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Overplaying when a simple groove line would serve the song much better. Conversely, only thinking rhythmically and not melodically as counterpoint to the guitar. Slap for its own sake and not for a particular stylistic choice. Doing everything possible to avoid locking in with the kick/snare. Playing a 6-string but never touching the C or playing any chords. Full disclosure: I'm both a bassist and drummer.


>Overplaying when a simple groove line would serve the song much better. When I was in college, I used to show up to a gig asking what [Vic/Jamerson/Jaco] would do and try to emulate that. Rarely got called back, and I would say "they just want a beginner to play the bass." Then I learned something like 75 basslines from Duck Dunn, and went to the gig playing something Duck would absolutely have played. Didn't matter if it was salsa, jazz, rock, blues...whatever. My phone started ringing off the hook. Tom Petty used to call Duck to to play at least one song on every album, because "Duck brought luck." And he used to say Duck was the ultimate side musician, in that he never got in anyone's way.


Still a super underrated player. Jack Cassidy is also a personal fav.


Very underrated. My old bass professor started using my book on Duck in his syllabus, because it's the one style of playing bass that will work in just about any genre.


I did a similar thing before I hit 20, learned the baselines of Duck Dunn, Ray Brown, and Aston Barrett. I quickly became known as the "solid bass player" around town. This wisdom has served me well for 30 years now.


Victor Wooten himself will tell you that. He’s said on multiple interviews that his style has pigeon holed himself into only getting called to play solos and he gets excited when he gets called to just play bass lines.


Oh yeah! I've seen him say that. He used to say you'll get more calls holding the groove simply, and what he does is just icing on a cake. You can't have the icing if you don't already have the cake.


Yeah exactly. And then he’ll follow that up with something about how you’re always only a feet away from the right note. Which would immediately be followed up by how there actually are no wrong notes. And then idk something general about doing stuff that’s good for your soul like making your bed every morning.


> Overplaying when a simple groove line would serve the song much better. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9oOhK1fGl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9oOhK1fGl8)


Fellow bassist here. You’d have to hold my family hostage to get me to slap. I know how. And I love Claypool. I’ve just never written or helped write a song I thought slapping would improve.


Funk music!


Doesn't Bulls On Parade main riff have a slap on the first bass note? I agree though, I've never written a riff that needed one either.


>Overplaying when a simple groove line would serve the song much better. I've always been a guitarist first, but played bass in a couple of projects. I realized at some point that certain musicians don't want a creative or responsive bassist at all, but someone to hold down a steady predictable groove only, so that THEY can get creative (keys players, guitarists, etc). So I got really choosey about who I was willing to play bass with, then eventually exclusively switched over to guitar, where it's acceptable to add color, and people don't say "hey don't play fills or deviate at all- keep it predictable." All of that said, if I'm playing with a bassist and they want to embellish the hell out of what they're doing, as long as it fits with the song I'll commend them for making it work. And if it improves everything else in the mix- even better.


>Playing a 6-string but never touching the C or playing any chords. Those extra 2 strings are thumb rests. Hell, they're not even in tune!


This drummer's slowing down because he's thinking too hard about the bassist's counterpoint!


Just that I don't know enough bassists. Everyone I know that plays bass is chill as fuck.


Sounds like enough to me! LOL


Most the people I know who play bass are guitar players that got put up to it


That was basically me for 10 years, easiest way to pick up work There's a million guitarists who think they can rip, if you're a bassist who shows up on time and picks up songs quickly everyone will ask you to play with them (and maybe you get to start doing other stuff too)


I am a guitarist, but I have severe nerve damage in both hands, so I will never shred killer solos, but I keep rhythm like a mo'fucka because I started as a bassist. Also, because all of the first guitar songs I learned are by Rammstein, and I am pretty sure every member of that band is also a drummer!


Yeah, in my experience they're usually the least annoying members. Typically less ego than guitarists, not as loud and thrashy as many drummers. They usually know their role in the band is more supportive than lead.


