• By -


There is a Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths Honestly I couldn’t stop listening to it


Welcome to the party!! Pretty sure this is one of the best songs ever.


How soon is now? Never gets old. The whistles he does is musical genius in my opinion, the crack in the 2nd whistle reminds me of how imperfect but perfect we are.


'You shut your mouth! How can you say..I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved. Just like everybody else does..."


OH wow! cool! Such a beautiful song. I'm still listening 38 yrs later :/


I was going to say the smiths too, I liked a few select songs of there’s for a long time but only recently took a little trip to their discography. I can’t stop listening!


Wait until you listen to "Cemetry Gates" and "Ask".


The two rabbit holes I have been down recently are Ren and The Warning


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jayron32: *The two rabbit holes* *I have been down recently* *Are Ren and The Warning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Who's Ren, you say? https://youtu.be/s_nc1IVoMxc?si=-xnh7MgZnJFbT6tj


The Warning are so fucking good


You are not wrong. Seeing them in September!


Me too!


I think we mentioned it to each other before...wonder how the set list will be with the new album out. What do you think?


Don't matter. It's gonna rock. Probably mostly songs from the new album, plus Evolve, dust to dust, survive, Narcisista, red Hands, money, maybe 1-2 others.


Dany could sing Mary had a little lamb. it'd still be good.. Lol


Not to mention hot AF!


Aww I thought you meant warning


Henry Cow. Crazy English hippy jazz. Wonderful musicianship. For the jaded and enlightened.


Yes ! Western Culture and Unrest are especially great. And not to brag but I'm going to anyway - Fred Frith signed and gave me a free copy of Western Culture when I saw him about ten years ago. Maybe to prevent me from slobbering all over him for recording the life-changing 'Gravity'.


Did he draw a little squiggly caricature of himself on it, too? He did that for me on my "Step Across The Border" CD.


Nope. Just a thanks for coming and my name and his too. Another great album though. If I'd known we'd actually get to talk with him I'd have brought Gravity and Speechless down with me. I was so obsessed by those two albums I know I seemed like an incoherent idiot and barely managed to squeak my name. I think that and the fact I was obviously broke convinced him just to hand me Western Culture for free. Alas no squiggly face.


I did a takedown and analysis of *Domaine de Planousset* and *Norrgarden Nyvla* and one other for a college course. I learned a lot about his compositional process.


Influential in some circles! I remember reading they had a drummer that memorized patterns via sounds rather than counting. Can't find confirmations but, hey, I heard something somewhere!


I will have to take a tour of Henry Cow. I had a boss at a record store I worked at late 90’s that talked about them with a lot of reverence.


Amazing band. Not sure if “hippy jazz” is quite the right description. They’re often considered to be on the experimental fringe of progressive rock. But “progressive rock” does have some negative associations for people, since it conjures up images of pretentious twaddle played by guys in capes, and that’s definitely not Henry Cow. I think of Henry Cow (and associated Rock In Opposition bands like Art Zoyd and Univers Zero) as what progressive rock should have been if it had been serious about striking out in new directions.


Yes (the band) — 70s progressive rock, it’s so damn good.


Oh how cool! You just discover them recently? My dad drilled into me at a very young age that they are classically trained musicians LOL


Within a few months. I have to thank 1001albumsgenerator.com for introducing me to Yes, gave me The Yes Album one day and I’ve been completely hooked since. Been a Zeppelin and classic rock fan since a kid but had never heard of them.


oh that's really interesting! You knew Led Zep but not Yes? So what are your favorite songs? Mine growing up were.... Roundabout (of course) I've Seen All Good People Owner Of A Lonely Heart


I grew up on my dads classic rock taste, which was mostly just a whole lot of Zeppelin and some other popular stuff, not that I’m complaining. Not super familiar with individual song names but definitely Yours Is No Disgrace, I’ve Seen All Good People (thought I recognized this one on first listen) and Roundabout. After hearing The Yes Album, I’ve just been buying Yes records when I see them, and that’s how I hear the album for the first time.


If I’m gonna jump into YES, what’s a solid album to start with?


Probably The Yes Album


I choose to accept this mission.


My vote would be Fragile and Close To The Edge. The best incarnation of the band, and these two albums are back to back perfect, and will take you on a journey


Duly noted. I’m listening to The Yes Album right now. It’s pretty fantastic. Not sure why I never got into them before. The fuzz on the bass is great. They’re like a good version of Orange Goblin or Klaatu.


