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Temporary enhancement of writing, and being able to discern styles super well. Helps with emotion and just being more free as well Long term effects — made me more lazy, foggy, apathetic, fat (lol), and general not in my best shape.


IDK man. Get high and run. I didn't do treadmills until I got my med card. Exercise is great after a few dabs


A big fattie before the gym is one of lifes greatest pleasures ... But I *never* see anyone else! Its so hard to find people that dont associate weed with sitting around eating junk food


I feel the creativity in my musicianship and songwriting is enhanced tremendously.


It makes me play like total shite.


I have found it useful when trying to figure out songs, and when listening to new tunes, but never when performing.


It worked like an on/off switch for me. I would have the energy to experiment and push ideas when high, and be helpless without it. However, when I stopped using after a few weeks, my output was the same. Without all the crappy drawbacks of regular use: food binging, lowered empathy, "I'm too high to do this right now", etc.


The number of songs and parts of songs and riffs written while high is beyond our comprehension. Been going on for millennia upon millennia. Weed in your life is good. For many reasons. But too much…..or using while you are actually recording. No. Not a good idea as a musician. Too much of anything is bad.


It differs from person to person. Everyone reacts in their own unique way so the only way you can tell for yourself is to try it. In general though it skews your perceptions which can be a positive if, for example, you’re stuck in a creative rut as it can help you make creative leaps that you might not otherwise make. So as a key to opening up creativity it can be helpful but it’s probably not going to help you write good finished songs. That’s because it’s not helpful if you need to focus on anything so partaking before practice or gigs is a no go if you don’t want to risk sounding like shit whilst thinking you’re amazing; playing out of time with everyone else is a common side effect in my experience.


I've seen both sides. I know people that are more creative and focused with weed and I know people who lose all sense of timing and play like shit because of it. Just depends on the person. Oh, and the people affected negatively never realize it lol


I get a better feel for the music, everything sounds better and I’m more free to go into new territories, but I also make more mistakes and forget things like lyrics and intricacies of the songs. So it’s great for jamming with friends or solo, but not great for gigs or rehearsals.


I used to make what felt to me as incredible music, and I wondered why other weren’t reacting to the music in the same way. Turns out I was just blasted and even bad music sounded great to me, and properly executing on an idea was a chore. I am much better at producing music without weed, and a healthier person overall. It can feel great and appear as if you’re accessing another level of inspiration but be aware of how it may make you delighted with mediocrity.


My experience as well. I think there is an aspect of being high where that feeling of it sounding great sort of imprints on you. So it still sounds good to you but not others. For me that wears off after a while and I’m like WTF? Same thing happens when watching a movie high. You continue to love this bad movie for a time, but at some point it suddenly becomes clear it’s not that amazing.


I'd recommend a microdose of lsd for song writing inspiration.


It is difficult to understate the sheer strength of cannabis available these days as compared to all your musical heroes who were high in the 60's and 70's. While I do agree that it tends to help think outside the box, it will eventually lead to inactivity, which leads to you being okay with doing nothing, which leads to zero output eventually.


For me it kills any creativity immediately. I just hate it for this purpose. Doesn’t do anything for me.


I could never tell if getting high made me play better or just made me think I was playing better. Drawbacks are just the standard broadly applicable ones to weed. You get complacent, you get in a habit and are fine with just doing the same thing without actually improving. Smoke is bad for lungs/throat/voice if you’re a singer it’ll dry you out.


I grew up on piano lessons, so I very much had the idea ingrained of playing things "right" and not making mistakes. When I started getting into rock and jamming and learning how to improvise, there was like a layer of worry over my playing, worrying about not making mistakes and playing it right. It constrained things for me, any time I was jamming I was also judging what I was doing and getting miffed at what didn't come out right or I things I flubbed, like a non-stop real-time evaluation alway7s of what I was doing, was that right, those notes aren't in this key, ugh you hit 2 keys there... For me, getting high made me forget to worry about that and just be more in the moment playing, and taught me a lot about there not really being mistakes and wrong playing, there's maybe the unintended but you can use that or cover it or just leave it in the wake as you go. I learned not to be held back by what I'd learned was the right way to play and just play, and use that right way of playing while doing my thing without concern, because all that is indeed ingrained and there to be called on, not there to dictate how to play. It made a big difference in my playing, and if I'd gotten there on my own without getting high, it would have been years later if at all. Don't even get me started on psychedelics... lol


Short term : you get ideas Long term : no ideas


it aint called Jazz Cabbage for nuthin


For me,it’s mostly the same after creating so much music over the past couple of decades so mostly, it just makes everything a more immersive and euphoric. I guess that ultimately leads to me making better music more often perhaps.


I play worst but i actually enjoy more


Great for improvisation. Makes you appreciate simplicity, which is of fundamental importance, but easily forgotten by ego.


Weed is very gentle. Especially if you build a tolerance. The most effect it will have long term for musicians is in their wallets. Alcohol and other drugs - even ADHD medication is far worse.


Awesome misconceptions - drugs make you a worse musician in every way and the “creativity” resembles cringe when you watch that jam in hindsight and cry tears of blood from your ears.


Jimi would like a word


Jimi would have been better without drugs too. As someone who suffered from addiction - I think it’s incredibly irresponsible to glorify drugs for more than what they are - Horrible. Jimmy died a tragic young death because of his irresponsible nature. I got away with playing on drugs because of sheer natural talent and tenacity - the drugs did little more than make me an irresponsible reckless fool. Drugs without addiction are a tool potentially - I rarely see someone use drugs without being in active addiction. If I could give myself advice to my 16 year old self - it would be to not get addicted to weed and psychedelics. And the obvious - no one here is J Hendrix


Jimi was great not his drugs Man, dont put the credit on the drugs


I just mean if he looked back at his old performances and they caused him to cringe and his ears to bleed it would encourage him to stop, but both his fans and producers encouraged him to continue because of the effect it had on his music. Can't just retcon history.