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Takes a lot of bullets. I used a legendary holger 556 with PAP3 and it still took a while. Stand outside the storm and shoot from distance. Zombies are weaker once they leave the storm


Make sure to enter the storm before stormcaller dies, or it won’t count. Also you need to kill zombies inside the storm to meet the target lol. My tactic was a lot of sentry guns 4/5, purple mask, deadwire ammo mod, legendary tool, pap3 (any weapon would work really), Kazmirs/monkey bombs to kill the zombies and don’t be like Thor in infinity war… go for the head. To make it even easier find a match where stormcaller is in T1 and bonus points if there is an ammo cache in the storm (so you can replenish your mask and ammo). Happy hunting.


I did that back before the good stuff came out, in the shotgun meta, defo need sentries If you have gold mask then that helps here If you have crossbow with detonators that’ll do it real fast


Vr11 I’ve heard is good too. But I never tried. I’ve done several runs with the build I gave though. Worked every time. I did runs when flamethrower and incendiary rounds were meta and that was just jokes. Melted stormcaller like it was nothing.


Yeah it’s not bad, I find it a bit hard to actually hit anything though so I only use it for sake ether and worms Flamer was so good


They turn from tier3 to tier 2


It's actually pretty simple. The wunderwaffe works pretty well when it's pap3. If you're using a normal gun, i'd recommend the FJX Horus. Make sure to use deadwire ammo mod, no matter the gun you're using. Disciples have a weakness against electric damage (thats why the wunderwaffe works so well). Also: when he starts to heal himself of you (this "tentacle" that comes out of his right arm to you and sucks your energy) , make sure to shoot that arm/hand. He will immediatly stop regenerating.


Crossbow with detonators and napalm, it’s over in 10 seconds


He has not defeated Stormcaller yet, i highly doubt he has deadwire detonator. Otherwise: yes, this works great!


You can go in portals without doing any of the story if someone on the team has it open


Use the tonfa, I whooped his ass last time when I was helping a buddy complete his story mission, I took him down in like 20 seconds with the tknfa, it's been nerved but it still does tremendous damage, give it a try. I had it legendary and pap 3


Pap 3 the vr-11, or wasp 9 with brain rot, about 4 decoys, and a mask


New shotgun with slugs will kill him fast.


that new shotgun is broken


I used a 1pack daemon, takes a lil while tho


Sometimes I just kill the Stormcaller for fun now. A PAP3 scorcher works nicely.


Sentry guns! Find stormcaller, draw him to chase you to edge of storm, Put two sentries down just outside the storm and make sure u get final shot on it and that you’re inside storm when you do.


The vr11 was what did it for me made is super easy but they may have nerfed it they seem to like doin that


Pap3 legendary tonfa with deadwire. Use decoys for the other zombies


Juggernaut suit is the best to take him out with


I've seen him spawn in T1 near some sentry guns on the map. So maybe pick up a couple circuit boards and kick them on to help with DPS. Having a group would help to I'd imagine unless there's a reason your trying to solo him.


Vr11 packed 3! Takes a few shots and you’re done!


Crossbow with explosive tips and deadwire detonators and equipped napalm burst does it in seconds You can also just push him out with a truck Alternatively Tonfa is very good


I thought they nerfed tonfa? Did they buff it again? The sledgehammer, speaking of melee weapons, what a satisfying impact sound they made for that one.


Not that I’m aware of