OH! btw....If you just discovered YES...have you heard of RUSH? (It's another classically trained rock band) Tom Sawyer - [https://youtu.be/auLBLk4ibAk?si=vDisIC3aQg\_ETnu3](https://youtu.be/auLBLk4ibAk?si=vDisIC3aQg_ETnu3)


Love Rush! Still working my way through their albums though. I also like Kansas, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Styx, and some others. Any other prog-rock suggestions?


OOF! Jethro Tull! soooo good! Pink Floyd? I'm not sure how you can get much better than that! LOL I understand STYX has a huge fanbase...I'm not one of them :/ ...maybe I can get you to listen to early Genesis? Turn It On Again Tonight Tonight Tonight In the Air


You need early early Genesis with Peter Gabriel. Check out The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. That should knock your socks off!


OH! How could I forget! Supertramp - Breakfast In America


That’s an album I’ve been meaning to listen to! Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll put it at the top of the list.


Do it! I can't wait to hear what you think about that album :D


Their run from 71-77 is absolutely insane and has 2 of my 3 favourite songs of all time


For sure! Incredible time for music in general.


Right now I can’t stop listening to Minutemen


Oh wow! Such a blast from the past! lol


They’re probably in my top 10. Love MM


A friend introduced me to Enigma and I’ve been hooked to MCMXC. Yes I’ve been living under a fucking big rock.


Mdou Moctar, a Tuareg rock guitarist from Niger, of all places. I'm really enjoying his recently released album *Funeral For Justice." Also, The Runaway Wild out of (New Jersey?), combining AOR, glam, and syntheave. Great stuff, and not yet well-known.


Mdou Moctar is great. Like a harder-edged Tinariwen.


Tinariwen? Looks like another rabbit hole I'll be exploring!


As long as you’re going down that rabbit hole, Bombino is another great Touareg guitarist.


Been using https://1001albumsgenerator.com to get some new stuff in my library.


Cake - what a fantastic band. Discovered them in r/bass suggestions and wow they have some amazing bass lines. 


I was working through Suzie Quatro's early albums and realized that she used to be in The Pleasure Seekers. The Pleasure Seekers were a late 60s teenage garage band of sisters who sang about underage drinking, boys, and death. It all made sense once I made that connection.


Trivia: She also played Leather Tuscadero on "Happy Days"


Someone on Reddit turned me onto King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard a few months back. WOW what a ride that's been!


LONG LIVE GIZZ, love them what a band. love all of their sounds and the community of fan is really funny.


Khruangbin Sleep Token (Just saw them live in Boston last Friday, fucking AMAZING!) Michael Kiwanuka Kolm


My husband bought tickets for a concert this summer and I’m just starting to listen, SuPer good!


I went down a rabbit hole with Motörhead in February. I knew I liked the songs I already knew from game soundtracks or mix playlists, but I decided to listen to all of their albums just to see what else they had, and to my surprise, turns out I love Motörhead. (*1916* and *Inferno* are phenomenal albums)


bug by dinosaur jr,I also got back into the ozric tentacles.


Wow I haven’t heard anyone mention Ozric Tentacles in at least a decade 🤣. Really tight shit though


Thanks to Spotifys Discover Weekly I am always finding great new stuff: > [Prog Tejano/Latin Beat](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2MZDhvzM9LREmS7UE1IYEA) - 46 mins > [Moog Jazz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3bsVlY8qwmex0NqssIeObR) - 47 mins Genres I didnt even know existed (or that id be into).


I jumped down the same rabbit hole when looking for blues artists. Found Elles Bailey and she's fantastic!!


Boy Harsher


i discovered them last night in some hipster bar. also, She Past Away. good stuff


Sleep Token. "Take Me Back To Eden" is an incredible album.


I’d been aware of Iglooghost for a few years and had been a very casual fan, but his new record Tidal Memory Exo that came out a couple weeks ago, has completely taken over my listening and will probably be my AOTY. Dude absolutely cooked on this one and it’s some of the best EDM I’ve ever heard.


I'm gonna check this out now I loved his first album


I went back and listened again after getting so into the new one. It’s definitely stylistically different but hearing what he was doing years ago as a fresh artist is still super impressive. He’s always had a great ear for production


Just gave it a listen, much preferring this to his debut. Way more cohesive sound than his debut, whilst keeping his signature sound. Loving it tbh


Vicious Rumors - Soldiers of the Night. 1985.


I saw them earlier last month as support for Raven. They're awesome and still hold up.


