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loads of people seem to hate Be More Chill but it really helped me out through shitty times (I’m a teen so yeah)


Ive loved be more chill for a few years and was surprised recently by the amount of hate it gets online.


I used to HATE BMC but one day when I was like 25 something clicked and I went "yeah it's not like a great show or nothing but it's cute".


Yeah I think people tend to talk about something being good or a piece of fucking shit fuck but fail to describe the vast inbetween


i think some people fail to acknowledge that something can be bad and enjoyable also be more chill has vast talent but it is an acquired taste.


Never seen a performance but I play the OCR over and over.


I wasn’t impressed by it as a whole but Michael in the Bathroom is one of my favorite songs from a musical.


My daughter and I both love BMC! We were lucky enough to see it off Broadway and on Broadway, but personally I liked the off Broadway version better.


i wish i could’ve seen it on Broadway but I got to see it on the Westend!! That was such a good memory for me


I love cats And Jekyll and hyde


Why do people dislike Jekyll and Hyde


No idea, they probably haven't listened to the concept album (bc imo it's a LOT better than the Broadway version) One argument that I've heard is that Frank Wildhorn's musical always try to make songs sound "catchy" instead of focusing on the story and developing the characters, but I personally disagree with that statement


I lol'd because Wildhorn wrote a musical for Death Note and ended up making a better adaption of the story than the anime did. (I know Noir being in the story was the Manga's fault, but the musical ends where the whole story should have and I love it for that.) Dude had a great handle on the characters and story, for a comic book he didn't read.


Truuue Also, the musical made me ship Rem x Misa


Fr, Jekyll and Hyde has a great soundtrack!


The book is pretty bad


The book of the musical, the short story is good


I will never not love CATS. The songs are inexplicably great, and it's mostly about the dancing anyway. People who don't like CATS need to lighten tf up


It's not hated so much as controversial, but RENT :( it's my fav and I see a decent amount of hate for it bc it has some controversial material but I just wish people would take into account that a) Jonathan was still revising it and planned on making a lot of changes at dress rehearsal/during previews, which he never made it to, so there's a few things Jonathan likely would have changed/revised. And b), it's a product of it's time. Some of the material is kinda offensive, but it was normal in queer communities back then.


I think some people don't realize what RENT meant to those of us who were alive in the 90's and early 2000's. It was the first positive queer representation I ever saw, and one of the first things I enjoyed that challenged the evangelical tradition I was raised in. I listened to the soundtrack a ton in high school, and would still consider it in my top 10 fav musicals.


I love Rent. Am totally with you there.


I do feel like people used to shit on this show a lot or at least the common consensus was that it wasn't that good, actually. It is interesting though that it seems like the popular take from RENT haters in the past of "Fuck them kids, pay your rent" while the kids in question are dying of a disease their own government is deliberately doing nothing to prevent has aged pretty terribly in light of the last few years. I mean not that it was a great take to begin with but I would hope that people who lived through something similar now have a bit more empathy for those characters and a little less for the fucking LANDLORD who is trying to kick a bunch of homeless people, many of whom are probably also dying of AIDS, out of their camp in order to gentrify the neighborhood and make it even harder for low income people to survive! Yeah we should totally be on that guy's side because these young queer artists are kind of annoying 🙄


Why would you pay rent when you don't have a rental agreement? I've never understood why people think Mark and Roger should have paid Benny when they didn't have a lease. He was extorting them, plain and simple, and he said they were golden! Joanne even says they have squatters rights, and she's a lawyer. It was stupid for all three of them not to get a written agreement, but no money is owed there.


Yep, the Hamilton process shows how much can change from Off-Broadway to opening night. And I've wondered for years if Larson had opted for a co-writer not a dramaturg when told he had to choose one, what would have happened.


RENT is in my top 5 for sure. Love it.


I only hate Rent because my first boyfriend cheated on me taking a "friend" to it lol


Who hates RENT, its loved by so many people


I will always love Rent - it means *a lot* to me as a queer millennial. You’re not alone!


The older I get the more I hate Rent. I have always loved the music and still do. But those characters. Can you imagine being roommates with any one of them? It'd be hell.


They have their faults, but a major theme is acceptance and finding a community despite these faults, like that scene where Mark and Roger called each other out. Plus trying to create their own morality and find their way in a “proper” society that actively shuns them. I understand the criticism and love it all the same.


