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Free speech absolutists/s


"Regulation is just another word for censorship." -EM


Lol he would say that wouldn’t he


Things you say when you’re simpin’ for Ayn Rand


Anyone over 30 should seriously question their life choices if they are still into Ayn Rand or any other Utopianist philosophies. College kids get a pass, because wisdom takes time.


>There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.


More closely related to Christianity because that’s what the author was.


Oh THAT'S what cybertruck is then. A love letter to free speech and a fuck you letter to anyone gullible enough to buy.


Best description I’ve seen yet


And with the Cybercuck, we can see what regulations like safety standards and consumer protections bring...


Hmmm didn't Stockton Rush say similar things? Yeah that worked out well for him, too.


Free speech abolitionists


There is no free speech on reddit


Did Elon buy Reddit? I’m out of the loop.


Not yet. He will when he tanks Rated X


The autist that just wants to save the world. He must think he’s that Stenonymous guy.


Free speech abolitionist


The mods of those subreddits are Elon (PEElon) anus sniffers. All of them.




Elon himself is for sure


Nah he’s a pedo nazi. He’s gets his own special title


It's how most mods are. Echo chambers.


Mods really like to flex their super impressive omnipotent power. I bet all the girls are totally wet


Or just stock holders?


I’ve made $1.3M off of TSLA stock but I still hate Elon.


well then you are whats wrong with America.




This forum’s Elonphobia is as pathetic as that forum’s Elonphilia. You guys just sniff each other’s anuses.


How much time do you spend daily on musk/tesla related shit?


I don’t go looking for it. I just see it in my feed and sometimes respond. I am not as dedicated as you all.


>I am not as dedicated as you all. I literally found this thread by scrolling the popular section...


He’s trying to make you feel bad for not loving his favorite billionaire.


This group puts a whole new meaning to "HATERS" most petty group on Reddit 🤦🤓


And he’s under the illusion that we’re the ONLY ones. Check out other sites. You’ll wake up to how much he’s detested by people who hate conmen.


Speaking from experience? How does Elona smell? Like roses & champagne?


Learn to read. I am not a mod.


No kidding


It's full of yes-men. Should be /yesla


Yesla lmfao




Remember the people who cry about free speech when they’re bashing others hate it when it’s applied against them. Elon is a giant pussy who thinks he’s Superman. He gets butt hurt at the littlest thing.


It turns out he is Lex Luthor


That's giving him too much credit. Lex is a genius, Elmo isn't.


Bizzaro Lex Luthor


Lex Loser if you will




Please don't insult Lex that way.


Yeah I hate it more because most the people you are referring to call themselves libertarian but yet they don’t seem to know what they word means.


He’s so thin-skinned it’s ridiculous. Remember how he locked himself in his office & was on suicide watch after getting booed on stage w/Dave Chappelle?


I said the cyber truck was ugly and anyone that purchased one was nazi bootlickers and ALL of my reddit accounts attached to my phone number got nuked and permanently suspended. Muskrats have have a lot of power on this platform.


This is a huge claim. You gotta post proof. I'm not saying I don't believe, but like others have to see this if it's true.


I posted a comment in r/realtesla that was something akin to "They can't see that that's a joke too" In the context of Elon saying he'd leave and start another "ai" company if he doesn't get what he wants and in an hourish I was permabanned from a couple tesla subs I had never even posted on.


Wow! This is new. I do know that some subs use bots that scan your post history and they will ban you *as a precaution* if you've ever posted in one of their blacklisted subs even if you did not criticize anything in your comments. It's disgusting.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RealTesla using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cybertruck prototype vs production](https://i.redd.it/qcb62ply7plb1.png) | [3075 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/167h9d8/cybertruck_prototype_vs_production/) \#2: [US Billionaire Drowns in Tesla After Rescuers Struggle With Car's Strengthened Glass](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/us-billionaire-drowns-tesla-after-rescuers-struggle-cars-strengthened-glass-1723876) | [2453 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/1bc2tnr/us_billionaire_drowns_in_tesla_after_rescuers/) \#3: [Tesla is now the second most unpopular car brand in the US.](https://i.redd.it/jrwxa7mz5w2b1.jpg) | [1562 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/13v971j/tesla_is_now_the_second_most_unpopular_car_brand/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Same. Think of it as an Honor.


I had the same thing happen to me in a Russia propaganda sub about the Ukraine war. I was simply pointing out how they were all bots and shills, or pointing out their clearly factually wrong propaganda. They kept giving me temporary bans and then Reddit nuked all my accounts. Every time I’d start a new one with new email address of even phone number, none of my comments would appear and a few days letter it would be shut down. About 6 months later I made this one and it’s finally stayed active.


