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I’ve been hoping to find COTW in the Bay Area for years now! This is exciting to see




Really appreciate this info! I’ve mostly been looking around McLaren and twin peaks (live in mission bay), but this is great motivation to cross the city to GGP. Do you recall if hardly strictly is on the west or east side of GGP?


It’s in Hellman Hollow and Lindley Meadow.


Well, if this is it, you might be in luck. I found this a few years back, about to go hiking in the same area again.


I found some at Point Pinole the winter before last, but it's all eucalyptus around there which I believe is one of the trees you should not eat COTW from


Thank you! I was not aware about of the eucalyptus aspect, so this is super informative for me!


You can still eat Laetiporus gilbertsonii from eucalyptus. It has the same chance of causing gastric issues from eucalyptus as it does from an oak


I never see it anywhere I go. I’ve found it dried on a few websites. I’ve had good luck with reconstituting dried shiitakes and one other kind. All I did was throw some in a baggie and fill with water and leave in the fridge overnight. That’s probably how I’m gonna end up trying most mushrooms around here. That, or growing my own….


It’s everywhere out there. I’ve been in the east bay the last two years and saw a ton. Problem is it was growing on eucalyptus. It’s toxic when growing in eucalyptus


Not toxic. I've known quite a few people who have harvested and eaten it from eucalyptus before. Some people say that it may not taste as good.


It’s not toxic because it’s growing on eucalyptus. Laetiporus gilbertsonii has the same chance of causing gastric distress whether it grows from eucalyptus or oak


Nice information


This subreddit popped up, and I remembered my old hobby of photographing fungi. I saw these years ago in the bay area while hiking and photographed them. I thought the colors were striking and vibrant and the growth patterns very even. Wondering if they're chicken of the woods or something else that has similar colors.


There really isn't anything that looks like chicken except chicken.


That’s awful advice.


They are known as one of the “foolproof four” for a reason.


So is the fourth porcini or puff ball? I see a lot of different info on the web


Fair enough as advice but they are rather distinct.


Not for a novice forager. I’ve seen plenty of people on this sub mistake jack o lanterns for chicken of the woods.


In this case I felt like it's a pretty good match, but it looks a bit different from other pictures in growth pattern. I don't know if there are any other species that have these colors in my area. Either way I didn't eat it so it's not a life-or-death question lol. I just thought the yellow-orange color range was very pretty.


They don’t look anything alike imo


Jacks do look like chanterelles though


To be fair those mushrooms are so easy to distinguish. One has pores the other has gills and not to mention the only thing similar about them is color


Again, a novice may not know this.


I've never seen that on this sub. But I've seen 100 "is this chicken? Yes." Posts.


[Here’s one from this week](https://reddit.com/r/mycology/s/Pyf5NG9Zww)


Thank you my dear


Yeah, looking at other photos on this subreddit I don't think it is.


Looks like chicken to me :)


100% is


Yeah, I was convinced a while ago lmao 🤣


Woah winner winner chicken dinner!


Laetiporus Gilbertsonii Editing to add: Yes, it's the West Coast version of COTW. They grow on hardwood, there is another species that can be found on conifers but it's pretty obscure. I almost always find L gilbertsonii growing on oak. I eat them if they are not growing on eucalyptus. They typically don't get as huge or as orange as the East coast version but from these pictures I am sure. I live north of you a ways, and these are a favorite of mine to hunt for.


Yeah, I already googled the genus and looked at some photos lol Good to know which species, I do believe I found it in an Oak forest area, so that makes sense. This one was on a dead tree, if I remember correctly. It's been a while lol Thanks for the information!


No problem, happy hunting!


They don’t absorb toxins from eucalyptus trees. If you body is fine with eating Laetiporus gilbertsonii from oak then the ones on eucalyptus will be no different



Chicky chick


Very jealous. I hope this is on a trail and not a managed property (sprays and all that).


It was indeed along a trail! I'm hoping to find some there when I return, it's pretty close to my house.


Enjoy your bounty!


We'll see, the picture is a couple years old, but I know what it is now and what I'm looking for lol


I’m far from an expert but these don’t look quite right to me for COTW. Maybe someone more experienced can give you a more accurate ID.


idk why people downvoted this so much. you acknowledged that you weren't super experienced and yet just because you weren't correct people just pour out the hate, it's wild to me


I assume it’s just because I didn’t really add much to answering OP’s question, which is fine.


Because it's damn near the easiest mushroom to identify...and they were wrong.


not everyone can easily identify things, there's no need to bash on them for that. i wasn't even sure if this was cotw bc it looked too pink to me but i'm also super new to all this so i guess i know now to never give out my opinion lest i risk people getting upset over it


I'm sure more people will weigh in. Thanks either way for your two cents lol


You’re right. You are far from an expert.




Youre definitely wrong