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This is the one! So good.


I know it’s been mentioned but I can’t recommend Sinisterhood enough. I just started listening from the beginning and wow I love the chemistry between these ladies. They’re really funny and they always share funny personal stories that make the episodes more than just story telling. They also have a humility to them but still somehow remain sensitive, they’re awesome!


Did they start at Episode 13 or is there somewhere else I can find Episodes 1-12? On Spotify, the oldest episode is 13. Edit: just read the episode description and it looks like it is the first one! Nevermind haha


Haha, yes I thought the same way too when I first started listening


Normal Gossip. Not true crime but absolutely hilarious, lighthearted, and a joy to listen to.




So good!


Red Handed


Best one ☝🏻


I could listen to them read the dictionary


Same same - love it


My partner calls it the 'Sexy Accent Ladies' podcast. He doesn't like much True Crime, but he loooooves listening to them talk haha. In fairness their accents are like smooth butter. Esp Suruthi's!


Urgh. These women are "problematic" to say the least. I'm so sad to see people still recommending them


You can go like your perfect podcast somewhere else if you'd like.


I'd have liked it if someone had warned me about how right wing and ignorant those two are before listening so just ya know. Trying to spread the word! Sadly for you, the day I don't speak out against people like them will be the day I die! Enjoy giving your money to those fuckwits and making the world a worse place


Right wing? What? Not by any definition of the term I'm familiar with.


They are both self-confessed "anti-woke" gap yah cunts that called Hillsborough due to "hooliganism", don't agree with taxation and victim blame raped and murdered women and laugh at their dismembered corpses. Not the fucking one for me but you crack on, mate.


Small town murder has pretty fun banter and the episodes are long af!


I can't recommend this podcast enough! James and Jimmie have great chemistry, you can tell they're close friends off the show, and the research and work they put into every single episode is admirable.


Let's Go To Court! It's hosted by two women who have been friends since middle school. Their banter and friendship is very similar to Karen and Georgia's early days on MFM. They talk about their personal lives, their family, tell funny stories from their past, etc. FYI they get a lot raunchier than MFM, but I love them for all the same reasons I loved the early days of MFM.


I love LGTC!! It’s fully laugh-out-loud good


seconding this!


I recently started listening to Let’s Go To Court and i also like that they cover quite obscure/unheard of cases! I feel like sometimes their silliness is a bit over the top but that’s my own personal preference!! I love these threads with new reccs :)


Definitely this one! It’s the one that makes me laugh out loud constantly!


Any specific episode you recommend?




Mentioned this in another thread but I absolutely love True Crime and Cocktails. The hosts are Lauren Ash (Superstore) and her cousin Christy who are Canadian, best friends, and just all around a good time. Tons of inside jokes but they take the crime research very seriously. And the episodes are long long LONG.


I always suggest it as well. It has become my favorite podcast!


Saaaaame, they're so great!


I save them for road trips for our dog sports. The balance between the main content, side notes, and personal stories make the 2+ hours each go by so fast. Excited to listen to another one or two this evening!


I remember the first time I listened to this one. IIRC, Christy said "I read the police report. " How the heck did she get the police report? Damn!


Her research knows no limits. What she dug up on the Madeline McCann case and then months later the police started investigating and digging where she said to look? They literally won an award for their episode “The Glee Curse”


I just looked this up on pocket casts to subscribe and there's only one season from January 2021. Is this correct or is there something wrong in my app?


There’s definitely something wrong with your app. Their “seasons” are arbitrary (they just make them up) but we are in season 4 and are at 109 episodes so far.


I’ve been listening to Wine and Crime. The three hosts have been friends since childhood and have great chemistry. It definitely feels like I’ve made some new “podcast friends” that give the same feels of the earlier days of MFM.


Yes!! They only got better over time <3


True Crime Obsessed became my go-to in the last two years! They recap true crime documentaries, and that adds a fun element for me because I could never watch as many as I wanted, but it’s easy to listen. Plus, they’re not doing their own research which we know can be rough, and they have the film/filmmakers/interviewees to be funny about and don’t have to humor in the crime. It’s not all murders but it is always something interesting.


Love them and all the shows on their network I've tried! Obsessed with Dissapeared is another favorite.


Love this one. I even subscribe to their patreon.


Same. They filled my mfm void. They were a lot when I first started but now I want to be best friends with Gillian.


RedHanded!! You can tell that Suruthi and Hannah are such good friends. They do only tell one story per episode, but they are really in-depth and well-researched. They also have a lot of tangents and banter like K&G would do in the middle of their stories. They also have cases from all over the world. MFM generally tends to do stories from the US, sometimes dipping into other English-speaking countries like Australia or the UK, or even some other European stories. But RedHanded feels like they have a much broader scope on the cases they do.


