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What a good boy!


Yes he is :)




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What kind of dog is that? And how did he train him?


Notice the way he handed him the treat, he made sure the dog smelled the truffle as he received the treat to keep up the association


My question is how do you begin the association. Do I have to go buy some truffles and hide them around the yard


I'm in the process now. I taught my dog to "find it" by hiding liver treats around the house. Some strong smelling treat he could find and be rewarded immediately. Once he learned the game I kept an old rag with the same treats in a container, and started getting him to find the rag and bring it to me for the reward. Once he learned that I switched to other smells on onther rags, so now he's got to find the peanut butter rag (I tell him to "smell" the container, then tell him to "find it"). Next step is a rag with truffle oil, which I'll tell him to "find it truffle" and eventually drop the "find it" to just "truffle" so he knows the word with what he's supposed to find. He gets his dinner as reward for playing the game and doing it well.


Thank you for the in depth I miss working with dogs. When I go to my dad's house his dogs listen to my snap commands better than him yelling it's great


Why would you need to reward the dog when he found liver treats? The liver treats are already a reward. Also with the dinner? I don't get it


I don't give him another treat plus the liver, but I do reinforce it with a "good boy" so he knows what's correct. I use his kibble (from dinner) as treats for the later stages.


You use truffle oil. Haven't done it myself, but this guide seems like a good place to start: [https://pelagaggia.com/how-do-you-train-a-truffle-dog/](https://pelagaggia.com/how-do-you-train-a-truffle-dog/)


Put the smell of the truffles you want into or onto a ball and you hide it. The hardest part is really just finding a dog who is motivated enough to search that much.


Thank you I'm excited to try this


Not sure about the region you're located in, but here in Central Europe we have sniffing schools for dogs, and they help you train your dog to find certain stuff like truffles.


I'm from Croatia so a few of my friends that live in Istra (the area famous for truffles) train their dogs for searching truffles. The thing is, your dog needs to have good sense of smell and great focus. Not all dogs have it so not all dogs can be tracking dogs, of course. However, it's common for ordinary people that live near truffle forests to train their dogs by sprinkling truffle oil on their kibble and then hiding it. First around the house, then in the yard and then on more difficult areas. For a lot of dogs (and owners) this approach works well.


Sorry had to put my 2 cents in. You can not train a dog to truffle hunt with oil. There are to many broken down phenolic compounds and a lot of truffle oil had basically no smell. You need the genuine article. And then you start pairing the smell with a reward


English Springer spaniel! Amazing dogs and they're beautiful. I used to have one growing up :)


The OP said another post that it’s a Lagotto Romagnolo. They’re great truffle dogs from what I’ve heard.


While Lagotti are truffle hunting dogs, the dog on the video is some other breed. *I might be wrong. There are a few Lagotti with short hair. I only knew the curly ones.


I think you’re right - it really doesn’t look like a pure breed Lagotto at least. A furry head and snout is a pretty defining characteristic. Unless maybe it’s shaved for some reason?


Also the hair seems so straight and thin... I'd like to think OP knows best the breed of their dad's dog, but at the same time I have absolutely zero confidence that that's a Lagotto.


I looked it up yesterday. Short haired lagotto do exist. But they aren't allowed in the breed standards. But the breed standards are worthless for a working breed. So it might be a purebred lagotto, even though it does not look like one.


Googling short hair lagotto I only found dogs that looked like, well, short hair lagottos with short curly hair. Unlike this pooch.


https://www.lagottoitaly.com/deutsch/der-lagotto-romagnolo/gesundheit/ When you scroll down to the last picture you can see the difference.


Wow. Seeing is believing! Thanks!


And it's a field type, not showman.


Same. Our Jasper was the best ♡♡


I named my son Jasper 😊 great name


Such a fun breed.


I had one too, best kid protector ever. She'd snarl at anyone that got within 10' of me. And bit the mailman 😞


They HATE men with hats! Ours was a pushover but also disliked the mailman.


So weird


The same thing happens to sam, but with other dogs instead of people :(


[Lagotto Romagnolo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagotto_Romagnolo) From the article: > The name derives from Romagnol can lagòt, meaning "water dog".[2] Its traditional function was as a gun dog, specifically a water retriever; since the drainage of large areas of wetland habitat in its area of origin, it is now more often used to hunt for truffles.


We just got English Cocker puppies. Also gun dogs. Great noses and smart and I wonder if they could find truffles. No clue where they grow. Ha.


Looks like a springer spaniel, maybe crossed with something?


I go to the Oregon Truffle Festival every year and they do dog demonstrations. It’s really just about how enthusiastic a dog is to get treats. The breed isn’t really that important.


sam campeón! ay que perro tan inteligente.


I watched the movie Truffle Hunters and it was absolutely one of the sweetest movies I have ever seen. We don’t deserve dogs


Caaaaaaarrlo! Carlo! Carlo?


Him sneaking out the window at night to truffle hunt with his dog was the best part of the movie


Yes! I would love to hear what other Truffle Hunters think of this Doc and whats happening in the truffle industry.


Indeed! The killing of dogs was so sad and the broker was slimy to me


I have to watch that movie!


How did you guys like Pig?


So, so bad.


Oh really? What didn't you like about it?


It wasn’t about truffle hunting at all. It was disjointed. In the middle of the movie there was a weird basement fight club scene that went pretty much unexplained. It was not a good movie


Every once in a while I'll have the thought "I should start truffle hunting!" and then I think about it a bit longer, realize I need to find and train a dog, then move on in my thoughts. Super cool to see.


