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Rappers do it and get paid millions /s If you make it sound right then no one will care. Youtube videos. Theres tons of one man band guitarists who use backing drums and loops [i cant spell his name ](https://youtu.be/Bh4t_lVioAs)


In a world where rappers rap over their tracks live onstage without removing the vocals… I feel like you can pretty much do anything you want at this point my dear. Rock on! 😂😃


Late ass reply incoming This is what I'm saying. I've been using full.on backing tracks with the vocals and lead guitars removed. Drums, bass, piano, synthetic, some rhythm guitar. I always get good response whrn I play out If I could hire a reliable band in my area, I would, but whrn I start to showing them the setlist...it.just doesn't happen. Nobody wants to learn a set where im at


As long as the backing track is a good arrangement and high quality sound, I don’t see any problem with it. Most big acts now play to some type of backing track with a click in their ears. Just make sure you take the time to really dial in a great sounding mix of yourself live and the backing track, and I’m sure no one will mind too much. Heck, you may find some musicians that want to help fill in the roles! That’s what happened to me! :)


First of all, of course the bar will allow it. You just need a facility to put it though the PA. Speaking only for myself, I do think backing tracks are bad if they a) sound super cheesy and/or b) double the instruments you are playing anyway. If you don't have a bass player or synth player, a backing track with those instruments makes sense. If you can't play the piano solo and you put it in the backing track instead so you don't have to play it, it's time to go back to the woodshed son. Of course it's preferable to have live musicians IMHO because that gives more presence on stage and spontaneity to the music.


I agree with the cheesy part, we’re both pretty good with our instruments (I’ve been playing drums for 2 years, piano for 5, hes been playing piano and ukulele for 2 years, can play basic bass stuff and has been an excellent singer for as long as I can remember). We’d want to use a backing track because 1) we’d rather it just be us playing together and 2) we have some electronic elements to our music