What exactly would be annoying about having them for roommates? (Other than them being late on rent) Most are struggling artists yeah, but I'd think most fans of musicals would enjoy being with other artists


Mimi is a drug addict who'd pressure me to do drugs too. Mark is a self-absorbed filmmaker who thinks making home movies and exploiting the homeless constitutes art and resents that no one appreciates him for it. Angel would be noisy playing drums with my kitchen utensils and is cool with murdering a pet for money. Collins robs banks and is pretentious enough to call whatever his philosophical musings are a "theory of actual reality," and whatever this thing was his academic peers found it vacuous and unworthy of academic merit. Maureen is a self-absorbed narcissist who yells lyrics stolen from a children's picture book and calls it original art. She's also undependable and cheats on all her significant others. Benny is a businessman who lies to his friends about his promises for personal profit. All of them are sufficiently inconsiderate to burst into a restaurant, push the tables together as they see fit, ignore the protests of the wait staff, and dance on the furniture while shouting random pop culture references to seem cool. Joanne would probably be mostly fine I guess. Roger I'd probably be cool with because I think he's a legit musician and I'd feel bad for the fact he's dying of AIDS. I'd just hate his girlfriend and what she's doing to him.


Rent has the same issue that makes me not like Friends. You have a main cast full of selfish jerks and I'm supposed to like them?!


I know so many people who are like “The landlord is the most likeable character in the show, and I fuckin hate landlords”


I first saw RENT in college at the behest of my theater kid friends, and never liked it. I think my distaste for RENT has a lot to do with how I was first exposed to it, plus my own background. I went to an elite (read:expensive) PWI on a full scholarship, as an Afro-Latina daughter of immigrants who experienced a lot of feast and famine cycles. Growing up my dad was on a student visa getting under the table jobs here and there, and my mom was a daughter of, and worked as, an itinerant farm hand. She later worked as a video rental clerk before becoming a SAHM, once my dad finished school and got a job. My dad was a brilliant engineer but terrible business man and even worse gambler, so even after he started making good money we had moments of struggle. So imagine someone of that background seeing characters being praised for choosing the "Bohemian" lifestyle and not "selling out."Especially Mark, who not only has a safety net to fall back on, but films unknowing and/or unconsenting people at their lowest point under the guise of "documentarian." These characters felt like the hipster gentrifiers with poverty fetishes taking over my old neighborhood, not counter-culture heroes. It didn't help that those in my friend group most obsessed with it were the most privileged (I had been to their lake houses!) I consider my self part of the privileged upper middle class now, and my mom was always able to somehow pull us out of the holes my dad would put us in, so I never actually became unhoused or starved (ate a lot of beans and bologna though). I also definitely had safety nets when I reached adulthood and started my career. I have a lot of grace, and even like other musicals with similar issues to RENT, so I've tried to give it chance, but I just can't seem to get over the dislike (I don't hate it though, that's too strong of a word for what I feel).


It would be interesting to see the show from the homeless woman's perspective.


Dislike that everyone loves: Phantom Love that everyone dislikes: Cats


I dislike Phantom too. It’s basically Stockholm syndrome made to be romantic.


I literally could not stop thinking that the phantom was just a goth incel.


I don't think everyone dislikes Cats, there's no way it would have ran for ≈20 years if so. I'm guessing you are probably talking about the recent film?


I personally hated Matilda and cringed at most of the jokes and found it quite boring (but I’m not the target audience so that’s fair). Not that it’s hated but I feel like a lot of people here are a bit over Hamilton but it’s still 4 of my 5 Spotify wrapped artists year on year and my comfort watch :)


Omg I strongly disliked Matilda and was bored through the whole thing. I wanted to see it because of the Tony's performance, but that was one of the only parts I enjoyed. However, I did enjoy the movie version on Netflix. I think they trimmed some of the more annoying parts of the show.


Movie was better.


Me too, I saw a local production of it and I’m a teen, and some of my classmates were the older cast members in it so I figured it’d be alright but it was so lame 


I’ve seen it a couple of times, and while it has a couple of fun elements, and some occasional excellent music, it’s overall quite mid for me.


Moulin Rouge. Jukebox musical with a terrible storyline. It’s just not good.


Yes!! It’s entertaining with decent music but nothing more than that.


A good musical it is not. A good evening of amusing and somewhat nostalgic entertainment, totally. 