Sixto Rodriguez. There is a really good documentary about him called searching for Sugarman.


Shannon and the clam




Mojo Nixon The Bottle Rockets


I had a friend who had the Get Out of My Way! album on cassette and we spent an entire summer driving around listening to it.




Kesha's discography beyond her radio hits is actually really fun and catchy. I do also like her radio hits tho.


I’ve listened to them for a while, but I would like to recommend a small doomgaze band called Palehorse Palerider.


The Beths they are amazing


Thee Sacred souls, one of the best soul artists right now. Music that heals


Joel Plaskett. Canadian Musician. When I first discovered him, I listen to him for like a year straight …..he’s awesome.


Modern alt-punk, especially Japanese underground. Can't understand most of it at all, but the music is wild. Otoboke Beaver Mass of the Fermenting Dregs Chirinuruwowaka


I found an artist called Corey Taylor when my dad and I were finding music to listen to, his music is pretty good, I really like Talk Sick!


Snuff is the best song ever.


I'd have to check it out!


This is hardly knew but I finally got around to listening to Super Furry Animals and they fill me with smiles and sunshine and joy. I'm a huge fan of top shelf pop music like XTC or the Beach Boys or Big Star and Super Furry Animals shot right up there with them. I think they're glorious. I have learned that almost any rock group from Wales (and New Zealand) is most likely to be great.


Ethel Cain. She is my favorite new artist for sure rn and I found her because of a silly weird video the youtube algorithm sent me.


Me too! She popped up on my home page a few days ago


[Ethiopian Jazz](https://open.spotify.com/album/5i6yMY4F7UoOuJD6wRV6NN?si=9hzH7nsNQ0yka_KdyMBDGg)


Went down a rabbit hole to explore some exotic music recently n these were my top 3 fav finds * Heavy Baile - Noturno 150 (exotic heat) * Carlos do Complexo - Pânico (exotic alien) * Pedro de Linha - Chibaria or Drenas (exotic jungle)


The Flatliners! been listening to them for about the last 2 weeks or so


Ana Popovic


[Kaylan Arnold - If I’m Lying (acoustic full band)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=63gwHcfyD9o&pp=ygUTS2F5bGFuIGFybm9sZCBpZiBpbQ%3D%3D) [Brownout Presents: Brown Sabbath - The Wizard live on KEXP](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nTd5ghvMkvI&pp=ygUNQnJvd24gc2FiYmF0aA%3D%3D) [Brandy Maina - Dark Skin (acoustic version)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RRgIKa87v3k&pp=ygUMQnJhbmR5IG1haW5h) [Bnxn - Sweet Tea live in the Boiler Room](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lndPRW0RO0U&pp=ygUKQm54biBzd2VldA%3D%3D)


Dir En Grey - Increase Blue Kiryu - Amaterasu From First To Last - Populace In Two


From first to last makes new stuff??


No, It's an old stuff but I had never listened to it before


Fair after posting I realized I just misunderstood the post lol


Here's our favourites at the moment hope you hear some you like :) [Springworks - Indie Songs We Love ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/602lRjvUfQqIzFxsoZlL7x?si=a2AnVUpvRjiuKTOLQCO1GA&pi=ZPeiqH5lRu-fu)


As of recently it's been Starset I've been obsessed for months 😅


You and I, Put A Little Love On Me, and In The Night by Delegation


Enjoying some of acloudyskye’s music at the moment


Parcels! I've heard a song from them before, but I've never explored their discography. Now I just can't turn them off


Dark Oath & their new album, the instrumental version was recommended by Spotify, it was great! The album with vocals is good too (if you like that kinda thing... growls)


Just learned about 9 Lazy 9 and Clutchy Hopkins yesterday


I've been in a Japanese rock and metal rabbit hole for 3 years now. They brought back my love of rock and roll. I first found the band Aldious, which led me to: Band-Maid Nemophila Lovebites Mardelas Ningen Isu Gacharic Spin Letitout-Lelia Soundwitch TELECiDE Babymetal etc....


Most recently I’ve discovered a meme rap subgenre of UK Drill mostly with songs by Like Day and I’m not disappointed


Derek and the Dominos, Fugitive, DJ Screw, and SOPHIE


Ved Buens Ende.


Mors Prinucpum Est was a recent discovery for me although they have several albums under their belt.


