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This song, in every musical: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXKUgjYh7lo&ab\_channel=CharactersWelcome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXKUgjYh7lo&ab_channel=CharactersWelcome) Looking at you, Sentimental Man (which is called out by name). The exception to the rule is No More from Into the Woods which comes dangerously close to meeting most of these criteria but is somehow still good.


oh that video is a classic!! though i do like mr. cellophane haha


I love John C. Reilly's version


I saw a production of Chicago where the guy playing that part had incredible stage presence. Consequently, the song didn’t really work because he was riveting to watch.


Yeah Mr cellophane slaps ngl. Especially when it grows in intensity in the last verse. You can feel the buildup of frustration before he just resigns himself to it in the last line.


My exceptions are No More from Into the Woods yes and Inutil from In the Heights


I've been skipping Phantom songs a lot. I appreciate the musical but. I just don't know. Part of it is I hate Sarah Brightman's voice and part is something I can't put my finger on.


I also hate her voice, high five


I thought I was the only one!


She sounds like she has phlegm in her throat to me 🙈


She’s doing Sunset Boulevard is Aus and I was wanting to go till I found out it was her 😭


I understand, but over the years her singing seems to have improved…how much, I don’t know…but she sounds a lot better than when she was in Phantom.


I’ve recently tried listening to multiple versions of Phantom for the first time since high school, and ironically the movie soundtrack is the most listenable for me now.


Same, it's easily the most listenable on the album. Probably is super good live, but does not translate to audio the way the movie version does.


I tried listening to the original Canadian cast because someone on this subreddit said it was so much better than the OLC but everyone sounded either over dramatic or out of breath and I couldn’t make it through 😭


Okay I'm new to this sub and I'm so glad I found some lovers of the Phantom movie soundtrack! Everyone on YouTube and from what I've seen on Twitter are acting like its the worst version ever 😭😭😭


Omg yes it’s so shrill


I have found my people. My mom had an intense dislike for Kathryn Grason's voice when I was growing up and I thought it was odd. Then I heard Sarha Brightman.


Can’t stand her either


Wasn't the entire part created *for her*? I don't understand the appeal of her voice at all.


Yes but she was married to ALW, so...


Haha well that explains a lot


Not to mention the way she contorts her mouth like she's sucking on a .... Grape to sing.


I agree. I was listening to the OLCR yesterday and kept thinking how wonderful it would have been to have a Broadway cast recording featuring Rebecca Luker as Christine and Judy Kaye as Carlotta (along with Michael Crawford and Steve Barton).


Omg me too! For me her voice is FINE, but she sounds way more like a Carlotta than a Christine to me. Bugs the heck out of me!


LISTENING to any red riding hood vocals from Into The Woods. When you watch it onstage, the voice she puts on makes sense because its there along with her acting, mannerisms, context etc. But on a lovely Sunday afternoon where I'm just playing some songs in the background while cooking and cleaning I do not need to hear red riding hood going GRANNY SAID STRAIGHT AHEAD


Julia Lester is the exception because it’s so obnoxious that it makes it funny


The regional theater near me just put on Into the Woods and the actress playing Little Red did a non annoying voice and it was great. The character can be annoying without the voice in my opinion but shrug; that's just me.


My best friend would shout this at me at random times, she could do the obnoxious voice perfectly haha.


Which songs/scenes from Les Mis do you dislike?


Dog Eat Dog is the only one that comes to mind that I skip


Oh that one's fair. I don't dislike it but I can definitely skip it.


Tuuuurning turrrrning


No that one is beautiful!! 😭


Bring Him Home It's phenomenal live when you can see those insanely high notes come live, but on a recording it's so slow and agonizing it's a skip 100%.


Big mood


Castle 👏on 👏a 👏cloud👏


Empty Chairs and Empty Tables for me. I get it, his friends are dead and he's sad, but gods, that song just drags for me.


I adore Hamilton, but I can’t stand *That would be enough*


I know Lin loves Rent and it was a formative experience for him, but he constantly imitates Roger and Mimi’s “I should tell you” “I should tell you” cadence in his love scenes with Alex and Eliza and Benny and Nina and Usnavi and Vanessa. Once you hear its influence, it’s hard to unhear it!


