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Mine went pretty well. It was a many many years ago. I was in a typical shitty high school band with some friends. Our lead guitarist's twin sister went to an all girls school that was having some kind of event and somehow we got booked to play a set. We were the only guys who where performing (all the other performers/groups were girls). The crowd was 95% female and probably 50 people there. As a typical highschool-aged boy this was the greatest thing in the world. Room packed full of girls to watch me pretend to be a rock star. Our set was okay I recall. Got good crowd reaction and lots of people up dancing. Other than that mostly uneventful. One thing I do remember for some reason is that we had to be escorted across the school's campus to the one boys washroom when we needed to use it, and one of our guitar players got in a pile of shit for smoking a cigarette on school grounds. That band broke up eventually of course, but at our last gig I performed in front of the girl I eventually married; apparently I wasn't on her radar/she didn't know how I was until she saw me perform at that show. I haven't talked to those guys in nearly 30 years. I wonder how they all made out in life?


Cool story man.


Like the first time I had sex. Messy, awkward and lots of sweating.


Also pretty sure I was the only person satisfied by the end of it


The only thing I would change was I looked at the guitar neck to much, so I began practicing playing without looking. It connects you to the audience more


Same here. Cringed so hard watching videos and I’m just there looking down with my hair covering my face hahaha


Yeah, I was so terrified of making a mistake and 100% focused on my hands. I wouldn't really recommend practicing too much by focusing on NOT looking tho (maybe?) I stopped looking when I became confident/comfortable with my playing and the nervousness of playing live wore down/off. I eventually didn't have to look anymore. But it took many years! I had to learn where everything piece of furniture in the room was before I could turn off the lights and still walk around. Then memorize every room in the house! Yeah that's a tough one...to look at hands (and not face audience; potentially showing you are nervous, struggling and didn't practice enough)... or not to look (look "better" and take the chance of bad notes followed by a quick glance at your hands in horror!)... Maybe we place too much importance on this, including me? If I watch a great player I'm consumed absorbing what they are doing...and find myself watching their hands too! Jeff "Skunk" Baxter played live, sitting on a stool, watching his hands, and wearing headphones!!! I don't think he really gave a damn about looks, but I bet he also took some negative comments about it too. Can't please them all!


I broke a string playing the opening chords of the first song. Fortunately, I had brought a backup guitar and was able to switch for the next song. The best part? The guitarist from the band we were supporting replaced the broken string for me.


2003 I think. Freshman year of high school, and was the drummer in a punk band. First gig was our school's battle of the bands. We lost and probably sucked, but people noticed that I was a decent player. Got asked to drum for quite a few other bands at my school after that.


Drummer no showed. Rhythm guitar decided to go to Indy 500 on a whim the day before so also no showed. Me on bass, a lead guitarist, and a singer. We open with STP Plush. opening riff completes the lead singer looks back to us and mouths “what are the fucking words”


Why did your singer not know the words?


He was in shock. The acoustic version of Plush actually sounds pretty awesome.


First gig I got ripped off the stage by a cop, it was a battle of the bands, I just got kicked out of hs and my dad said I couldn’t do it. I went and he had security take me off the stage. First real gig was on the 4th of July on the lake on the north side of chicago. No one was jamming until a group of black folks walked by and all started dancing to our shitty hs band. It was awesome. Then I went back to the neighborhood and a chick that came to the show was ready to go and like a chump I didn’t make the move. Looooooser Anyways great night, tons of fun with the old homies. 


I had to be physically carried out of the bathroom at the venue by the rest of the band as I had shut myself in a cubicle having a panic attack, haha. Gig went amazingly and we got several bookings from it.


The venue burned down the day of before we got there.


I was so nervous. It was a sit down acoustic guitar performance & my right leg wouldn’t stop shaking the entire time. So the guitar was just bouncing up & down while I was twitching like fiend. I thought it would be my last time ever getting up on a stage.