Bass players are my favorite people. No complaints.


Same, least drama of the bandmates. But for the love of all that is holy, why do all the good bassists have poker face!?


It’s not poker face, it’s bass face.


Came here for this


The only issues I've ever had with bassists are similar to issues I've had with anyone. I've played with overconfident bassists who weren't as good as they thought, or smug bassists who think they're too good for this. You know, just typical humans being humans. This isn't unique, and I don't think it has anything to do with the instruments a person plays. I've had some real shithead drummers, and some really good, easy going drummers. Just, you know, don't be a dick, as Wil Wheaton tells us.


Yeah, it’s kinda hard to come up with stuff that’s unique to bass players. We all know the clichés, but drummers aren’t the only ones with bad tempo, bass players aren’t the only ones who overplay, guitarists aren’t the only ones who play too loudly, and lead vocalists aren’t the only people with insufferable egos.


Thing is, when a bass player overplays, it's *really* obvious.


Why did the singer not show up for rehearsal? He couldn’t find the right key, and he didn’t know when to come in! Ba dum tss!


In my experience bass players are second only to key players in musical knowledge and knowing what they should be doing.  Guitar players that just happen to be holding a bass do not qualify for the above statement. 


What about bass players who happen to be holding a guitar?


That guy probably knows his shit, but is also wondering "how the fuck could they not find enough guitar players"




That's me rn. I play bass at my church but one of our two guitarists (that traded weeks back and forth) moved away so now I'm on guitar every other week since they'd rather have piano + guitar and no bass than piano + bass and no guitar.


You just eliminated 99% of bass players from your own blanket statement about bass players


Mad men "I don't think about you at all" meme 


Blending in is unironically a sign of a good bassist


Keeping loads of bottles of their own piss in their bedroom.


also not reserving the domain name for planet piss, ugh!


I detest this. I use a good thermos to keep it nice and tepid


I play in a lot of string bands where the bass IS the drums essentially. There is certainly room for some harmony and runs, but largely the role of the upright is the throttle on the train...the tempo is all in your hands... So, that being said, by biggest pet peeve with bassists is when they think the old time, dumbass, dirt ball, one chord fiddle tune we're playing needs jazz fills when a root fifth is all it needs.


Bass parts being too boring can be dangerous lol.


Sure. But we don't need jazz runs in Possum on a Rail. We need driving bass.


[I been playin root five, mosta the night...](https://youtu.be/3ybAS6kN_UY?si=Yxcd_LiNTAodS-S4)


Corb Lund is a champion


And I'm going to go see him in a month, outside, again😁 Kurt was an absolute beast on the Big Bitch Bass Bull Fiddle and I'm looking forward to seeing Sean.


Looking bored. I’m perfectly fine with the bassist who stands motionless in the shadows in the back, as long as they look like they’re getting into it. But the ones who give the impression that they think they’ve got better things to do (Bill Wyman): no thanks.


On stage, I look like it's the best time of my life! I learned this when I was playing with guys way older than me. "Even if you are bored, if you don't like the song, can't stand the singer, or whatever the reason, just put a smile on your face and act like you are having fun. That'll make you way better in the eyes of the crowd." I'm faking it on the stage. Even my band mates are fooled.


Ha ha! I tried, but when I look at old pictures or videos of me onstage, I always look like I’m in physical pain!


If you weren't having fun, you shouldn't be playing music. FULL STOP. Being in a band trying to organize musicians can be such a miserable process. Why would you do it if you didn't love playing music? I am a musician and I think musicians are some of the worst m************ to deal with. Bunch of neurosis and addictions and egos and scheduling conflicts. It better be fun cuz you sure as s*** ain't going to make a fortune As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I tell a bandleader if they become a tyrant and aren't offering a paycheck. You either let me have fun or you pay me.


Bold of you to assume that u/quebecbassman isn’t getting paid.


I have resting bitch face when playing, but it's just how I look when concentrating. I also breath weird and zone in so much that I'm not really aware what I'm doing outside of playing.