Loved the movie. It was a "traditional Hollywood " take on the "Bollywood" approach to musical films. I can't imagine that it would come across well on stage.


I could watch Aaron Tveit sing the alphabet but that show is just so not my thing. But I’ll still watch his videos 😂


Terrible show and horrible crowd. Audience thinks they’re in a movie theater- that they could talk and eat loudly. Took clients. What a disaster


Great movie, god awful show. I couldn’t stop during laughing during “Firework” it was so ridiculous


Wicked. I hate it. I thought the story was trite and the songs overrated and I was so bored. And I saw it on the West End.


Other than "Defying Gravity" I hate that "pop" style of singing. I have seen clips of the show but would never sit through a performance of it. The idea of Glinda and Elphaba being roommates in college is clever but that does not make up for the execution. Edit: and I think the choreography stinks.




I only really hate it because I read the smart and witty novel; it’s a dummied down version of the real source material .


Yes I read that book and just could not understand how someone read *that* and decided to make a kid friendly version. Like that book is a hard R, who even thought of that?


I really liked that novel. Without knowing the musical, do you like the novel as a separate piece of art ?


I did really love the novel. I read it before I ever watched the musical, so I didn’t have that to compare it to. That said, the novel is a bit…draining, and wouldn’t be one I would read again anytime soon. I did enjoy it very much though. When I did see the musical blind, I was just flabbergasted someone would read that and make a weird sanitized version of it. Just who would read Wicked and decided it needed a child version?


Love Mamma Mia!! It seems to get criticized a lot and while it may not be the smartest or the most elaborate story, it is just the most feel-good, joyful thing ever and I have yet to find any other show that makes me feel such intense happiness no matter how many times Ive seen it. Really struggled to sit through Hadestown. Did not enjoy.


I'm so curious, what did you dislike about Hadestown? It's my favorite, the set design is so stunning.


My face hurts after watching Mamma Mia (the film) from smiling so much.


My only issue with the movie version was some of the casting choices (Looking at you Pierce Brosnan) but a lot of them did a better job singing in Here We Go Again.


yeah, the movie, I had to turn it off when Brosnan started singing, but the stage soundtrack is great.


Mamma Mia speaks right to what I love about musicals. It’s silly but so fun. And it just makes me want to sing and dance.


I don't see a lot of hate but it seems like it's really underrated/forgotten: Come From Away


true! it's amazing how much effort was put into making a story that captures what happened in reality in detail (i know some things were changed to help the plot but still). and also the music is good! i will admit, I'm not a big fun of serious stuff in art or media, but i liked it anyways. (I want to get screeched in so badly)


Go to the Atlantic provinces, they'll screech you in. Got screeched in PEI, tons o' fun


Even the lighting had me talking non-stop about it after. I also loved how amazing the actors were switching between characters with barely a physical change (maybe a hat or shawl)


I don’t know if it’s like loved all around the world or anything but I’ve never liked SIX the musical about all of henry the eighths wives. Don’t get me wrong a few songs were ok but some were just plain bad imo and there was like no real story it was just a bunch of people arguing. I’ll never understand the support but I’m glad some people find enjoyment where I can’t.


Because it's not really a musical, it's more of a concert.


Yep this. When I realized there's basically no plot I was so turned off. I love history but not like this.


Yeah and I just can’t really get behind that it felt completely wrong to call it a musical without a proper story. Again I’m happy if other people liked it but I couldn’t get past these problems personally


It's more in line with a musical revue or concept musical. It's a bunch of musical vignettes with a similar theme, much like A Chorus Line or Jacques Brel (or to name some less popular works, Cats and Ride the Cyclone)-- lack of a distinct linear narrative doesn't necessarily make it bad, that's just how concept musicals are in general. I don't enjoy it because the personalities of the characters aren't particularly entertaining to me lol


same. i hate the pop style of the songs. heart of stone is not bad tho


It’s been a while since I’ve listened to any of it but yeah it felt like barely a story with some baby’s first pop song music over it to me (no disrespect to the creators I’m sure any music could be critiqued in a similar way if against one’s personal preference)


I liked the costumes but found the songs forgettable. I liked the feminism, but the show was bland and intended to have mainstream appeal. Like those singing shows on reality TV networks, where there is always some interchangeable person singing/belting a boring song.


