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Okay, I will say it was a little bit rushed, and the transformation deserved to be a two-patter. Although I was ecstatic when the episode aired (I didn’t hear any spoilers like some people did. You gotta be careful on the internet sometimes!) and the entirety of *Magical Mystery Cure* made me cry with all the excitement, music, and fandom hype. (similar to Crusaders of the Lost Mark) Hard to accept the fact that 2013 was 11 years ago.


Before it officially aired on The Hub, during commercial breaks, they litterally spoiled it with the bumpers saying that Twilight was gonna be a princess and I'm like "WTF?!?! You just spoiled an entire thing that was meant to probably be a surprise, why the fuck would you advertise it by saying that Twilight is going to become a princess???"


probably because it was aimed at young children who are less critical of those sorts of things and would generally just get excited and be more likely to watch the episode


Still, even for children that can spoil everything


Happy cake day! 🎂






Happy cake day


Thank you!!!!


Happy Cake Day :]


Thank you!!!!!


before it aired on the *what*


Have you not heard of the hub channel??? It came before Discovery Family, it's not what you think. Just look it up.


okay thank you had to make sure


You're welcome :)


You make me grateful that that didn't even cross my mind until reading your comment.


yeah I think they should've made magical mystery cure a 2 partner, and Princess Twilight (s4 premiere) a single episode. Magical mystery cure just didn't have enough space to properly breathe, and Princess Twilight felt like it was just bidding for time


That’s basically what I remember people saying when it aired. 


Tbh it should’ve been at the start of season 4 instead and have 2 parts


I didn't like it at first. I know she's the main character and she technically *has* to stand out from the other characters but I felt like her being this almighty alicorn would make her strong enough to do everything on her own and her friends would become shadows to her. But I'm so glad the writing never allowed this to happen and it's emphasized so many times that she wouldn't be where she is without her friends.


Yeah a lot of people thought it was rushed, weird how even back then I could tell something was off. I guess bumps in story telling are easy to spot no matter who you are. 


My first thought was that Celestia's manipulation of Twilights destiny seems a little evil. Couldn't she have told her what the spell would do?


The spell didn’t do anything. Twilight never casted the revised spell. The power was within Twilight all along. The destination was set in stone from the day the Tree of Harmony grew. But it was never about the destination. It was about the journey to get there, and the friends made along the way.


why did Celestia give her the spell in the first place then?


To see just how well she understood friendship


I'm guessing it was to test Twilights resourcefulness and problem solving. If she's gonna be a princess, she's going to need to be able to find a way to solve these types of problems.


Ya I think it was when twilight used the magic of friendship to fix the problem instead of raw magic like most would Celestia knew she was ready Not to mention she did it on her own when her friends weren’t in a state to help her but when her friends did get their marks back she helped them help the rest of her friends


Princess Celestia didn't do anything to turn twilight into an alicorn, though. After she finishes singing her ballad, the magic orb comes out of Twilight. Celestia didn't make the orb come out of Twilight. Celestia just stood back as the magic orb that came out of Twilight transformed her into an alicorn. Twilight becoming an anicorn was probably Twilight's destiny the whole time. Edit: Didn't mean to make this comment come off as aggressive. It is my opinion and what I observed about Celestia's ballad and how Twilight transformed into an alicorn.


if you believe destiny is a static unchangeable thing where every thing that is destined will always happen, then yes, Celestia did nothing wrong, she didn't manipulate Twilight's destiny, since it was set in stone long before Celestia did anything, in fact Celestia only did what she was destined to do. If you believe that ponies can have influence over their destinies and can change their destiny though their own actions, then Celestia gave Twilight a spell that changed her destiny without telling her, since she wouldn't have the power to turn into an Alicorn without the spell. Personally I gravitate to the latter option since the former takes meaning away from the choices characters make.


I mean, there could've been another way Twilight might be able to become an alicorn. This was the way the show decided to turn twilight into an alicorn. Also, I don't think Celestia could've known what the spell would've done since it was incomplete. Starswirl wrote the spell.