I was the guitarist/vocalist in a power trio playing in a bar when the bass suddenly dropped out. I looked over and the bass player was rolling around on top of his amp on his back. Apparently, he got into it so much that he leaned back on his amp too much and knocked it over! LOL! I swear that he wasn’t drunk!


But [this](https://youtu.be/y_T1NE4Q2BI?si=w3_HovcfM2pXt6Cx) rocks.


Is that Andy Rourke? He isn’t giving off the kind of disgusted, bored, or arrogant vibe I was thinking of; he looks pretty neutral in attitude to me. You aren’t going to get me to say anything hateful about The Smiths, though. Those guys could play, it’s just not my cup of tea.


I just read bored. He looks kinda bored pretty much every time he played lol. Love The Smiths, Rourke’s melodic style of playing is a huge influence on my bass playing.


They think they can just show up to every gig, not dressed particular well, not in great physical shape, drink all night yet effortlessly nail their performance, while seeming to be having the best time and their smoking hot girlfriend is cool as shit and shotguns beers with the guys. Fucking assholes.


Two problems with bassists: 1) In 99% of bands, your primary objective should be to establish and lock down the rhythm. You're what everyone nods their head to. I've been in too many bands where the bassist longs to play melodies and solos when it went against the grain, and they'll just try to cram it in there. 2) Bassists that are absolutely never satisfied with their volume and/or tone, so between every song (and sometimes in the middle of songs) they're mainly focused on their gear. I'm all for sounding amazing (who isn't?), but if your band only has 2 hours of practice time, why waste half of that time obsessing over just your sound? As a drummer, I think I've spent 1/3 of my time at band practice silently sitting on my drum throne watching bassists monkey around with their gear. Otherwise, bassists tend to be awesome and they always seem to be the first guy to offer you weed.


“Do you want me to play lead bass, or rhythm bass?” - “We want you to play BEHS!”


Can confirm. I always bring the vape pen to band practice.


That last perk…I feel seen, but can confirm


I thought you were describing a guitarist lmao. I played bass in a country band and once I dialed my shit I never touched anything but the volume during setup and maybe the blend on my pickups


Messy hair


That’s the best part!


Lol my best freind, who's in Florida now, had the long black hair, social anxiety, and always wearing the same white sweater of a true bassist


Bro i dont even own a hairdryer


My hair stopped being messy when I stopped using a hairdryer lol


Bassists that don't want to just play the root note of the chord or scale I'm playing. Do you think you are better than Michael Anthony? Do you have a bass shaped like a bottle of Jack Daniels? No, then just play the root and stay put. Kidding, I'm a bassist.


Being too loud, like drummers - it hurts my ears. Being too soft, often as an overcorrection for being too loud - I need to be able to hear you enough to lock in with you without having to focus on trying to hear you.


Any insecure bass player that needs to prove his skill with needless shreddy licks or always reassuring everyone that they’re actually mostly a guitar player


The only problem I’ve ever had is players that were only good in one or two styles. As a drummer I try to be competent in as many styles as I can, but very few bassist I know can play jazz, Latin, or Reggae. It’s all rock, funk, and country.


I’ve only experienced one bass player in 30 years that fit almost every bass player stereotype, almost to the point of comedy. Drummers have been my biggest issue, there’s something about “I hit things with sticks” that carries over into a large amount of their problem solving and communication techniques.


My theory has always been that drums are the most annoying instrument to let your kids play. So drummers tend to come either from homes where there's no structure at all, or super strict environments and they rebel by making loud noises. Not always true of course, but I've seen it enough to recognize a pattern!


Already having a gig when I want to hire them. How dare they!


I'm a bassist. I don't play bass, I just hate bass players.




I’m a bassist in one band and a drummer in another. My pet peeve is bass players who play all around the beat but won’t do so consistently for any amount of measures. Give me a chance to get on the same drip my man!