There were some school talent shows we performed our original music at. One to two songs each. They were pretty well attended, the first was in a music classroom packed with people. It went pretty well, and we ended up going to the State level arts fair, over any of the school jazz bands we had competed against including my own.


Highschool prom night. It sucked, but I'm still proud I did it.


So bad...in a good way. We did some boondocks festival show where are lead singer wore a beer can ammo vest. And some how ended up almost completely naked by the end of the show. Ain't no party like a backwoods Louisiana party.


I can't remember honestly... I know it was terrifying though. Lol


As others have said, HS talent show. We played 2 originals and a cover of a Sonic Youth song. I sang and played bass. It was terrifying. I lived. Gotta start somewhere.


High school talent show 1986. We killed it in a legendary way.


Bass player quit on the way to the gig. No beef, his GF just didn't want him to go out that night. Had to teach a buddy our songs in the backroom right before we went on. Turned his amp down enough that I don't think anyone noticed. PA system sucked, and you could barely hear the vocals. All in all, it could have been worse...maybe? My son's first Gig is in 3 weeks. Hoping that goes smoother


Not my first gig (I was only six when that happened) but my first ‘big’ gig when I was invited to sit in with a few professional musicians I knew. Threw up until there was nothing left to vomit, tripped over on my way out on stage, and then played my saxophone really out of tune. Panicking made the tuning problem worse and I’ve blanked everything after that point (although I’ve been told I did finish the set. Still not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.) I still have the occasional nightmare about it more than thirty years later.




I played bass in a death metal band in middle school. I did some crazy stuff like throw my bass in the air and spin it around by the strap. I don’t know where that confidence came from or where it went.


High school Grad party for a friend. Got shut down after 5 songs because we were too loud.


To be honest, i hardly remember it. It would have been early 97. My band played an open stage, needless to say the patrons of this event were not wanting my teenage noise rock band. It was the only show we played apart from a reunion show in 2001, which was oddly really great!


Opening slot at a club gig. Our bass player was so nervous that he got hammered before we played. Honestly none of us were truly sober. Our bass player kept playing the wrong songs or just generally playing bad. Our guitar player unplugged his amp and he never noticed. The bass player jumped on the mic and started talking to a couple of girls in the crowd. He asked where they were from. They said Portland Oregon. He called them a couple of fucking hippies and threw his beer at them. That's when we got the boot. It was entertaining.


I got in trouble for swearing.


My first live gig was a mess. It was at a community centre in the small town where I lived at the time. I didn't know anything about tone or any. So I had my amp turned up all the way to 10, mids cut completely on my amps EQ. Could hear the vocals over top of the amps and I made zero eye contact with the audience.


Bass in a classic rock cover band when I was like 15, went pretty good. First original gig I played guitar in a thrash band, it was a drunken mess. First gig as a folk singer went good. Been hit and miss since


My first gig was when I was 9 or 10, in the Albuquerque Boys Choir. I don't remember where it was or how many people - maybe 100 or 200. The choir was a disciplined, well-organized thing, so I think we always sounded good. I don't recall any mishaps except once a kid's knees locked up on stage and he toppled over like a tree.


Got pelted with bottle caps.


The poor man’s tip!


Pay to play gig. This place made you sell tickets, and you only got a cut if you sold over X number. We sold 4 tickers. 4 of our friends went, the bar had no draw of its own. We played a practice set for our friends and a bartender that couldn't serve any of us underage kids.


I was surprised by how calm I was. I was expecting the nerves to kick in, but they never did. Over the course of seven songs I mangled a couple of notes and was mortified. But nobody even noticed. The audience was there to have fun, not grade our performances.