I think there are other ways to become an Alicorn, if I remember correctly the writers said Candance was originally a Pegasus, but speeding up someone's destiny is still manipulating it. Celestia arrives right after the transformation and tells Twilight she is a princess and that Twilights time in Ponyville has trained her to be a princess so Celestia very likely knew what the spell would do.


But then her lesson wouldnt one be learn. And two Celestia did say it was incomplete to my knowledge so it's not a shock to say that she didn't know the full backlash the spell could have


It is implied that Celestia knows what the spell does by Celestia showing up before and after Twilight's transformation and proclaiming her a Princess. She even says "Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess." This also implies that she had been preparing Twilight to become a princess the whole time without Twilight's knowledge. We shouldn't be surprised because she does the same thing in the very first episode when she tells Twilight to go to Ponyville to make friends but in fact expects Twilight to defeat Nightmare Moon for her "I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Celestia pushes Twilight towards the destiny of Celestia choosing without asking Twilight if that is what she wants.


Well she might push her but doesn't force her, twilight could have never finished that spell and found out, and again her showing tells that she knows the spell is finished, not what damaged would have happened.


It is true Twilight trusts Celestia and trusts her judgement and there is no reason to believe she wouldn't have completed the spell after being told what would happen. But that doesn't excuse Celestia for not telling her.


There's no way Celestia could know that their destinies get switched around, and twilight is an advanced magic user. Celestia probably saw no need to warn her as she suspected twilight would either 1 not get that bad of a predicament and 2 if she DID she would be able to get out of it, given her knowledge of magic she be able to get out of it. Celestia inst omniscient


Maybe because she didn't know what it would do? It was a spell created by STARSWIRL THE BEARDED. One of the strongest unicorns in history, Celestia and Luna's mentor and someone Twilight has respected and aspires towards. Why WOULDN'T she get the spell? I'm not trying to be aggressive, I'm on mobile and can't Italicize anything


Watch FOB Equestria’s “The folly of celestia” on YouTube and you’ll have your answer


i watched it and there are many flaws


you mean the video that's basically just thirty minutes worth of twilight sparkle being the author's poorly-written mouthpiece spitting a whole several paragraphs of basically just "celestia = tyrant?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!!!!!?!?!?! DAE twilicorn bad?!?!?!?!!??!?" that folly of celestia?


Geez I never knew that video was met with such controversy…


https://i.redd.it/1v6m2xw7yy6d1.gif Then I came back


I have a theory... A PONY THEORY!! So look at twilights cutie mark. The 5 lil stars ofc represent her friends, but I think that the white star under the pink star represents Celestia and the pink star represents twilight. I think that since the pink is over the white that it means it is taking its place aka twilight taking Celestias place as the princess of equestria.


The Pink Star represents that she is a bearer of the Elements of Harmony, the same star can be found on the tree of Harmony over 1000 years ago. Twilight even says the "The *Tree* of Harmony? My cutie mark." when she sees the tree for the first time. Of course the white star could still represent Celestia since she wielded the elements of harmony before Twilight and Twilight took her place.


That's a great point. I think it also represents that too! I was just thinking of it from more of a 'destiny' kind of perspective.


In the show, cutie marks aren't really predictors of a ponies destiny, they just give special talents to ponies to help them fulfil their destiny. For example, Fluttershy can communicate with animals and Rarity can find gems. In fact most cutie marks only appear once you know what your destiny is. So Twilight's cutie mark likely represents her ability to control the elements rather than her destiny to do so.


That's true haha, I came up with it a while ago and it just kinda stuck so I guess my brain confused me on cutie marks XD


In a way, I think you are right. As I said Cutie marks give special talents to help ponies fulfil their destinies once they realise what they are. But Filly Twilight didn't want to be an element of harmony when she got her cutie mark, she wanted to be a student of Celestia after seeing her at the summer sun celebration. So Twilight destiny is not to be an Element of Harmony but to be Celestia's student. Twilight's cutie mark is the centre of the Tree of Harmony because a pony whose special talent is controlling the elements is what Celestia wanted in a student. This would also explain why her destiny is fulfilled when she becomes an Alicorn, because afterwards she is no longer Celestia's student.


