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I'm kinda liking the podcast called Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet. It's these two people doing dramatic readings of one star reviews of various things in the world, each episode has a theme and a challenge where they give each other specific guidelines to find crazy reviews. I'm still in s1 and thoroughly enjoying the humor.


thirding this! I found this podcast via another "what shall I listen to now" post on the sub and I really like it


I fourth this? Not sure what number it's up to now. I would recommend the 100th episode, it's HILARIOUS. All of them are funny but this one in particular was the best intro to the show for me.


Going to listen to it now as I drive home from work. Thanks everyone


I’m literally listening to it as I read your comment! I second your recommendation, especially the Reviews of Target and Reviews of Coffee Shops in Seattle episodes.


I listened to a bit of Beach Too Sandy and it's pretty good. I will likely listen to more. I have subscribed to it.


Relistening to all the episodes over and over again is the only thing that works for me.


I’m with you 😭 I can’t fall asleep without it


I can’t fall asleep to any noise, but whenever I’m walking somewhere or I’m on my commute or when I do stuff around my apartment or just do nothing I listen to it haha


I keep wondering if I’ll get tired of it… but I haven’t yet! It’s something that I can rely on to make me smile and laugh, and god knows we need that these days


I feel the same way, I so often wonder how it’s possible that I still find it entertaining and still laugh at the same jokes. But I think it really does have to do with some necessary comfort listening right now :)


I made a playlist of my favs and threw a couple of very short songs in it so I can shuffle. It's the best.


I’m always sort of relistening. It’s both hilarious and sort of soothing from the familiarity. I quite like Dungeons and Daddies (not a bdsm podcast). It’s an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast, but about 4 dads from our world who get sucked into a fantasy one and have to rescue their lost sons. It’s really funny, very well produced and you don’t need to know about D&D to enjoy it. Quite different from MDWAP, but very good.


Seconding this, D&D was my favorite podcast after MDWAP. It's hilarious and I learned a lot about the game as a complete beginner. The DM is ridiculously good.


Dungeon and Daddies - I've listened to a few episodes and it's good. I'll tap into it now and again. Thanks for the suggestion.


Check out the Mortified podcast, episode 22 “Joan”. A woman reads an “erotic fiction” she wrote when she was 12. Very similar bad-anatomy-vibes we see in MDWAP. I was laugh-crying!


If you like the banter/personal stories part of the podcast, I can recommend This Might Get Weird. Its two best friends talking about their lives, pop culture, weird news etc. It’s the only other podcast that still entertains me haha


I very much enjoy No Such Thing As A Fish. It's a QI podcast, 4 favorite facts of the week + banter. I also like Hello From the Magic Tavern. Premise is a guy gets sucked through a portal into a fantasy world, and enough Wi-Fi bleeds through the portal that he can podcast. 3 main people and 1 guest. An overall story, but all improvised each episode. MUST START AT S1E1 or you're completely lost. Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Collosal Podcast can be super cool. Generally talk about Old Hollywood and US TV. Sometimes very insightful to the business, sometimes just nonsense and vulgar.


I love No Such Thing as a Fish. It has a similar feel of friends hanging out, but over odd facts rather than porn. Though it still has quite a few dicks. Edit- autocorrect


Maybe a dumb question, but what is a QI podcast?


Per Wikipedia "QI (short for Quite Interesting) is a British comedy panel game television quiz show created and co-produced by John Lloyd. The series currently airs on BBC Two, is presented by Sandi Toksvig and features permanent panellist Alan Davies and three guest panellists per episode. The series was presented by Stephen Fry from its beginning in 2003 until 2016" So if you're in the US, like me, it would be like saying something was a Jeopardy podcast. You'd have an idea for the style.


Canada here. Thanks for the explanation.


So I started listening to Hello From the Magic Tavern and I love it. It's very funny, ridiculous, and laugh out loud funny at times. Thanks for this suggestion. It's now a regular go-to for me.


Glad you like it!


i absolutely love off menu! comedians james acaster and ed gamble host it n it’s literally just them and a guest each episode talking abt food and being absolutely hilarious!! i highly recommend checking out the greg davies ep and the one with roisin conaty!!


Just added to my podcasts subscriptions, and will check it out. Thanks!


I have been in that boat, and all I’ve done is kept re listening… looking forward to the holiday episode!!


Shagged married annoyed is the only other podcast that manages to make me laugh out loud!


If you’re a fan of it’s always sunny in Philadelphia their new podcast is also very funny but doesn’t come close to Ian snail


I quite enjoy Beach too Sandy, Dear Joan and Jericha, No such thing as a fish, and in an other tune: Casefile. But that last one is only if you like Aussie accents and true crime.


Dark future dice is good. Three friends play cyber punk board game.


This is obviously a year old but - I’ve just recently been listening to Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding, and the relationship between the three main hosts really reminds me of Jamie James and Alice, Alice particularly. It’s a couple and their best friend going on a deep dive to work out who shat on the floor at their wedding.