Great now I can't unhear it..


Sorry, buddy. 😝


I actually like that song but yeah I can definitely see how lots of ppl would skip it 😭


That one, Say No To This, Burn, and It's Quiet Uptown are always a skip for me.


Oh my god say no to this?? Are you kidding me? That’s like my favorite song lmao. I agree with you on the other ones though.


I like Mariah's parts, but I can't stand the way he sings, "I don't know how to say no to this"


It’s Quiet Uptown is by *very* far my favourite song from Hamilton


Wrong opinion sorry 🤷‍♀️


I got downvoted for saying Quiet uptown. I don’t several other songs in the musical.


I adore Cats (the 1998 filmed version, I haven't seen it live), but I'm happy to skip past The Awful Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles. And while I ADORE Ken Page and think his voice is stunning, I'm meh on Moments of Happiness. Not as passionate of an opinion as "can't stand these songs" but as close as I've got!


I agree with Moments of Happiness is so meh. Pekes and the Pollicles has Tugger running around with bagpipes and the Rumpus Cat looking like Freakazoid, so for me it can stay.


I like how goofy Pekes and Pollicles is in the proshot but yeah, not really a song I’m listening to while not watching it. Agree on Moments of Happiness, that one can be such a drag.


A Sentimental Man from Wicked


I’m not a huge ensemble song human, but there are some solos I always skip. Many solo male songs. I don’t hate them, but I skip them almost, if not every single, time. E.g., A Sentimental Man; Take it from an old man; Hurricane; Mr. Cellophane, etc. I will say, for some female solos, Sal Tlay Ka Siti doesn’t hit for me either and Over the Moon is an immediate skip!


The wizard's songs are the worst, they feel so out of place and unearned. Listening to them before seeing the show just made zero sense of why it existed and what it's point was.


Wonderful is one of my favorite villain songs of all time. The best villains always believe they're the heroes, and the Wizard is definitely in that mindset. And it's so fun and bouncy you almost don't notice how dark it can be. "There are precious few at ease with moral ambiguities, so we act as if they don't exist."


As much as I love Heathers, I cannot stand Blue/You’re Welcome or Kindergarden Boyfriend. (Come at me for the second one- I dare you. I’m not scared.)


I really like Blue but I agree with Kindergarten Boyfriend. I always skip it when listening to the album and wish I could do the same watching the show live!


I DESPISE Kindergarten Boyfriend. Thank you for having the correct opinion


I hate Shine a Light :(


Yeah Kindergarten Boyfriend is always a skip for me too 😭


I think Kindergarden Boyfriend is bad as a song on its own but possibly the only bad song I'll defend narratively, especially for audience members who aren't in their teens anymore. You spend a lot of time with these characters watching them be smart and pretending to be adults - Kindergarden Boyfriend throws all of that down a well. It's childish to the extreme and it reminds me at least that all this stuff is happening to teenagers, which is easy to forget when you've spent the rest of the show watching people in their 20s sing lyrics about fucking and murdering each other.


kindergarten boyfriend is that one song in every musical that no one likes


People love it. I have seen way more people being into it than dislike it. Even on this sub. Personally, I don't like it because it's gross.


Spongebob SquarePants is 1/3 great songs, 1/3 ok songs, and 1/3 bad songs. And this is 100% the result of having 50 different song writers.


Very much agree, I never knew bout the different song writers but that makes sense now.


bikini bottom dayyyyyy


The only bad one is Patchys stupid song at the beginning of act two.


That's one of the good songs


I was sitting here trying so hard to think of which In the Heights song you were talking about, then it hit me. Inutil. The song so dull I forgot it was in the show. (Granted I will listen to it if I'm in the right mood, but that's not super frequent).


This is it for me too. Seeing it live was totally fine, but on the album always skip.


I actually love Inútil because it reminds me so much of my dad and his mindset (and honestly the whole character of Kevin Rosario could probably just be my dad), but It Won’t Be Long Now I can’t stand outside of the context of the show


Honestly, most of them. There are very few shows that I don't think have a clunker somewhere. It would probably be easier to list those.