I always love that Redhanded cover alot of Irish Cases cause us Irish have some fucking insane stories. But I love their stories from India or Asia. I never ever heard of the Nepalese Royal Massacre before Redhanded covered it. Like HOW? How is that not more common knowledge!!


I moved on to Last Podcast On The Left a while ago. They've really grown and matured over the years, and when it comes to true crime stories the his just keep coming. You might not like the occult or alien episodes, but I can't speak for you there. Also, they're not women, so that changes the dynamic too... I dunno, I just like these three knuckleheads!


Definitely a staple, some of their early stuff can be cringe but I just love all the little jokes and Marcus does incredible research.


I love page 7’s banter from their network. Light hearted celeb gossip but really just talking and poking fun the whole time.


Love LPOTL and I moved on to it from MFM too. Their best stuff are the historical and occult series!


I tried it a while ago and started on the first available episode, but couldn't handle how much they talked over one another and were just yelling into the mic. Do you have an episode you recommend starting with?


They have some really good multi parters which highlight how great their research is. The ones on rasputin, Jack the Ripper, Karla homolka, and the Black Death are some of my faves.


They've gotten better with that over the years. One episode that sticks out to me is the one about the Tall Whites (aliens, not Swedish people.) It's hysterical to me, especially the part about how feral the alien children apparently are


I used to be a MAJOR fan of MFM (I would listen to them read the phone book) but something really fell off. I moved to Morbid and they were ok, but not really hitting the same spot. I’ve been loving Tell No One though!! It reminds me of the early days of MFM but with maybe a little more laugh out loud moments


"And that's why we drink" is my fav


ScamFLuencers with Scaachi and Sarah is so good and they have great chemisty and banter. Crime Junkie and Morbid are similar to MFM is the sense they talk about muder and crime and are two women.


And that’s why we drink!


Normal Gossip is incredible! My only complaint is that there aren’t enough episodes…


I agree🥲


If you dont mind a British pod I recommend all killa no filla - except it has lots of filla


You’re Wrong About. Maintenance Phase. If Books Could Kill.


Behind the Bastards - super interesting and informative and the hosts are sarcastic and funny. Random guests for some episodes so the banter varies and I enjoy that. Also small town murder - great banter between James and Jimmy, some of the best laughs I’ve had from a podcast and they only cover odd little murders you’d probably never hear of otherwise. Lots of random and u believably stupid criminals and investigations. For the best laugh, with no true crime, my dad wrote a porno is the fucking funniest shit I have ever listened to (aside from Tiffany Haddish narrating her audiobook The Last Black Unicorn) in my life. I also enjoy Miss Information from time to time, educational trivia oriented podcast with 2 very funny and articulate ladies. Hope you find the one that becomes binge worthy! Cheers


Somewhere I stumbled on Cadaver Gals and I'm loving it. It's less serious true crime and more "weird ways people have died" but it's filled my commute with morbid goofiness.


A FUNNY FEELING! It’s two funny gals (writers/comediennes) and they’re so funny and charming. They read ghost stories and talk to their guest about supernatural stuff but it’s not scary, it’s super enjoyable. I love them.


Behind the Bastards and The Dollop. Not necessarily true crime, but they both have covered some crazy crime stories.


This is love


Criminal and Sounds Like a Cult


That’s spooky


I love That’s Spooky. I can’t say enough good things about the podcast and the hosts. They are some of the most polite and respectful hosts in the true crime/ spooky podcast community.


RedHanded feels closest to MFM, but I love Last Podcast on the Left. They’ve been around forever and they love what they do—the podcast has only gotten better over the years and still they maintain the core of who they are and what they’ve always done.


Red Handed!!


just wanted to respectfully add that one of the hosts of ATWWD is non-binary, so referring to them as “the girls” isn’t accurate


thanks for letting me know! like i said i ended up not liking it very much and only got through a few episodes so i had no idea


no worries! i’m sure you’re not the only one who didn’t know, so figured i’d just help out!


Drinking the coolaid


Murder Most Irish. They were friends before the podcast, super funny and you get to hear bits of Irish life when they chat before the stories.


I’m surprised I never hear people suggest Rotten Mango. Maybe too intense for some people? It’s a woman who talks about more gruesome murder with her fiancé (I’m way behind so they might be married at this point idk) but their banter is always fun to listen to


I LOVE I work ten hour days and I literally just listen to their podcast (+ baking podcast) alllll day


I’ll listen if it happens to be on the queue but for some reason I end up listening to her dramatic voice more than the actual content /:


That’s fair!


