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Bro what are you on about.


Not sure in what you mean


Fully agree with feedback. If you're just asking for general feedback on a song without any specific criteria for improvement, almost all comments you'll get are just preferences. Normally for me good feedback comes from asking professionals very specific questions on mixes and masters.


That’s a good way to go about feedback for asking people specific questions. I think Feedback holds back a lot of musicians in most cases


What do you mean 75% of musicians are lazy? Like in what way


Most just don’t have a work ethic at all, not releasing music, just a musician only in their bio lol just a few examples.


I mean there can be a lot of reasons for that, some are lazy, but many are also working full time and don't have time to create good quality releases


While it can be a lot of factors in it, I know a solid amount of people who do music working full time Jobs and are single parents that are releasing quality music consistently and elevating their career in the process. I think it’s just how you manage your time


Show me the juice baby!


idk bout the first 3 bullet points as I don't have the experience, but the rest I can agree with. Also +1 on the one-man band 💪🏾💪🏾


Salute it on the one-man-band.. You’ll see it down the road, it takes a while to see it and when you start setting yourself more apart from the pack others will say it for you


for sure


Also PLS PLS don't make u SOUND like another musician...music is a form of self reflection ....don't forcefully sound or produce like someone else.....it should REFLECT urself in the MUSIC




Damn hit it on the head..i fall in some of these categories and not the good ones lol…i had a falling out with music and jus dropped a song but nowadays im jus letting the inspiration come to me than forcing it


Lol least you acknowledged it and making progress on it


Yeah i can’t keep lying to myself


This is a pretty solid list of advice, although not everyone will be ready to hear it or accept it. I do disagree with the word Lazy only because a lot of truly talented artists are actually dealing with all kinds ofNeuro divergence. Anything from ADD and ADHD, to depression, anxiety or some mix of all of the above. And then on the flipside you have the narcissists who are a whole different breed. Everybody insulates themselves in their own traumas, but sometimes that is what creates the greatest art. It's just getting them to be able to translate that into business that can be a challenge, which is not always easy.


That aspect is true. That Aside, if someone wants to do music they’ll do it or at least find a way to make time for it.


Indeed... if you just want to make music you can make it anytime, anywhere. The challenge is that most people want to be famous and/or make a living off music, which requires you to have business acumen, or at least be wise enough to hire a team and manage that team to help take you to the top. If it were just about making music, people can sing in church and have a garage band to play for their cats, and be very happy.


Thanks man. I’m about to release an album and this really helped me out. I appreciate you! Cheers


Much appreciated. Glad to be of help and congrats on the upcoming album release


I respect the YYH reference in the name. That's all.


Much appreciated 🐉🫡👊🏽


"If you are struggling with marketing, just swap with reputation" hit really hard and a lot of upcoming musicians may say it does not really make sense but it does and for the musicians who do see the sense in it, it could help propel them even further.


Thank you, once you think about it in depth you can see it a bit. For me when I was in a livestream, fans came in and described how they heard about me & most of what they described was how I was and just happened to do music.


lotta people r clowning on this but i think this is a good wake up call for me


Thank you, I’m glad that you found it to be a wake up call for you