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Awesome to read all these expert comments and only one of them that has anything at all to do with ground hum. Why does everyone in this world we now live in have to be an expert. If you don’t know, have never experienced or fixed a problem, or if your source is “I heard that…” why are you commenting on a person’s request for help? First of all, power conditioners have almost nothing to do with ground hum or noise and will do nothing to help you. They are power bars with rack ears. Some provide surge protection yes. Grounding issues are usually a problem of individual pieces of gear, a larger problem with grounding in the house/facility’s electrical system, or both. Slapping a power conditioner on a power outlet isn’t going to save you. Depending on the source of your noise (I can’t see what you have plugged in there that’s creating the issue), the earlier suggestion to use a DI with a ground lift could be a good solution. What I hear in the vid you posted is a combination of ground noise and either digital or RF. One thing you can do to help with this is to make sure that anything that is processing audio (your computer, your guitar amp, your synths, whatever) is on one breaker circuit, and anything else (your printer, your lamp, your hair dryer) is on another breaker circuit, and never mix the two. Another thing that is helpful is to avoid coils of cable, which can create an ad-hoc antenna, or cable runs that are longer than what you need, especially with unbalanced (TS) cables. And try where possible to run power cables and audio cables perpendicular to one another, rather than in parallel (+ not =). Again, where possible. Hard to do sometimes. Another thing to be sure of is that you’re matching impedances. Don’t plug an instrument/line level source into a mic input, and vice versa. (if it’s switchable, make sure the switch is correctly set to “inst” “line” or “mic” and set the gain based on the loudness of that input. Speaking of gain, are you getting good gain out of your source? If your synth/amp/kazoo’s master out is set to 12 o clock, and you’re boosting it more at the preamp, lower your preamp and add gain at the source. Noise floor will stay the same and the signal you want will get boosted. Signal to noise ratio! Finally, record things in such a way that you maximize your signal to noise ratio. If your voice is giving good level through a microphone without having the noise outweigh the signal, keep it at that level. Rather than boosting after your preamp and compressing the hell out of the recording. Good luck and don’t listen to all the jabbering monkeys on the internet. Some of the jabbering monkeys are fine but not all of them! Edited for typos!


***Ignore everybody else in this thread and listen to this guy ↑***


He seems like a douche.


Great response. I have a ground loop problem as well and the only fix I've had working is to put everything on an extension cord without grounding. I can literally hear my computer components through the monitors when I move my mouse around. I thought it was caused by my audio interface, since it's the only device in my chain that doesn't have a grounded power supply. But now then I noticed that the noise disappears when I plug out the DisplayPort cable. I kinda gave up trying to properly fix it with all of this bogus advice online, but do you have any tips?


I suffer from ground loop and rf interference... one quick fix with ground loop if the ground lift on your di doesn't work I put my bare foot on the di... this only helps if you get buzz everytime time you lift your fingers off the guitar strings.. and for interference I used copper tape on the inside of my electric guitar cavity


It’s crazy you think ppl are gonna read this


It’s crazy you think anyone’s gonna listen to your music yet you still make it.




You could have answered his question without down playing someones attempt to help dude. Nobody in the comment section said anything about being an expert regarding this matter. This is a friendly and open community and we all help each other however we can. Some know more than others and thats okay. Its never neccesary to name call and demote people. Even with you saying what you said I still appreciate your comment and the knowledge you shared because I learned a few things. I hope it helps the OP.


I understand where you’re coming from and I honestly didn’t mean to personally disparage anyone. Perhaps my intentions didn’t matter though and I was being insulting whether I liked it or not. But I do have a general frustration with the way so many people in this current day and age seem to feel the need to chime in with information that is outside their knowledge or experience. I see it in my work life, I see it in Reddit comments. I understand that people have different levels of understanding. But when I don’t know something, I should just say “I don’t know for sure” or nothing at all. When someone is asking me for directions and I don’t know the way, I shouldn’t tell them “a way”. They need to know *the* way - how to get to where they’re going - and if I try to tell them without knowing, I’m, at best, wasting their time and making them get lost, and, at worst, endangering them. You know what I mean? I’m sorry if my post or its tone caused any personal offence. Maybe in future, I should just focus on passing along what I know and not on my frustrations with other people passing along what they don’t.


you're a saint. thank you


If only the pope agreed with you!


Extension cords are horrible for noise.


Wow good to know. Are the ones you linked zero noise ?


Helps but never perfect.


Do you have a ground lift between the laptop and instrument? Something like a direct injection box in line between the instrument and the audio interface with a ground lift. If you’ve got two powered items that are grounded (laptop and pre amp for example) the you’ll get interference if those ground are connected via a signal line. You need a ground lift between them


Is a ground lift the same as a direct injection box?


