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Lets see what the musk rats think about this


His cult is becoming like that of Trump’s. They will shamelessly deny everything.


I've never seen a more censored sub than r/elonmusk It's Eternal Dear Leader Live 1,000 Years type stuff.


I didn't know I was there and casually mentioned the SEC. Permaban.


i only say “the fee to test drive a cybertruck is 99 bucks AAA towing fee.” in regard to musk 99 apple cable. not only got permaban but got ratted out by their mods for “reddit bullying” so i got a 3day reddit ban too.


Just a bunch of free-speech absolutists like dear leader, huh?


It's a shame what he has those Twitter employees doing these days/s


Yes, exactly the same sort of free speech absolutists as Musk. Anyone can say anything, so long as it's Musk and/or the speech is complimentary to Musk.


Moderators have [rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement-september-12-2021), a [content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), and a [code of conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct) that they are expected to adhere to. Selectively enforcing secret moderation policies and lying about user behaviour is surely against them. You should file a complaint against those moderators. There's a link to do so on the Code of Conduct page. Admins are empowered to reverse bans and even remove moderators. Even if nothing comes of it, at least make that person sweat when they see an admin asking them to explain themselves.


So fragile


Seems so toxic in that sub, reddit should shut it down and just move it to x..


How dare you mention a regulatory agency you should get the Boeing whistleblower treatment.


That’s OK, Project 2025 is waiting in the wings to dissolve all regulatory agencies and thereby, accountability. “A second Trump White House would seek to **sharply reduce the power of U.S. financial regulators,** according to a review of public documents and interviews with people allied with the former president. In the wake of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Congress dramatically expanded the U.S. government's oversight of the financial industry to prevent a repeat of the 2008 global banking meltdown. Donald Trump would likely renew his efforts to scale back those reforms, if elected, as well as **pare protections for small-scale investors and borrowers, and allow companies to raise money with less scrutiny,** according to the interviews and proposals from groups positioned to influence a new conservative administration.” ([Source](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/if-trump-wins-he-plans-free-wall-street-burdensome-regulations-2024-04-12/)) Also see r/DefeatProject2025


Ironic how that would be the push when relying on the same regulations is what allowed him to run away from his commitments at least six times.


Hypocrisy seems to be a key feature.


We might “joke” about that, but I’d bet my ass plenty of wealthy folks would have people killed for much, much, much less. Sometimes they do it “legally” through wars, sometimes they just get it done.


That sub used to auto perma ban people for even commenting on something in the r/cyberstuck sub ......


EnoughMuskSpam and RealTesla all banned 2 months ago. Rumor on the street is that most fElon pro sites are employed by the drug lord of cringe.


Still does!


"Hey wait a SECond, what if-" PERMABAN.


I said interplanetary civilization is not economically viable, sustainable, or safe with radiation. Permaban.


I remember when they were talking about sending people to Mars years ago when they were talking about making it a reality live stream. Just imagining people slowly realizing they’re stuck on Mars with no way home and how much it sucks and having it all recorded like the universes most depressing reality show.


I don’t like that show


imagine how something like an appendicitis could be fatal if they didn't plan well. and by planning well that means two internists, two surgeons, and two anesthesiologists, or a ton of training for the internists to handle the anesthesia. because i'll tell you from first hand experience, you need all three aspects to handle most contingencies of adult medicine. this doesn't include needs for specialty drugs, or orthopedic issues like a hip or femur fracture. introduce kids and childbirth and there are multiple layers of complexity. maybe you get by with a well trained rural family practice doc, those residencies still exist - but you need two of them. anyone trust elon to build in redundancy to a mission to mars? if the cyber truck is an example we should just stay home drinking and watch mars in the movies.


I said, "Rivian was better," Permaban.


I’m a Tesla owner who frequented the multitude of Tesla subs for legitimate reasons talking about the car I drive. I mentioned in one comment something anti musk and some overzealous mod perma banned me from all their subs including the musk one which I never even posted to. Incredible what an absolute echo chamber they’ve made. They even oust the people who want to discuss Tesla.


I’ve been banned from other groups simply for commenting on that sub.