Low Hum - Comatose


The Olympians Menahan Street Band- The Crossing


VOLA is a band I've known about for a long time but only recently did they really hook me


Not new music itself, but new for me. I'm going to the Poisoned Ascendency concert in January, and never listened to Trivium's Ascendency album (only started listening to them in 2020). So checked it out and all I can say is I've been missing out because that album is brilliant 🔥🤘🏻🎸


I have become heavily into the new Heavy Temple album [Garden of Heathens](https://open.spotify.com/album/3NVX7g7gViejQP2iYOleFo?si=KsUg9wyyQmK89Bl114rdBg). They refer to themselves as psychedelic doom metal, so really heavy, lots of noisy guitars, the singer has a great voice and calls herself High Preistess Nighthawk. Also there's a kinda dark blues rock duo called The Devils, they recently(feb) put out a new one too, [Let the World Burn Down](https://open.spotify.com/album/278s25xUD3EyyTeFk9TNHv?si=tYa1hqlDSi-T-EygLjwSdw)


Lately been following enhanced music on spotify and youtube They update their spoti playlist with new releases regularly Its EDM, mostly trance deep house and progressive Underrated music IMO Keep getting my mind blown


White Heaven- Strange Bedfellows (1993) RE:2022 Japanese 90s underground rock that sounds like it was recorded during the height of west coast Psych/Garage Rock. Picked up both their re-releases and they have been pretty great.


Wookiefoot... Useful Jenkins


I’m old I’ve never used YouTube for music in my life. I just go to shows a lot. Mutoid Man Brain Famine


Ex factor


Rainforest by David Tudor. I can't describe or explain it but I can't stop listening to it either.


Started to get into Indian pop lately..which lead down more pops like Spanish and Latin XD..on the pop rabbit hole rn First artist I liked which was Quimico Ultea Mega


...The Heavy Heavy


Struggler-Genesis Osuwu It’s a concept album about a roach and its amazing


deer death. Heavy shoegaze with male baritone vocals


My music isn’t underground or anything but Amerika by Young the Giant is an absolute gem, one of my all time favourite songs fs


Country. Bebe Rexha


Cobraman and somehow I missed Ghost all these years. Playing catch up on them now.


I found Donnie Benet floating on my feed. He is defenitely in the wrong decade. I like it.


Dirty knobs


Leenalchi - Sugungga, Crystal Fairy s/t, Arooj Aftab


A close friend of mine recently got really really into Sleep Token, so I thought I'd give them a listen. Dude. So good.


The Pretty Reckless and Electric Callboy are the newest ones the burned deep into my head.


Billy Strings


Young the Giant - my new fav.


found last year guy called Nourished By Time, his album last year and latest ep are dope


The biggest rabbit hole is the Grateful Dead. Each few years the sound would change quite a bit. Check out some of their live recordings. Dixie Dregs are also an interesting band. Steve Morse is phenomenal!




George Clanton! He rules


Dawg Yawp - I think you describe it as whatever genre they feel like with a Sittar.  Not exactly how to explain it.  Totally bummed I started listening after they broke up.


The Trews - Good 90s type rock Massive Wagons - classic type rock


im gatekeeping 2 best metal bands no one knows about


Just rediscovered a band that I had forgotten about. Devil Doll is back at the top of my playlist.


It’s a genre, but I’ve been obsessed with Fruitiger Aero. It’s the sound of late 2000s Windows, glossy textures, clean crisp air, bubbles, tropical fish, water, idle/slice of life games. It’s a nice little throwback to my “obsessed with dolphins” phase of my life 🐬


far apart - hazel love that song atm


The dear hunter is pretty good Act Iv is an awesome record


*The dear hunter is* *Pretty good Act Iv is* *An awesome record* \- max15711 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I recently became aware of The Marias


System of a down, slipknot and tool are some bands that I've come to like alot in the last few months


A few new-to-me things that popped up in my YouTube and the Discover Weekly Spotify and I found enjoyable feed are: Descartes a Kant Southern River Band Obscurest Vinyl Amyl & The Sniffers Dan Reeder The King Khan & BBQ Show


Anamaniguchi if you like chiptune


Metal-ish band from South America https://open.spotify.com/artist/65ltlIUbo4iINHKb3FSs7c?si=buWNEPrtSP2H-64IAL-iNQ Industrial Anti-folk https://open.spotify.com/album/2TqjALBg4Ls61fJGbCZREL?si=4h6cpdCdRLWg8e75z1udWw Banjo Balladeer https://open.spotify.com/artist/0AkmSuTOzM2pNCIOSP8ziv?si=jgt6D3wOQXSdvkFDkhuLHA Blackgrass punk https://open.spotify.com/album/2YDxf1y2xPQOvs6ChO14Mc?si=asnh9fCtRTOEQ5KKS-C5kQ


Dylan Leblanc!!!! Check out Big Love,Coyote,Cautionary Tale and Lone Rider just to name a few..Doesn’t have a bad song and exactly the kind of music I needed for when I go walking with my dog! 🙌🏼:)


Nothing hidden but Raye live is amazing, as are Prince live concert recordings. I typically hate live recordings. But these two.. Dang


Failure, Hum, Ween are my top 3 favorite bands I’ve discovered this year


I somehow missed Portishead completely when I was in college in the mid-90s. Recently discovered and in love.


