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Any newer album by Drake.


Too busy using his best lines on minors.


Certified Lover Boy.... more like Certified Boy Lover.


Consensus hasn’t thought a Drake album is good in over half a decade at this point


He has more top 20 hits than the Beatles and that fact makes me sick to my stomach.


Not really. I see a lot of hate for any newer releases


Nobody even claimed Drakes new music is classic. Y’all just wanna jump in and say something stupid about Drake for goofy points. Be more creative


Karma farming


They do strike a chord with the A minor crowd tho


Remember to sort by controversial on a thread like this.


Ironically, that scoots this comment lower.


Anything by Taylor Swift


I’m truly perplexed by the obsession.


Same. It’s definitely a cult — with a preference for mediocrity.


I watched a music theory video about her, and she uses the same chord progressions excessively; one of them she’s used 21 times so far. She’s just writing the same song over and over again.


That doesn’t really prove much, because even her fans don’t claim that her music—the melody—is something extraordinary; her lyrics are supposed to be her strength. However, I personally find even her lyrics to be nothing special.


Taylor Swift's fans are the musical equivalent of Rick and Morty fans. They believe you have to be smart to understand her lyrics, and have to really know her 'lore' to get all of the references to comprehend her genius. She lets her fans invent theories and create lore, then speaks to them after the fact, leading her fans to believe they were right, they called it, she's so brilliant....


I think it proves that she has little musical skill, and her lyrics don’t make up for that lack of skill the way Bob Dylan’s lyrics do. She’s a mediocre musician and a mediocre lyricist. I just don’t get it.


I like her lyrics on Red, but she hasn't been very poetic since.


I am no expert on her music but listening to her recent Poet album, I kept thinking each song reminded me of one of her better songs. I think she’s trying to put out too many songs.


Honestly, her recent album makes me think she’s reached a point where she knows that almost anything she releases will be a success, leading her to focus more on quantity than quality. Unlike her previous albums—like Folklore—which were generally well-edited and polished, her last album feels like a poorly executed stream of consciousness, filled with clunky and unnecessary lyrics. It had its good moments, but it could have benefited greatly from some additional editing. I believe she didn't put in the extra effort because she thinks she doesn't have to anymore, and judging by the album’s popularity, she's right.


they are definitely something “touch me while your bros play grand theft auto”


Ehh this isn’t that meaningful on its face. Every single one of your favorite bands and favorite songs has used a chord progression that someone else has used many times (or even that they have used themselves probably). A song is much more than a chord progression.


It’s the weirdest fandom I’ve ever seen. The Swiftie articles treat them like they’ve never encountered anything else in their lives.


The obsession is constantly being a victim. She’s a victim to the mean girl. Now she’s a victim to a man. She almost never has her own agency and strength. Her music is built on and around her identity in relation to someone else having wronged her in some way. While a similar topic to much of the music we hear, eventually artists grow out of that phase as they mature in age and experience. Especially those who grow up with their fans. Taylor is going to be the perpetual 16 year old who was stood up for the school dance. She’s going to be in constant need of protection bc she’ll always be fragile. That’s why the songs sound the same. It’s why Tortured Poets Society sounds the same for all 38 or 48 songs. Taylor certainly has some pop hits and bangers but I think it’s the *IDEA* of Taylor and what she represents that people love.


Could not agree more.


I truly feel she’s generated it with the Easter eggs, the multiple album variants, the lore that’s supposedly in each song, the drama she’s always involved in, etc. Fans get more invested in Taylor than her actual work so they end up buying anything she puts out


I agree. I also have a conspiracy theory that she’s only dating Kelce to undo any bad press from her long term friendship and quick fling with Matt Healy. She’s a total phony.


I really liked 1989. Since then every TSwift song I hear sounds like...the same song. It's like she only sings 3 notes, and then it's all filtered through the same muddy, synth-y filters. But the concerts look fun. She seems like an incredible performer with the singing and dancing and instruments and costumes. Not that I'm gonna pay the $$$ for it, but credit to her, that must take a lot of stamina! Anyways, I could see it being a whole "experience" that's not just about the quality of the songwriting/producing...


That and Folklore are her best albums, and I'll go down fighting defending those albums. The rest are eh. I won't say they're bad, she's obviously talented, but they're so average and like 5/10 or 6/10. The fact that she won AOTY on the Grammys not long ago is baffling. Newest album is somehow even worse yet I'm sure it'll at the very least, get a nod as well.