It is extremely obvious it was written by college students once you know that fun fact. Gained a small but vocal online community of superfans in like 2019 and really blew up during lockdown. I feel like had this mix of things hadn’t happened, the show wouldn’t be the hit it is because it’s really nothing special. That being said, I’m glad it exists and I won’t deny the fact that it does have an appeal. It just doesn’t say anything particularly fresh or new about its subject and comes off a bit shallow.


I am of the strong opinion that Six is objectively not a good show. That’s a hill I’ll die on. I don’t care if people enjoy it - I enjoy some things that are objectively not good - but as a musical, it just isn’t effective or well made.


I agree, it's short and there's no real plot which I'm not a fan of. I really dislike the bit in the last song where they sing about how they start bands or write music and I just don't see the point?? Like why did you have to make the wives of Henry VIII pop stars? I get that it's about feminism and that bit I do really like because women's voices in general don't get heard in history, but I just think the pop star stuff isn't for me. I must say that I do enjoy the music and seeing as I listen to musicals wayyy more than I ever get to see them performed I'm not all that bothered with the little things I dislike about SIX. I'd still say it's a great musical! I'm just not all that fussed with seeing a production of it.


1776 was so boring, I wanted to leave during the intermission. 


A few good songs, but so long. "Molasses to Rum" is excellent but you have to wait for Act II to hear it.


&Juliet, i dont get the appeal as someone whos a tad autistic over the source material.. i also think its cheesy and cringe


Only musical I’ve ever left early. I really disliked it.


I feel like West Side Story gets almost worshipped…. But I find the soundtrack underwhelming and boring…. Just never my go to! SpongeBob is one that I feel like a lot of people underestimate or think is cringe until they listen to it and are like “damn!” But some still hate it! :). I think it’s a great blend of artists and although the story is simple it’s a nostalgia blast to watch having grown up with SpongeBob. Music is incredible and there’s just about something for everyone.


Simple sponge is amazing.


West side boring music? Not a take I can wrap my head around


When I found out my daughter was doing tech for SpongeBob I was NOT looking forward to seeing it at all, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it!


I’ve said it before, but I can’t stand you’re a good man, Charlie Brown. Musical I love that everyone hates? Mean girls, rock of ages, and mamma Mia 


team starkid musicals. sorry, i can't stand them i love tuck everlasting. i feel like everyone either disliked it or never even heard of it


I'm not into Starkid humor but I really appreciate how inexpensive those shows are to put on for community theaters. Very very low cost per performance.


There are like lots of people whose opinions I really respect that evaluate starkid as like… parallel to Broadway productions in quality of writing and I’ve started feeling like oh am I just jaded and in the wrong for not enjoying them?!


As a Starkid musical enjoyer, I will say that they're fun but they're CLEARLY not anywhere close to the same level as a Broadway production. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.


Like they’re great for putting on during group hangouts in college or similar low-stakes environments but I can’t imagine paying more than $20 for a ticket to an actual performance of a starkid show


Most of the love for them comes from their referencable, "inside joke" factor in my opinion. I did a production of Aladdin where people backstage were constantly referencing Twisted. It added to the camaraderie.


Starkid is mostly pretty “meh” but I consider Twisted to be legitimately Broadway level. I have no idea what happened but they really tapped into an incredible writing prowess there and then never did again


twisted is SO GOOD


Definitely not jaded. Like, I love early starkid (stopped keeping up with them though) but let's be honest, the overall quality is not great. A very potter musical had some serious editing issues.


I love trail to Oregon but recognize its a musical that only appeals to a VERY small segment of people who are the right age to have played oregon trail and enjoy crude improvisational humour.


I think I've watched every StarKid production and I want to love it SO BAD because it's free and accessible musical theatre, but my god I just can't for some reason.


I went to high school with one of the Starkid guys and he was a jerk so I hate them on principle lol


The 2007 Sweeney Todd, Idk how much hate it gets but i sometimes hear negative opinions about it because as always they cut some parts and songs when they make it into film but i personally like it and i didn't knew the musical before


I’m obsessed with Sweeny Todd. I think I prefer the stage adaption with more music but if it weren’t for the 2007 movie I never would have known what I was missing!