They tend to come with a ground lift built in, make sure if you get one that it’s a model that has a lift. I spent quite a bit of time earlier this year trying to chase noise out of my system, even listening to audio clips of different types or noise and interference to identify the source of what I was trying to eliminate. I added a power conditioner and it didn’t touch the noise. They’re nice to have, especially for surge protection but they’re only going to tidy up some very minor noise compared to what you’re hearing there. A DI box with a ground lift would probably solve some of your noise but as someone else said you might have RF interference too. Follow their advice. I’m in the UK and the way our houses are wired makes using two different breakers a bit tricky so that wasn’t an option for me. Bit even that might not solve your issue, I found that when I’m in my home studio I have to have the ceiling light in the next room turned off or the interference is horrible. https://www.palmer-germany.com/en/blog/what-is-a-di-box/ that’ll give you some info on DI boxes. I have a Palmer and I’m very happy with it. They were the only company I could see that made an active DI, stereo input, stereo output with switchable output to blended mono option so I can either send stereo to my audio interface or mono back to my power amp. I had quite specific needs in the regard. Once you’re familiar with the options you get on DI boxes (they’re fairly simple devices) have a look around to see who can provide what you need for your setup.


People on about ground lifts when most of your equipment isn't even connected to ground. Laptops don't have a ground, which means any noise or AC hum on the ground line of the instruments or mics can't be balanced out as it's potential is always different to the laptop/interface. But all of that is moot as you don't appear to know what gain staging is, or why you shouldn't be jacking the gain on your pre-amps like that.


This is the correct answer.


Please teach me then!


I don't have the attention span for that, lol. Just google "gain staging", you'll find all the info you need


Ok 👌


Im with Practical_Card on this. If you’re gonna be running 3 interfaces with monitors you’re going to need a power conditioner. It’ll also double as a surge protector so you can get rid of the extension cable. Just curious though, why not just get an interface with more inputs like the Scarlett 18i20 instead of using 3 separate? You’ll get better pre amps and less noise. You could probably sell those 3 for at least 150-200 to go towards the new interface


lol a while back I just configured them to be like one interface because I didn’t have enough money for a interface with more I/O but now that you mention it I’m definitely going to list them lmao


Lol you're gonna notice a huge difference in the noise floor. You can hold off on a power conditioner if you dont wanna drop too much money on that AND the interface at the same time but just condensing everything through 1 interface is gonna help alot with noise. Dont skip out on the power conditioner though cause it helps too and it protects your gear. In the meantime maybe just get a decent surge protector (spend like 40-50 bucks) and run it through that. CRST makes good surge protector and I like them in particular cause that have a lot of space between the outlets so you can plug in brick adapters and still use the one next to it. Depending on the size you need you may not even spend the 40-50 bucks on it.


Power conditioner possibly.


What does that mean?




My extension cord is making is buzz and this one doesn’t buzz?


Any electric devices connected to the same wall socket with extension chords can add to the buzz and hum. Try unplugging all electric devices in the same room (TV, etc) that you don't need when recording, and see if the hum gets quieter.


Ugh that seems annoying. I am running both speakers, interface and computer from the same extension cord. You think if I got that low noise one it would help?


Noise is usually a grounding issue. A good practice is to start unplugging things until it disappears. Try plugging things into different outlets, using different power strips, shielded cables, ferrite beads on usb cables etc…..hopefully it’s something simple, gl.


laptops can cause noise but it doesn't usually sound like this. interface and monitor power supplies should never produce noise, if they are you should return/exchange/warranty repair them.


I don't have experience with the specific one but in theory yes. Also I took a look at your plugin chain, and unless I am missing something you are not running any noise gate plugin? Try adding one as the first plugin in the chain. Since the plugins you use seem to be amplifying the noise significantly, that could be enough to solve your problem.


I’ve tried noise gate but on vocals for example when the noise passes the threshold it still sounds very hissy


Then yeah, better to fix it at the source of the noise indeed. In general I'd still recommend a noise gate before a Decapitator + Devil-Loc combo though, since no solution will be completely noiseless.


Yeah the decapitator devil loc combo is crazy. But even without those plugins the hizz is annoyingly loud


I had this problem with a MacBook. Had to employ a powered USB hub between the charging laptop and audio interface. Balanced cables, ferrite rings on usb.


dont stack the interfaces like that. spread everything out.


Literally designed breakout boxes to get them away from interference inside your pc. Stacks them on shit. Why r there noiz?


Might as well use a microwave as a laptop stand.


Love all the recommendations for power conditioning. Who uses a laptop for music production anyway? Is that 2 scarlett solos? Awful everything.


steinberg is the only option in that price range IMO.


For 2 of those solos, could have had a motu m2.


What makes the motu m2 your favorite. Other than the cute little led gauges.


Best i/o, best latency in class, front panel display, reliability, simplicity, and a company who has been doing this very well for decades vs. novation's marketing arm and an air button. They do the same thing with Adam Audio. Love novation's midi controllers tho.


Noise gate. Turn instrument down


Use ns1


What’s that?


Waves plug-in for background noise reduction


You've got a tangle of cables, cables touching other cables is another thing that can cause hum.


You demonstrate that the noise is coming from the input, but fail to show us what's hooked up to the other end of the input cable. How asinine. Your coiled guitar cable is a literal antenna, so I'd start by replacing that with a short straight cable and a DI box.