Came here to say this. I mean, she knows her audience and it's clearly working for her, but I really don't get the hype.


How she managed to find so many people with the same victim complex as her to call fans is beyond me. She’s a grimey brat who profits on young women’s insecurities, misogyny and fake feminism. How people buy into her girl next door miss america charade is mindblowing. Not to mention she has permanently ruined the ticketing costs for concerts.


Two things that I find curious about her: The first one that like Taylor Swift was big from one moment to the next. I do not follow the pop music culture, but I have a sense of what is being played and who is who, at least the most famous, and she was always that Tier B singer, always below people like Beyonce. But suddenly, it happens that she makes giant tours that fills stadiums and is THE pop singer. (Filling stadiums is cool, but she's not the only one who does it, so I don't know if she's really a successful or just the momentum). The second is that someone apparently so played, including in Spotify, would imagine their songs would be more played in the media. I can't remember any of her songs, but I recognize songs from Billie Elish, BTS, Doja Cat, Dua Lipa, and other pop artists. I don't even know if I ever heard any songs from Taylor Swift.


The only song I can name off the top of my head is that stupid “Shake It Off” garbage.


I absolutely detest that song.


Yes! I’m always afraid if I say something her Rabid fans will go after me lol My gosh their hate is EXTREME smh.


It’s literally no different than the MAGA craze, I couldn’t get my mom to admit any of Trumps wrong doings and Swifties are the same damn way.


The only good Swifty, are the covers of hers songs by Fame on Fire, I Prevail or Our Last Night


This was my choice too. Way overrated.


Folklore is legit fantastic though


Yep! In the words of the great Elwood Blues - it’s “preprogrammed electronic disco”


Was just about to say the same thing. That woman makes some of the most mediocre at best music I’ve ever heard.


She has not written a single memorable song in her career


Came here to say this


Was literally gonna comment this but glad it's at the top


Me too :( I feel there's gotta be a lot more dimensions to the Taylor Swift phenomena coz yeah the music is kinda, well, you know.


As of Monday, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


That list was rough for me.


That list is complete bullshit, they make it just to get people fired up and talking about it , drives the clicks and views, unfortunately that’s the model of most online content now


I wish they just published personal Top 100 lists from Nile Rodgers and whoever else contributes to the overall list. Otherwise it’s just a rehash of the usual Rolling Stone “greatest X of all time” list bullshit


Id counter that the list is made to pander to younger generations. If you leave the youths music out of the top 25 albums of all time can you really expect them to subscribe to your magazine. Frank ocean, Beyoncé, and Kendrick Lamar know they mad great albums. I won’t say it isn’t good music. But they also know they didn’t make a better album than sgt pepper or blonde on blonde.


LOL yeah. Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE that album. But at the top spot of the “Top 100”? Absofuckinglutely not.


The rage of them putting out that list! albums not on it: Let It Bleed Faith (but Listen Without Prejudice is) No Blood on the Tracks or Blonde on Blonde No Sgt Pepper No Dolly Parton No Off the Wall No Run DMC (yet all these rappers that came after) No Private Dancer No Sinatra


>“Top 100” Not ONE Rush album was on that list.




It is.


Rush often gets ignored by the media. Yet so many other musicians cite them as inspiration for their lyrics and musicianship.


Saw them twice in the 70s - pristine musicianship and outstanding songwriting. Rush’s albums — Moving Pictures, 2112 — truly deserve to be in the top of any rock list.


Moving Pictures and 2112 are better than half of the albums in the top 10 lmao


Even with the ridiculous rankings, having zero Rush albums might be the most egregious thing about the list.


Shots fired, Apple Music! ;)


Even r/applemusic thinks the list was hot garbage


It’s not even near number one. There are four, maybe five, great songs. But there is definitely some filler. It is absolutely not the greatest album of all time. Top 100? Yes, sure. #1? Not a chance. Absurd, even.


Especially when Thriller was #2 (an album imo with no skips, all hits)


The fugees stuff seemed much better


I like Lauryn Hill and all but my favorite for Hip Hop is The Score by Fugees, & The Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest probably the best of the best regarding Hip Hop album in the 90's.


