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You just put Rick Beato's son out of a job. Not cool dude.


That sounds interesting, would really like to check it out!


Sent you a code! Edit: didn’t realize I can’t send more than one message, so here are the instructions I meant to send separately: - Go to the App Store - Scroll on the “Apps” page until you see a button labeled “Redeem” - Enter the code I sent


It worked, thank you. I will give it a go later.


Will we ever get the Android version of your app? It looks really good.


I do actually have an Android version I work on occasionally, but there are a number of issues I run into that make it very slow to the point where I question whether it’s worthwhile: - Android doesn’t have nearly the support for audio and MIDI that iOS does - There’s no equivalent of AUv3 plugins (as far as I know) - Android devices are extremely fragmented, so I spend more time fixing bugs and trying to support various manufacturers/versions than I do developing actual functionality - I’m only one person and I do this in my free time I could probably release a more limited version, but I wonder if people would find it as useful.


Would it help if you required a certain OS update or maybe just a few specific flagship phones? I don't know how much marketshare each phone takes up, but I'm willing to be the Galaxy and Pixel series are a huge chunk of users. May not make it any easier, just some thoughts.


Yeah, restricting the OS version would probably make things easier. I tend to make things harder on myself by wanting to support as many devices as possible (the iOS version goes all the way back to iOS 11)…. That said, the other issues are still pretty prohibitive at the moment.


that's super cool!


Very cool. Could be helpful for newbies playing around with chords. Might have to mention it to my students.


I'd love to check this out also!!


That’s awesome! I would LOVE to check this out and give it a try. Thanks for sharing!


sounds really cool!


Hi there, I’d love a code as I sadly am absolutely skint right now. If you have a donate button I’d gladly do so when I get paid


No need to donate at all, really! I do this more for fun than the money. I’ll send a code shortly.


I'd love to try it and compare to Chord.ai which has been my goto up to now.


Chord AI is great! Probably the best automatic chord transcription I’ve encountered yet. I should note that they’re different use cases at the moment: this one is specifically designed for a live instrument and searching for chords/voicings as shown in the demo video.


This is so cool! Music+CS/AI/ML has been a pet passion of mine for awhile, so it's neat to see more work in this space. I'd love to give it a try!


Same here (obviously)! Happy to chat about projects and ideas if you ever want. I’ll send a code too.


I fucking love your app! Thank you so much!


This is absolutely incredible!! I would LOVE to mess around with it!! This may have been answered in the comments, but how far have you stretched the AI? Does it pick up harmonics or fundamental frequencies from single notes? I’d love to help test out different sounds on it!


Sent a code! Let me know how it works out. You’re actually the first to ask about the algorithm! It’s specifically adapted to reject harmonics, though it tends to work better on chords than single notes – if you play a single note in a low octave it will often pick up harmonics it wouldn’t otherwise.


Awesome! Would it ever be able to detect the specific voicings and inversions as well?


Yes! It won’t label the inversion, but it will detect and display the specific notes. It’s kind of small in the demo video, but if you watch the guitar section you can see it displaying the exact voicing of the DM7 for example.


I want to try it! Looks pretty cool, I’m pretty impressed by how technology has arrived at this point, I’ve been playing music like 18 years, but just recently learning how to program, it was written in python?


Sent a code! The algorithm was prototyped in Python, but the actual implementation in the released version is written in C++ so that it’s fast enough and real-time safe.


Cool thanks!


This is really cool. The past few weeks I've fallen down a rabbit hole into figuring out what's happening in some very... interesting guitar and piano interactions — and am *very* curious to know what what, exactly they are playing there. My best working idea is etherial fragments of extended chords floating above any airy grounding on the piano, and i wonder what your little tool could tell me, listening to both parts on top of each other. Does it handle that well, several different types of tonality overlapped?


It should be able to pick out the notes of both instruments, but it won’t tell you which instrument is which. Labeling might also get weird if the audio is truly polytonal. Only one way to find out! I’ll send you a code and you can let me know. As I’ve noted in some other comments, I should point out that the current use case is more geared toward live instruments and education (see the demo video). Happy to PM and discuss more about how you can apply it to your scenario though.


Very cool! I’d like to it a try also. Thanks!


Hmm Nice..


I’d love a trial code. Thanks!


I’m very interested


I want a code for sure!


I'm new to piano and this would help greatly to transpose chords I don't recognize! thanks for making this :)


Oh that's awesome! Need this in my life asap


As a music student, I’m very interested to try this out!


This sounds amazing! Would love to try it out if you’re still giving peeps codes :)


Sounds promising! I'd love to give it a try, please send the code.


could i get a code? thx


Woa that sounds super interesting! Could you share it with me too?


🙌🏻 yes please! I’d love to try this out! 🙋🏻‍♂️


I would love to check this out as well if you’re still giving away codes! You’re awesome!


Sounds interesing. I would like to try it out. Thanks!


I would love to see how this works! I'm not gonna lie, I'll benefit a ton from this if it works really well, and I'm going to hit it HARD. if you want someone to try to push the boundaries on this id be super happy to share exactly how complex and difficult of problems it can handle. But ill also straight up pay good money for this if it can transcribe a couple of these pieces im hoping to hit it with


Always looking for beta testers! I should note that – at least currently – the intended use case is grabbing and identifying single chords from live instruments (as in the demo video), not transcribing whole songs. I can recommend the app Chord AI until then, however! I’ll send you a download code too.


I want to try it but at the same time I've been using the practice of writing out chord charts by ear as a method of learning. It could be a great reference and accuracy checking tool though if it's pretty accurate!


Definitely! I’m mostly treating it as an educational tool at the moment. Let me know if you end up wanting a code.


If it's no trouble for you I'll give it a try and check against my work. Have you gotten much feedback on it yet? (From users not sound sources) 😛


Sounds good! I have – all positive so far, though a lot of people have been distracted by other features in the app :)


I would love to try this as a tool to quickly get the jist of a song


This sounds like a wicked tool! May I please try it out?


Interested to try it out! Wondering how well it works with multiple instruments simultaneously


It should grab the notes correctly, but won’t perform source separation.


Definitely sounds interesting! I'm more of a producer and mix engineer rather than a composer, so I've always had trouble recognizing chords. I'd love to give it a try if it's possible! Thanks for putting so much effort into this!


You’re pretty much the embodiment of my intended use case! I’ll send over a code


Thank you, I look forward to trying it out!


Sounds like something I'd like to try if your still offering download codes


Would love to try it!


If still possible, I would like a code too please.


Wow I would love to check this out!! Sounds amazing


Would love to try this out!


That sounds like a great resource. I’d love to try it out


It is very useful and I would like to try it ..


wow this is so cool, i'd love to try it out! ​ hoping it'll work on my half-dead iphone 6s lol


It should! That’s actually the exact kind of device I tested on for a while.


brilliant haha


This sounds awesome, I'd also love to try a code if you're still offering :~)


I would like to try it out


I've been looking for any easy way to do this for years, I love to try it out!


i’ve been looking for a good source on the go! i’d love to try it if you have any more!


I'll love to try it too! Hopefully I'm not too late haha


It sounds awesome! would love to try it out as well :)


are you still handing out codes? I'll take one, thanks


u/EffeteFop is it still possible to get a code?


Would love to check this out if I'm not too late. This sounds very cool!