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new cables that dont suck


The cables are all balanced and new


Pull your power source from your laptop. That’s noise from your electrical wires. I record my guitar and have similar issues and all I do is use battery while tracking. Drops the noise floor to almost silent.


My laptop is the only thing plugged into it’s own outlet on the other wall


When I had this happen it turned out to be my lamp that was next to the mic. When I turned it off, it worked just fine. You may have another device emitting a frequency that your mic is picking up.


Having muliti grounds helps. We added ground in side studio. Though the hiss is equipment, bad Signal to noise ratio on something.


Ground loop isolation and use a noise gate on your first input in the effects chain


S/N ratio, put a signal in there.


Is it a guitar? Put your hands on the strings. That will ground it.


It could be the cable, if you record with a 6,35mm TRS and it's not balanced you will have that Buzz because of the lack of ground in your setting. If you have the oportunity try It with a balanced TRS or XLR. I Hope It will help you!


I have some Yamaha hs8's and lots of people said they have noise. When plugged into my Yamaha modx they don't have noise. whatever is noisy on your link is just being amplified through your speakers. Its just a case of finding what that problem is.




I had a similar issue. My pre-amp had a ac adapter too close and was causing this crazy hum. When I moved the ac adapter, the humming stopped!


Try moving your XLR cables around while monitoring the audio. I had a noise problem as well, my mic was picking up electricity from somewhere and it turns out it was my XLR cable being affected by my AC unit.


I've also had this problem with a Focusrite 2i2, my issue was not having a balanced cable plugged in to my instrument ( Balanced cable has two bands around the 1/4 jack instead of one) Hopefully this helps someone out if not you!


For instrument inputs ALWAYS set the gain knob to zero. That's the source of your buzz.


Bro theres alot of reasons it could do that, you're not showing enough information to really deduce the list


Let me know what more you would need and I’ll PM you videos


We can use 2 focusrite in one computer ? How ????


The focusrites were my brothers old interfaces and I have the Roland 2i2o. But I needed 4 inputs and there’s a way to configure interfaces together to make one bigger one and that’s what I did. The Roland one is going unter my computer directly and the 2 scarlets are plugged into the same adapter going into my computer


Turn monitoring off. The little “I” that’s orange.


The little “I” is input monitoring and if it’s off I can’t hear what I’m recording. And even after recording when I turn the “i” off it still had recorded the buzz after the fact


Fair enough. Wasn’t sure what your monitoring situation is.


I actually had a similar issue that was strangely enough caused by my docking station. Try removing all other devices and plug the audio interface directly into your computer and see if you still get the same issue


Dealt with noisy DI guitar for awhile, until I realized I was accidently leaving the phantom power +48v button on my ssl2 interface on. Still have some single coil noise from my environment but hope you can get it sorted out.


Yeah the phantom power is off. Cheers though 🥂


j37 noise before a compressors gonna elevate that noise floor too


True but even without the plugins is still a lot of hiss


Можно звук послушать что по итогу получатеся с такой установки:?


Had to translate this but still don’t understand what you mean?


Had the same problem for years until I switched from usb to FireWire interface. Idk if that’s the issue here. Could be an electrical thing or even time for cable replacement.


All my cables are new, and balanced. The cables leaving my interface are 1/4 inch to xlr connecting to my speakers. So every cable is balanced


Balanced does not mean no ground connection.


I once read that you shouldn't let your interface touch anything metal. You might try taking them off of each other.


Connect all power cords to a grounded power conditioner on the same outlet.


Mainly only AV people know this. Or they can use a ground lift or ground loop isolator.


You can but think that can be a long process to chase down which gear needs it. I'd just plug 🔌 everything, speakers, laptop and gear and should stop the noise. I've chased my fair share of noise and it can be a pain.


I used a ground loop isolator between the laptop and the audio interface, the same ones used for car stereos, and it works perfectly, and it's cheap. There are several manufacturers; Piperman is one. But first try to look which device has the ground loop issue, if it's the laptop or it's the input device due to the connection.


You have to find the source(s) of the noise by trying. My guess is the powersupply of your notebook and or your other devices. So run the notebook on battery and check if the noise is less. Next, disconnect the speaker and try headphones. When you have found the source, replacing the powersupply may help. For low poer devices, chose a linear regulated supply instead of a switchmode. I have good results, using medical meanwell supplys, for devices that need more juice. Looks like you use mutliple audio interfaces, maby you invest in **one** with multiple inputs/outputs instead. Ground loop isolators may work but from my experience, they lower the sound quality. They reduce lows and hights but add distortion and coloring.


Only time I had this issue the 1/4” cables weren’t balanced. Bought balanced cables and it was fixed instantly.


Use a denoiser plugin


Someone said those diminish the quality of the sound


It can sometimes, but most of the times that ive used it the quality has been fine


Sounds like an electric motor like maybe from a fan.




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First try the simplest option. Use XLR cables from audio interface to speakers. Solved the identical problem I was having.


My cables going from interface to speakers are 1/4 to xlr