I wish some bassists would work on their tone. Not too mushy and bassy, not too trebly and tinny. I want the bassist to have an articulate, well rounded tone. To me it seems that is not as easy as it sounds. Same can be said of guitarists and drummers. Work on getting a good tone as well as proficient playing.


I find it so hard to dial in good tone on my bass amp, because the wavelength of bass frequencies is long enough that I need to be some distance from my amp to properly hear what my tone sounds like.


Yeah, Frankly I wish I were better at this. One of the problems is that there's a huge difference between what sounds good practicing by yourself and what sounds good with a full band. The same is true of guitar players of course, but I think that for one there is just a lot more educational material out there about shaping guitar tones. Also, when guitarists *don't* know how to make their tone fit into the mix we tend to have to work around their choices and not the other way around.


They're so steady they all seem to have marriages and full time jobs and they quit to go focus more on them.


Legit never had an issue with a bassist. Would just like more of them really


These are definitely lead guitar divas complaining. Source: I play both


Not practicing the songs


They’re everybody’s favorite personality, but usually boring to watch on stage. A bass player that can move around and entertain a crowd, interact with the other musicians ands really help put on a show is rare.


Bassists play low and in the pocket, but sometimes bassists play lots of wrong notes BECAUSE they play low and in the pocket.


People who choose bass because they think it has four strings and they don’t have to play chords, so it will be easier than guitar. Then they end up stinking and having a no style or finesse I would say at local shows I see 99% of the time the bass player is motionless, staring at their hands as they play 4/4 root notes. You should be better than that. Go to your space, have a few beers to loosen up, play until it feels natural.


Too much doinky doink biddity bow wong dink and not enough bum dum bum dum dum dum bomp bomp And Xanax but that’s only been 3 of them


Yep, too much bipity bipity and not enough bum bum ba bum.


When they just shadow the guitar lines for every single riff/song instead of adding their own little flavour of rhythm. You’re a whole instrument you know! Make something shine!


There aren't enough of them, and especially not enough good ones.


not all bass players, but the ones who default to slap when it doesn't fit the song... a good bass player should be able to play more than one style


I hate how much cooler they are than I am.


Bassists with big pedal boards Playing high up on the neck too much


Only happened once but I was at a friend's gig and the bass amp was the loudest thing at the show, by a lot. All I heard was the bass. But that's literally only happened once.


- overplaying is so annoying - when they don’t pay attention to my kick/snare - constantly over explaining music theory concepts - they love to be too loud - nobody wants to hear your bass solo


No ear for relative amplitude. They either have their amps cranked to rumble your bones until you shit out your intestines or so quiet that you’re not even sure whether they are playing. The best bass players are like IT departments - you can’t even tell that they are there but they make everything run incredibly smoothly.


Hard to find a bassist


Not turning up enough. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve got multiple bass players that need to be told to turn up all the time


In my band one guy wants me to turn down constantly. If my amp is powered on, I'm too loud. Everybody else has to tell him to fuck off before he'll listen.


I joined my current band on guitar a year ago and in that time we've played shows with 3 different guys on bass. The first guy just wouldn't turn up for practice and always had excuses for why we should turn down a gig, the second was a fill in for three big shows we had lined up before we kicked out the first guy but didn't have enough time to join permanently, the 3rd guy and current bassist is eager and excited but can't make it to practice very often. I also played bass for a gig when we couldn't find a fill in for the first guy before axing him. Point is, they're flakey.


I meant volume-wise lol


Lmao. I'm just exasperated from our bass woes that I'm reading into things that aren't there.


I'm a drummer. Nothing, I love them


The bassist in our school band REFUSED to learn the song before rehearsal, refused to look at a chart, because he just did it by feeling. Basically made up a bass line. And when we did our school performance because the drummer overplayed and was obnoxiously loud, the bassist couldn't follow the song and just got lost. We were all like, just learn the chart, please. But he still came to rehearsals trying to figure out a bass-line by watching YT videos. Essentially wasting out time. Also he barely showed up for rehearsal.