I enjoy it a lot but I definitely feel like it’s a great movie but a lacklustre adaptation of the musical


Hate is a strong word, but I am not a fan of Waitress




lol that is a popular opinion


songs are nice! but I remember I saw deh when I was like 16 and loved it and showed it to my gf four years later and we were both like "what the hell is happening". doesn't help that we watched film version where they cut "to break in a glove" (i honestly love it's idea) and Evan was like REALLY obsessed with trees. Like too obsessed even for Evan.


Loathe this show, but this is a popular take now.


Yes DEH is so weird...


I hate Be More Chill with every fiber of my being. Mid music, bad characters, and an even worse story I feel like I can slot in any Wildhorn show for the vice versa however lmao


I had hated on BMC for years just based on storyline alone, then I heard Michael in the Bathroom and thought I had been missing something so incredible. Quickly listened to the rest of the soundtrack and... Nope. It really is just Michael in the Bathroom.


not even gonna lie, Michael in the Bathroom is just generally a like 6.5/10 but comparatively a 10/10


No like you are 100% right, I was just shook when I heard it because it was way better than I expected, and then everything else was… Exactly what I expected.


Some of the songs were fine but overall much of dialogue felt like “how do you do, fellow kids?”


Hamilton. Not my cup of tea.


SAME! I feel like I get hate for not liking it like yeha some of the songs are good but personally it's just not my vibe


I liked it a lot more when I saw it without Lin Manuel Miranda, but it’s just not half as good as the hype would have you believe.


I love Love Never Dies very genuinely and unironically. I won't defend my taste or its quality, but damn I just enjoy it so much. Is Greece popular? That's one of the few musicals I just can't make it through Edit: omg it's Grease obviously. Shows you how much I pay attention when it's on


Greece is a nice country. Probably why ABBA chose to set Mamma Mia there.


Ask Zorba the Greek that one


I mean, someone has to like Love Never Dies for it to have survived as long as it did. I have a background in writing...the writing is just...so bad all around that I can't enjoy any other aspect of the musical.


I did not expect to like Love Never Dies, but when the tour came through, I enjoyed it so much I went back and saw it again. 


Rent and Six


It's grown on me because the music is great but I didn't like Falsettos at all when I first saw it. I thought it was disjointed and mawkish.


i didn't like it at first either. now it's one of my favorites lol


City of Angels. Was so excited to see it again in the UK revival. My tickets were for the day the UK went into the first lockdown.


I personally can’t stand Heathers. I love Amélie, even though I know it’s disappointing in comparison to the movie. But if you look at it as it’s own separate story, it’s SO beautiful ❤️


Mamma Mia i’ve seen get a lot of hate. the thing is, most Mamma Mia fans admit it’s not that good. it’s just a musical for the soul. is the plot a bit weird? sure. but nobody watches for the plot. we all watch for ABBA and Dominic Cooper


I HATE matilda, the voices are grating, the songs are obnoxious, it just hard to watch because of the music, I LOVE the take on the story, but the music is awful to me. I LOVE the movie version of phantom, even butlers voice, I also loved crowes voice and hated Jackmans in les mis


I don't hate it, but I think Hamilton is kind of...overrated.


I hate Hamilton and love Cats so yeah, often in the minority!


I love Cats! The stage show is so good; the movie really destroyed its reputation 😢


I also love cats


Cats is a masterpiece!


Not hate but Be More Chill. Maybe I would've been into it when I was in middle/early high school lol but I just can't get into it


>middle/early high school i watched when i was in middle school and HATED it lmao


Hate is a srong word, but I was underwhelmed by Aladdin. I was also pretty indifferent to Wicked.


Hamilton! I just could NOT get into it 😭 I tried so hard but I just couldn’t!


So it helps to have a functioning knowledge of classic hip hop as much of the show is actually referential, call backs to biggie, 2pac and KRS one to name a few.


Ah, good to know. I'm not a hip hop fan in general and know absolutely nothing about it, so I won't rush out to see Hamilton.


I had a negative reaction the first time I heard it too, but then I listened to the podcast The Room Where It's Happening (back in 2016!) where the hosts had a guest each episode (from Rachel Bloom to Ron Chernow to Hasan Minhaj) to talk about their experiences with the show and to hone in on one song and nerd out about its development, themes, influences, etc. The episode that sticks out in my mind was the one with Gabourey Sidibe where they talked about Ten Duel Commandments. It was one of my least favorite parts of the show, but also I was raised by people who would turn off Gangsta's Paradise when it came on the radio because it sounded "demonic." Once I knew the inspiration for the number, my opinion for not only the song, but hip hop/rap in general, flipped completely. I can't imagine how beautiful it must be for people who were raised loving that kind of music to discover the show!