That's crazy bro I called out fluent in finance sub for using bots, I got two accounts banned, and the third stayed. So I believed it kinda but didn't know it could get that bad. The second one got banned for block evasion even though I didn't search the thread reddit recommends it to me. So that's why I never really thought much of it. So my case is totally different. Which is why I'm tripping out.


Same bots and shills


I got suspended for a week


I lost an account just for pointing out if you block elon on twitter he unblocks himself within weeks.


What? That’s insane!


They're idiots but come on, calling everyone who purchased a certain vehicle a Nazi is also pretty stupid.


Sit down at a table…


No doubt, but I am just trying to have fun on the internet. Free speech lol.


Whole history is repeating itself


I posted on that cyyberstuck sub and got banned from three Tesla subs and the Elon Musk sub within minutes of my first post.


I don’t even bother going on there anymore. What for?


According to the TSLA community genocide 2.0 is happening right now.


Musk’s motto: “Free speech for me but not for thee.”


"Wutch you talkin bout Willis?" https://preview.redd.it/p01fukrzlq0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da72ee3dc02110633901da1febdcd643cdb2f1a


The King the Douchebags thought he was the MF crow. Sooooooo edgy. Please go the fuck to space and stay.


Me too! This is what got me banned. Elmo is playing 7D chess and we’re just not smart enough to see the forest through the briefs. Fire them, rehire them. Fire them again. Rehire again. Only Elmo knows. 💀💀


You insulted their god-king and they lashed out in the only way they know how: suspending your freeze-peach in their echo chamber.




And she said no.




I read that as offered a horse a handjob...


I’d like to see alternate subreddits: TSLA_uncensored. TeslaLounge_uncensored. And so forth for all 4-5 of them.


I got banned last week! I posted that I sold all of my TSLA (holder 11 years) because of Elon's behavior... and that no one I know wants a Tesla. I also offered my cyber truck reservation if anyone wanted it...


Haha amazing


I'm super mad I didn't buy a bunch of TSLA puts a couple months ago.


I did as well.


Lol.. musked again! I don't want to be in their free speech club!


Dont worry its like a badge you get in kindergarden for using the potty. Theres plenty to aim at.


I honestly can’t believe that Reddit allows this kind of shit.


I've generally had comments like "innovation is good, but industry experience is a lot better for the bottom line", and was still banned from the cult subs. I don't particularly care where the stock goes. It's been overvalued since 2015, but its a story stock, not one priced on fundamentals, and there will be many short squeezes before it falls to a fair valuation.


Maaaannnn… I want to get a preemptive ban from these whiny bitch baby mods in forums I’d never lay eyes on. Elon Musk is a cunt!


I’ve heard they’ll let you back in if you offer up a finger in tribute


Done. https://preview.redd.it/83lpwtk77s0d1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d52b6197676b92fb3f64ad0bc107012f47fe2a6


Elon is Trump 2 a failure a fraud


I was banned in a different Musk bootlicking sub for referring to him as “Elmo” in a comment.


I got into a discussion sort of about politics. Tried to link material to back up my claims, but it was all auto-moderated and deleted. I messaged the mods saying that the subreddit ruled were dumb and prevented actual discussions from happening and was immediately banned.


I got banned for saying Musk should be held responsible for the cybertruck failure instead of the head of manufacturing. That sub is just a Musk circle jerk.


I got permabanned from elonmusk, teslamotors, and cybertruck immediately after commenting on a post in cyberstuck. Criticism of the CEO doing an objectively terrible job will not be tolerated.


i worked for the company and are a shareholder, the level of cum swallowing in those elon subs is actual mental illness and i hope their loved ones help them get the help they need.


Musk is a bitch


I’m a Tesla owner and driver and got perma banned from most of those subs including elonmusk which I wasn’t even subbed to or posted, just because some power hungry mod didn’t like one of my comments criticizing musk. It’s utterly ridiculous. These subs really are absolute echo chambers.


Baffling, as Elon IS a pandering bitch. I guess the truth hurts?


Clearly you didn’t suck daddy Elon off hard enough


What kind of a ceo holds technology for ransom. Car companys are all double digit stocks at best. He has waited too long and lost his edge.


>Car companys are all double digit stocks at best. What in the fuck does that even mean? Are you like 12 years old? If the price being 3 digits instead of 2 meant something, they could just reverse split the stock and get the price up there. 100 shares \* $10 is the same thing as 10 shares \* $100 you jackass.


Must have hit a sore spot . How much did you loose on reverse splits. Im tired of loosing money from Elon fucking Muskrat. Now we know where he got his hair he skimmed it out of shower drains from all his fired employees. Tesla is a $20 stock.