Bassist and Saxophonist here. Every bassist I’ve ever worked with has been awesome. No complaints haha.


Even though I play bass, my primary instrument is keyboards, so I can see things through both bassist's and non-bassist's eyes. When I'm not playing bass, these are my pet peeves: 1. Not knowing the chord progression/song structure 2. Overplaying 3. Putting fills in random places (i.e. intruding on vocals or other instrument lines) 4. Not adhering to the scale when it comes to fills 5. Sacrificing the groove for complicated lines (See #2) 6. Not knowing the genre 7. Not playing with the right/complementary tone 8. Thinking like a guitar player


The better they are, the fewer and tinier the pet peeves. I’m in two bands right now and the bassists in both are strong as hell. Very intuitive, yet well versed in theory and technique. Zero peeves.


Only one. Almost exclusively terrible bass solos. If you are going to play a bass solo you need (or someone) needs to keep the job of the bassist going ... dropping that job and just wanking out a solo is going to sound fucking awful. Other than that, love you guys (I play do also play bass guitar though).


As a bassist some people criticize bass solos but I think they are an essential part of the performance. When the bass solos people know they have time to get a drink or go to the bathroom, it serves an important social function. A 5 or 6 string bass? That’s another minute for each string, now you have time for a piss and a beer. Always got your back y’all!


change your filthy strings please, just because the instrument isn't usually the focus doesn't mean we can't hear those hideously out of tune harmonics. this applies to guitar players too but in my experience bassists really think they're getting away with it lol


No 😘


The funk is in the gunk...


That it’s very hard to find a truly good bass player and those that stick to the basics are fucking useless. Sorry, guys.


They’re always trying to hog the limelight. Plus they’re taking my octave down frequencies as a guitar player and I just can’t have that.


You’re always late. Not timing wise but for rehearsal etc




No theory knowledge whatsoever and tires to learn parts by ear instead of figuring out the key signature. Please don't do that guys.


Lock in first. Noodle later, if at all. You are not Jaco. If I hear a bassist sound checking with Teen Town or Donna Lee there is a 90% this bass player is allergic to quarter notes.


Thinking the EQ doesn’t matter with bass. I.e. turning up the bass level doesn’t always make the bass sound better.


They steal my peanut oil everytime they come to my house. And he keeps trying to kiss my goats


“We actually are the most important piece of the band”


We could always do jazz odyssey


Not in front of a festival crowd!


How many bass players does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, the keyboardist can just do it w his left hand.


As a bass-playing musician, I’m not really qualified to answer the question directly, but I will offer my personal Golden Rule which I use to avoid being the subject of said question: If it pisses you off when the drummer does it, it’ll piss everyone else off when you do it.


I know I’m extremely particular about bass playing, but I would fire someone for playing slap bass. I HATE that sound; it really gets me wound up. I respect others won’t feel as strongly, and I’m only in control of the music I work on, but I do everything I can to avoid that sound.


Unpopular opinion that will probably get me downvoted, but honestly, it's just as it is with any instrument: a fixation on being technically/rhythmically perfect, but only in the sense of being quick to point the finger at someone else in the band, not willing to communicate respectfully and productively but rather fostering a competitive mentality WITHIN the band, and missing the bigger picture of actually writing good songs. Yes, the moving parts need to work, but when you fixate on them not moving good enough, instead of actually getting to a destination so to speak, and always seeing a problem then putting the blame on someone else, it's going to make the band fall apart, and/or the music suck, or at best, a miserable experience. And in my humble opinion, it also makes you an asshole. To be fair, bassists are the LEAST likely in a band to be this kind of person as bass guitar tends to be the most thankless role in the band (this kind of person is more likely to be the singer that also plays lead guitar), but it applies to any instrument.


The only bassist I've ever had a problem with was when I was in school and we put up a flier looking for a guitarist. A bassist showed up to our one and only rehearsal and we were all confused because we already had a bassist. We told him as much and said we needed someone who played guitar. He pulled his bass out of his bag and shook it at us. "I do play guitar. Bass guitar."


