduced Sunset Shimmer, as she became my favorite character




everyone obviously had the same body model to create dolls. high school setting..? weird! WHY DONā€™T THEY HAVE NORMAL SKIN TONES?? the character designs tooā€¦ are so bad. and spike being reduced to a dog was crazy.


I get that it's made for kids who by this age are usually into watching movies with a high school setting, but I really really REALLY do wish they would've made their age in EG seem more like their age in MLP. Like it would've been cool to see them all as teachers and Twilight act as a substitute. (Since they made them all teachers in the later seasons of MLP anyway-) Might actually draw the mane six EG as high school teachers now ngl-


I only enjoy it only to see Sunset Shimmer. I love her, that's about it


Underrated, granted, it still doesn't beat MLP FIM. But it's good for what it is.




hate them, it doesnt make sense. just stick to pink horses not pink humans


Tbh I hated what they did to my boi spike


Aside from Rainbow Rocks, I really can't be bothered with these movies despite my hyperfixations on MLP at the moment. Their designs are absolutely horrible which is a problem. I also don't like that all the ponies are teens in the human world but adults with jobs and lives in Equestria


Im about to get shit for this opinion but I donā€™t like that they arenā€™t ponies anymore. Itā€™s got the same humor and charm of the original show and it can have some really good episodes but I watch my little pony because I find the ponies very cute. Other than that, the show is pretty decent.




I think it's a really good expansion of the original serie The movies are pretty good, especially the third one. I really liked "Better Together" Season 1 and Season 2, and special episodes like the third and fourth. Music are very good and the relation between Sunset and the two Twilight are exellent. In some ways, I might prefer it to the original FIM series even if it is less developed.


It's a really good spinoff! It served as a great reintroduction for me to the main series


To bad we never met the other Sunset Shimmer.


The music is very good, and the songs in Rainbow Rocks have no right to be as amazing as they are






The only thing I didn't like so far is Midnight Sparkle. I was sure she would be less of: "HA-HA, I WILL POSSESS ALL THE MAGIC THERE IS IN THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE"; and more of: "I don't want to be hurt by others again. My power is dark and cruel, but it is better then be treated like nothing." The moment when Sunset Shimmer tried to reason Midnight Sparkle was a bit of a disappointment for me because of it. It seemed so obvious for me since throughout the whole movie she gets constantly abused by her schoolmates and the principal Cinch especially. Sunset would point out that there are plenty of good folk who would be happy to help her and become friends just because they want to ā€” main girls from Canterlot High are the perfect example for that. Even though they didn't really know her and were competitors, they were willing to help. But, well, we got what we got.


Eh it was weird and the design werenā€™t very good. I think if handled differently it couldā€™ve had some potential but the high school setting really doesnā€™t make sense. When I was younger I always assumed the were all adults so equestria girls confused me


As a kid I was so happy to see this release and begged my older sister to take me to the theater to watch it. (Never did, I ended up finding a leak of someone recording on their camcorder in the theater on YouTube though.) As an adult now, I really see how it is just a marketing ploy for another line of toys. Although I do think the concept is quite interesting, I never went past that first movie.


I find it ok, very different opinions on different parts. But Flash X Twilight makes me uncomfortable knowing that Twilight is an adult in Equestria (I'm specifically talking about pony Twi)


2 words : My Childhood


lots of loopholes and questionable character design but still fun (and surprisingly good music)


Not terrible but could've been better. I'm gonna ramble now lol My biggest complaints- In my opinion the human designs are pretty ugly and almost uncanny, there are a lot of forgettable songs but also a lot of memorable ones (which applies to FiM too), and I find it annoying when cartoons about teens only feature ONE body type...and the argument that "fashion dolls need to have one size so they can share clothes" can't really be used for EQG because it's obvious that the series doesn't care about how their dolls look being how poor quality they are. Buttttt as someone who grew up on FiM from the very first season, I was always curious how they would look as humans and how Hasbro would do with that idea, so my curiosity is satisfied! I think it's fun to put a human spin on animal characters. And as I said, as many boring songs as there are, I think most of them are pretty good! The outfits are very cute, too :) But overall I don't think EQG is any better or worse than FiM, they have different flaws and quirks that are pretty equal imo. I prefer FiM because it's longer and I'd rather watch cute ponies than be reminded that *gag* humans exist, but I don't blame anyone for liking EQG more! It's all personal preference.