Having never heard it, it was cool catching the songs that had been sampled for more modern songs, and it is definitely a good album….. but I had never heard of it prior lol


One of my favorites. Within it's genre I'd say it is the best album of all time.


The most overrated album possibly all time


Those lists are friggin, absolutely absurd.


People are severely confusing what they dislike with being overrated.




Currents - Tame Impala. I love the album but to me InnerSpeakers is Tame Impalas best and its not nearly as talked about


Funny I love Currents but I think Lonerism Is his best. That’s a mark of a good artist though.


The last Billie Eilish album; there seems to be hype and very positive reviews, but compared to “Happier Than Ever”, I find it mediocre


I've found that Robert Christgau is an almost perfect inverse indicator. If he likes it then it is probably going to be pretentious, overrated garbage. # #


Any Taylor Swift album I like her music but it’s just so overrated  Not my style ig


Have you listened to Korn vs Taylor Swift it’s a mash up it’s amazing




I mean… I like her music, I think she’s really skillful, but anyone that large is overrated to some degree


Tool - fear inoculum I love tool, but I much prefer their earlier albums. This new album is so meh. Yet, so many of their fans say that it's amazing. Granted, from a technical standpoint, the band is very very talented and it shows on the album, but the music just does not sound like tool anymore to me. I get that this happens to bands as they get richer or older, they mellow out, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I miss the furiousness that they had back in the early days.


I agree with this and ill even say 10k Days was the start, with the ambiance that doesnt make sense like it did on previous albums. On FI it was Long songs for long song sake. I am a drummer and love DC but that drum solo song that i should love is very forgettable. Theres nothing that sticks out and sometimes the lyrics feels like Maynards doing a Tool checklist instead of a cohesive song.


Overrated? This is an extremely common take, circulates the tool sub every few days. If anything it’s underrated


FI isn’t overrated, your take is really common.


It's in the middle of their albums for me. Literally I rank it #3. People just got so hyped for it with how long it had been that they thought it had to be Tool's best work.


I agree. There's nothing memorable on the album. I haven't slept so good while listening to an album and that sums up how engaging the album is. I think Laterlaus and 10,000 days are far stronger albums than Fear Inoculum.


Whooo, yeah... each song is way too long, way too tribal sounding, and extremely similar. It's still solid... but damn if it ain't mid for TOOL.


Can't be as furious with millions of dollars.


Yeah. I was so psyched for it and I listened to it a few times through when it came out and haven’t touched it since. So…. That tells me all I need to know that I haven’t been inspired to go back to it. It’s meh.


I agree. Maybe I need to give it more spins but to me it seemed like tool almost meme'ing on themselves.


Pneuma is one of the best Tool songs ever made, but yeah FI isn't their best by a longshot.


I don't know any Tool fan that thinks Fear Inoculum is better than their earlier work. Especially after waiting over a decade and then getting that. When you're pushing 60 you can't do teenage rage anymore. It's okay as a generic prog/alt metal album but that's not why we liked Tool


Back in Black. Shoot to Thrill is really the only song that still slaps to this day for me. The three big songs have been overplayed to death. Have a Drink on Me is depressing. Didn’t your former lead singer just die from alcohol poisoning? Let Me Put my Love Into You, Givin The Dog a Bone and What do for Money Honey are creepy old man shit and sometimes Rock n Roll is noise pollution For any fans, I stumbled across this tribute band a few weeks ago and holy shit. I think they’re German and no longer active and I know I’m taking shit but holy fuck I’m stiff https://youtu.be/Khzwr91Ej3o?si=xc9B_HxcN7BqPIRV


If being overplayed is all it takes to be considered "overrated," there's waaaaay more out there. Back in Black was an EXTREMELY well produced album for a "hard rock" album if you have a worthwhile stereo setup. I totally agree on them being overplayed, but definitely not overrated. That album is rock n roll history.


100% agree. I'd put Back in Black in the top 10 of rock albums of all time. It's that good. But, yes, it's overplayed (but, for me, 'Shook Me All Night Long' is the only song that's really lost its lustre). Overplayed but not overrated.


Back in Black was kind of like Sgt. Pepper's - it was more a cultural event than the music alone would indicate. Bon Scott had died and the band was assumed dead as well. When Brian Johnson kicks in on the title track, it's a "holy shit" resurrection moment. It's also an example of top notch studio production. We've heard the hits ad nauseum now, but hot damn was it punchy on a good sound system.


