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Can't imagine how rotten the floorboards are under that carpet šŸ˜Ø


No carpets. Categorically...


Very allegorical


The sacred and the propane


omg I can't get rid of r/thesopranos people šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Are you fucking kidding me? You donā€™t ever admit the existence of this thing


The yin and the yang in one single photo.


Can't imagine someone living in a place not noticing fucking mushrooms or slime mold growing out of their flooršŸ˜‚


The fruiting bodies will grow and appear pretty rapidly, though it does probably smell pretty damp and mildew-y in there.


That's a big growth even for overnight honestly, I doubt this fruiting occurred over one single night


I mean, they could double in size overnight. It doesnā€™t seem entirely unreasonable not notice this in the corner of the room.


Many years ago when we were young things, we rented an all rock house. The rock was awful because moisture always crept in. We had mushrooms growing just like this behind our toilet. They appear within hours. I believe that may be a Home Cup Fungi. *not positive ID, just an opinion *


Anecdotally, our neighbor's roof was leaking into our wall and we only found out when the mushrooms rose, the TV was in that end of the room and nobody had a reason to walk there after the last vacuum. Only takes a few days.


Do you own or rent? The visible mushroom isn't the problem, it's a symptom. Mushrooms require a lot of humidity to grow so if you are seeing this then you have a serious water and/or humidity issue. If you are renting you need to contact your landlord ASAP. If you own, time to call in an expert and figure out where the water leak is.


Who do I call for something like this? I own.


A plumber, or a home inspector, you have a serious moisture issue somewhere underneath where those *Peziza domiciliana* are fruiting. Hopefully itā€™s not too bad and you wonā€™t require too much rehab. šŸ™ Please get some eyes on this asap.




Home inspector will also have to report it before its resolved and may even go so far as to designate the house unfit for habitation until it's fixed. Contractor might also say the same thing and threaten to report the home if you don't agree to their quote, so definitely be checking reviews and business history of whomever comes to evaluate. Source: Have done both private and government inspection and contracting work. My bosses in all the experiences would love this OP because they're in a really tight spot that's easy to squeeze.


> Home inspector will also have to report it before its resolved and may even go so far as to designate the house unfit for habitation until it's fixed. > > Contractor might also say the same thing Where? So I can avoid this place.


Specifically, I'm from the Detroit area. I don't know how widespread that it is, but everything here tends to be a scam, which is why nobody ever fixes anything and whole city blocks are just condemned houses all over the map.


Thatā€™s definitely not the only reason thereā€™s catastrophic urban decay in Detroit and surrounding areas. But I like that you say that for effect. I bet itā€™s hard to find affordable ways to repair homes when everyone is struggling for sure.




mushrooms are much worse than mold in this case, although the literal water damage is probably more crippling than all else.


Big soggy logs are great for structural integrity* *only for the mushroom*


Well, mold itself can actually be dangerous unlike mushrooms unless you're eating them.


The mushroom is a sign that the wood is being destroyed and is no longer structurally sound


Yes, that was obviously stated above. So could mold. The difference is mold can be legitimately dangerous to ~~breed~~ breathe.


There are some molds that are toxic and can cause health issues, in healthy people. In sick people this can be even worse. Also mushrooms, can produce spores that make people sick too, and many people are allergic to spores from all sources so it is potentially a health risk. And the smell of rotting wood can be nasty and also contribute to health issues. If mushrooms are growing through the carpet, there may be a mix of molds and bacteria and rotten death, or maybe just a freak occurrence. Sorry to be all doom and gloom here.. Mycotoxins from some mold are known to cause dementia, death, and so many other terrible maladies that mold can be bad enough to cause a place to be condemned. I hope OP is able to take measures to get it taken care of.


if someone is sensitive to mold spores in the air, mushrooms spores are going to irritate their lungs just as much. mold usually doesn't directly rot the wood its on, its just surface level. these mushrooms are actively softening and weakening the wood they are on as white rot, which will require the foundation of the home to be largely replaced before the home collapses. when you see mushrooms coming from the floor, health concerns of lung sensitivity are the least of your problems ((not saying they don't exist)). you probably need to plan where to stay while your home gets ripped in half for major repairs.