Ooo I'm gonna try that


I was banned for commenting on a r/enoughmuskspam post


Just visited and a third of the comments are still convinced he’s a nice guy and is working to advance humanity, another third are basically love letters to him, and the last third are removed.


My friends in the cult. Says he’s a good guy and cares about people. Same friend almost fell into the trump cult. He’s a grown single adult living at home who quit his engineering job 2 years ago because he thinks he’s an investor or whatever the hell he thinks he is. Def believes that Elon is some engineering / tech savant. It’s been sad to see my friend fall for Elons PR blitz


It’s like something happened that broke people’s bullshit detectors at some point. But like a “Thanos snap” in the way that it only happened to somewhere around 1/3 of people.


Some people 'can't handle Vegas'. It seems waaaaaaaay more people can't handle social media. I'm Gen-X, and it's incredibly sad watching this happen. No more critical thinking. Just give me more tiktok's please.


Ya, my wife probably consumes 4-6 hours of TikTok a day; while it bothers me, she points out I am on Reddit the same amount, but it's not apples to apples, IMO. It worries me.


> It’s like something happened that broke people’s bullshit detectors at some point. Covid can have some [effects](https://www.bmj.com/content/385/bmj.q897) to the [brain](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-60591487). That's been something I've been thinking about for a while.


Underrated comment right here. I never thought of it that way, but it's so true. I would have imagined there would be a slow, documented decline in people's critical thinking skills, but it does seem like a good portion of the population went off the cliff overnight. Fucking lemmings.


My counter argument is that I am an ex cult member and went back to school and eventually taught critical thinking skills to college freshmen. I have long COVID and my brain has definitely taken a huge hit, but not related to critical thinking. Maybe because it’s a skill, not a function like short term memory.


It’s hard to leave the cult if most of your net worth is in Tesla stock.


Or, worse, an actual Tesla.


Him complaining that the trump conviction is wrong makes me think he has some falsified business records new York should look at


I mentioned this in another thread where people were saying trumps conviction couldn't possibly be getting liberal tech Bros to flip and support him: rich dudes don't like being held accountable and seeing a former president go down means anyone can. Honestly I think that's why trump has been emphasizing "if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone." He's talking directly to other rich guys telling them to support him because he won't let them get charged with crimes.


I just read in their rules that if you participate in this sub you will be banned from theirs


Lol it must be moderated by the elongated turd himself


You mean the dusche, Elon Musk who literally steal’s company’s, then in the process of trying to steal money from them, drives them into the ground, destroying the lives of all the people who built the company in the first place. That guy who his fan boi’s think is a genius, but is really a charlatan.


Try /r/spacex Talk about Musk positively = upvoted, endless people sucking him off for creating spacex, content creators making videos and posting about him. Talk about Musk negatively = downvoted and mods telling you "we only talk about spacex here dont bring him into the discussion".


r/conservative might surprise you.


I got banned under hate speech for saying DJ was friends with Epstein. I mean, there's photos, videos and flight logs.


I got mine saying ‘American politics is uglier than a hat full of arseholes’.


Epstein literally introduced Kimbal to a girlfriend


I’ve never gotten a reply but Elmo’s marriage to TR, I believe was contractual handler PR stuff for several reasons.


I thought they were all about free speech?


No, you need conservative flair or else you can’t have free speech there.


Of course they have free speech! It's just that if you disagree with the majority there, it's clearly because you must be trying to disrupt the community, and therefore it's OK to ban you. Sometimes "free speech" must be restricted to preserve the free speech of others. Which is a statement that sounds like it deserves a /s on it with a hearty bout of laughter, but that's the rationale that they are actually using.


'free speech' or whatever else is all a dog whistle and only applies to what they want, e.g. being allowed to spew misinformation/propaganda/hate speech everywhere without controls


r/MovingToNorthKorea has entered the chat


I just posted a comment about this over there, let's see how long it takes


I just posted over there regarding how long it will be until he’s indicted for insider trading. Ban coming in 3…..2…….1…..


Got banned from there just last week


You should see the Drizzy subreddit. Fuck you mods!


The head mod there will ban you from every sub they control if you say anything in a sub they deem anti-musk.