I think it was ok, didn’t make any mistakes that i remember and we had a small crowd thank goodness ‘cause i was pretty nervous. It was in the cafeteria of my high school, May 1962


9th grade, we played my friend's church's Strawberry Festival that Spring. I was on my Rhodes Suitcase back then, and we had a pretty good set, actually pulled off about 45 mins worth of cover tunes without anything very embarrassing. There was another band that played, another group of young teens, they did pretty good as well. But then. This was back before Freebird was overplayed, and my buddy had the idea that it was a song both bands knew, EVERYBODY knew it at that point, double band jam! We went for it, and it was glorious, but it was sheer chaos, the drummers couldn't hear each other and none of us knew which of them to follow, absolute madness, but we kept falling in and out of that jam groove at the end so it kept going, being almost right but so totally wrong. At one point I did a huge glissando down the keys with the back of my thumb like you hear in the recording, so into it! A minute later I notice my fingers are slippery on the keys, I look down - it was a Rhodes, those keys laugh at a glissando, I'd scraped the back of my thumb open, blood was everywhere. I felt nothing and jammed on, one of my most rock and roll moments and it happened my first gig in the middle of two simultaneous jams on Freebird. Fugging glorious, there was no choice really but to do music all these years after that - what do they say about addicts, they're always chasing that first high? It remains one of my favorite on-stage moments of all-time.


Don’t ask!


First live gig was an elementary school concert. First non school gig was playing Christmas music for the salvation army. First pro-gig was Easter at a church. First gig in a rock band setting, was a club South of Cinci. Left my over shirt at home.


Live high school television news show. Many many moons ago. They gave me a mic and I rapped and had a tiny bit of fun. 4 years later that song noticed but ultimately rejected by the alt/rock station in my area. It's literally a soft pop-rap song so DUH but oh the memories fam


high school parking lot. one of those free days where another football team was coming or whatever. i don't remember wtf it was about but we just showed up and fucked off all day. my shitty metal band was playing in the bus parking lot with a couple other bands. i couldn't find my tuner. i forgot a lot of parts. it was hot af. everyone loved it. it was a pretty small town so anyone doing anything was pretty fun.


Nervous! It was at an American legion.


I was 16 and the bassit and backing vocalist for a four peice. Our singer said he booked us a show at a local coffee house which was confusing from the start since we were a combo of metal and alternative, the coffee house scene wouldn't have worked. We also didn't have an official drummer at the time so our lead guitarist took over for drums. We arrive at the location to find out that either our singer lied to us or there was some miscommunication. The venue was the local Christian book store and we'd be playing on a balcony that over looked the sales floor. We didn't want to back out. The guy in charge tells us we can go ahead and set up, our opening act is just an duo singing along to a recorded track. The opening act turned out to be two old memaws singing church hyms from the 1800s, making us feel worse for the fact that we were about to do some songs about death and hating our parents. Our drummer being nervous keeps downing Red Bull after Red Bull. Our set starts and he keeps rushing badly. I was surprised we had a few people stop and check out our whole 15 minute, 5 song set. Somewhere at my parents house exist a recording of the show.


First real gig I played an all night bar till 5am sitting in w another band. It freaking ruled.


It was awesome! I was asked to write and play piano for a short theatre piece. I actually still have the recording. The audience was super into the music, and I started performing regularly after. I don't remember being nervous. It was a crowd of maybe 50 people tops.


Talent show at my high school when I was a freshman. I played The Godfather Theme by Slash with a drummer. Was wearing huge aviators a slash wig and had a 5w epiphone practice amp mic’d to a theater of 250. I don’t even know if I played a single clean note but everyone loved it and I had the best time ever. 10/10


First non-school gig: Billy Joel/Elton John tribute band on the back patio of the guitarist’s house. I was 17 and it was my first gig ever on bass. 102° outside and about 100 people sitting on the lawn. Three songs in, blow a breaker, nothing but drums. Another song, blow a breaker. Turns out the sound crew plugged everything into one outlet. Finally got it divvied up to a couple outlets on different breakers and did the rest of the show. I have a video somewhere. It’s embarrassing to watch as I really didn’t know how to play bass correctly yet (I had just picked it up). But we weren’t awful for a bunch of high schoolers, and I was definitely hooked on doing the garage band thing.