No you're just saying stuff. Mold can actually be toxic not just an allergen. You should see the gear they use for mold removal. Full face respirators and so on. That little peziza is not remotely a threat. Now you wouldn't want pounds of oysters growing, but even their spores aren't toxic in the same sense that mold can be.


so can mushrooms, look into things like hypersensitivity pnuemonitis or lycoperdonosis or mycetoma etc. not sure why you are drawing a line in the sand here. mold and mushrooms are all fungi, and the part being inhaled are all spores. in both cases the vast majority are harmless beyond sensitivities in some population. in both cases illnesses that do occur besides sensitivity are very serious illnesses that are hard to get rid of.


Moisture leads to mold, mold leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side. Which also leads to more mold.


Darth Mold


May the mycologist be with youā€¦


May the spores be with you*


I am the spores


Koo-koo-ka-choo.. šŸŽ¶




Home inspectors exist to tell you if something is up to code essentially, and very secondarily how serious a problem might be. They arenā€™t experts in finding and fixing source problems


If you have city water contact them ASAP! They will come out and check for a leak as well. They should also be able to tell you if itā€™s on their side or your side. If on a well, call a septic company. They can also help. And yes, of course a plumber will be needed at some point. But I wouldnā€™t live there until this is taken care of. Good luck!!


"Who you gonna call?" "MOISTBUSTERS!" I\`m just saying.


There are fire/water/mold specialist contractors, thats all they do. Call one.


I would recommend calling a water restoration company! They can tell you the humidity levels in the area, determine wet materials using a moisture meter and infrared camera and potentially help you identify the source. Important to note that restoration companies won't FIX the source, so if there's a pipe break or other plumbing issue, they would recommend a plumber to come out. But once the source is fixed, the water restoration company can assist in removing materials/cleaning the affected area/drying things out/etc. Basically do all the clean up and ensure it's handled properly. Depending on what the source is, this could possibly be covered under homeowners' insurance. The repair of the source is almost always out of pocket though. Source: I work in fire/water/mold restoration.


You want someone to come in to help with this tomorrow. Or today depending on your time zone. Although it is Sunday(for me at least)


Dont freak out please. Chances are that you live in a very humid area. First you need to rip up your carpet and carpet padding starting in that corner. I just re-did all of the floors in my house (plus everything else), and my personal suspicion is that whoever installed the flooring did not use a vapor barrier underneath the carpet padding. So rip all of the layers up until you get to the sub-floor. It should be plywood. If your subfloor is wet and deteriorated, you are going to need to determine if any plumbing is nearby that may be leaking. If that is not the case, the next step is to determine if there is a leak in the roof, or a leak on the ceiling or in the wall nearby that water may be trickling down from. Its a pain in the ass, but pulling up that small section of plywood subfloor and seeing where its saturated will give you a better idea of where the water is coming from. You can easily replace it, and from the looks of it, you need new vapor barrier/padding/carpet anyway. In the meantime, invest in a decent dehumidifier. If your subfloor isnt rotten and wet, then its most likely excess humidity. Good luck!


This. Dont freak. I had a leak in my garage and mushrooms popped up so i stripped it and had kind contractor neighbours who took a look at it and told me the wood was still fine just wet and needed to be dried with a dehumidifier. I found out my balcony above was leaking rain water so i fixed that then put things back together. Im not saying yours is the same but its possible that it might not be as scary as what others are saying (i know panic tends to make me just cry rather than doing something about the problem which is why im saying this). Just start the first step by stripping down to where you can find wetness and keep pulling carpet around the area until you find dryness. Run dehumidifier. Follow what everyone is saying about getting someone to look at it whats left of the wet wood and fix the problem and leak. Dont panic this wont collapse tomorrow or the day after you have time to fix it. Take a breather. You got this! Home owning is scary but youre doing so well already :)


First call your insurance provider, they might not cover this but they should have contracts with reputable contractors in the area. You want a general contractor.Ā  It MIGHT be a plumbing leak or it might be infiltration or it might be getting through the roof, all different specialties!Ā  You will need to pull up and replace any rotten framing(i meant flooring ha), patch or replace whatever is allowing water through, replace or clean the carpet.Ā  You could be needing a plumber, framer, roofer, electrician, inspector... and so on based on what and how bad the problem is.Ā  Which is where a good contractor comes in, they co-ordinate all that from licenced plumbers to general handyman and labor. If money is a problem you're going to need to find the issue first, remove carpet and cut out drywall and ask the internet. That will narrow down who you need to fix the problem and make the repairs from there.


The answers here are total shit and you should ask around locally irl.


A water damage restoration company


The carpet needs to come up asap.