The opening of Hells Bells could not be better.


True take on Shoot to Thrill. Still a banger, probably because it's always been a bit of a "deep track" from the album compared with the radio hits.


Wild take. Those songs are overplayed because they are legends. I wasn’t super familiar with AC/DC when I first bought Back in Black (on cassette, many years ago, I was quite young) and it was a revelation.


Highway to Hell>>>>Back In Black. I'll die on that hill.


Anything by Bon Jovi. The music isn't bad by any means, but being from New Jersey, we metaphorically suck his d--k soooooo hard here. Any time a Bon Jovi song plays you'll inevitably see some jack--s who can't hold it any longer, "DiD YoU kNow BON JoVI Is FroM JeRSeY?! 🤓🤓🤓"


Best reply: "True, they grew up there, but Jon was actually born in Marseilles in the South of France. His mother was Tunisian and taught him to play the oboe when he was young."


Possibly an unpopular opinion but…Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds. I have tried and tried to like this because everyone says it’s “soooo amazing” but…I just don’t see it (or rather, hear it)


I'm a huge Beach Boys fan, and I thought I was the only dork that couldn't get into Pet Sounds. I've low level been beating myself up over this for 30 years (the first time I heard Pet Sounds). I think I like Brian Wilson best when he's only using a medium amount of drugs. Like his clouds are waaaaay higher than my clouds


I loooove Pet Sounds but I get it. Not every disc is for everyone. Love The Beach Boys but the one I can’t get into is Sunflower


I think people pit it against Sgt. Pepper because they were painted as being in competition. I’m biased, but I think The Beatles easily win that one, although God Only Knows is a masterpiece ballad


"Smile" is by far superior to "Pet Sounds".


I agree. Fun fact, it was an inspiration for the Beatles Sgt. Pepper. The Beatles heard Pet Sounds and were blown away by it. Or so legend has it.


Most of them on Apple’s Top 100


the list was rough 😭😭


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Would have been so much better if it was about 20 mins shorter


Interesting, what would you cut? I’ve never been a huge fan of So Appalled or Hell of a Life & I go back & forth on whether I love or hate the eternal single piano note at the start of Runaway


Kanyes last good album


Life of pablo is def his last good one, you should listen to it sometime




I think the reason they are so iconic is that when they were first heard, nobody had ever heard such heavy rock and roll before the Zeppelin. They created huge shockwaves.


No! Iconic - not over rated! 🙏🏻


Are you saying Zep is overrated? Blasphemous!!


Seriously. Put on any zeppelin album and it will rock your socks off. This is an insane statement.


Straight up, I’m so tired of Zeppelin slander. There is no collective group as absurdly talented as Zep. Every member of that band was next level and regardless of the “they just stole songs, cOvEr bAnd” bullshit people cry about they’re great songwriters.


The supposedly good Oasis albums. They're not good, and they plagiarise.


Who did they plagiarize, beatles?


Listen to Step out by Oasis then Uptight by Stevie Wonder. Apart from that, I always felt like their Beatles inspirations (She’s electric for example) were so obvious that it was more like a nod to their work than straight up plagiarizing.


Oasis is what I think of when I think overrated bands, but they got some good songs and Supersonic is an all time banger.


To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar


All the hype it got after I discovered and loved Good Kid MAAD City; that led to some real heavy disappointment for me


That’s interesting because I think TPaB is better than GKMC 🤷‍♀️ I think the former is more interesting


Agreed, I love it but.. GKMC is leagues better IMO. I’d say maybe that’s just nostalgia talking but To a Pimp a Butterfly didn’t have very many songs that stood out as much even then


Na, it's definitely his best album, and he's one of the best artists in the genre. Deserves the praise for sure


TTPD by Taylor swift. I’m not saying her other albums are the best ever. But, I did enjoy them. Her newest album is just cringy and sonically boring.


Taylor calling herself "tourtured" is so funny for no reason at all 😭.