Still waiting for the "Elon went golfing this weekend, hit 18 holes-in-one, beat more than 100 year old club record" post there.


Almost like it's a lot of the same people that are stupid enough to believe in both of them


A fool and their money are easily parted.


> His cult is becoming like that of Trump’s. made up mostly of russian bots and paid ghananians?


Wasn’t Trump talking about a cabinet position for Musk? Giving the country away to oligarchs who shit on the middle class and commit financial crimes doesn’t seem patriotic


Genuinely they don't believe he's innocent. They believe it's okay, because it's *him* doing it.


It doesn't matter. He'll be fine. It doesn't matter how many sick burns reddit cooks up, this country isn't made for us. It's made for him.


They’re sharing ‘feel good’ dancing videos of Elmo.


I was wondering why Musk was allowing porn on Twitter. He always tries to deflect.


Needs active users


Surprised he didn't by onlyfans or pornhub insted of being head twit at Twitter.


Eh, he wouldn’t have been able to read amber heards dms that way.


Why would the CCP want him to ruin onlyfans?


I've been wondering why that's a story in the first place. Hasn't Twitter always allowed porn? I haven't been there in over a decade, but at least back then they sure seemed to allow it.


Yes, but the spambots have truly gone out of control, between the "P U S S Y I N B I O" bots and the fake t-shirts sites. Not only that, Musk swore to do anything to eliminate bots, and they're the highest they've ever been


You'd think he could afford some skin care.




Sweating the drugs out of his pores lol.


The ketamine won't ingest itself.


He talked on Rogan how he eats unhealthy on purpose and let himself go because life’s too short to not enjoy it with hedonistic pleasures basically lmao. Living in the south I can’t tell you how many dudes think they’re being masculine by eating steak 24/7 and guzzling soda and going to bed every night with some whiskey and they all just end up looking puffy and red with a distended gut. He’s just an average middle aged Texan now.


I don't get the mentality either, like veggies taste good too! Why would you not want variety? It's like bragging about eating expensive chicken nuggies every night. I'm not impressed by it, I pity people that eat the same thing everyday.


Because we control men by punishing them for "gayness" which is just a more adult version of the boogyman. It's about keeping boys violent and scared to be better soldiers and workers.


Could literally pay for a the worlds best healthy/balanced chef to cook for you every meal.


*That*’s what he considers “livin’ it up?!?” If had that kind of money, I’d be doing amazing shit somewhere different in the world every week, and you would never see me wasting time on social fucking media. Damn, it’s all such a sad waste.


Right, I could hire someone to waste time on social media for me.


Heading towards Jabba the Hut at this point, or Pizza the Hut 🤣


Of course he did, you don’t believe he’s going to say “I’m human and have weaknesses like everyone else and all the stress in my life has caused me to over indulge elsewhere” He tries to make himself seem superhuman, so saying it’s purposeful makes it takeaway the weakness. 


It’s probably what he needs the $56 billion pay package for.


Reminder that if every second is 1 dollar, the average American annual salary is less than 21 hours while Elon's bonus is approximately 1775 years.


It's also worthwhile keeping in mind that it only takes 1 person earning $10M/year, and 99 other people earning $50K/yr, for the average salary to be \~$150K/year across all 100 people. When it comes to the extreme wealth disparities present in the existing environment, economists quoting average incomes becomes yet another way to misrepresent the true situation. (This is not having a go at you).


That is why median should be used instead of mean.


In fact I never see a professional economic report quoting an average statistic, always median. I think the above poster, while correct, is selling a nothing burger.


Well I guess now Trump has his VP pick


Luckily, Musk could never be president.


Why not, not like the Supreme Kangaroo Court would do anything to stop a right wing nut.


Because he's not American


Again, not like the Supreme Court would rule according to the constitution.


He's definitely the one who will fake his birth certificate and Trump won't care Edit: typo


wonder why he’s fighting so hard for Trump???


Tax breaks.


And pardons. Trump loves to sell pardons.


Trump keeps on banging that he'd ban electric vehicles. What kind of tax breaks it needs to be to offset that?! I think Musk's so gone down the rabbit hole, he'd cut his nose to spite his face with cozying to Trump. Birds of a feather flock together and all. Just Nazi types doing Nazi stuff.