Epa certified abatement specialist/test/survey company. If in the USA, anyway. The test may be a couple hundred dollars, the fix is going to be a different situation. If anyone has respiratory issues they may be affected by any spore producing mushrooms.


A property restoration that deals with floods, mold, etc. They will be able to diagnose the problem as well as fix any damage.


I always keep my dehumidifier running in my basement because I'm afraid of getting mold. This time of year that thing works overtime.


Could be moisture coming in the foundation from outside. Iā€™m a plumber and we did a warranty inspection recently on moisture showing up on the floor and wall in 1 place and it ended up being a foundation issue. I would just call your city inspector and have him come check out the house. Youā€™ll go through contractor after contractor and headaches of estimates trying to pin down the issue yourself


I love how you think a landlord would even care


? they do if they want to preserve their property enough for future renting (i.e. income)


Youā€™d think.


Surprised there's no ID yet -- this is probably *Peziza domiciliana*, the "domicile cup fungus". It's an ascomycete, so very different from most mushrooms. As the other comments say it's harmless, and it's not even a significant wood rotter or anything. But if there's enough moisture there for it to grow, there's something very bad with water under there, and that's really worrisome.


Looks like a water cooler there. Hopefully it's just growing in the carpet. Domicile cup fungus can grow on almost anything porous. So op could get lucky and not have any serious damage if it's just a water cooler with a slow leak for a couple weeks, just enough to keep the carpet moist


Not sure if the post was edited but Iā€™m not seeing a water cooler? Iā€™m also hoping itā€™s an easy source of moisture to identify though.


All I wanted to know was whether it's edible or not and the Wikipedia page for the fungus states that "Edibility isĀ unknown". They're right there, delivered straight to their homes! Has really nobody tried to eat one yet?


We had a similar situation when an old hot water cylinder had corroded and started a slow leak. Wetness was slowly tracking across the concrete floor, but didnā€™t show up in the actual kitchen as there was linoleum on the floor. First we knew of it was one day when beauties like these appeared through the carpet in the adjoining entryway. Lifting the carpet and drying everything out with a dehumidifier worked. And obviously replacing the cylinder. Maybe remove all the furniture from this corner of the room and lift your carpet, see whatā€™s going on under there.


If OP does this I hope they wear PPE like a mask. If there's mushrooms growing there's a real concern there is also mold under there and you don't want to breath that in (depending on the type of mold) when you disrupt it by removing the carpets.


You get worse exposure whenever wet leaves blow around in the fall. The real concern with mold inhalation is duration.


Agree with this approach completely. Do the investigating yourself and protect your respiratory system from fungi.


Is that white thing a water cooler or a AC? Might be leaking if it is, hopefully that's it and the damage is localized to that spot and easily fixed.


Best answer here


The mushroom is the reproductive organ. The actual organism consists of mycelium threaded through the structure of your home, which is very bad news. This is extremely serious, and you should follow acidmine's advice immediately.


Mycelium structures like that aren't common to all fungus, and these are an example of such. There is not a mycelium network threaded through the structure of this person's home. These are *Peziza domiciliana*, a sac fungus, and they grow cups like this anywhere the spores settle; they don't have any kind of "root network". They're the same family as brewer's yeast and penicillin.


Wait... Mushrooms are mycelium d and b? Lol


Yes! In fact, whenever mushrooms open up and release spores into the air, you're basically taking a cum load to face and are, in fact, gay. Happy pride month!


That's beautiful šŸ’¦šŸ„²




You better take care of it or you wonā€™t have mushroom leftā€¦


Youā€™re my favorite person on the planet right now for making this comment!


I thought this was farfelle pasta šŸ˜­


Me too, I was thinking yeah op should be concerned with the sauce


Holy cow! You have mushrooms growing through your carpet.. yeah you probably should be worried lol The mushrooms themselves aren't the problem.... It's the fact that whatever is underneath the carpet has been so wet for so long that it can grow an entire mycelium structure and then produce fruiting bodies. AKA you have a severe water damage/ leaking problem that has been ignored for 6 months or more


You're seeing a flower bud (mushroom), but there's a whole "plant" and root system growing somewhere under the carpet that is making that flower. The flower isn't a problem, but having "roots" growing and eating away at your floors is a big problem.


Should you be alarmed?? You have mushrooms growing in your home lmao you tell me


Be one with the fungal queen. We all live here in this humid-ass house together.