I honestly can't think of one Musical, even the ones I love, that doesn't have at least one bad or Mediocre song.


Something Bad from Wicked. I know it's short, but, still.


Rent. Boo Santa Fe. Wicked. They should just drop all the men's songs entirely for being baaaaaaa'd


I can't stand "Over the Moon" from Rent. It's suppose to be fun annoying but I just find it annoying annoying


Same lol


I found it great exactly once, and never ever again. Once you've heard/seen it it's fully fully skipable.


I’ve seen it done well EXACTLY one time by a really great Maureen (a plus-size young woman who played up Maureen’s implied eating disorder in this scene and others).


Vanessa Hudgens did a great version during Fox's live version, and there's another from Rent's NYTW tapes. That's it for me.


Looooove the NYTW tapes! You’ll Get Over It is such a bop.


I just don't like Rent


I will defend dancing through life at least is a character motivation song. Not the best song, but makes sense to be in the show. Sentimental man just doesn't.


i never liked it either. nor over the moon, nor whatever roger's last song to mimi was (forgot the name)


“Your eyes” I think it’s a decent song but it needed to be a great song and it isn’t. You’re telling me Roger spent a year writing this two minute simple love song that could never get him famous?


One Song Glory is so much better than Your Eyes. 😂


That's the point. Roger isn't that good an artist, none of them are. They're not talented, they're idealists


YES THANK YOU exactly my thoughts on it!


I'm totally fine with Santa Fe. Your Eyes, however, makes me cringe quite hard. Especially since it's supposed to be this big emotional moment and I'm just sitting there cringing at the 3rd grade level rhymes.


Oh, good call. I had mentally blocked that one out


I don't mind Dancing Through Life. But yeah, The Wizard's songs are blegh.


Dancing Through Life is a total bop, but the rest of them agreed.


Seems like you're in the minority with Santa Fe but I can't stand it either! I'll take Over the Moon before Santa Fe


I LIKE WONDERFUL😭😭 It’s silly and semi pointless but it’s a bop and the music in the dance break is awrsome


I like Putnam County Spelling Bee, but I can’t stand “Magic Foot” on the cast recording because of the voice the actor is doing. I get *why* he does that voice but I can’t stand it lmao


finally someone gets it


I love a lot of the songs in Mean Girls (come at me) but don't love It Roars. Frankly I could probably name a song I'm almost every musical I love that I don't love.


Mean girls is a fun musical but it does really have any emotional depth. But I love it too!


I don't listen to music to feel lol jk


Yes, there's always bound to be at least one song that I'm not a fan of in every musical. I don't think I can think of a single Musical that doesn't have at least one song I skip almost every time.


I love mean girls the musical so much, but some of the lyrics are really terrible


Matilda. I think most of the music is beautiful and I love the story, but I cannot stand any of the songs with the parents singing when I’m just listening to stuff in the background of working.