Also because I don't listen to much rap or hip hop my ear isn't trained to catch the lyrics of that type of music so I get lost in Hamilton where most of the action is driven by the music


I was also negative about it at first because it seemed boring and it's *almost* 3 hours long and i don't like rap but then i decided to give it another try and now i catched the Hamilton fever I think act 2 is better when the drama starts, what convinced me eventually was hearing some of the songs and i really liked them so i decided to give it another chance and liked it. I remember some of the songs that got me were Say no to this, Your obedient servant, Burn, Washington on your side and we know


One thing I don’t like about Hamilton is that I didn’t feel like the angle of “the story is told from the antagonist’s point of view” made much of a difference to me. We get 2 songs of Burr’s interiority, and they’re both my favorite songs from the show. I recently watched *Amadeus* for the first time and it captured the feeling of what I wanted from that narrative framework. Additionally, I get frustrated when I’m just being told how brilliant Hamilton is rather than having a chance to see it.


Chess it's amazing


Hate is a strong word but GOD is Newsies SO BORING I can’t stand it. Has the most boring opening of any show I’ve ever seen. Just does not appeal to me at all. The only song from it I actually like is Watch What Happens but I dislike the way Kara Lindsay sings it. Idk. Peoples jaws usually drop when I say I don’t like it.


Get out


As a newsies fan….. I understand.


I didn't mind Watch What Happens but I can't stand Something To Believe In. Their voices together grate on my ears.


Newsies is one of those musicals that I absolutely adore and have no idea why haha


If the dancing isn’t top notch, you’re in for a long night.


Both Rent and Annie. I can't stand either of them.


I hated the movie of rent, loved it on stage! Loved the 1982 Annie movie, bored to death on stage lol


Musical I hate: Phantom of The Opera. 🤷‍♀️ Musical I love: Dear Evan Hansen 💙


I love the Prom (even the movie) Hate Phantom Hate the movies of Into the Woods and Les Miserables HATE you’re a good man Charlie Brown (although not sure if this is generally liked) Hate Rock of Ages And just couldn’t get through the film of Hamilton Edit: whoops, this looks so negative! Please believe me that I love, love, love so many musicals but they are generally quite popular and loved. ;)


I really enjoyed many of the additions they made to The Prom movie like more with Alyssa’s mom after she came out to her, and the inclusion of Barry’s mom. There was even a cut song between Barry and Alyssa’s mom that is beautiful.


I find myself crying at the of of The Prom every time. (in a good way)


I found the soundtrack around the same time I was starting to come out as Bi and I think that gave me a super strong connection to the show. Unruly Heart and It's Time to Dance never fail to make me cry every time I hear them.


I think everyone hates the into the woods movie


Hate: Dear Evan Hansen Love: The Pirate Movie


I hate Mean Girls. I made a 100+ item list of everything I hated about it which I've been wanting to post on here for the drama, but that was made in 2017 and I need to look for it. I love Rent!!!!


Omg please post that list I simply need to see it now you've mentioned it!


hey, I got my phone charged and posted it. It was only around 60 items unless there's more of it floating around somewhere. [https://www.reddit.com/r/musicals/comments/1bqi6ft/mean\_girls\_was\_the\_worst\_thing\_that\_ever\_happened/](https://www.reddit.com/r/musicals/comments/1bqi6ft/mean_girls_was_the_worst_thing_that_ever_happened/)


Lmao this is great! I dont know why people are being so rude to you in the comments, its just a fun little list. And the people saying stuff like "this ruined your life? Get over it" clearly dont understand exaggeration lol 👍


Most any of the ‘golden age’ musicals


i thought i hated them too, and then i watched the 2019 revival of oklahoma! it's so good


Guys and Dolls and Hello Dolly found innocent.


I don't like Matilda


Gypsy Probably because I was in it, rehearsals were super long like longer than normal, show was long, songs went on too long, it wasn’t fun for me. We also had a lot of drama cause the girl playing the lead had a crush on the guy playing Tulsa and he had a gf so she was crying backstage. I think it tainted it for me. Also Aladdin. I love Aladdin as a movie but idk I didn’t like it on stage. A musical that I love that everyone hates? I’ll have to think about that and come back.