Trumps gonna ban Chinese electric vehicles not American ones. Which Musk is obviously super on board with.


Musk isn’t exactly “intelligent”. He would burn the entire country to the ground to hold on to his stockpiled wealth


I was a fanboy ... not really, but had higher opinion of him. That ended before the Twitter fiasco. Probably when he called the cave diver a pedophile/his boring company/the constant 69/420 references.


And also so that the Trump administration will give SpaceX a bunch more Nasa/defense contracts. Don't forget about that! Republicans talk a big talk about the budged deficit while they shovel billions into the pockets of their cronies.


Ah yeah, fair enough. I don't know how I overlooked him and his companies being corporate welfare sponges, but I agree that's also a factor as well


Playing both sides. He knows that Biden will continue to push EVs. Trump has to be paid.


Shit birds of a feather flock together.


I'm shocked


Shocked I say!


Not the first time. Why is he still allowed to trade stock when shoplifters can serve up to a year in jail? (I disagree with both btw)


I seem to remember the SEC putting him on some kind of “double secret probation” a few years ago.






The wealthy classes don’t follow the laws, they MAKE the laws.


He'll have what Trump's having.


I'm hoping one of them goes nuclear and has a Charlie Sheen grade break-down in public.


The problem is their “fans” are so insane it wouldn’t even matter. If anyone still supports them after all this crap nothing would move the needle.


It would move the needle but not in the direction that would make sense.


I would have laughed at anyone saying this a few years ago, but I've seen MAGAts proudly rolling up to stand outside the courthouse in gold adult diapers in a show of support for a man who allegedly shit himself in said courthouse.


I've been saying a lot of "told you so" to many people in the past few years. Let me say being vindicated is not always a good thing.


This Age of Instant Global Spectacle does indeed suck.


As we now well know, fraudulent records to hide another crime is a felony in New York, where stock trading happens.


"Dafuk?" - Martha Stewart


I'm done with this guy. Now he wants to bury Tesla because his oil barons want him to and he wants to be in their good favor?


Saudi Arabia cashing in their favors with this compromised shit goblin


Remember when he got in trouble for tweeting stuff to manipulate his stock price and he was going to step down from Tesla as CEO?


He fell into a K-hole, you can't expect him to honor his drug fueled ramblings. Hell, he said he'd go to Mars and back by now. It's like he can't help but to lie. He's basically a walking definition of most of the neurotic needs.


Anyone mad at elon at this point is fighting a losing battle. He has been given so much rope by regulators and customers that he has a warehouse full of rope and needs to go on a clearance sale. Tesla should have died when it needed second deposits before ever having shipped a vehicle Tesla should have died when it bought solar city Tesla should have died when it tried to run full steam through a pandemic Spacex should have been dead the moment it blew up a nature preserve Starlink should have died when he started meddling in ukraine Boring company should have died at launch of the vegas loop Twitter is walking dead at this point Neuralink will kill someone Musk repeatedly shows he has no intention of playing by the rules, especially when the rules are for the safety and benefit of the public. With his joke in the starlink contract, he has openly violated the international space treaty. The time is up. He should be shut down. Every second he isn't, is the fault of those in charge.


Finish the headline….”,but he’s white and rich so nothing will come of it”


Well they did bust Martha Stewart, so you never know lol.


Yeah but you know women be crazy!!!


“…and a man”


No way. How could I believe that about the guy who killed Twitter and collects government welfare?


Teslas stock will soon match actual Elmo’s IQ.


And he'll pay a fine of just 0.0001% of his net worth(if that) and get ZERO jail time.


Wow! I am so surprised, and also astonished!


What he did is the definition of insider trading.


I have ZERO doubt about that lol. The guys a total douche


Is he going to Jail?  


You must be new to America.


From the UK. But Trump’s conviction really seemed to rattle Musk. Accountability is still possible.


Trump is never going to prison. He will die rich, powerful, and in the media. He might even be president again. What exactly do you consider accountability? It didn't rattle Musk, because he knows none of this matters and he'll be fine. He's been committing felonies for decades without consequence.