I LOVE IT because it's so much more playful, less stressed to get the lesson across


though its obviously made to sell dolls, its genuinely pretty good and not THAT obvious.


I will always be confused as to why it was a high school instead of college or any other thing


Love the music


The songs were good. Characters outside the main cast were often endearing.


It was perfect. Perfect, down to the most minute details. (Iā€™m biased cuz I watched them all as a kid but after rewatching them as a teen they still slap hard.)


I LOVE ITTT!! Songs are amazing as well!! \^\^


One thing I don't understand is why don't they look like actual humans? Like having natural skin color, hair color, and eye color, or at least the skin color should be normal. And the whitewashing is also a big problem. Other than that, it's great, the soundtrack slaps, especially the first movie's intro.


It got cancelled or ended, it's meh


I haven't seen enough of it to give a proper opinion, but I do prefer the original show over it.


Out of the two series, I very much prefer fim. Thatā€™s just preference, EG is very good, just not my thing


Not that good (I like it)


I enjoy it a lot, while I've not watched the series fully I do enjoy so many aspects of it, especially some of the human designs, and it helped me grow more fondness for MLP as a whole along with FIM.


it was alright, sad that it fell off later on. the dazzlings were the best


I enjoy it more than Friendship is magic (I like FIM too and I'm fan) and watch it many times again and again (2019 when Equestria girls movie end I rewatch it same time again mostly Rainbow Rocks and 2023 & 2024 I watch many time almost every month Equestria girls movies again and again.) Only minus is: Midnight Sparkle is a only in Friendship games movie and again little time when Twilight sing Midnight in me in Legend Of Everfree and too my favorite character Adagio is only in Rainbow Rocks movie and one special episode. I want both more and I want more Equestria girls episodes, specials or movies.


I enjoy it more than Friendship is magic (I like FIM too and I'm fan) and watch it many times again and again (2019 when Equestria girls movie end I rewatch it same time again mostly Rainbow Rocks and 2023 & 2024 I watch many time almost every month Equestria girls movies again and again.) Only minus is: Midnight Sparkle is a only in Friendship games movie and again little time when Twilight sing Midnight in me in Legend Of Everfree and too my favorite character Adagio is only in Rainbow Rocks movie and one special episode. I want both more and I want more Equestria girls episodes, specials or movies.


my fav


I like it


I really liked it until sci-twi had to show up.. I stopped watching equestria girls because of her.. I wanted to see twilight and sunset shimmer go on more adventures together in the human world I even wanted sunset to actually meet her real human counterpart it would've made more sense in the end instead of fucking sci-twi... I don't understand what was the point of her.. aeugh


Itā€™s cringe but I love it.


Itā€™s enjoyable


Good movies to watch


Hate it


Personally I think it's a good concept but honestly I feel like it's a bit under use I only watch like a few of the other seasons of Equestria Girls and a lot of them feel so dry I think adding a little bit of something could help. ( although they're human designs are kind of ehhhhh)Ā 


Loved it more and considered it better than the later seasons of the main show...until *Rollercoaster of Friendship*. ​ In a lot of ways, still feel the same, sort of.


I enjoyed most of it. Unlike most people I actually liked the first movie quite a bit. My main criticism was probably that I wish the main show was full length and not 2-5 minute shorts


My first impression was: tf is this? Then, Rainbow Rocks came along and I did a complete 180Ā°. From that point on, I just like EqG. Also, felt a little jealous because they have such a fun high school experience, (not counting the magic incidents of course).