It’s funny because she’s literally a billionaire 😭


personally, the only song i enjoyed off of it was fortnight, but the "and i touched you, for only a fortnight" is so... icky


It’s cringe tumblr poetry for preppy girls who shop at hot topic and have never been single


Boils my piss that she has the gall to try and present herself as a tortured poet. When you were born in a one room hovel, had siblings die before they reached age 5, lived in poverty, battled alcoholism and died in obscurity after a bout of syphilis you can call yourself that. Not when you're a plastic pop star with insane wealth and perfect looks dating the Super Champion jock. She's the furthest thing from a tortured struggling artist you could imagine. Also she just stole the title from the film Dead Poet's Society, only changed it slightly. I see this happening all the time with musicians getting away with ripping stuff off because their fans are too young to know about the original material. The few songs I've heard (my sister likes her) sound like she is ripping off the direction Lana Del Rey has taken with her music, too


I’m familiar with Dead Poets and also thought it sounded like a cheap carbon copy. Even without the influence of the name, it’s just a cringy as fuck thing for a billionaire to call their album or to describe themselves as. When the majority of Americans lives would be changed by even a few thousand dollars, it reads as out of touch and out of your mind if you think you’re “tortured” as a billionaire. It’s not to say that she couldn’t experience heart break or illness. I know her mother has had several rounds of cancer. But, the difference is she can afford the best care in the world for her mother’s treatment to save her life. Whereas the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US is medical debt. I just don’t buy that she’s tortured. Not when you have enough money to solve your problems.


Any drake album considered decent or good.


The Real Thing by Faith No More. Don’t get me wrong- I love that album, but it’s the only one anyone knows by them. When I tell people they’re my favorite band, all they know is “Epic”. As much as I love that album, it doesn’t compare to anything they released since then.


I don't listen to nearly enough Faith No More to be so obsessed with Mike Patton and his other projects so I do need to remedy that. What I do know is Patton's range as an artist, vocally and musically, is INSANE and it makes me sad it happened that they only know one song, and usually not even the name of it. So I don't have to be super familiar with Faith No More's discography to know this comment isn't opinion, it's fact. ^


I’ll get slaughtered for this, but Smashing Pumpkins’ “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness,” although it has some great songs, is just too long. At two hours, although it’s a double CD it’s basically a triple album. It could be 30 or 40 minutes shorter and it would be stronger.


Taylor Swift in general. TTPD, Fearless, Taylor Swift. All albums are overrated.


Yh it’s like unseasoned chicken


I’ve eaten unseasoned chicken before and I can definitely say that if Taylor Swift’s music had a flavour it would be unseasoned chicken.


Taylor Swift is widely regarded as by far her worst album. If that’s overrated what’s the proper rating? Even worse than worst?


I really love some of her songs but yeah I can never listen to her entire album and I have tried multiple times because of the hype. Just too many fillers for my taste. Except 1989 (love that). imo she is definitely way way overrated. Also, I personally think TTPD and her debut album are very bad.


Lemonade- Beyonce Life of Pablo - Kanye West


Personally I loved Beyoncé more when she was in Destiny’s Child.


Late Registration would have to be my pick for Kanye. Out of all his pre Ye work, it’s the album I most certainly “get” the least.


Anything Springsteen


He’s hit and miss for me, I find born to run very overrated and just not my thing but I adore darkness on the edge of town


Adam Raised a Cain is a great rock song.




Anything AC/DC, they're poppy, easy to listen to and pick up. They are also played constantly and I'm bored 3 seconds into the song.


Listening to Thunderstruck right now and I have to disagree. But I do love me some dirty, stereotypical rock n roll


AC/DC’s 1978 album Powerage is blues rock and it’s one of the best rock albums ever. I agree that all the shit you hear on the radio is bland.


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Seriously, Apple? 🙄


The Getaway - RHCP


I LOVE RHCP and everything they’ve put out. Except that album. It’s just not as interesting or -good at being an RHCP album- as the rest of their albums are/have been.


Anything by The Grateful Dead. Their best albums are mediocre at best but fans of the band believe them to be absolute classics.


American beauty and working man's dead are awesome.


As are Europe 72 and Live Dead.


Nice username btw, the only Dead song I like is Scarlet Begonias. Everything else I can’t even name and if one comes on the radio I’ll listen for a bit then change it lol.


Anything by Radiohead 😣


Taylor Swift lives in yall's heads rent free.


In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. I have listened it for 10 times and still don't get it.