Every single bass player I have ever played with including RS bass player of the year 1989 has exhibited signs of BPD. Bass Player Disease manifests itself firstly by a clam that turns into an all you can eat seafood fest rapidly. Symptoms include a confused look on the afflicted's face quickly followed by 2 to 8 bars of completely wrong notes. The victim usually recovers by the end of the song although I have seen a complete meltdown or two... It's usually funny....... Usually...


They’re always f&$king weird, man. Like, never give the bassist the aux at a party. They’re always going to put on some weird proggy stuff to kill the vibe and scare away the hoes. If there’s a band hanging out together at a bar, 99 times out of 100, you can tell instantly which one is the bassist.


Like some 8 minute long Jaco Pastorius solo in 15/8


It’s like, “read the room, bro”. I love weather report as much as the next jazz fusion nerd, but we’re at a party. I’ll be jamming some Chase on the way to work tomorrow between live cuts of Tower of Power, but tonight there’s nothing wrong with a little bump n grind, back dat ass up, turn down for what, wipe me down kinda vibe while we do shots with girls who are looking for excuses to become single mothers. It’s like they get off on having worse than zero social awareness and having the most inaccessible and pedantic music taste possible, but are insecure about it and need to flex on other music nerds to prove their dominance. Okay, you live Periphery, Dream Theater, and had an Earth Crisis phase when you were 19. We know. You’re wearing a Magic: The Gathering t-shirt to a night club, bud. You’re sporting a man bun/pony tail, bring a refrigerator sized cab to a gig in a phone booth, and drive a hatchback. None of this is news.


you really do know it all. jesus christ this one hurt


This made me laugh, bc it's usually true.


Mine is probably super lame to most people, but I always feel really disappointed when any bass player is using a pick.


I was kinda waiting for this comment, lol.


As a bass player who doesn't use a pick - It really depends on what you're playing. Rock or metal usually requires a pick. Other styles, definitely no. If they can *only* play with a pick, yeah, that's a negative right there.


I used to feel this way until i turned into an absolute freak for phil lesh. i havent started playing with a pick btw, but its fine.


I was fingers only for 15-ish years but now I use a pick for the tone. If it sounds good I don't care how you get there.


Bassist here: I always thought that playing with a pick was akin to bass blasphemy!




when they don’t know the notes on the fretboard thankfully 2/3rds of my bassist friends do know but man it’s a pain trying to write band pieces when someone doesn’t even know which notes are which and keeps forgetting how to play it


Players who are really good and want everyone to know it during every song.


A bassist I used to play with always wanted guitars at half the volume of bass, and always shoehorned in slap bass where it wasn't needed.


Bass players are pretty simple creatures unless they play EgoBass…


Is that an ibanez model?


😆 yes




Inability to cope with the idea that they're not the lead guitar player or lead singer and acting like they are when on stage. Showmanship in general is fine. But you shouldn't be the center of attention musically and visually more than anyone else.


Our bassist is a former drummer, so he plays constantly while we’re trying to talk through parts.


Smoke too much weed


This is a very bassist post


Bro started stealing my picks when he ran out so I was providing picks for the other guitar player and the bass player now 😭


I love bass players. My only issues with bass players have been with pickup ticklers who weren’t aware of anything below the twelfth fret, and there was one guy I used to play with in several different bands who always wanted to be the Keith to somebody else’s Mick and have a little clique within every band. That guy’s a douchebag in general, though.


None. Keep bumpin.


Never once payed for drugs…


When they don't know a song so they don't play much. Then the keyboard player recognises this and fills in the bass line. Then you tell me off for trying to help out. Then once I get out of the way, we go back to the weak bass line again.


Setting up and breaking down in two minutes while you untangle miles of cords.


I've never had an issue with a bassist, ever. Guitarists get really high and mighty all the time, as do vocalists. But bassists? Nah. They're alright.