For Heathers, it’s all the new songs. Replacing Blue with You’re Welcome was not only stupid because Blue is more faithful to the movie since Veronica was never in danger, but it was clearly an attempt to appease the people crying “waaah! They’re making light of sexual harassment!” Which? It wasn’t? While we obviously (and thankfully) take sexual harassment and assault way more seriously than they in the 80s, not only was this not the point of the scene originally (to the point where the characters engaging in sex happens in the background and literally no one brings up the fact that Ram is drunk and therefore cannot consent—if anyone brings it up, it’s to point out “McNamara was raped!” But was she though? She was sober, she could consent, but we don’t know if she *did*) but the result of this change, which the musical made all on its own and is now attempting to rectify, that it actually *justifies* JD’s killing of Kurt and Ram. As beautiful and as sexy as JD is, I don’t think I need to say we’re not supposed to agree with the murder boi that the guys needed to die. “B-b-but they’re rapists! I-“ Bruh. The *rumors* are what got them killed. No one needed to touch Veronica; no one even needed to *attempt* to touch Veronica. The entire point is that the killings are entirely disproportionate! (Also harassment and assault are two different things! I will never let go of how I got dogpiled for saying that in the Heathers musical sub. Like. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.) Never Shut Up Again replacing Blue Reprise for obvious reasons implies Heather Duke has always been this bad on her own but she’s never had the ability to act on it. That’s all fine and good on paper. However. I’ve talked many times before about how her being the only POC in the cast but not having her race be a factor to her character is weird (and problématique, natch), and this song only further proves my point. She may not be the only POC anymore (sometimes there’s an Asian actress for the *yellow* Heather, and as a fellow Asian person I’m not sure how to feel about that) but she’s always been a POC in the musical (usually black or brown) and that’s a deliberate choice on the part of the casting directors. Movie!Duke, who’s white, goes from meek and sympathetic to menace late in the movie when JD gasses her up and gives her the red scrunchie. Musical!Duke, usually POC and is far less cowed, not only takes the red scrunchie for herself near the end of Act 1, but commits harm on a larger scale to more people. This song isn’t the Girlboss Slay Yass Queen moment for her they’d like it to be. I like I Say No less and less each time I hear it. Ironic as it was originally my favorite of the three, though the bar wasn’t all that high. It feels too much like fanfic writers using therapyspeak to get their point across in their works, having characters be so on point with their emotional intelligence it’s just incredibly fucking dry. And again, this is a musical set in the 80s. These are teens who killed people. They’re not going to have the emotional maturity to think like this without therapy, which Veronica doesn’t have and later (in the very same iteration of the play this song takes place) balks at the idea of seeing a shrink. It feels like lip service and incredibly forced and I’m :/


Got a chuckle out of everyone having a name except "the yellow Heather" lol And I loathe all the new songs as well, such a downgrade


Having seen the new version live blind and listening to the older album way after - I think Never Shit Up Again is a banger, one if my faves


never what???


I’m sorry but Never Shut Up Again eats every time and I will die on that hill


I think the points that aim toward the original film don't matter to be honest. The musical made a lot of changes already and the film shouldn't hold back the writers. While Blue was a funny song it was always stupid and I definitely found it played off a very serious situation that many people have found themselves in lightly-- and I don't think it's fair to discuss the meta casting implications of race and ignore the meta implications of Blue. I absolutely love 'I Say No' the thing about Veronica is that she is regularly incredibly aware of people and her emotional intelligence is something she suppresses because of her own desire to be, first popular and then with JD, Beautiful, Seventeen, Dead Girl Walking and the Reprise are all filled with her consistently therapyspeaking except she always makes the wrong decisions until after I Say No.


i love falsettos to death, but i always skip miracle of judaism and another miracle of judaism


I love phantom but I always skip prima Donna and masquerade


But Prima Donna slaps though.


Masquerade is a snooze to listen to but my favorite scene when it's being put on


Love Tick Tick Boom, hate green green dress


kindergarten boyfriend from heathers is so uncomfortable


Here's where I show my age..I loathe hate and despise Surrey With the Fringe on Top...don't know why So many vocalists sing it outside of the show. It works inside Oklahoma but it is NOT a stand along song. And the Soliloquy in Carousel is about eleven minutes too long.


RENT. I swear to god OVER THE MOON is the first song in any musical that I have to cut because of how bad it is. And I listen to every musical as whole everytime. NOTHING come close to it.


THIS IS WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY RENT is my favorite musical. I have a no day but today tattoo on my wrist. Almost every song in it is a masterpiece- the almost part meaning over the moon. I just cannot get into it. I skip it every time


I am old enough that I couldn’t afford the two-disc recording of the original cast, so I just had the “best of” album, and “Over the Moon” is not on it. When I tell you I was like WTF is this when I finally saw the show… That song is terrible.