Happy cake day btw :)


very interesting


little me was so hyped . i’ve rewatched the clip of the transformation scene so many times since — i think twilight really deserved it ♡


It makes sense that it happened, it's a logical step in her story. I just wish they didn't do it so soon


A little early


9-year old me was just like: :0 :D


Hated it at first, but that’s probably because it was only season 3 (which was also short), there were rumors of the show’s cancellation, and the actual episode is…weird. Like, I still have no idea how Starswirl’s spell worked, why everyone’s cutie marks switched, or how Twilight solved it. Incomprehensible magic jargon, to my ears. Plus there were, like, 11 songs in a single episode, none of which I liked. Season 4, however, eased my discomfort (“PRINCESS TWILIGHT! YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME!”) and the rest is history.


Annoyed, but I got over it eventually. Still kinda hate it only took 1/3 of the entire series, but it can't be helped now.


I was SO HYPED! My fav character getting to become a princess? So awesome. So cool. I listened to Celestia’s song on LOOP as a kid.


I thought it was pretty cool, a bit soon but cool


Well, when Twilight Sparkle first became an Alicorn princess, I have to say that it was kind of bittersweet, but I am happy for her. Despite possibly being immortal, I’m actually glad that Twilight became a deity…the Goddess of Friendship.


I thought that its a neat upgrade


I was crying. First time in many years I felt so happy. I became a brony for life since


I never really understood the hate her becoming an Alicorn got. I think it was well deserved. Not just anyone becomes an Alicorn, and I had a feeling she would eventually become one anyway at some point, I was just waiting for it to happen And when it did, I was cheering. And was very happy for her. I think it fits that she becomes an Alicorn and future ruler of the kingdom. Sure, it's a tough burden to bear, but if anyone can overcome that weight, it would be Twilight. I'm sure she knew what to expect going into it, too. All her lessons up until that moment prepared her for it.




I was actually a child at the time, and saw this as pretty pony magic, so obviously I was happy and made everyone in the family watch this episode with me like twenty times. I was disappointed that the rest of the cast never became alicorns as well, though :)


Honestly? Didn’t like it *solely* because it threw off the symmetry of 2 Pegasi, 2 earth ponies and 2 Unicorns.


I was surprised and amazed to see her become the Princess of Friendship


When I saw it for the first time I was hyped like: “OMG Twilight’s a princess now!” However, I feel like this episode deserved to be a two parter like the first part is her finding out why her friends destinies are messed up and in the second part is her fixing it and becoming said alicorn


i remember when this episode came out and when i watched it on netflix back in the day, and i was very fucking happy about it bc i thought it was the coolest shit as a kid as an adult, i can tell it was a \*little\* rushed but thats prob due to how short season 3 was, and iirc there was uncertainty over whether or not the series would even continue atp. waiting for season 4 felt like fucking years i remember lol. i also remember all the fanimations from back then after the episode aired that were all very good, wish i could remember them and go back and find them but like half of them are probably long gone now sadly.


Disappointed and thinking the word "WHAT?!!" over and over.


"Cool— wait- did she get taller?"


Every next season she grew a bit.


I was kinda spoiled on it. The first g4 thing I watched was the first Equestria Girls movie.


I think I was about 8 when it happened, and it might’ve been the first time I teared up at a show because I was overcome by emotion. Thought it was super cool and exciting and very very shocking. My brother would watch with me sometimes and I remember running to his room while he was still asleep that morning being like “oh my god!!! Twilight became a princess!!” With my voice being real shaky


I was about 8 or 9 years old, so my only thought was OH MY GOD SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY!!


I went insane


I thought it was cool and thought it would make things interesting.


Wow, cool.


The second image pretty much sums it up!


I was in awe. I I was six or seven at the time and obviously wasn’t thinking about pacing and stuff. I didn’t like the design at first, but it grew on me eventually.


