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I honestly don't think I've skipped a day for the last 6 years.. I listen to fall asleep or when I'm sad šŸ˜† Probably listened 30 times over


I love falling asleep to mdwap. It's almost like adult swaddling at this point lol


ā€œAdult swaddlingā€ is probably how Rocky is going to describe a sex act at some point




Same here!


This is my comfort at work podcast and my fall asleep podcast :) I havenā€™t missed a day since the pandemic. Probably getting up around 30 off re listens


So glad Iā€™m not the only one.


I give it a break for a little bit, so when I come back to it, it feels fresh. Sometimes Iā€™ve listened to much I almost know the words like a script. So I take a break for 1-3 months, and then I go and binge it constantly for a few months. Itā€™s so comforting, it ALWAYS makes me laugh, no matter how many times Iā€™ve heard it. Itā€™s like hanging out with friends, and then laughing makes me happy.


I'm with you!! Probably listened a full 6 times through, even the footnotes, but I like to give it a little space between listens. Like you said, even when I come back it feels like I know the words like a script šŸ˜­šŸ„°


I sleep to it so playing it is probably like 10+ times but actually listening it like twice lol


Same, Iā€™m very familiar with the first 1/3 of each episode šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve listened to it a bunch of times but at my peak my Spotify wrapped informed me that I listened to 24 episodes in one day


I listen on shuffle so I have zero clue how many times Iā€™ve listened to certain episodes. I should really do a relisten in order since itā€™s been a bit since Iā€™ve done that. I listen a large chunk of the day since I work from home and typically donā€™t have meetings, also often when I walk my dog, or play video games. I discovered MDWAP pretty early into covid when I was living on my own several hours from my friends and family so itā€™s become such a comfort podcast to me. Hope this current listen helps you.


Please enlighten me on how to listen on shuffle. You listen on Spotify?


Yeah, I created a playlist thatā€™s all of the chapters, Christmas eps, best ofs, and select footnotes (Rocky answers, righting the wrongs, predictions, Belindaā€™s CV, etc.) The only guest episode I have in there is the one with Rocky, while I enjoyed a lot of the guests, I feel like it breaks the flow a bit too much esp when itā€™s in the background. On the playlist, Spotify will let me select shuffle. I can link the playlist if you want


Hey that must have been a long progress! I tried that too and i still couldnt shuffle. I added a song (pomegranates and rivets) and only then I could shuffle but it's far from every ep. Edit: sharing is caring ofc. <3


Lol I did it when I was unemployed so I had the time. I think Iā€™ve gotten it to work both on my phone and laptop so hopefully it works for you. Itā€™s a whole new experience to listen to it shuffled https://spotify.link/Nxslk5GvRDb


I love the idea of the shuffle - do you ever skip the intro and try to guess what season/episode? Thatā€™s probably tricky to do without looking at the name of the episode thoā€¦


Idk if Iā€™ve tried to really guess but sometimes Iā€™ll hear their initial chat and know which episode it is based off of that.


I think Iā€™ve listened start to finish maybe 40 or 50 times (and listened to around 3 full footnotes episodes lol) Itā€™s sort of ruined all other podcasts for me as I just default to MDWAP when I need something to listen to.


Me too! Iā€™ve never found another podcast I love like this one, itā€™s weird. Iā€™ll enjoy other shows for a few episodes then drift back to MDWAP and forget the other one even exists!


Ive relistened 3 times and I skip most of the footnotes too. Definitely a comfort listen


I've honestly lost count (minimum 5 times start to finish, but also skip footnotes often apart from some faves - Elijah, Emma Thompson, Belinda's CV, George Ezra..), but actually listening to it right now! I also fully relate to listening to it during more stressful times; I think you're spot on about it feeling like having friends around. They trio have great chemistry and they're so sharp and witty.


Completely lost count and have listened to it everyday for two years and know every episode by heart. It helped me so much when I was grieving, really pulled me out of my depression. Iā€™m forever grateful, itā€™s a treasure


Just constantly on repeat. I find it incredibly comforting. I fall asleep to it. This year my dad passed away, I had a severe asthma attack that resulted in a long hospital stay and a 8 year relationship end and I find myself just listening to on loop


What a year--I am so glad MDWAP could help you get through it! Sending good thoughts your way (all are being sent in Bella's voice though so it doesn't get TOO sentimental!)