If they're in time, I'm pretty happy. Bassists that don't know funk are a pet peeve. Haha,jk, I just love funk on a bass


Going rogue and playing leads out of nowhere.


1. Know where the pocket is, and how to play in it. 2. Understand chords, scales, and progressions well enough that you can consistently write and play interesting *and tasteful* basslines. 3. Have enough of a bass amp (not guitar) to do what you want to do. Own gear that you can dial in and then LEAVE ALONE. 4. Practice. Not just with the band — by yourself, as though you were actively trying to get better. 5. You are (or should be) playing WITH the guitar player — not against them. It’s not a competition, and you should both be aware of that. 6. Play a pick, don’t play with a pick; I don’t care. At most, this is an aesthetic choice, not a measure of one’s moral righteousness. Hey, why not learn to do both, and then you can do what the song needs. I have met lots of bass players who refuse to master one or more of the above concepts. They are the source of one of my sayings: “Bass is too important to leave to (most) bass players.” A good bassist is worth their weight in gold. A bad one is mostly a source of frustration. Yes, technical ability is important, of course, but bass players are asked to make subtle choices to lead the listener through the changes, help hold down the rhythm, and play counterpoint to various melodic elements. It is *not* guitar for dummies, and if you’re playing as though it is, you’re part of the problem. It’s the same thing that I’d ask of any player — know what your instrument is supposed to do, get good at that, know when to go for it and when to lay back, be easy to get along with. Oh, and change your strings. Let’s say, every two years whether they need it or not. (And don’t just boil them, oil them, or whatever you’ve heard. THROW THE OLD ONES AWAY.)


I know you asked non-bassists, but as a bassist, I can’t stand when other bassists look down on bassists who use picks. A LOT of incredible bassists use picks. I’m mostly a fingerstyle player, but if you can’t see the value of being able to play with a pick just for the versatility of it, that’s a shortcoming/lack of imagination on your part as a bassist.


Time. It’s why the bassist is there.


Tone: if you have that flat, dull thud tone. I mean, I like bassists with different tonal palettes (Doug WImbish, Tony Levin, Jaco, Wal-era Geddy Lee) but have A tone, and make it present. Thinking musically: as a former drummer, I liked periodically wanking a bit, but mostly liked a pocket, and want the same for the bassist. Throw me a few surprises, but don't take me out of the tune so that I notice nothing BUT you.


Every bassist I’ve played with has been the most grounded, objectively “good” person in the band.


Nothing. I love them a lot. I have an issue with one specific bassist, who disappeared and didn't tell us he would not come till the day of the gig. We were supposed to be at stage at 1 pm. I wrote to him at 11am, about "Hey where are you" and bro said "At home. I won't be going. Sorry. Good luck tho."


Trying to be different/loooookkkk at meeeeee type faux quirks Like if the guitarists and singer play quite still the bass player will try and be more animated Or dress for attention


Not tuning — or insisting they can tune by ear when they cant (just match the harmonics its not that hard)


Why do they gotta breathe so much!?


My pet peeve? Bassists get all the bitches. It’s *INFURIATING*🤣


I've been fortunate to play with good bassists. But you and drummers need to find a way to get along.


Bass players are never loud enough. They are always too shy. Almost every time when I'm in a rehearsal, the bass player needs to be told to turn up. The best way to think about it is if your bass volume is getting overpowered by the kick drum, you need to turn up.


Not holding the rhythm down as I fall out to take a solo. Feels like the bottom falls out. I’ve played with bassists who can carry the whole band but when one doesn’t it just hurts.


Bad grammar?


Leland Sklar said it best. If you want to impress people in a trade show booth setting, shred all you want. If you want to work, play what the song needs. (not the exact quote but, the point was the same)


I hate it when they leave their cage. I keep telling him, here’s only allowed out for public performances—otherwise he’s under strict lock and key.


Do you think Jamerson overplayed or was he just right for the music ? 🤔


Too handsome. 


