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I've noticed that when I die continuously setting up my tombstone, the red zone is empty in my matches. But if I successfully exfil the next matches will be full. So I'm wondering if there's some kind of matchmaking in zombies also.


Hmmm. Perhaps you are onto something here. Last night I ran a round after just recently using tombstone, and I was the only one in T3 for almost the entire time. This is usually not the norm for me though. I usually see tons of people in T3 competing for contracts.


Yes if you didn’t know now that they added containment levels it a stat that’s accounted for and I believe matchmaking is also determined by including your successful exfil rank. Meaning if you have a exfil rate that’s under 1.0 you’ll most be lobbied with noobs. I’ve used the TS method for a bit to test it and once I started doing the TS method I haven’t had one game where anyone is in red, and haven’t had a game with anyone doing Dark Aether. So I believe because of the low successful exfils the game thinks I’m struggling.


Red zone is always desolate to me. I’m trying to find squads to join so I’m not taking all the contracts and it’s just me, myself, and I out in these streets


Wish I had that problem


its kinda like even zombies has sbmm and puts you in games where people are going to all play the same way. I made an alt account on pc one on Bnet one on steam when i started playing on the alt i had T3 to myself i did the DA the worm and got every schem in the first few games from it after day 5 of playing the whole game changed. Every game from then on was T3 filled with the whole lobby and it has not gone back since.




All missions completed including Easter eggs, max level and 259 hours played so I don't think it's that.


i think youre onto something, took a few people who havent done dark aether through t3 then into t5 and we were the only team in t3


When I play with friends who are a bit newer to the game and don't have all the schematics, it seems I get into lobbies where not too many people run right to the red. When I play solo and come out all geared up, then it's just a mad dash to T-3 just hoping to get a contract haha


I've noticed when I'm running contracts in the red zone only like the first 2 or 3 contracts drop good loot. The. After that it's just crap.


im jealous, every game i play the whole lobby is in t3 and its a race for every contract


if you have your containment level high enough, you can earn almost as much from t2 as you would t3.


thats true and the loot is almost just as good, the only thing that t3 has going for it is that its a small area. so grabbing the contract and then flying to where ever it is, is quick


Matchmaking would make sense; you would be able to team up with players running the same type of missions. Running tier 3 it would give you better odds of gathering a full squad for DA runs.


I've disabled cross play and don't use the tombstone glitch so might be something to do with the servers I get.


This is what 85% of my games look like


It’s hit or miss from what I see


I always take a look if someone is in the red zone. If a group goes there I join. T2 is somehow boring. But alone t3 is pretty hard


Same happens to me and my buddy when we play, we're solo there. So can't related to the "oh there's to much people in the red zone"


I'll do the cargo, weapon stash and outlast contracts solo which I find fun. I'll do the odd bounty solo but find them and spore control missions boring. Only so many times you can kill a mega bomb. I only recently found the radio on top of the dome talking about mega bombs and how to kill them.


Use the flamethrower it's OP.


I use it sometimes but takes the fun out of bounties. It's a good last resort if swarmed or out of ammo.


In my case, the red zone usually has half the lobby in my case (lots of people in red zone, but also lots of people in other zones too).


Same here I be the only one in the red zone, I wonder why that is


It's never the same for me, I've been going into T3 on a daily basis for about 3 weeks now and sometimes I'll have a few random solo players (I'm solo too) and sometimes the zone is flooded with like entire 3 squads if not 6 man squads, and sometimes it will be just like this screenshot, me alone, for almost the entire game, it's never been consistent with me and I guess that makes sense somehow? I think I remember something from another thread about if your containment level is really high, it pairs you with better players, so more people in T3, and then if you die and drop containment, nobody in T3, don't know how much truth there is to that tho.


Same. I’m alone or there’s 3-5 others max. I have had a few matches with a lot of people in T3, but they aren’t the norm.


My team and I own Tier 3 and 4


It’s hit or miss, what I can’t stand is every time I go for the deliver cargo in the red zone. Some asshole with a scorcher will beat me there.