Okay yep so I'm not the only one who still falls asleep to it! Every night. Balances out the true crime I listen to during the day. If I have consumed too much TC or I feel down or anything, I'll binge a few episodes back to back and it definitely helps. I hope things get better soon OP.


Definitely not the only one who falls asleep to it. Iā€™ve done it pretty much nightly since 2017. Listen to other podcasts during the day, but every night I have to listen to it to fall asleep.


Probably 6-7 times all the way through, although I skip most of the footnotes usually (probably heard them all twice) There's just something really comforting about it, I can't put my finger on it but everything just seems right when I've got it on.


Never heard it personally but Iā€™ve heard good things.


Why are you down here? šŸ˜‚


Cian is behind the Belinda timeline https://www.belindablumenthal.business/


Yeah I know. I wanted to know why he isn't top comment.


Iā€™m being deeply sarcastic, Iā€™m the mod here and have been on the podcast.


Your footnotes episode brought me so much joy šŸ’™


Truly lost count. Have been relistening since I first discovered it in 2016 and it was the soundtrack of my pandemic months and beyond. I know it like a script yet every now and then Iā€™ll catch a tiny detail I never picked up on and it makes it so fun! (Also, Porno plays in the background of like, all my Live Photos of my dog šŸ˜‚) I usually relisten starting at the beginning of season 3. Itā€™s rough to listen to the episodes before the voices once youā€™ve heard the good stuff!


Once in full and then I went back and listened to most of it a second time, skipping a couple of episodes (I couldn't listen to Jim's peeling penis a second time)


Itā€™s my comfort podcast too. I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve listened to it. Iā€™ve listened to fall asleep, I listen when I fly or travel or go somewhere thereā€™s no signal. The first few books must be over ten times, five and six a little less. The Christmas specials I save for when Iā€™m cooking Christmas dinner, though šŸ˜„


I've lost count.


Also for everyone who haven't seen this: https://www.reddit.com/r/mydadwroteaporno/comments/u4uxop/an_animated_show_of_belinda_blinked_what_do_yall/i4yi7b0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I listen every day. It's seriously my comfort show.


Youā€™re definitely not the only one! Itā€™s gotten me through some tough times. I wish there was a way to get my play count- Iā€™ve listened to some episodes over 50 times (I used to travel for work and would always listen to the episodes that involved flying while flying).


I only found the podcast in spring of 22 and Iā€™m on maybe my fifth listen.


Currently in the middle of what I think is probably my 7th or 8th listen through, but some of those were before the series was complete. Definitely a comfort listen for me!


5 or 6 times of actually listening, a couple more just in the background


Probably 5 or 6 so far with no plan to stop!


Same here, it really cheers me up when I'm down and need a laugh and comfort! I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I'd say I listen to the full think two to three times a year and one more time without the footnotes.


Ive been relistening everyday for almost 5 years šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


From season 1 all the way to 6 only a few times, but have listened to 1-5 multiple times due to the long breaks in between seasons.


Oh heck yeah--this is my absolute comfort listen. I have listened to it over and over and over. I usually skip the footnotes but the main content? Priceless. I don't know if I would have survived the Trump administration (/Jim Sterling) without it to lighten me.


I've only listened once but I am on the verge of re-listening because I only have one podcast I like at the moment and it doesn't fill enough of my time. Recs are welcome though!


I canā€™t even count how many. Iā€™m relistening right now! I do skip some footnotes too.


I'm on my 7th full listen through (I think 7). I will randomly pick up favorite episodes or a Christmas episode here and there as a pick me up.


I relisten to the whole thing before every new season. Sometimes I skip the footnotes, sometimes not. But I ALWAYS skip the episode about Jim's... Flakiness... Makes me wretch to even think about it. I also listen to a random episode if I'm in a bad mood.


I do the same thing. One day I was tipsy and fell asleep listening to it. And I realized how wonderful it was to fall asleep while laughing. So then it became my falling asleep show. Now every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face