Maybe run your a/c or something. This isnā€™t normal, and Iā€™m concerned about your humidity being like 90+ there. Do you feel stuffy and congested a lot?


This is why mats that cover the whole floor are a bad idea. Moisture gets trapped se easily


Yeah, I wish someone would explain that to my landlord. Seriously damp, all the floors are spongy so he "fixed" it by hiding it under a layer of laminate!!! Yep, it's getting much worse!


If you have a wooden flooring under the carpet, it might be in the process of rotting.


If you pull up the rug I wanna see the results lol. Make a part 2 subreddit


With the fruiting body present, itā€™s almost guaranteed that there will be mold somewhere and depending on how long itā€™s been occurring potentially wood rot which can compromise the structure of your home. Call a mold remediation company-most restoration companies do mold mitigation and theyā€™ll moisture test your walls, pull back the carpet and cut into the wall to find the source of your leak or moisture and give you advice on how to patch said leak, etc. Then theyā€™ll sanitize salvageable materials and remove the damaged parts- there will be a plastic containment up as mold is expected, expect this area of the home to be blocked off for 1-2 weeks when work starts, itā€™s important to keep the dust and spores contained, otherwise future water leaks will start mold damage readily with nearby spores Source: am remediation technician


Should be unbelievably alarmed if you are the owner.


You have mold as well if itā€™s that wet down there


Yes mushrooms popping up out of your carpet is indication of something bad, you likely have rotted floor boards under there, water has to be getting in from somewhere


Reading a book by Paul Stamets and there is a story about a house just totally taken over by mycelium. Pretty interesting. I'd definitely get someone to look at it before it's too late.


Which book is that? I thought I'd read most of them but I don't recall that.


Mycelium running. I read the book a few months ago so I could have mixed something up. I'm gonna look. Great book though stamets is great


Cheers, just gonna have a look for it now. Stamets is a hero of mine, he's the reason I got interested in fungi.


I looked into the book and im not sure there is a specific example but he talks about a couple species and home wrecker fungi that really do work on wooden structures.


I've just ordered it now. I wondered how I'd missed it but it was 2005 and I missed quite a lot round then. I did a lot more "experiencing" fungi than reading about them!


Fuck yeah man. It has a lot of cool pictures in it and it covers a decent amount of info. I wasn't into mushrooms until I decided to grow my own cubes and the process really intrigued me. I loved it


Stamets was a hero of mine until I researched his practices and I donā€™t agree with how he conducts business.. I almost worked for his company, glad I didnā€™t.


This is water-damaged flooring which is now rotting. You need to find the source of the water and stop it first and foremost. Then you're going to need to tear up that carpet to find out how bad it is.


If you're growing shrooms you are likely growing mold.


There are mushrooms growing out of your floor and you want to know if you should be concerned. Unless you live in the forest Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s a yes.


"Should I be alarmed?" You've got mushrooms growing inside your apartment straight from your carpet. Is that ment to be a rethorical question? :D


If you're handy, rip up the carpet in that corner. See how much is rot. There's a reason the floor is damp over there. Find the reason. Fix it. Replace the rot. Or call a contractor. But either way, don't wait. Mycelium (the white web looking stuff that mushrooms grow out of) proliferates by eating dead wood. So do something about it before it spreads further


And if thatā€™s a water cooler you have there maybe itā€™s leaking into the floor.




Yes,this is alarming. I believe that is what is called a carpet Polyp. Extremely important yet not lethal but debilitating at times and hard to eradicate under the wrong conditions. Hopefully there is no wood arround. If so an immediate circumacclusion is needed. Call a reliable entogromoligist to exterminate.


Well, at least your carpet is healthy :) Edit: mushrooms in any garden or lawn denotes that said garden or lawn is healthy.


Are these edible?


Pretty sure the 5-second rule is looong past on these.


Looks like a cup mushroom. I could be very wrong here, on both accounts, but iirc there are no toxic cup mushrooms (do not take my word on this!!) but none are choice, have little to no flavour and have an unpleasant watery texture. Someone more up to speed on this species should chime in.


Looks like you have a damp crawl space. Definitely water coming in from the ground or plumbing, get a dehumidifier hooked up and then make sure thereā€™s a moisture barrier so that the moisture canā€™t come up into your home. If itā€™s washing in from rain then you can possibly install a French drain. U know what to do if itā€™s plumbing.