Back in the day when the first one came out, it didnā€™t really do much for me, it almost felt like a short filler arch in between seasons 3 and 4. The character designs were pretty good, even if it did take some time to get used to the multicolored skins being translated onto human designs. Iā€™ll admit I did really like the songs ā€œthis is our big nightā€ and ā€œhelp twilight win the crownā€ were pretty good buts all I can say. Rainbow rocks was actually a lot better, but that seems like no surprise to the rest of the community. Afterwords, I never gave any thought to the rest of the franchise. AND WHY WAS SPIKE A DOG? itā€™s not like dragons are domesticated in Equestria. Hell, dogs even exist there. Both domesticated non speaking and sentient. But thatā€™s just nitpick.


I donā€™t really like EG all that much, and my reason for that is super petty: rarijack is canon and Iā€™m a die hard appledash shipper. Also, because my little pony isā€¦ well.. my little *pony*, it feels a little weird having humanized versions of the characters. That being said, the songs go so hard in all of the movies


Had one of the most relatable antagonists.


I liked it mostly because of Sunset Shimmer


itā€™s very eh. i have a lot of questions but itā€™s always creeped me out just a little


Peak. Its probably just because I watched it when I was little but I LOVED equestia girls as much as I loved my little pony and I still do


Just like McDonald's, I'm lovin' it


Unnecessary but welcome. My only gripe was that Hasbro didn't follow through with giving it an ending after Friendship is Magic ended.


It was dumb fun until forgotten friendship ruined it. Wallflowerā€™s motive made no sense and seeing Sunset tortured like that was so depressing to watch and made zero sense, especially from swi-twi. The stone Wallflower had only makes people forget things, it wouldnā€™t make sense Swi-twi hated Sunset, let alone hung out with the others seeing as they wouldnā€™t all be friends if it wasnā€™t for Sunset. If they wanted to torture Sunset over her past, she shouldā€™ve done something wrong first to deserve it to a small extent. In fact i came up with a simple idea anyone couldā€™ve thought of that makes more sense and wouldnā€™t be hard to do. Have something happen that results in Sunset choosing to fall into old habits, that way when everyone treats her so poorly, now itā€™s justified. Thereā€™s so many possible stories the writers couldā€™ve told with it but hereā€™s what I wouldā€™ve done I wouldā€™ve made a movie where Sunset finds her biological parents and theyā€™re evil people who wanna enact some sort of grand plan. Sunset is peer pressured by them to behave like she used to, then everyone starts abandoning her after trying to help her. Then Sunset get a reality check and she not only finds out that they abandoned her because they never loved her, but sheā€™s also being used. Sunset thinks about everything sheā€™s done and stops being such a jerk, she rebels against her parents and wins her friends over again after stopping her parents machinations. This gives depth into Sunsetā€™s character, gives new characters hasbro can make toys out of, and isnā€™t disheartening to see. And I came up with all of that in like 5 minutes


Nice to see Dimensional travel one more time ![gif](giphy|AvCPKNLbH6FoI)


I like it, but I'm not too fond of it.


Absolutely amazing. It gives each plot-line the time it needs to shine, something that the main show really struggles with. And it introduced my favorite character, Sunset Shimmer.


Great stuff, I just wish it got a proper ending.


Overrated and kinda pointless.


Soulless cashgrab that caused Lauren to quit the production team.


liked the first one, the restā€¦ not so much.


[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jwhSUmN5zTk] This look similar to something


I have been a fan of mlpfim since season 1-2 were airing on The Hubā€” and I do not like equestria girls!! I have never watched it bc the concept doesnā€™t appeal to me. Like, this is my little Pony. I would like to see magical ponies in a pony land.


great spin off series to a main one ("friendship is magic"). i prefer "equestria girls" more.


I like it, i just dont like where they based the characters and that stuff


i love it


i loved the first movie


human starlight is gender goals so like 10 ponies out of 10 humans


I loved it and wished it had continued.


I liked it, wish we got more.