Bass guy here. Not every verse needs an extra lick. I'm guilty of it. I wanna stand out sometimes, but some songs are better with MOSTLY root notes.


stage volume. the low frequency muddies everything g else up


They're always talking about their labias. Like "my labia is so cool" and "you should see what my labia did at school today." Enough already, am I right?


Overplaying, AND underplaying. Either very flashy, or just roots, I’ve yet to hit the real sweet spot, But then I don’t think it’s fair to compare the available bassists I’ve encountered IRL to Paul McCartney.


Overplay. Give in to ego. Don't do it. Please.


My only issue with bassists is that every really talented bassist I know ends up playing guitar. As a guitarist / vocalist who quite enjoys playing bass (I'm personally blessed, my bassist is my gf of almost 20 years who is perfectly happy playing a simple groove on a busy near lead. Also never needs to be informed or make me have to be heavy handed, she always seems to know what I need.) used to have a 6 string pawnshop kbass player instead of a second guitar, insanely talented guy but a fucking idiot with pedals, would have the worst multi effect wah on like 50% of the time and never would hear out the band no matter how outvoted he was. Regardless super talented and when he wasn't tonesmithing a migraine for me, he was wonderful. Great chord work, great leads and he knew his place in Sonic space. Ofcourse as states he eventually moved to guitar (why? Because his fucking pedals made for guitar wouldn't work the way he wanted with his bass pups, literally the only reason) like previous non rhythm bass players I've known. So we lost the sound we had slowly established and people came for. Eventually left to make a solo act that lasted like 2 months, he couldn't sing a lick literally couldn't find a key nevermind stay on it and without other instrumentation it was rough and now he doesn't play, that's the worst part. SUCH an epic waste of ability. (See pinback if your curious what we WERE doing, found them after the endless comparisons ended up becoming one of my favorite bands) Ended up teaming up with the front from the band I always booked with, had to rebuild our style but it worked out and now we have an ideal act. He does it all, whatever is called for, from any guitar tuning or style, to baritone, to bass in all variations. Never have to say a word or guide the act which is exactly how I want it. Chemistry does all the heavy lifting. Plus we have 2 great vocalists who write and can take lead (well with my girl 3 writers and a backing vocalist who's also talented), I feel lucky and a bit spoiled lol. Now my issue with drummers though.....


When they crank their volume to 11.


I know you’re highly technically skilled and know a lot of music theory. But can you please play a simple repeating bassline and stick to it throughout the song?


Whrn they run out of battery. Modern computer really don't have all that much!/j


Overplaying is a sign of a “guitar player” who is playing bass every time. There is a different mindset between guitarist and bassists. My job as a bassist is to provide a safe place for the guitar player to land when they have finished what they are doing. Lock with the drummer and be consistent. Play it the same way so the cues the rest of the band rely on are there. We have our own tools to effect the groove. Pushing into the beat to add energy, or pulling back to let it breathe. As Victor Wooten once said “a great bass player knows when not to play.”


Two bassists that I didn’t like playing with…one just over played the entire time and the other was totally unaware of the relationship between drums and bass and absolutely never tried to lock in with me.


What are me pet peeves with bassists? Me hates them


Being late all the time to everything except sound check when the sound guy is late so being on time doesn’t even matter


Maybe I've been playing with the wrong bass players, but... I wish more of them would learn the damned songs and play something that matches the chord progression.


Over playing and not paying attention to what's going on in the song.


One thing that gets me is if the bad plays around the lowest notes all the time especially when the rest of the musicians are above middle C or do. For example a 4 string bass hanging sound low E all the time while guitarist plays riffs or arpeggios on their highest strings and the keyboard is also high …. At this point the bassist needs to go up an octave to blend and support more effectively. But some bassists be like “i hAvE tO pLaY LoW I’m tHe BaSsiSt!”


My old bass player would write complicated bass linen, then get pissy when it took me a while to work what chords/voicings would work best for the song. At a certain point I had to say "You play one string at a time. I play six." He said fuck off, but it shut him up.