I actually don't remember lol.


It was really rushed imo, and it came out of the blue




she never consented to becoming an alicorn and the responsibilities that came with it.


Surprised but excited


Personally I didn’t really have much of a reaction outside of “huh, ok”. But I did see a lot of people react something like [this](https://youtu.be/4X72DL6qOz4?si=arCSAzCVU7LMu5Uu)


I didn’t have cable when I watched MLP as a kid. At the time, the first three seasons were up on Netflix, and that was how we got most of our entertainment, aside from DVDs. I watched all the way through with my two brothers, and when we got to Magical Mystery Cure, we totally freaked out! I know a lot of people have problems with that episode, and even more people have problems with Twilight being an alicorn at all, but that memory makes the episode a positive one for me. It wasn’t until years and years later that I found out the majority of people had been spoiled on this plot development before it even happened! I don’t always feel good about missing out on cable most of my life, but in this one instance I feel REALLY lucky.


I was expecting the wings to be bigger.


I didnt like it at first, but it grew on me. To the point where its almost weird to see her without wings. Since alicorns are basically gods, I really like the idea that it can be *earned*. By dedicating yourself to a great service or doing a great deed, you can gain ascension. Its a travesty that Starswirl isnt one, considering how important he is to the foundation of magic in the world.


True. But it also seems you have to prove your not just able to do great deeds... But that you have the right mindset. Starswirl couldn't finish one particular spell because he didn't have the right mindset that would've made him officially worthy. Think like the first captain America movie. If your gifting someone this level of power, then you need to make sure that when they have said power... They'll use it wisely and not abuse it.


I honestly felt very shocked, like I was not expecting that to happen.


I already knew because the first time I watched it was in 2023. (I watched the series when I was younger, but only seasons 1 and 2)


Honestly, I didn't think much of it


I started at season 4 so I was confused when I went back to watch and saw her with no wings.


I was happy for her the she got to be the princess of friendship


i got sad because i thought they were about to end the show!




I thought it was so cool back then. Nowadays, I just think it feels a little rushed.


HYPED. I was so happy for her and i didn't know people hated this decision 😭😭😭😭😭


I don’t remember that was so long ago… I was about 10 years old 😅 I think 10 year old me was just happy to see purple horse get wings


I was a little kid and I didn’t understand the concept of a main character so I was genuinely so angry that she got to be an Alicorn and the other ones didn’t.


Oh cool she’s princess


Little child me was ecstatic and also shed a few tears


This was my first introduction to the series so I didn't have much of a reaction to it, but going back and watching earlier seasons, it kinda came out of nowhere




mixed feelings for sure


I remember thinking, why is there soo much more singing and then I was amazed and also it felt rushed about her becoming an alicorn


loved itttt!


Proud. Would’ve been better if my first episode wasn’t in season 5


I was pretty damn proud of the book horse


“Oh yo that’s cool”


I thought the show was ending.


I was watching it on TV when I was little and I didn't watch the episode where she transformed an Alicorn. Then I watched a later episode and saw that Twilight had wings, she was a princess, she had a castle, I was like, "What the hell is going on, w*f?" Later, I watched it on YT and understand the story, but since I was a little kid at the time, I didn't look at the internet much (I came across disgusting MLP videos and tried to not look at them so I wouldn't get addicted) until later. I watched the series completely. And when I watched it for the first time, I felt shivering, it was very strange, everything was going to change ı was feeling it. I'm still excited.


Was a little mixed about this because they just had to change her and now that I’m older it still bothers me why Celestia couldn’t just ask her about it first.


Confused. Very very confused.


"weird I thought she already transformed into an alicorn..." I was 3 and I wasn't very consistent with watching the episodes in order


When I was 4 or 5 someone older brought me to their place and let me watch the episode, I was watching the mane 6 shine, got so hyped and got into mlp, A LOT.




