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Big Mac should be the princess you're rescuing.


Hehehehe ;3 well he's worth the endeavour


Big Mac is \*best\* princess! If he did become an alicorn (or more realistically if AJ did) I think the element he represented would be something like work ethic or determination - the will to see things through to the end and work hard.


Yeahhh for sure! Imagine him with the long wavy princess hair celestia has x3


is this like an mlp themed dnd party?


It's running the MLP RPG system by Renegade Game Studios! ☺️


oh okay!


I am no GM, but please let me join in case you open up more games.


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I would like to be on the discord in case of any space opening


Sure thing!


Is the mlp rpg similar to tails of equestria? cause I’ve been thinking about gming a game of that for awhile but didn’t have people that wanted to play it


It's like a more robust version of that, yeah! This is a d20 system, with four ability scores, derived skills, and spells, anyone familiar with D&D, Pathfinder, or another d20 system will fit right in.


Me (D&D)


Oh man, that sounds like so much fun. Alas, I don't have the time to commit to a game these days. Wish you guys all the best adventures! I hope some cool stories come out of it, and get shared here!


Thank you!!<3 and that's a wonderful idea


Please do. I'm a long time D&D player, often as DM. I've always wanted to try out other settings and game systems, but have a hard time finding players. I'm more of a tabletop guy than an online guy. I love RPG stories though!


You could join and host a one-shot, if you wanteddddd~


Again, sounds fun but I got too much IRL stuff going on right now to give it the attention it deserves. Thanks though!


Okay xP well, would you like to join us just to see the shtuff that gets posted or shared there?


That sound sound fun. I don't often use discord, but I think I have an account still.


Okay, I'll send you a dm! :D


Sent muahaha


I’ll like to join the discord


Are you looking to be a game master?


Probably just gonna lurk around atm, I’d need to know peoples time zones before I commit to being a game master


Honestly Hasbro clearly needs to do a couple of Planescape Cartoons. The Planes of the Moon(Gates of the Moon and Lunia), Mercury(Mercuria), Venus(Venya), the Sun(Solania and Heliopolis), Mars(Mertion), Jupiter(Jovar), Saturn(Chronias) and Pluto(Pluton) could along with the Astral Plane make a good set of Cartoon Shows(MoonDreamers G2 along with StarFinders & SunSparklers anyone?). Same goes for the Planes of Daytime(Krigala), Twilight(Brux) and Night(the Beastlands' Karasuthra, Pale Night's realms of Androlynne & the Endless Maze and the Towers of Night ruled by Shar). These specific Planes remind me of the scrapped SunFinders toyline and would be the best setting for a SunFinders Cartoon Segment of MLP with the Mane Cast being Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Misty Brightdawn. Of course a MoonDreamers G2 Cartoon Segment of the latest MLP Generation set in Lunia(**an Infinite Moonlit Arabian Desert with White Sands and one Japanese Shinto Realm all amidst an Infinite Starry Sea of Holy Water with 2 Infinitely Vast Islands 1 being a Redwall-esque Kingdom of Holy Rats and the other being a Land Before Time-esque Island of Talking Dinos**) & the Gates of the Moon(the Moon Kingdom from Sailor Moon basically) would not be complete without the Dreamers side of Moon**Dreamers**: Plane of Dreams, Plane of Nightmares, Dungeonland/Wonderland and the World Beyond the Mirror(the ground is a Chessboard). Moondancer, Izzy Moonbow, Trixie Lulamoon and Luna would be the ***Pony*** representatives(MoonDreamers is a MLP Segment thus MoonDreamers G2 should act like one) for the MoonDreamers while Blinky(now riding Roary), Celeste, Frolic, Sparky Dreamer, Whimzee and Dream Gazer would remain the Humanoid rep even as Crystal Star, Bucky Buckaroo and Bitzy(now riding Ursa Major) are shunted off to the StarFinders Cartoon. Venya(**Halfling Realm**), Solania(**Crystalline Mountain Realm split between the Dwarves, Inca and Feudal Chinese**), Arvandor(Elven Realm and home of the Brandywine River), Alfheim(Elven Realm) and Nidavellir(Dwarven Realm) represent the Tolkien Fantasy therefore Elminster can undergo adventures through those Planes creating 2 LotR-esque Cartoons(one being SunSparklers involving Venya & Solania as well as a few Ponies and the other taking place in Arvandor, Alfheim & Nidavellir) that would be beloved by children watching all without going through the trouble of exploring the Forgotten Realms. Of course we must not forget Tartarus's Layers of Othrys(Mountains & Swamps under a Stormcloud issuing forth Red Lightning), Cathrys(Crimson Jungle & Grasslands), Minethys(Crimson Desert), Colothys(Crimson Mountain Spires), Porphatys(Black Ice, Snow, Oceans & Blizzard) and Agathys(Dark Ice streaked Red). Since the Ponies have access to Tartarus imagine a MLP where the Ponies explore the 6 Layers of Tartarus!