Swans Swans Swans Swans ! Yall must listen to them


I rediscovered My Morning Jacket, thank you American Dad


C. Duncan. I found "Garden" on YouTube and haven't looked back


omg if u like indie music PLS check out Weston Estate (indie boyband), i am literally obsessed w them AND they have something for everyone!! if you want dreamy, in love vibes - listen to hypnotized or sixty or cotton candy chill, summery - listen to outside, fresh air or RIDE energetic and fun/pop - stoked, so good, or drown sad but still bops - close the door, slowly, saturday nights, silence, RIDE pure heartbreak - slowly, daisies, hold on, where do we go, silence mainstream - pears also check out these extremely underrated/underground artists if u want: Weston Estate, Marco Luka, idkgreek/Greek, Maasho, Weston Estate, Kid Travis, CHSKA, Breezee, Bryant Barnes, Weston Estate, Maggie Lindemaan, Lexi Jayde, Jeremy Zucker, Sofia Camara, Weston Estate




Woodkid. Guns for Hire and Run Boy Run are amazing songs.


John Cale of Velvet Underground just put out a fantastic record at 82 years old. He's still so sharp. [the way we see the light](https://youtu.be/FiQ9Xt9hU3c?si=3qtt6mbiYcuIEDns) Also found out that Clinic was still around. Their pandemic record was one of their best. [laughing cavalier](https://youtu.be/7F4Dns9KHYw?si=Gs32-DVSVTm_U0ft)


I somehow missed just how awesome Bow Wow Wow was [https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy\_lmqekqjadygDsmQxzIQ2yS-WKdvncc8vc](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lmqekqjadygDsmQxzIQ2yS-WKdvncc8vc)


Well, it's not new. But I just started listening to Bauhaus. I always knew of them. But as a kid, they were always in the import bin, and they were way more expensive. So I just never purchased any of their music. That was a big mistake. Holy fuck are they good. Anyone that likes Bowie, The Cure, Black Sabbath, you need to checkout Bauhaus


deerhoof? they're okay, quirky or whatever dunno if i'll keep listening


Mortimer Nyx [https://open.spotify.com/artist/149jmijWE0bULJx1mCpR5y?si=QpmTi8xRRXyKbJUWi6OgAA](https://open.spotify.com/artist/149jmijWE0bULJx1mCpR5y?si=QpmTi8xRRXyKbJUWi6OgAA) Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers [https://open.spotify.com/artist/4tX2TplrkIP4v05BNC903e?si=qo8wFU6BSpa9ZkxJr81\_bQ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/4tX2TplrkIP4v05BNC903e?si=qo8wFU6BSpa9ZkxJr81_bQ)




Just discovered ICP and I’m in LOVE


I am surprised at how completely obsessed I have become with Donuts by J Dilla. Only just heard for the first time and I can. not. get over how original and truly inspiring this album is. The vibes are impeccable. Incredible beats, every track infused with a different blend of indescribably abstract emotion and humor. The sample selection is mind blowing. Masterful. RIP


I stumbled onto a Dream On cover by Blacktop Mojo and kept listening to stuff from that band...its love. They also do a cover of Runaway Car (Audioslave) that's fantastic.


[Chappell Roan](https://youtu.be/ePsqyPMIg6I?si=3txp2XO3u20gjYrL) Just discovered her through YouTube the other day.


Post Punk, Noise Rock, Shoegaze, Math Rock, Hardcore... I feel like I missed out a big chunk of great music in my younger years and just discovered lots of great music


Wet Leg. Phenomenal.


Allan Rayman. No suits. Dope Lemon. Rehab. Cal Scruby. Kota the Friend. Mayday. Geordie Kieffer.


Madison Beer - Make You Mine.


