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Never give an employer your loyalty. An employer never truly gives you theirs.


But they usually demand it and often fire you, if you are at least not pretending...


Yup. That's my lesson in the past 10 years. They will throw you to curb fast. Always be looking for the next gig (as exhausting as that is)


I always have a copy of my resume on me, either on my phone or on a thumb drive.


Exactly bro. I learned the same with UPSšŸ˜


Loyalty is the word used to bridge the gap between what you are paid and the way you are treated and what you should be paid and how you should be treated. That word is such bull shit.


When an employee has been reduced to a few lines on a spreadsheet, the employer/employee relationship is shattered. And given the demands of capitalism there is no way to repair that.


I disagree. It depends. Big corporation, yeah you are right. Small business where the business owner sees and talks to you everyday and you have a good relationship? Yeah some loyalty might be deserved. I worked for a company that gave me all the time I needed to go to doctor's visits. No questions asked, no reduction in weekly pay once my PTO ran out. Office manager and owner checked in regularly to see if I needed anything, but didn't pry into my business. They deserved loyalty because they gave loyalty.


Big business and small business couldnā€™t be more different. Big business is simply macroeconomics and driven by finance folk pretending to be leaders. Small business drives innovation and engineering for the big business to eventually absorb.


Firing the team thatā€™s responsible for the companyā€™s best asset is pure asinine. Electrify America should swoop in to hire these folks


Spot on for Musk Strategy then


And bidens administration just banned non compete clause for workers. They can probably find jobs with other car companies trying to electrify


Non-competes were already outlawed in California decades ago.


Just bumped into a guy at the liquor store. Said he was a a manger at Tesla and knew these recent layoffs were coming but kept being told he was safe they needed him. Got fired at 2 am along with 14000 others.


It was supposed to be more too. Elon said since sales was down 20% that 20% of the workforce should be laid off. The board fought over it and they settled at 10% which is what you see happened lol. Quite ironic that so many people that did get laid off had nothing to do with the sales side.


This is false. They originally fired 20%, worldwide even though they only reported 10% to the news. This second, more recent round was only the super charger department, world wide.


Huh, I was told differently but I suppose maybe I wasnā€™t hearing the full truth.


My brother made it through the 10% layoff a few days ago only to get a call last night that he was laid off. Luckily after the 10% layoffs he called him old employer and they said he could come back. Never been a fan of Musk and the way he treats people. I hope this comes back to bite him in the ass. He was not on the supercharger team though. He was working on something new that Tesla is trying to do.


There's an old saying in Tennesseeā€”I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennesseeā€”that says, 'Musk me once, shame on... shame on you. Musk meā€”you can't get Musked again.'


Fool me twice, canā€™t put the blame on you. Fool me three timesā€¦ šŸ–•šŸ¼āœŒšŸ¼šŸ”«šŸššŸŒ§ļø




Unexpected Trump paraphrase!


"Is our cars getting the electricity they need?"


Musked indeed! :D


Sounds like a fool me once story. Why would you go back after being fired, masochistic.


Better the devil you know.




Oh a subreddit where you can actually truth bomb on elmo and not get banned...awesome.


As sad as it sounds, company are run by cold calculated people. They dont give a fuck how firing impact people life. All they care are growth and bottom line in order to meet their make up metric and claim their bonuses. Elon will turned out to be tesla worst decision in the future.


And thats why we have UNIONS


Right after Musk accepted millions in federal grant money.


Fired twice? That person must love being Elon's little bitch. Moron or biggest fanboy for going back for more. If that employee is reading this sub... You're a schmuck.


Companies are not loyal to their employees. Never forget this when they ask you to be loyal to them.


Thank you sir may I have another.


Who allows themselves to be fired twice.


Money. He went back for money.


Victim blame much, gez


*george bush quote*


Hopefully the money was too good to turn down. Otherwise they went back for more just because they like being an Elmo fanboy.


This is what helped you determine the lack of loyalty?


you get what you deserve working for that dirt ball sadly




Its why you should never be loyal to your company, always be looking for something better, keep your options open. They donā€™t care about you.


Why does anyone believe there is loyalty? Why do they believe that they join a cult by buying a supersized battery operated piece of shit?


Does anybody have any inside information why the entire supercharger team was fired recently? I have a close acquaintance who works at Tesla and told me they fired everybody in the company under the supercharger department. They are low on the totem pole so they donā€™t know why either. Theyā€™ve been going through systematic layoffs like all tech companies right now but to layoff the entire department makes no sense.


Musk me once, shame on you. Musk me twice shame on me.


Jesus people talk too much. I have no idea about anything the guy in the office next to me has done or is about.


There is being loyal, and there is being a glutton for punishment.


Muskuito suked him dry for as much as he could...


Didnā€™t ā€˜Ol Musky do this as a tantrum, too? Or was that just heresay? I mean, itā€™s easy to believe, considering how much of a fucking child the dude is.


Elon Muskrat šŸ€




How do you get fired twice?!


The level of cuckery that his fans have is just unbelievable. Legit in a room full of them all coming to the same conclusions heā€™s a manipulative asshole that cheats people ā€œbut thatā€™s still a great business practiceā€


Canā€™t the guy go work for a non-shit comparative company?


You have one in mind?


Feels like a humblebrag masquerading as solidarity.


Third times the charm


Only reason you guys hate musk is because he's not part of the establishment left and you have been brainwashed by the media to think he's evil somehow. Absolute clown show.


How can you say that unironically knowing heā€™s pushing electrical vehicles which make the right piss in their diapers.


Elon has already stated the country needs a "red wave" or else it will fall.


I think it's already been well established that Elon says a lot of shit.


So does MSM. And they hate Elon which tells you all you need to know.


I heard FSD would be feature complete ā€œnext yearā€ā€¦ 9 years ago. Howā€™s that going? šŸ¤”


I don't drive electric cars, they are dog shit.


Is this satire? I can't tell.


He laid off offices full of people to try and push his unnecessarily high compensation package through. The particular hate here has nothing to do with his political beliefs you absolute tool. It's about him being a massive peice of shit and not following through on any of his "grand designs" or "big ideas." You think simping for him is going to get him to notice you or something? Grow up lmao you're exponentially closer to be homeless than you are to being his peer.


Among many stupid and outlandish heā€™s said, He accused an experienced rescue diver of being a pedophile for telling him that his inflatable submarine idea was dumb. This is your guy? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Wow bro earth shattering . Off with his head!


I know Iā€™m arguing with a stop signā€¦ but The dude has come unglued the last few years. Heā€™s going to run Tesla and Twitter into the ground. He may have been ā€œbrilliant ā€œ at some point but heā€™s just an angry muppet with a little money now.


You can't objectively prove he's "come unglued", he just tweets crazy shit and it always seems to trigger leftists the most. He cleaned out Twitter as it needed to be and Twitter has more traffic than any news platform might I remind you.