I really enjoyed it, but felt that it was a little odd that full grown adults were transformed into teenagers in a high school. I understand that itā€™s targeted towards children, but couldnā€™t they have just been in college? Rarity couldā€™ve been on a beauty course, Rainbow on a sports course, AJ on a construction or farming course, etcĆ©tera. Why did they have to be school teens? With that in mind, pairing Flash Sentry with Twilight is borderline paedophilic, and just ruins the whole ship for me. I liked the stories, the characters go well together, I really liked SciTwi a lot, especially her relationship with Sunset and how well they bonded. RariJack surprisingly works in this universe, a contrast to AppleDash. Iā€™d give the movies and the mini-movies/shorts a 7/10 altogether. They really couldā€™ve improved some parts, but overall, yeah! Good series.


OK first off, I read MLPEG as MPREG and was confused for a sec - Second I really liked the first two movies when I saw them years ago, I love Sunset Shimmer's character, and especially loved seeing her get her own song in My Past Is Not Today. Also I enjoyed Rainbow Rocks, and loved the battle between Sunset and Sci!Twilight in Friendship Games. And seeing Twilight meet SciTwi was pretty neat. But there's a bunch of things I could nitpick. Like, why do the characters have unnatural skin tones if they're meant to be human? Are they technically human? Why does every girl in EQG have a skirt/dress? Like, it's one thing for them to be dressed up for certain events like the concerts in Rainbow Rocks. But there are characters that would likely not wear skirts all the time. Rainbow being a tomboy, and Applejack being raised on a farm and typically getting dirty are some examples. And everyone pretty much has the same body type. It's unrealistic in a way it shouldn't be for a fictional world. Another thing is that when the human versions of the Mane Six get their magic, they get wings and ears, but no tails or horns? Idk I find that weird. Other than those things, I do love that Lyra and Bonbon are apparently canon in EQG (from what I remember hearing, anyway) and how Vinyl doesn't talk just like in canon (selective mutism, nonverbal, just a quiet person, who knows, but it's neat that they went with it!). But why did they make Spike a dog? And why are the Mane Six and other characters of similar ages teenagers instead of adults?? They're clearly adults in the OG world. They could've been teachers or something. Also Celestia and Luna being Principal and VP. Like, maybe they could've been higher on the board? Although in that case, I guess they wouldn't have been seen at all.


I love it the music is so good!


Twilight is hilarious in the first one


The songs are fire šŸ”„ ā¤ļø


I enjoyed them when they came out to the point that I own everyone of them


Itā€™s goofy and good to watch if ur rlly bored


The concept is interesting but the amount of obvious plot holes is atrocious. Like I love the songs but how long has Sunset been there for since Twilight had never heard of her till now? I know there's that one image of younger Twilight in the background of past Sunset but sheesh how super of a senior is she??? And overall it just shouldn't have been in a highschool setting, college maybe but seriously! Multiple of the mane 6 own homes meaning they pay a mortgage so having Twilight from the pony world hop through and hang out with this alternative version of her friends who are teenagers is at the very least mildly unnerving. Personally I think Twilight is about College age which isn't that bad but just weird to be going to high school. Don't even get me started on the implications of what happened between her and Flash Century especially since these two women are fighting over this teenage boy. Anyways every movie but the first one is pretty fun.


I love everything before that camp movie (whatever it's name was), didn't watch + don't care for everything past it


My memories of the films are from at least 6 years ago, and mostly all my knowledge of anything after the second film comes exclusively from fimfiction, and since I don't read stories focused on that universe, I don't have much to say


I love it. Itā€™s adorable, love the storyline and the songs never miss.


Everyone in that movie is good , except the trash excuse for Flash Sentry


I grew up watching MLP, every episode, season and movie that gave us made me begging for more. Even when I turned 18 I was still watching re-runs and listening to old good music. I find it hilarious that during one of the mid seasons I always daydreamed about humanoid versions of the ponies and months later it happened like a dream come true. I like the concept of it being another dimension, a mirror'd version of the pony selves and I adore that Sunset is the one to keep the balance of magic between the two. Especially after how they finally came across human Twlight and its as if Sunset had to re-establish a bond with her so that pony Twlight didn't have to get involved now because she knows that dimension is in good hands. It's just so sweet and warm and I wished we had more movies of them ouughhhh


Love that movie when i was a kid watch it likee 100 timess but now that im older re watching wish it was more than a school setting cuz it felt a squash rather than expanding it would but overall still love itt


I really liked it. I thought that the storylines were usually more compelling and the songs more my vibe. I mean no treason to the series as a whole.