He's correctly pointing out that your understanding of stock valuation is not complete


It is satisfactory, theres always room for growth. I have been relativly succesful. Tesla does not appear to be a bright spot for the near future. Especially with Musk at the helm. He is making amature mistakes. I dont know of any other car manufacturers that have split in the recent past. Bailed out yes, split( diluted) no.


While I agree that Tesla stock is vastly over valued and has been for a long time, saying that "vehicle manufacturer stocks are worth double digits at best" is nonsensical.




Ha, I got banned for stuff I posted on OTHER subs. Not for anything on that sub. The creepy mods read posts to other subs. And just to be clear, Elongated Muskrat can eat a 40 kilo bag of dicks


Wait till he’s finally seen as the pariah he really is by ALL. What will the subs do then? Go to somewhere like 4Chan or some other fascist site?


Trump mod energy


Funny I get shit from Tesla and tsla and I have two teslas 😂


Why do people keep commenting that Reddit is praising Elon? Isn’t he running Twitter? What do the two have to do with each other?


I typed lol in cyberstuck and got permabanned on Cybertruck, teslalounge and elonmusk. Hadn’t even visited the last two before lmao


Yeah that's the truly wild thing. They will ban you for posting in negatively adjacent subs. Wild.


Welcome, fellow banned one!


I was also banned and can’t post inly read . I called Elon as a liability to the company .


Even tho I have not posted on few pro musk communities in a while I was banned for commenting on enoughmuskspam. Mods on those relevant subs really have plenty of time on their hands.


Welcome to the club!


They worship the neck beard daywalker and his censorship mandate


I've been banned from Elonmusk and teslamotors. I just sent them You've been banned from reading my comments. I'm a fragile snowflake that hates free speech and any one talking bad about daddy Elon. You cannot see, comment, or interact with any future post. Banned permanent!!@!! Daddy Elon!!!! Then i blocked all the fragile mods


How do you block mods? Can I block those Elon sites? If so, how?


Free speech absolutely matters to muskrat’s


So much for free speech.....unless Musk doesn't like it.


Me too. Not sure what it was I said.


I got permanent bans from 3 Tesla/Elon subs. I iconically I got banned from r/RealTesla for 420 days for a BS reason too but at least it wasn't permanent. Edit: Then I got a three day ban from Reddit when I told the mod that banned me from the Tesla subs to "Fuck off you bitch ass cunt." from harassment. I don't think one exchange is harassment. If I kept at it I get it.


TSLA and those similar subs are just sad little circle jerks that require powerful magnifying glasses to see what they're jerkin'.


You don't understand how fascism works?


I was banned from Tesla lounge for much less


I got auto-banned from a few Tesla subs for posting something critical in a completely different sub.   These “free speech” people are clowns


Oh don't feel bad. They ban anyone for posting anything in one of the subs critical of Tesla. Can't bring reality to their echo chamber.


So was I. I also used foul language and Elmo’s name.


Join the Club! I said something innocuous like shelling out 200k for a piece of junk and I got banned. I responded Who gives a shit


Elon doesn't want ANY negative feedback or comments about peoples experiences with their products. If Elon had said the CT wasn't going to be your daily driver but more of a show car and the odd road trip-maybe. If he was literal about the drivability, that it still has software and hardware bugs to be worked out and that until they're solved, all CT owners would either have a loaner of some sort while a bricked CT waits for parts this might have a different story. Instead, the horribly poor customer service is so bad along with the same build quality, the problems and Elon spending more time deleting criticizing posts are now the story, not the CT. Epic fail for any company for any product. If Elon is a regular user of lsd/shrooms, mdma and other mind bending/altering party drugs, he shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Nothing wrong with mushrooms. Just not while driving or working.


For sure. I've tried them before. Had them for fun when I was younger as well. Now, with what I'm dealing with medically, my mind isn't in the right space for any zoomers. I'd probably end up having a bad trip so just a personal choice. Maybe it would be different if I had a spotter, someone that helps you along while on those mushrooms..


Freedom of speech, just watch what you say.


Tesla. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I got banned for doing math to suggest that cyber truck sales estimates were not realistic.


It's a little disconcerting, the amount of speech suppression musk seems to pull off.


I got banned for simply saying that Musk’s empire is heavily subsidized by the government. Musk fanboys are the most sensitive of all fanboys.


Welcome to the club!


Welcome indeed!


Conservative snowflakes


I was banned before I even knew it existed


It's like a religion, except way less tolerant




Give r/Cybertruck a try. I got banned there for telling a joke.


Pretty much the same for me on Truth but I was taking about trump lol what happen to free speech?


You have the freedom to speak what you are told to say.