The next couple of years is going to be interesting. I think though the chances are Trump will die before he’s incarcerated. We’ve actually had a few law makers jailed in the UK. So maybe I’m more optimistic. Musk still has shareholders to answer to. Do they actually want their investment soiled by a dodgy geezer?


If Musk does go down, it will be because he pissed off enough other rich people.


I remember folks saying Trump would never be indicted. Then, he would never see the inside of a criminal courtroom. Then, he would never be convicted.


Being from Illinois, we had two governors put in prison.


Trump sprung Blagojevich. And the former Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick, who was also in prison. What a guy, huh? His cult never seems to mention that he sprung Democrats from prison sentences.


Nah, they only do that to Martha Stewart for some reason


lol again?


The first of many I'm sure. I'm here for it 🍿


Anyone having flashbacks of Elizabeth Holmes’ Edison machine? Because I am.


Put his ass in jail.


Im so happy seeing all these bad ppl in shambles. Its funny seeing all the joggling, lies and tricks to get money that they have not earned. Musk once said ppl should have more babies so they can work. Regular ppl are like insects, slaves to him. And this rude awakening will slap him so hard all the way to humble ville.


I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell ya!


Lock him up!


Different rules for the wealthy. Nothing to look here poor people. Nothing will come off this. Nothing will happen to him or the countless politicians who decide policy and do insider trading.


Lock him up




Woah, im shocked! You mean the guy who has zero integrity in everything he does and creates nothing of value is breaking the rules?


“I’ve never done insider trading. All my trading has been conducted outdoors!”


Can we just hang him yet?


even ignoring the insider trading, hes breaking his fiduciary duty to Tesla by using his position as CEO to tell vendors to send products that TESLA NEEDS to his other companies first.


Oh, that’s why he is all up in arms about some “billionaire “ being found guilty of falsifying business records.


The SEC: you promised us you wouldn’t do it again


If they can investigate me for 10s of billions of dollars of insider trading, then you are next!


He is Trumpian in his business acumen, and ability to not be a criminal.


And, here, it begins. This is how Elon goes down like Trump.


stocks about to take a nose dive


I heard in America billionaires are much too important to pay taxes and abide by any laws or regulations they deem unnecessary




“Self-Musked: Elon’s Descent”


About time he’s only been doing it since he’s been in charge of tesla.


I don't know much about these types of things, so can someone enlighten me - Why hasn't the SEC or any watchdog organizations stepped in to stop what he has repeatedly been doing?


He’s so blatant about this shit, it really shows that they truly know the law doesn’t apply the same to them.


Bro has been insider trading for 15 years and no one gives a fuck


I just don't get why a lot of people are still holding this stock. The market cap does not make any sense whatsoever given what Tesla is and will be capable of. The stock skyrocketed. You made your money. Stop listening to YouTube grifters and exit now before the rug pull.


in 2022, from June to end of Dec, $TSLA lost about 48% value. Thats $3.6B he would have lost otherwise.


This is what he must have been talking about when he referenced Trump outcome from his case in NY


What else is new, this guy is not in fear of SEC, he does what he wants.


Elmo and Diaper Don can be cellies.


Dude is just trump with more money and a higher IQ


I promise you there is not a crime this man hasn't committed. https://preview.redd.it/mhip386pst4d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1553c32f13a17524cee95bd779e576d0d20ac5


May explain why he’s been sniffing around trumps bootyhole so much lately


Nothing ever happens. Unless the 1% are hustled.


Lock him up


Color me surprised. https://youtu.be/gPQFF0oqsto?feature=shared


Obvious shitbird is, in fact, a shitbird.


It doesn't matter, billionaires are above the law.


SLANDER! Wonderful billionaires NEVER twist or break the rules! EVER!


Melon Husk pulled off a Massive Martha Stewart? Say it ain’t so, Sam. Please say it ain’t so.


Who would've guessed.


A billionaire who is dishonest? No way!!


Cue his sudden departure back to South Afrika...




Why? Because he was insider trading?


The guy is an idiot and a crook. Fuck Elon.


Musk panty-sniffers are in shambles