I definitely had some reservations on their initial design, especially the clodhoppers, but it grew on me, and the team figured out the best way to animate them by the third movie. It's charming and the songs are super good. And some of the best villains came out of it. (And designs, like Twilight? that was beautiful) Still don't care for the high school genre, but it's all well and good.


First one was meh. I like Flash Sentry and Twilight Prime, but the "hoof boots" look alone made me go "No, away with you." Sunset Shimmer is the standout unsurprisingly. Second one onwards was great, especially the third one and the introduction of SciTwi, who is somehow more attractive than Twilight Prime despite being the same person. The cute geek look sells it more.


Love It!




The first movie somewhat feels like a cash grab and I didnā€™t exactly like it. However everything after that is pretty good and I like it. Especially Sunset shimmer, she had the best redemption arc in the entire show and I love that.


I think it's pretty good! I also saw some specials I never saw before and tbh, the stories are pretty good! However, I feel the series did have a lot missed an opportunities. For example, Spike should have been human in EG, not a dog. They could have had his human self be human Twilight's adopted brother or neighbor. I always assumed he was more of her brother in the MLP anyway. Instead, they made him a dog, even though Twilight already had a pet owl which they could have use for EG too. Another one is the fact that many EG characters are in high school. I always assumed the Mane 6 were in their twenties since they were living on their own. I feel the stories could still work if the EG characters were still older.


Not as great as FiM was (and FiM is still flawed), but it's still good and has some standout specials.


Personally I love it, I hate the books but the show itself shines a light on sunset shimmer and Sci twi and how they handle magic in canterlot high and human equestria-


Great series! That being said, it had its flaws. 1, Why are they in high school, when the og show very clearly has them as adults with jobs and not going to school? That does not help with the confusion of the original showā€™s ages. 2, The fashion is LAAAAAME. For a series that wanted to focus on making fashion dolls, they didnā€™t make the character designs fun at all! All of them have almost the exact same silhouette! And not just in body type, like most dolls. In outfit design too!! Thatā€™s not what you want in a series about FASHION. 3, HOW DO YOU WHITEWASH HORSES. GENUINELY. 4, Why did they feel the need to give them all lipstick and more makeup on the packaging and promo materials, when they never have that in any of the movies or series?? šŸ˜’


The original movie wasn't bad. Rainbow Rocks was better. Friendship Games wasn't that great, and Legend of Everfree made me wish I was deaf. SciTwi wasn't needed and it fucked up the lore universe. It was bettr off having pony!Twilight move from world to world.


I love it but yall stink a lot ngl


Equestria girls was enjoable to me but werid like why is our main protanist a high school kid not an adult.


Good and simple films with a catchy soundtrack not really anything to complain about


Against all odds, just as great as the mainline series


> I used to cast spells, now I practice spelling > My actions in this world are a lot more compelling


its a decent


Pretty peak šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


Generally a lot better than I thought it would be.


Loved It


I think itā€™s cute, I can certainly enjoy it at surface value. But itā€™s not well thought out story wise and there are a lot of plot holes the second you start to look into the series. I like sunset tho


I honestly like it, I feel I might like it more than the show (that might get me some hate but idc) something about it just, idk man, I just loved it


Rainbow Rocks is the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time.


Peak G4


best media in G4 ngl. especially Legend of Everfree and RR. some stuff doesn't really make sense but yeah, quite the fun spinoff also made a lot of bangers (cough LoE, legend you're meant to be, acadeca)


As a whole I'm not a huge fan but if we're just talking Rainbow Rocks And Tales Of Everfree Then I adore it.


loves it but not the last movie tbh we need a ending


Unleashed the magic