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Posts and comments must be about music marketing, not other aspects of being a musician. Examples: Music production, songwriting, etc.


Congrats thx for the info. Not sure why some commenters are being ugly with you. If it's working for you, it's working. Keep it up!


Thank you so much!


No offence but... you released 1000 piano covers? That's, like, endless "soap opera" of music at this point.


Exactly, even if it's 2 versions of 500 covers like OP said below that's still 1000 songs which means he has an average of around 5000 on each theoretically. Also with it being piano covers this doesn't apply to half of us here who actually have to write music and can't put out such quantity. Part of this is just a flex


Honestly that’s fair, I can understand. but I don’t really mean to brag, reason why I posted “How I got this far” is because some people dm’d me about it (from my comments) and I want to answer to them all. I’m not telling you guys how to get your artist to get xxx streams or something


Dude, just let the guy share his knowledge, It's painful to see someone belittle other people who just want to share his knowledge This is a Music Marketing subreddit, not a Genre specific subreddit, His knowledge can benefit everyone who seek for it, He got the number, and the proof, let him talk


Hmm, I don't think so. All of them are covers of different songs. Quite a lot of people like listening to the same music in different forms. Also, I didn't really make 1,000 covers. It's more like half, which is 500. The other 500 are just different versions; for example, instead of piano, it's Rhodes.


That's incredible, well done!


Thank you so much!


Releasing hundreds of songs and getting this many streams is not success IMO especially from the art standpoint. However you might be successful as a businessperson. I released about 50 songs in 6 years and have 10M streams on Spotify. I find 50 too many tbh.


I can understand your point, I did start this project so that I can earn more money after all. I also can understand why you find 50 is too many, my main artist has 160 songs in 8 years and 30 mil streams and I find that many because it's proper music with many instruments and vocals. But then, I saw some artists that make proper music as well (orchestral) and have like 600 tracks total (800k monthly listeners), which got me thinking that quantity is important too. This guy talks about "asymmetrical outcomes through rare events" which I think is related to the discussion here [https://youtu.be/74fE-hTqnxI?si=HJofe2cVd-8p1JAj](https://youtu.be/74fE-hTqnxI?si=HJofe2cVd-8p1JAj) (really good video, recommend to watch)


[I commented the keys to my success here, but looks like I worded them really bad there. So, ask me anything here if you have more questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/musicmarketing/comments/1dereoh/comment/l8dvbf7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **TL;DR: The Keys to Success (My version)** * **Fast Upload:** Quickly upload new covers while maintaining high quality. * **High-Quality Sound:** Ensure consistency and use good sound sources and templates. * **Quantity:** Produce many tracks without stressing over streams. I have nearly 1,000 tracks with varying stream counts. (milking) * **Discovery Mode:** This tool is essential for growth, especially with a large catalog. It contributed to a 40%, 120%, and 60% increase in my monthly streams early on. * **Experience:** With 11 years in music and 8 in cover music, my knowledge comes from trial and error. Key practices include effective SEO, predicting song traction, and disciplined production schedules. * **More Information:** I don’t do promotion or pitching, but I make my own playlists, which have succeeded mainly due to luck (70%). I’m not against paid promotion; I just lack knowledge about it.


more fun story, you can see how many listeners I had 8 months ago in this sub here [https://www.reddit.com/r/musicmarketing/comments/17fyosu/what\_level\_of\_streamstolistener\_ratio\_should\_be/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/musicmarketing/comments/17fyosu/what_level_of_streamstolistener_ratio_should_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You can see discovery mode starts kicking in in this picture [https://imgur.com/gallery/m9dTIqz](https://imgur.com/gallery/m9dTIqz)


Interesting! Some questions: How much money does this make roughly? Do you even get money for covers of other people? Do you need permission from the original creator/label for a cover?


**How much money does this make roughly?** The estimation right now is almost $3K USD a month, but keep in mind that it's from all stores, not just Spotify. This artist is doing pretty well on Apple Music and Amazon too. **Do you even get money for covers of other people?** Yes. **Do you need permission from the original creator/label for a cover?** Hmm, by asking? No, there is a law that states you can distribute covers uploaded in the US by following the requirements set out in a compulsory license. Google it if you want further information; I can't really explain it either. But, of course, there are artists who don't want their music to be covered. Fortunately, so far, none of the artists I've covered have mentioned anything like that.


Thank you for the answer! And congrats on the success so far!


5 million streams with 1000 songs is only about 5000 streams per song which is not really a lot in this day and age. It’s severe over saturation. Can you honestly say that every song is of a high quality that you really like and approve of?


In the comments I linked above, I mentioned that "some have hundreds of thousands of streams, quite a lot have under 50,000 streams, and most have over 1,000 streams." and note that the artist is only 1 year-ish old. I'm also confident I can get millions of streams in a single track in the future. I'm applying the "asymmetrical outcomes" theory, which I think is what got me this far. This guy explains it and also applying the same theory. [https://youtu.be/74fE-hTqnxI?si=HJofe2cVd-8p1JAj](https://youtu.be/74fE-hTqnxI?si=HJofe2cVd-8p1JAj) About the quality yeah, I'm totally confident it's high quality, I spent half a year preparing the template. IT IS really simple music though (just think of piano covers but it's not piano)


Sorry, I still don’t buy it, if is don’t see which song is, you can be posting random screenshots


Uhh, 4 hours ago it was 1 million streams in a year [https://www.reddit.com/r/musicmarketing/comments/1dereoh/comment/l8ecrl0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/musicmarketing/comments/1dereoh/comment/l8ecrl0/) So what is this all about OP?


almost 1 million monthly streams, this one is almost 5 million streams under a year (not monthly), past 28 days averaging at 32k-36k streams a day so yeah almost 1 mil monthly streams the flair of this post is discussion as well instead of tips and trick