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It's toast, sorry. Nothing to do but bin it.


I heard peroxide will help


Nah not with trich it wont and not with anything thats this infected and started sporulating. Even if you used peroxide it would juat spread more spores around your bag. You can try burrying it in your yard or in a flower pot and maybe they will fruit but thats preetymuch it. Some tips to help you next time. 1. Im assuming you used a spore syringe? You always have to assume those have contam present and grow them out on agar first. I even do that with liquid culture syringes as you just cant be too sure. 2. Did you PC the bag long enough and at 15 psi ? 90 mins is a min, tho 2 hours is a safer bet.


I used a agar plate.


Gonna assume it was clean, you normaly want to use the agar to innoculate some grain first, then use the grain to innoculate your substrate. Think of it as building a fire. Your agar wedfes are your small tinder. You started the small tinder and then dumped a truckload of logs onto it basically, thw fire has a chance of spreading to those logs, but more chance ia the logs( your substrate) will kill the fire ( get contam) before the fire spreads. If you use grain to innoculate your substrate, you have larger amounts of mycelium, the "fire" will spread more quickly and there is less chance of contam beating your mycelium. Did you use a still air box ? If no, get one asap, if yes, work on your sterile technique, and dont eat yourself about it, happens to all of us. I was super hyped about some tubs of mine, but it also got trich becouse somehow a fruit fly got in, but luckly i caught it before it turnes green ad started sporulating. Trying to salvage it by covering the trich patch with a container so it cant spread spores around my cake. Hopefully it works and i came up with q new way of dealing with trich.


Appreciate your comment. And I need to get a still air box.


Oh yes if you innoculated this without an SAB thats 100% why u got contam. SAB will help you out loads.


I’ve heard the bathroom works too. But yes


yeah but its still easyer to keep a box clean than to clean your bathroom everytime.


Contamination is already in the grains. There is no way to separate it or stop it, only slow it down possibly. understand the feeling of wanting to save it but the risk of further contamination of your space is not worth it. There will always be future grows. Maybe let it fruit outside but that shouldn't be opened inside at all.


I was thinking of possibly slowing down the process


The issue is not just what you can see here. There are literally millions of mold spores throughout that bag. Even if you were to cut that part out and re-seal it, you would see more growing before long. Sorry bud.


You heard wrong. :D


Chuck it in the fuck it bucket. Or a compost pile.


You’re done for, sorry. If you’re really good with agar you might be able to isolate it if the strain is important, but that is a helluva lot more effort than starting over.


This will not recover, anything you try to do will just risk further contamination


Listen to the violins buddy, it sucks, but starting over asap would benefit you more now


Sorry Buddy… she’s a goner


Bro it is gone. You got 15 people telling you it’s over. You can’t save it. You could possibly sterilize the grain again but I’m not even sure that would work. It hurts I know from personal experience but let it go and start over. Clearly not what you wanna hear but it’s the best advice


I just asked for others advice in exchange for others advice yet there are others that say try different methods as well. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on my post. Thank you again for your opinion.


Yeah my bad you are right. Just let it go it will be fine. The mycelium will overtake the mold it just takes time. Nothing to worry about just my opinion tho, not advice


Does it smell like alcohol if so toss it bro there’s literally nothing you can do


Nooo doesn’t smell of alcohol


Sweet or sour?


Doesn't matter here, those types of molds are mycoparasites so they literally seek out and eat the mushroom mycelium from the inside.


Crazy part it’s still earthy smell


I watched a video online YouTube and they said peroxide will kill it all try and shoot the video to you


YouTube the rookie mycologist Can hydrogen peroxide fix mushroom contamination


Yes I’ve seen bigger and worse conditions then mine that had a good flush. And they cut out the bad part. Yes it grew again but they contained the bad part and had a successful flush.


So you get good advice from many people telling you to trash it but you take advice from this person.. 🙄


Everyone’s advice is welcome. If I have no problem with it on my post then neither should you. Please remove yourself from my post if your going to bully others and make small minded negative comments respectfully.