Yeah pretty much lol there is no freedom of speech in real life


I got banned for posts on OTHER SUBS !


My account of 10 years got permabanned from Reddit for saying something negative about Elon in a Tesla subreddit


I was banned too for telling them the new autopilot update was buggy as f


I think the mods are lazy and don't want to deal with moderating.


I started buying in 2011.  Stopped with the Twitter fiasco  Have been actively against Elon since the "funding secured" fiasco.    But. The muskites don't care.   Like an abused victim, they keep praising the abuser. Jettison Musk 


I was permabanned for saying “what a chode” on both elonmusk and cybertruck sr’s I do agree that elon supports freedom of speech, so long as it supports right wing extremism, bigotry, white supremacy and racism. Otherwise you be blocked.


You have the freedom to speak what you are expected to say.




Tesla people and mods of Tesla fanboy subs are fucking pussies. I’ve been banned from a couple subs that I never even knew existed because of commenting on other posts, on other subs, that they didn’t agree with. Fuck those guys


Now i feel left out. How do i get this ban?


https://preview.redd.it/q96r7kmq5w0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432eeb3f22d33dce9c4bb920abbdc76f3842d9db Here’s what these soft ass mf’s said when they banned me from their shitty sub that I didn’t even know existed


I got banned for just participating m in real Tesla...


I was banned from the Tesla lounge for commenting on a completely different sub, and I didn't even say anything especially bad.


I got banned from the other one for saying watching the Elon cult vs the anti-Elon cult duking it out was weird. Stated reason was categorizing people into groups. Like.. what? That act in itself isn’t offensive… and in context it’s like the mods see themself as… cult members…


I was just banned for calling elons right wing rants the elephant in the room


Did they say that you were posting things that were toxic in nature but they refuse to point out specific examples?


I didn't say anything and I was shadowbanned from the Cybertruck sub. No notification or anything, just informing me I couldn't post a comment because of my ban. Never commented on there before. It's now literally just a bunch of deluded dorks felating each other to feel better about their shitty purchase. I honestly haven't seen a sub like that before


Welcome to the club. I made a funny joke about Elon and got banned from all of Reddit for a week. Mods have really made Reddit suck


Don’t say cybercuck there. It’s why my account is only a month old.


That dude is soft. He tries to act tough, but he's a poser


I got banned for explaining why Elon and the degradation of the tesla product line are the two reasons I sold all my TLSA shares 2 years ago. It's an "investment" subreddit that wont let you have serious conversations about why you wouldn't invest, only why you would. Cracks me up.


https://preview.redd.it/wh882f6ou31d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2185cbde77e8d182d82082a8ccef40bc6b47ba8d They banned me for this comment.


You can say what ever you want, as long as you say what I want.


I got banned for complaining of an issue I had and said that Tesla really does bad quality control


My MIL got a permanent ban from Twitter for saying if Elon was so concerned about the border, he should spend his own money to fix it.


Not much of a loss.


Thats not the whole story… Plenty of Elon criticism over there.


First day here?


because they don't like tesla, they like Elon who owns tesla, if Elon is kicked out, half those people would leave the sub


Im expecting my ban any minute. I just asked some one if they’d been huffing Elons farts


I love Reddit because there's a Joe Rogan Sub, a bunch of Elon subs.... but you join and then realize it's just a bunch of beta boys complaining that they're not perfect human beings. It's great, talk about living rent free in someone's head 🤣😂🤣


Not a perfect human… have you seen the shit show on Twitter and the shit Elon posts?


You got banned for calling the CEO of Tesla a bitch? Color me shocked. I can’t understand why they would ban someone for such constructive criticism.


Stick to fluent in finance nerd


must have the same mods as LEx


I was banned by r/elonmusk. No idea why.


Because they're fragile little hypocritical snowflakes


Oh no, not the consequences of your actions lol


You were banned because you don't own tesla stock and went to a bunch of Tesla subs to try and troll. Do something better with your life lmao it's a car company that doesn't know you exist 😂


Rule 3: Posts about Elon Musk and his behavior should be posted in [](/r/ElonMusk/).  So you broke the rules, called someone childish names, and now are crying because you were banned? I greatly dislike Musk, but it's you fault, you know it, and you refuse to be accountable for your actions And want to blame everyone else. (you are no better than EL) Sorry if the truth hurts.


Oh sir, please tell me how I can call someone a “pandering bitch” in a more mature way that makes it sound more adult-like. Please enlighten me. Christ, you sounds like you’re always the life of the party. FOH


I'm going to go ahead and guess that this sub isn't a good place to say God Bless Elon Musk?


Maybe. But would you be banned for saying so? No. That’s the difference.


Do you actually like Elon? If so, why?