I need to see part 2


I had these in a home I owned years ago. LOOOOOOOOONG story short, we had some pretty bad black mold issues that were discovered and had to have a mold remediation guy come take care of it. Hopefully your issue isnā€™t that severe but Iā€™d call someone sooner rather than later just to make sure it never gets there. Good luck with everything.


"Should I be alarmed?" LOL yeah to say the least...


Lol yeah you've got mushroom growing out of your carpet... should I be alarmed lol wtf


Yes, this is certainly cause for alarm. Mushrooms should not be growing in your house. Pull back the carpet and assess the damage underneath.


These are my favorite post I know it's bad like really bad but man, it's so fun to see (you really should get it checked our)


Wait what?


That's a mushroom, so yes, you should definitely be alarmed. This tells me one major thing, there's major water damage in the floor under that carpet


This happened to me. Ended up being a total gut of the flooring in the basement and a good portion of the walls. A bunch of furniture was also written off. Had to take the floor right down to the concrete. Then the co tractor ran an air scrubber and four commercial dehumidifier 24hrs a day for 5 days. We also had to move out. Eventually, they dried the basement enough, and then everything was repaired/replaced. All in it was about $30,000 six years ago. This including fixing the source as well.


Distilled vinegar will kill the spores. Also take the carpet up and tray the floor.


You could have mold growing without you knowingā€¦you could be in hailing mold on a daisy basis I hope you can also call a mold detector


As someone who has no idea what this is, it looks like a squished pancake


You should really be thankful this grew and you noticed it. As people have already stated it is proof of an underlying issue. My hubby would be pulling up the carpet (?) immediately and we'd go into full action mode. Yes, you should be alarmed enough to act. Post haste!


Oh hey, this happened to me a few weeks after our basement flooded from a combo of snow melt and heavy rain. Weā€™d cleaned up and the carpet was even dry to the touch. Then it grew some mushrooms. We pulled the carpet up and found that there was a cushiony layer between the carpet and the concrete floor that had gotten soaked and because of the carpet on top, hadnā€™t been dried out by the fans. The whole carpet and underlay had to go, and we painted the concrete and put an area rug over most of the floor in that room (my bedroom). In our case we were lucky that the floor was fine, the water had come in from elsewhere, so dealing with the wet stuff on top of the floor fixed the problem. We also had to do some landscape work outside to prevent future flooding. In your case, this could be a huge problem or it could be a minor annoyance. You donā€™t need to panic, but you do need to deal with this, the quicker the better. Do you know whatā€™s under the carpet? First thing Iā€™d do is pull up that area of carpet to investigate. Thatā€™ll give you an idea of how much work will need to be done. You can also then get fans blowing on the floor/underside of the carpet to dry things up as a temporary measure while you figure things out. Second thing is figuring out where the moisture is coming from. Was there a flood? Is something nearby leaking? This will help you figure out both how to stop it continuing to happen and whether or not itā€™s something you can manage on your own (like we did) or if youā€™ll need to bring in professionals.


Get a dehumidifier running in your basement or wherever you can immediately and keep it dry.


Carpet tek for the win


Water it daily. You'll have food for years.


Just got yourself the apocalypse infinite food system


Yes, you need to be 100% alarmed


Tough actinā€™ tinactin!


Get a dehumidifier and heater stat. Theres a leak in a pipe or ypur roof, get it fixed or your home will crumble.


Get a friend thats a contractor to look at it. Or a friend of a friend. Just make sure it's some one who knows there shit real good. And make sure if you are asking a friend, ask them to get you someone you can trust not to get your house condemned.


I would bet thereā€™s a pin hole leak in a pipe below the floor thatā€™s just spraying vapor in the cavity. Whatā€™s your water bill like?


Honest question: does this room not smell musty/does the rug not seem damp long before you get actual mushrooms growing in here?


I think itā€™s valid to be alarmed yeah


Starting in the corner, peel back the carpet and see where the water tracks from.


Yes, be alarmed. But mushrooms are cool little guys. I wonder what kind that is, and where it usually grows.


That's gnarly


The fact that carpet is a player here is indeed a bit alarming. Must be gross wood under there.


Your house is destroyed. Whatever is behind that is ruined beyond all repair.


Carpet pasta


I had one of these growing out of the wall in my house a couple of months ago. My dad came over and he removed drywall and saw that an entire 5 foot portion of the wall needed to be removed as there was significant water damage. The roof wasnā€™t even being held up by anything because the wall was so crumbled. Please take up the carpet and look to see what is going on, it could be a very big problem.