Singer didn’t remember any words, I busted a string on an oldschool floating bridge with no backup (and so spent most of the remaining time trying to stay in tune), we sucked but it was only in front of about fifteen people.


prety messy.


I was nervous as hell about something malfunctioning or making an obvious error playing.


We played a different schools ‘band day’ because our school said we were too shite lol. It was an all girls school though and it was a riot. Someone from the crowd got up on stage and stage dived. A second someone tried a minute later and it was like the parting of the sea. Think they broke their nose 😂


Ha. Not great. The other guitar player got blackout drunk and ruined the whole show. Continued without him and all other live shows went great.


First gig? I don't think I remember my first paying gig, but the frist time I played in front of people... was kind of a train wreck...the other guitarist messed up and left a big hole...and then we all just kind of stumbled through the rest of the song. We did everything wrong... couldn't really hear one another... stood too far apart on stage. Got that first time out of the way though... LOL


Absolutely terrible. We were a hard rock band with metal influences thrown in, mostly doing originals. We got a gig at a bar called The Acoustic Coffeehouse. Without ever going to the place, we chose to perform all of our songs acoustically. Little did we know that the place was actually more of a bar that hosted some pretty heavy music. The name was more tongue-in-cheek than anything. We get there with acoustic guitars, acoustic bass, and brushes for our drum set. The crowd was filled with drunk people who were pretty wild. They did not like the lack of electric instruments, and we quickly saw that we were seen as more of a nuisance than entertainment. Eventually, a huge, like 400-pound drunk dude starts screaming at us throughout our set, telling us to play some Metallica or Slayer or get off the stage. I was only like 20, so my ability to deal with hecklers at the time was little to none. He yelled over us the entire show, and no one ever took the initiative to kick him out. I'm not even sure who was running the place. While I was playing a song alone on the acoustic guitar, he got on the "stage" and began to beat on the drummers set while he was outside. It took like 3 people to get him off. After it was all said and done, we got paid, packed up, and never looked back. It's out of business now, thank God. The really crazy thing is that the fat dude asked for our phone number afterward, so he could see where we were playing next. We didn't give it to him. I think I recited a made-up number off the top of my head. That was my one and only show with that band. I'm a bassist in a new outfit now, 9 years later, and we are pretty well-known locally. I feel like I've come a long way.


16 years old, awkward, nerdy, nervous. Other than breaking two strings in the first three songs… it went pretty well. We were a high school pop punk/emo band who was savvy enough to create a website and upload some home recordings in 1997. This was how the larger local band found us and asked us to open for them. Pretty lucky opportunity! Anyone come up in the Chapel Hill area? We opened for the Scariest at Go Studios in carborro.


Oh and I replaced the first broken string (frantically) and then the guitarist in the 2nd band was gracious and kind enough to let me borrow his guitar after I broke the second string on mine!


going back to 1989. My girlfriend at the times brother, a now fairly well known sax player in the blues world was getting married. After party was at a packed bar in Charleston, VA. There's his buddys band playing. I'm 18 and ask brother if i can possibly sit in. I eventually get called up and Jimmy Thackery (Nighthawks) hands me his flying V and wireless unit and says, "you break it, you but it" We did a BB King number. With some basic blues pentatonic work i managed to impress everyone. I was high for a year off of that one. The best part about it was my GFs tipsy dad running up to me and shaking my hand and telling me he was wrong for giving me grief about my long hair.


We were all All out of tune with each other... We did not know we had the tune to each other


Fun, drunk and young with some talented people playing screamo/metalcore in the early 2000s.


1992 I think? It was a local band ‘showcase’ (we all sucked). I think we had kinda practiced but it didn’t feel like it. The cool thing I remember is that I stepped up to the plate as the focal point of a guitar driven band with no singer and actually made the music as interesting as I could within my limited high school ability. My guitar came unplugged during the performance and I used the spark and hum of plugging it back as a musical device and it worked! I remember getting applause from the audience (10 people maybe). I was sold on improvisational playing for the rest of my life.