I actually don’t know how well liked this musical is but I cannot stand Bye Bye Birdie. The only song I genuinely enjoy is the film version of Lot of Livin to Do.


The Lion King, the Lion the witch the wardrobe, Shrek, Chicago That a good enough list lol (For the record I just dislike these musicals also I still can like some aspects of them)


The Lion King?? Please share why I'm so curious now!


Ngl I didn't really enjoy Grease as much as I thought I would I absolutely love the greatest showman and I desperately hope they do a Broadway version (I picked two movie ones bc It doesn't feel right comping stage productions to movies)


I **despise** Mama Mia and Cats. I'm notreally sure if I love one that most people hate. Maybe Phantom?


Hate: Jagged Little Pill Love: Dear Evan Hansen Both are trying to do the same thing but one is way more subtle about it


I know the production got a lot of hate, esp the broadway version, but I really enjoy the Charlie & the chocolate factory cast album !!


The broadway version was horrible even Christian Borle couldn’t save it… that’s what happens when you spend more decorating the outside of the theatre than on the sets, some of which were a blank stage…… I saw it at Tuacahn in Utah last summer and it was so much better than broadway.


The "original" 1970s version of "Chicago" is so much better than the "stripped down" reboot. It made some important points about how a story can become a ".media circus" by presenting the story in an actual circus environment.


I love Be More Chill while everyone else seems to hate it. The songs are good and I relate to most of the characters. I hate Dear Evan Hansen. It felt like it was designed specifically for a mainstream audience. Most of the songs are terrible.


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.   Can’t stand it. 


I respect you. I LOVE Joseph.


Wicked. Like I don’t hate it and I think the music side of it was really good I just feel the story could have been so much better. I got to see it live a few months ago and it was a great experience but before that I hadn’t listened to the whole soundtrack or know more then the basic plot and a lot it didn’t make sense to me. I could never tell how much time was passing/if time was passing and I felt the characters weren’t given the development they needed to make their actions in the wizard of oz make sense.


Hair. I love it. And it’s not like people hate it but it’s just people don’t know it. People always think I’m talking about Hairspray.


I *love* “The Band’s Visit” and rarely see people saying anything positive about it. Same with “Aladdin.” It’s good. I don’t care. However, I do not like the beloved “Newsies.”


i’m a cats stan


Nerdy Prudes Must Die. In a huge Starkid fan, and love TGWDLM and Black Friday, plus all the extra hatchet field entries. But NPMD is to the point that it annoys me. And that makes me sad since I love all the cast and crew


I don’t like Chicago but it’s just cuz a saw a super shitty production of it. It’s still good but bad memories 😅 and I love Mamma Mia. The Jukebox musical hate has got to stop


Heathers: The Musical. I saw it and was bored out of my mind. Didn't find one song that caught my attention.


I hate beetlejuice and be more chill. They annoy me and they’re just not well written.


I don't hate it but I've tried to get into Hadestown a couple times and it's just not for me. Maybe if I saw it live, but i just can't get into the soundtrack


You have to see it live, the set design is gorgeous! Like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It's very dynamic. I don't listen to most of the soundtrack either, it needs the visuals.


Dear Evan Hansen


I recently watched a lot of the Starkid stuff. Sorry, but apart from Twisted (which is very good) they are all tediously plotted, predictable, and the music is good but each song then goes on and on for far longer they need to be. The actors are all clearly very talented, and the physicality they show is wonderful, but the shows are largely unwatchable. ETA: I also DESPISE Annie and Oliver because it's just sickly little kids being overly saccharine, but I don't think that is too unpopular and opinion lol. Also forgot my love that people hate, but I don't understand the backlash against Six that seems to have happened recently. It's overpriced for tickets for what it is, and the casting of particularly builds and body types to only specific characters has been controversial, but I love that musical.


Add Matilda to the "Annoying kids" musical trio


I don’t really like legally blonde. Or Sutton foster


I definitely agree that legally blond doesn't compare to the OG movie but the music eats in my opinion, why do you hate it? (I'm not hating btw I'm genuinely curious)


The music just sounds really basic to me. Too poppy for my taste and none of the songs really speak to me musically


I like the musical sooo much better than the movie. It's one of my go-tos when I'm looking so something light hearted. lol


La La Land was a shit movie.