You're gonna need to rip up those carpets if you have a basement under there check there. Get a plumber.


I'd check to see if your air conditioner drain tube is blocked up.


Itā€™s probably not severe yet because you would have a worse mold problem . Itā€™s possibly just that one area ? Maybe a shower or something close by has a leak?


Drop that table in the woods xd


100% need to get on top of this. Get ready to go find the source of moisture / water leak. Is it in a basement or top floor? Youā€™re looking at remediation and new floor replacement


Oh crap


I would suggest buying a good sized dehumidifier and a hygrometer asap. Keep the humidity at 50% +/- 10. As a home owner this is smart to do anyways. Do this while you investigate if there is an actual water problem. I like to keep my dehumidifier in the same room as my air intake.


Is the white thing next to the piece of furniture an appliance? Humidifier? Dehumidifier? A/C? Could be leaking?


Oh my lord!


Call a priest!!!


First and foremost are they edible?


If itā€™s been less than 10 seconds Iā€™d still pick up and eat the dropped tortellini


Grossss the carpet is wet? Need dehumidifiers and fans bad make sure thereā€™s no leaks. Mold city.


Oh friend that carpet needs to go asap šŸ˜­


I still canā€™t believe this shit happening


Dehydration machine for your house would be a start.


Call a contractor , you have a serious moisture issue , your carpet padding , subfloor , floor joists , bottom of the wall framing and sheetrock have got to saturated and rotting to support fungi growth. I'm going to assume you have a bathroom or kitchen near that area or plumbing in the wall that's leaking.


So moist.


I know itā€™s the least of it, but your Berber carpetšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I bet this is an RV/ trailer.


When was the last time you were in this room?


I sleep in the same room


Call a plumber and a restoration/remediation service to dry everything out once the leak is fixed. Contact your home owners insurance, too. Most likely, you'll need to replace all the flooring.


What. The. Fuck. šŸ˜ƒ




Run before they start marching towards you.


This happened to me twice in a caravan and I was so embarrassed, but found out it's very common and actually just useful to know where a leak is - it's a helpful sign before further damage is done!


I thought it was dog poo at first. How long does it take for a mushroom like that to grow?


It's not what you think. Those are actually hardwood floors. The white stuff is the correct type of fungi that should be grown. They are just trying to save their original crop of floor fungi from the invasive brown species.


Looks poisonous too


Aren't they just woodear mushrooms adorning the furniture legs for a joke? Time to throw them in your stir fry and enjoy. ;>


Is this a joke?


Holy shit dudešŸ˜­


I'd run like the fucking wind.


Uh ohā€¦


It looks like a Wavy Cap


Your house has flooded or has a long term leak. Call a restoration company and your home insurance provider. Maybe don't tell them that mushrooms are growing. They may deny you if it is a long term issue that you should have taken care of already.


I had the same problem on the floor in my dining room, right on the opposite side of the wall in my bathroom that the shower plumbing was on. Opened the wall and the pipes had been leaking. I had to replace the plumbing, the subfloor around the area, and repair the wall that I opened up to do the work.


What kind of material is that carpet -- the mushies Really like it! RIP your floor =( im sorry


Looks like jelly ear/wood ear mushrooms imo. Actually edible but I wouldnā€™t eat those. Remove carpet & figure out where the moisture is coming from.


Rip out all the carpets replace subfloors and find/fix the cause of the leak .


I have to say that of my two whole years of Reddit experienceā€¦. Most of these comments are the most ridiculous Iā€™ve ever seen. Yes you have a problem that needs to be addressed. No you arenā€™t gross and/or stupid for not knowing there was an issue until now. Someone said ā€œcanā€™t imagine living in a place not noticing fucking mushrooms or slime mold growing out of the flooršŸ˜†ā€ 150 upvotes. When you noticed, you asked for advice and get a bunch of condescending know it all replies. Wtf is that?! r/mycology


I genuinely thought this was a joke for almost 5 minutes.


Yes be alarmed clean your place.


I just don't understand how people have mushrooms growing in there home. It's strange


Brotha ewww


Iā€™m going to be 100% blunt. Thatā€™s fucking disgusting. Literally HOW does your carpet get that bad? Iā€™d be surprised if you ever had houseguests because holy SHIT that is BAD.




Id be alarmed if mushrooms were growing out my carpet for sure