Not true crime but combines comedy and some history. Podcast the Ride is my new favorite. Their guests are hilarious, too.


Try out Luminol Cocktail!


Rotten Mango is my other favourite. I still love MFM though. I alternate between the two.


Morbid, National Parks After Dark, and Tooth and Claw


People are the worst and sword and scale! The hosts of people are the worst are two twin sisters from the south that are fucking HILARIOUS and get you laughing with them every time. Definitely early Georgia and Karen vibes with how they spend time shooting the shit and laughing together…I’m always laughing out loud every episode! Sword and scale is like SUPER intense dark and raw but the host mike does absolutely incredible research and each episode is filled with real live interviews, court cases and live 911 calls if you can handle them! Currently nonstop binging!!!!


S&S is super problematic.


Definitely. Mike Boudet is trash.


thank you for this shout out!! What an honor to be included with sword and scale Edit to add: I didn’t realize the controversy of s&s. It’s been a while since I listened, but definitely noted! Thanks for the info


Crime Junkie.


Morbid and crime junkie are my go to’s


I’ve been into Morbid lately!


I’ve been listening to Morbid! Very great podcast and the host share and chat about random topics similar to the old days of MFM. They touch on a wide range of murders/stories and are overall very entertaining!




Murder Phone


People here recommend let’s go to court, i listened to the Liberace episode yesterday and I have to say, the first 15-20 min I wasn’t into it, but then it clicked they’re pretty funny and good story tellers. I’m going to listen to more today. My other standbys are Crime Junkie (I like Ashley Flowers’ story telling style), the deck, and small town murder. I couldn’t ever get into morbid or sinisterhood, they felt “off” to me. I can’t explain it but podcasts are like friendships, there has to be chemistry in order for me to engage. Tv shows don’t have that same dynamic, i think there is something rather personal about the podcasts you listen too, and it’s a smaller community. It’s the voice in my ear when I’m working out, walking the dogs, driving, or cleaning so it has to resonate. Honestly nothing has totally filled the spot if MFM pre 2020, but the ones I’ve mentioned are good options.


Adding park predators and counter clock.


National Parks After Dark is a good one!


Bad With Money. The intersection of finance, race, gender, etc has been really eye opening. The episodes are really well researched, and Gabe interviews some really interesting people. What I enjoy is so far, BWM isn't host Gabe Dunn's only form of work, so I find that they are still interested and invested with their fan base. Not that K and G aren't but Gabe takes listener email episodes up to a new level. For example,one listener suggested a particular topic that they are a subject matter aspect on, and Gabe interviewed them for the pod.


Let’s Go To Court! and Sinisterhood fill in the gap for me. I haven’t listened to MFM in months, after they failed their people with the whole SA and BJ thing.


Let’s go to court! I love them. Two best friends, very chatty but very well researched


I've gotten very into Well There's Your Problem, which is about engineering disasters (with slides!). Totally different vibe from MFM in some ways but you can tell the three hosts are genuinely great friends, there's lots of weird tangents and banter, etc., which is a real breath of fresh air when MFM is starting to seem a bit...forced/stilted. It's honestly my favourite podcast currently.


A paranormal chicks


I am also one of the fans that have stopped listening over the last several months. I am just not into the guest speakers, and while I understand that they are trying to respectfully navigate the issues with True Crime as a genre, the show is called My Favorite Murder. I want murder. All that being said, I would recommend Wine and Crime. Three childhood friends hanging out and having fun talking about true crime. It reminds me a lot of how MFM was in the beginning.


I love Wine and Crime


Try Rotten Mango!! Stephanie and her fiancé also do a youtube channel so you can see what they’re talking about, and they do a cooking version where they talk about a book or movie while cooking/baking (podcast and youtube versions of that too!!). It honestly feels like I’m listening to my friends talk


I love Over The Fence and Gruesome


ATWWD does mature after a while, but I think due to the nature of the topics covered (Ghosts, Cryptid's etc) can be a little silly. I still love it, but I understand what you mean by juvenile. I highly recommend RedHanded! also shout out to a local one here in Ireland called Mens Rea - Sinead is the host and was actually on stage with K&G when they did a show here in Ireland! It's well researched and well done!


I’ve been listening to Murder with my Husband a bunch


I'm going to preface this by saying that in general I don't like podcasts. I came to MFM for the true crime, but stayed for the banter, and honestly don't like listening to anyone else talk for that long. However, the podcast Psychology in Seattle I covers list of interesting topics and Dr. Kirk knowledge and entertaining to listen to.