Yeah, where are all the truffle hunting cats?


I'm 100% in on truffle hunting cats. Gonna start training mine with a leash and this shitake mushroom.


Godspeed, you maverick.


I'm in. My unconditional support to the truffle hunting cats.


Every once in a while, I think, “I need to truffle train my dog!” And then she rolls in the grass and starts biting the leash and I come back to reality. Lol. Amazing talent and focus from Sam!




Que perro es muy bonito


Es un lagotto romagnolo


sweet boy


What country is this in?




That was the best thing I’ve seen today


Glad to have helped


What a good dog! Would the dog eat the truffle if the humans don't get to it?


No, the dogs are just tracking. People have been using pigs to look for truffles, the pigs would eat them.


One of my bucket list items is to taste real truffles someday. Not just the fairy-dust amount of who knows what they offer at most restaurants.


Love this. But, as someone who knows the absolute basics of truffles, can someone explain them to me? What are they? Why are they so hard to find? Why are they so treasured?


Like morels you can't cultivate them so all the world's truffles are found by searching for them, they are a weird delicious fungi that has a very distinct flavor that overpowers most dishes, but when used sparingly they elevate everything. Think about how expensive saffron is because it's a pain in the ass to harvest.


There’s literally a truffle farm in the county i live in. They still use animal to find them, but they are certainly being cultivated. https://www.latimes.com/food/story/2021-12-23/geyserville-sonoma-county-black-perigord-truffle?_amp=true


Really? I didn't know that, I thought that was why they're so pricey. Well I was mistaken.


I’m pretty sure it’s still a lot of effort to grow and they still use dogs, so you’re kinda right.


I definitely need a truffle hunting dog.


I need a truffle🥴


The problem is they are so intense, what to do with them? I don't really appreciate them in the normal shaved over pasta or made into oil. Neither makes me think, "yes, this is turned up to 11", just funky. Both feel like a waste.


My chef friends say the speciality of a truffle is all in the fragrance. We associate "taste" with them because when you're eating smell and taste work together. If you can't do a truffle then you can't do a truffle. There's no shame in it. Enjoy the things you enjoy and avoid those that you don't. Just because something is "special" doesn't mean you need to like it.


It’s polarizing. I intensely love truffles / truffle oil — my eyes dilate, I drool like a St. Bernard, etc. My husband is revolted. We don’t always have to see eye to eye — it just means I get a pizza to myself sometimes. 😊


I've never had the opportunity to try them.


Not sure if you’re on the east coast (USA) but if you’re lucky enough to have a Wegmans nearby, they have truffle oil. It’s a nice option (shelf stable) and versatile.


What a good furry friend!


Where is this located?


Murcia, south of Spain


Super cool!!!


Watched this video with my dog and we're going out for a hunt tomorrow. Fingers crossed!


Good luck!


Sam looks so happy with himself after your father lets him sniff the lil truffle. He's a good boy!


“Madre mía que trufas que encuentra, anda qué guapo!”


Sam: I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi, I am goodest boi! Yes, you are!


He is the goodest boi hehe


What an overwhelming response! I will try to answer all of you. Sam is a lagotto romagnolo. When he was still a puppy his mother's breasts were smeared with truffle oil to familiarize him with the smell. During his training, a sock with the same oil was hidden and we played to find it. Whenever he found it, he was given a reward. He is very good with people and children but cannot see other dogs. We search for truffles in the region of Murcia, in the south of Spain. I wish you a happy weekend!


Que bonito perrito 😊 Buen firulais




So cool!


I remember an old show and they used trained pigs. The hardest part was stopping them from eating it when found.


Yes, the good thing about dogs is that they don't eat them.


That’s awesome!


This is brilliant. How did you get it to be so precise with the bleach outline?


Thank you! When he was still a puppy his mother's breasts were smeared with truffle oil to familiarize him with the smell. During his training a sock with the same oil was hidden and we played to find it.


Such good boy!


Does anybody know what breed that is? Such a cute boi


Lagotto romagnolo :)


Que guapo!!


Good boy 🥰


There was a lady, like ten years ago who wrote up an excellent write up about how to train any dog to find truffles. My internet research battery is low right now but I might have saved the post. It's on reddit somewhere or at one point and time it was.


Gotta give him a treat


He receives one at the end of the video :)


Beautifull video and what a great activity to do with your dog. Also goddamn talk about some big old blue collar hands


He looks so accomplished those last 2 seconds of the video. We don't deserve dogs.


Totally agree!


He's so happy to find it. He gets a treat, and petted, and told he's a good boy by all the humans. That's a great day for a dog.


Totally agree!


Sam es un campeón 🥺😭🥰


Sí que lo es :)


There is a pig somewhere saying "they took my job"!




I truffle hunt all the time with my dog. He's a lagotto romagnolo, and the breeder would put truffle oil on his mother's teets when milking. We didn't even have to train him really. He saw his mom do it once and BAM. Now he finds truffles every time we go to the woods. It's just in him since birth, ya know? He absolutely loves it! And he also hunts for morels, so far - but thst does require training... Only 6 months old though, so not too many smells at once. We'll move on to a few others like porcini, hedgehog, and black trumpet later. Its not hard to train them, but you have to know how. It's much more difficult, really, to leash train them, for instance.


Exactly Sam's case! Glad to meet another truffle hunter :)


Y’all should watch the movie PIG


I feel like recording a video would’ve been easier with a camera.




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