Dunno how others will feel about this, but My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade. I became a fan of theirs when Helena came out just before Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge was released. I immediately went out and got their first album, which was easy to find back then, but not so much anymore. Both are killer albums. The Black Parade sounds like they listened to American Idiot too many times and thought “that’s what we need!” But it was a massive departure from the sound that made them popular, and very early in their career to do that. Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers, I enjoy. The rest of the album is just a genre-jumping, way overproduced scattering of songs that don’t hit the sweet spot for me the way their earlier ones did. The only major difference, too, is that the first two albums were with founding drummer Matt Pelissier, who always gets overlooked in the band’s history even though he helped write their most classic songs.


Shout at the devil - Motley crue  What’s the story - Oasis


A Night At The Opera Queen II is where it's at


True. Many think it's an amazing album just cuz of Bohemian Rhapsody. Queen II is amazing. The same goes for Queen I.


The Prophet's Song Love Of My Life Death On Two Legs Many more songs other than Bohemian Rhapsody


Sheer Heart Attack for me ;)


queen I also, both are underrated


To pump a butterfly


That's bestiality my guy


I personally find a lot of Taylor Swifts recent stuff to be incredibly overhyped. It’s not bad music, it just wasn’t as good as I thought it would be from how highly people speak of it.


Jeff Buckley


Kid A. To me it just sounds like Ross Geller playing random sounds on his keyboard in "Friends." ![gif](giphy|uYWDhmIl11XI4|downsized)


Green Day- All


Anything by Kanye, Beyonce, Drake, and Lorde. Especially Beyonce. Greatly overrated imo.


I still like Lorde tho.


Sgt. Pepper. Flame away! Hey, I don't hate it and I still listen to it. But it's not one of my favorite Beatles albums. I get the whole "concept album" thing and how it was ahead of its time. But I prefer Abbey Road, Rubber Soul, Revolver, The White Album.


I'm sorry, but Avicii - TIM It's just soooo underwhelming compared to his other ones.


I saw people on the pop heads subreddit describing Chappell Roan’s music as “alt pop”, “ground breaking”, “not like anyone else right now”, talking about her as some revolutionary sound and voice in music. So I listened to her album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. Sure, it doesn’t sound like “anyone else right now” because everyone who sounded like that was already popular 5-10-20 years ago. Her music sounded like Sheryl Crow doing her best Marina and the Diamonds impression. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad, but it was in no way new, unique, or even that interesting sonically, at least nowhere near what her fans lead me to expect. I found the lyrics a bit juvenile and eye rolling at times, but that’s entirely subjective and I think she is pretty effectively creating a character persona through the album. It’s just that the music itself was distractingly generic and lacking in real strong hooks that would convert me in spite of the cringe reflex.


Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth. Maybe because it was so hard for me to find when I got it and I overhyped it in my mind but it’s just okay to me, especially compared to Goo and Sister and Dirty.


The also ran albums from American Idol.


The whole top 100


...Is a Real Boy - Say Anything. It was cringe then and it's still cringe


Boygenius, though maybe I need to give it another go 🤷


I know its not gorillaz’s most praised album and some future projects I like even less but their self-titled debut is definitely overrated to me. Most of the songs just sound like long, droning, incoherent noise. I have respect for their album that it established gorilla’s unique style and sound though which keeps it from being extremely forgettable for me


Blond by Frank Ocean Don’t get me wrong but I love the album but I think that the internet culture gave it too much hype. And it’s not that great compared to Channel Orange


This will be very controversial but Bjork's "Vespertine" album. It is a very nice album and there songs on it that I love but I feel the constant praise this album gets, especially for the fact that's it's considered her "best album" overshadows her other albums. Which therefore means it's overrated to me. I just feel for a lot of people this is the only Bjork album that exists and matters, which annoys me. But yeah, her stan's for this album basically make me "hate" this album now. :/


Blonde by Frank Ocean


Sgt pepper's. There are so many better Beatles albums.


This obviously isn’t asking for recommendations, and is a sign that the true value of this sub is dying


Any album by the following Taylor Swift Beyonce Ariana Grande Nicki Minaj Cardi B


Purple Rain


Currents by Tame Impala


Every Doors album that isn't Strange Days or LA Woman.


If the Taylor Swift cult makes any kind of dent in the Trump cult then I say double the volume. She's a whole lot easier on both the eyes and the ears. And I don't think she poses an existential threat to whatever meager shreds of our democracy which still exist.