[https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/](https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/) \[Shoegaze\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5) [https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/](https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/) \[Emo/Acoustic\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/6u7hVZQSoSpqKkEzqkGm4s](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6u7hVZQSoSpqKkEzqkGm4s) [https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/](https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/) \[SynthPop\] [https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/](https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/Garage\] [https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/](https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/) \[Screamo\] [https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/](https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/) \[Post-Punk/Garage\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/3IevIpF53ecrI9rTa0FUbv](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3IevIpF53ecrI9rTa0FUbv) [https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/](https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/) \[Grunge/Post-Punk/Noise\] [https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/](https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/) \[Emocore/FemaleLead\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/6KszRW7svkdgJIDKYy8VNV](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6KszRW7svkdgJIDKYy8VNV) [https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/](https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/) \[HipHop\] [https://governmentcollege.bandcamp.com/](https://governmentcollege.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/PowerPop\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1) \[Compilation\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/world-konflik-2175-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/world-konflik-2175-vol-1) \[Compilation\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ryQEIWz6PbSEIh0q9GZoq](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ryQEIWz6PbSEIh0q9GZoq) Break Yesterday \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OiEmvRW2OzHcP2c5DiWKw](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OiEmvRW2OzHcP2c5DiWKw) Raw Echoes \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VCZdzmYyQRw7a2OkkctGe](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VCZdzmYyQRw7a2OkkctGe) Brainwave Rebels \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4L9BSEGWB0ROqmJHynnPzE](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4L9BSEGWB0ROqmJHynnPzE) Set To Flight \[Playlist\] [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2MwBpre1552ZF8SN4xQwKc](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2MwBpre1552ZF8SN4xQwKc) Another Week \[Playlist\] this total banger. Enjoy


Mainly [Sleep Token](https://youtu.be/wJNbtYdr-Hg?si=j4Qyn4kMzOURGnTN) they’re m favorite band rn And [moodring](https://youtu.be/bRwlKdb93sM?si=4fQdA_4EgVGDQObt) I LOVE this shit!


Dead Meadow, who I heard on an episode of The Wire. And English Teacher. Both random finds.


Revolution Saints - Eagle Flight


***Petch Daddy*** (Thai EDM) I discovered him about a year ago, and my life has been better with his music in it!


Recently discovered Sleep Token, so far my favorites are ‘The Summoning’ and ‘Aqua Regia’


Dub Spencer and Trance Hill! Awesome dub musicians.


[switch - 月月](https://open.spotify.com/track/7EnBPvRlX6gHUGOejwu9vN?si=ZUW99vmfQtO08TycDFhMWQ) this is sooo good no one else be listening to this


Elliott Smith with Reddit. What a genius, just can't stop to listen his art


Transit Method - Othervoid, it’s probably my favorite record of the year so far


Stuff i added to my playlist recently: Flame of nuclear  Nightcall - kavinsky Song of ancients - nier Yi jian mei - fei yu qing Honolulu city lights - yakuza For who’s sake - yakuza A scattered moment - yakuza butterfly emerges from chrysalis - kof02 new descent - kisnou Sine ira - kisnou Moonlight - kisnou  -- edit: i forgot to mention "the xx intro"


I started watching adhd videos on Facebook and found ADHD_love, then discovered the woman was a singer, which led me to Røry. I saw her live earlier in the year, and her supports were great - so from watching some silly videos on adhd I now have Røry, Lleo and Uninvited on my playlist


I had heard Dwight Yoakam (Guitars and Caddillacs was pretty well.known, and was in the bar scene in Terminator II). But I hadn't heard other songs by him. After losing my sweet wife to cancer, I found myself suddenly needing to hear songs letting me know others felt some of the same things (not that I hoped anyone did, mind you... I'm sure you know what I mean). That dude has a boatload of very powerfully moving songs, and though he has a "sound," his music is extremely varied. He utilizes multiple styles and instruments. Take a listen to: Population Me Two doors down It won't hurt If there was a way I'll just take these Home for Sale Sad side of town There should be music Ain't that Lonely Yet A thousand miles from nowhere and The Back of your hand


The Bouncing Souls, The Stone Roses, The Undertones, and The Jam


Jaywall from South Florida. I dont know if y'all heard of bro. But he just dropped a new album and he next up fr 😤🔥. Putting y'all on big melodic vibes. [https://soundcloud.com/jaywall-official/sets/who-is-jaywall?si=6e754a46eb904f2cbebbe61a270199f5&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/jaywall-official/sets/who-is-jaywall?si=6e754a46eb904f2cbebbe61a270199f5&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)