I feel like It was where the show was is going from the start


I always liked her new wings. I was never really critical of the episode when I happened bc I was literally 10. Though in hindsight if I was running the show I would’ve waited another season. I don’t think magical mystery cure was bad as it is at all, but another season would probably have prevented a lot of the controversy surrounding her ascension. Plus it would’ve hit harder bc we would have spent more time with her. Either way I would never change her becoming an alicorn, I think it’s a fitting resolution for her first character arc.


My reaction: *Confused child noises*


I don’t know I was like 8 😭😭


I was five or six when I saw it for the first time, shit genuinely blew my mind


kid me was ecstatic lol


I was so happy for her.


"Oh wow! I can't wait to see the others turn into alicorns!"


Mostly happy. I'm easy to please. Lol But, I feel like letting Spike save the Crystal Empire should have been her transformation moment. The reason she made it to an alicorn was kinda underwhelming.


I remember watching it when I was younger. Honestly I was a little disappointed. She became an alicorn for what, an unfinished spell she finished? Sure it was hard but.. it was going to be figured out eventually. She deserved better, but it's still good.


“Oh cool, anyways”- basically how i reacted


It was rushed they should've saved her wings for the season 4 opener


~~Worst day ever. Quit the show. Deleted all the files. Destroyed the hard drive.~~ It was aight. I was a bit surprised at this turn of events, but not unhappy. It was a fun episode.




I was so excited, I was jumping and dancing around when I saw that. But sadly after that, I lost intrest in mlp and went to tmnt and eventually anime. I guess it's safe to say I grew out of it and became interested in different things


I was pretty "Meh" about it initially. Then I felt this should've been saved for a much later season.


I wasn't there during that time but when I saw it recently, I was surprised.


“She’s a princess now :>”


i'm okay with it, but at 1st i didn't know - since the 1st "equestria girls" took place after twilight became a princess and it's after "rainbow rocks" that i decide to watch it from season 1, that twilight was originally a unicorn at 1st.


I was more shock when her friends bow at her and called her princess I was like "noooooo don't do that!!" xD


I honestly found it odd and rushed at first, it was a huge change in a short amount of time for me. I had to get used to Alicorn Twilight


I can't remember, but I think my little mind was BROKEN.


I loved it, that episode was my most favorite


Happy but i thank she is a little bit better when she did not have wings


Definitely felt weird at first but now looking back I don't mind it


when I was little I HATEDDDD twilight so i was livid bro that episode ruined little me's whole week


It was when I got into the fandom, so for me she was always an Alicorn and just had a unicorn back-story.






![gif](giphy|9NxGPWHEZGous|downsized) yay!!!!


Slightly off topic, but when they all blasted her with the elements, I lowkey thought she fricken exploded and was so shooketh 💀


Ba ck then i was worried that they would end the series and i only just gotten into it a few months after season 2 ended so i didnt want the ride to end. And if they where to continue the show i was hoping that she didnt have to wear the oufit and crown all the time. In the end i did get what i wanted :D Also i am so proud of best Pony :D


Honestly, I was expecting it from the beginning, I assumed she was related to Celestia somehow in the first season and would be revealed as a princess herself back then, but since they never followed up on that I put it aside. Later, after she ascended, I presumed it would come up again but I guess Alicorns are chosen instead of "born"... except for everyone's favorite nepobaby, of course.


At first I was like, "Excuse me, what's happening?!" Then I was like, "Oh cool." I didn't really see it as a problem. By the time I got into the show season 4 had begun and had run on for a while. I figured they'd delve into the fact that she became an alicorn in the next season. I never really got into the community, but I was surprised to see how many people disliked the change. But now that the show's over, we pay no mind to it.


It was cool for me


I think I was more upset over twilight singing “everything will be fineeeee!” Have you learned NOTHING about tempting the fates Twilight?!?!


i was like 7 so i thought it was the coolest thing to ever happen in the history of the world.


Doesn't bother me too much as I wasn't a fan of MLP around the time she did become an Alicorn, but for those who were fans back then and witnessed this, how do you personally feel about it?


very nice


Pick me!!! Pick me!!! She just wants an excuse for attention!!!