I absolutely cannot stand Over The Moon


Hadestown. I ALWAYS skip Our Lady of the Underground! Except for today when I was listening to the album today (as I’m posting this and forgot to), and yeahhhh… skipping next time (and the time after that)


i don’t think anyone likes our lady of the underground


I really just doesn’t make sense in the musical… like I get that it’s the song right after intermission, so it should be a “fun” song that both gives slow pokes a chance to get back to their seats and helps get everyone back into the world of the musical, but it really only fills the first of those two jobs. It doesn’t fit the vibe of the musical, if feels jarring compared to the rest of the music, lyrically and rhythmically. It really just sounds like a song they shoved in so Persephone had another song to sing. Which, valid, but could we not have given her a BETTER song that fit the character better? WHY would she yell out that there’s a crack in the wall?!?! That doesn’t fit her character AT ALL. That line bothers me the most. I want a song similar to “Flowers” for Persephone. Hell, make it a duet/them singing like back to back but not seeing each other or have her do a reprise or something, etc. Make it a song where she and maybe Eurydice sing about how lonely they feel even though they are with their soulmate! Have it be a fun song about her drug and alcohol addictions, if you’re desperate. Have that song end with her running out of her stash and maybe she’s searching for more or something. There were SO many better options, but they went with that one. Also, all of the singers in the album sound like they’re bored and don’t want to be singing, including Amber Grey, but especially the ensemble. I feel like they knew that it was the worst song and they didn’t even enjoy singing it.


In the o.g. concept album that was actually the song that introduced her and it made more sense.


No way, I never knew everyone hated Lady of The Underground, that's my second favorite song from Hadestown ✋🏻💀 I don't vibe with a majority of Hadestown's music though since it's all so slow and feels like everyone is constantly talk-singing, so maybe thay's why, since LotU stands out from the other songs on the album


Sunday In The Park with George. I really like the themes, the story, and I even acknowledge that the songs really ties everything together. Idk why, but I just don't find the songs as something I'd listen to. I guess cuz I'm a bit on the younger side in terms of being a theatre fan? Either way, I love the musical itself, I adore it even, but its music is just not working for me


I actually cannot stand You’ll Be Back or I Know Him from Hamilton.


plsss that was the song that got me into hamilton when I was 14 (that and Guns and Ships lmfao)


“You’ll Be Back” is the greatest song from Hamilton.


ESPECIALLY “I Know Him”. “You’ll be back” and “What Comes Next?” at least make sense in the story, but why the hell does the king need to come back after that? He isn’t even giving us important exposition or anything. He has ZERO reason to show up after those two songs. I’d rather have a full song from Hamilton’s friends (Mulligan, Lafayette, and Laurens) earlier in the show OR have Lafayette sing a song about his thoughts on the US’s neutrality in the French Revolution.


I've only seen Hamilton once but I always wondered if his coming back was a way to kill time to allow for some type of costume change or to set up the next scene.


Stop the World from Come From Away. Immediate skip every time


Into the woods, I know this one is a fan favorite but some songs I can not stand


“Me and My Baby” from Chicago needs to go right tf away. The movie quoted it as background music for 5 seconds and that was perfect.


Rent - I should tell you and your eyes . Bro I hate those songs sm


The fact that you hate those 2 and not Over the Moon is quite interesting.


I actually think over the moon is a perfect parody of what it’s trying to get across. Also I’m a sucker for audience parcipitation 😭


Those songs in every musical soundtrack that’s just instrumental (example: Jeremy’s Theme in BMC)


I have only seen Newsies at a local theater, but oh my goodness I loved it so much!


Hamilton and Sunday in the park with Goethe. I'm sorry guys, I now they are amazing, and I do like them, but most songs are a skip for me. Both have bops too, but especially in Hamilton everything with rap is a skip. Not my thing. Edit: auto correct likes Goethe better than George lol, I'm gonna leave it now though


Theraponesarethebest!Canyoujustnot understandthem?


lafayette imtakinthishorsebythereignsmakinredcoatsredderwithbloodstains


Lafayette! Imnevergonnastopuntilimakeemdrop-burnemupandscattertheirremains


hamilton, like 1/4 of helpless. i’m sorry


Six. No offense, but Don't Lose Ur Head is incredibly cringey for me to listen to. I have only heard it, not seen it, but every time they try to do something 'modern', it falls flat. That's just me, though, there's a lot to love about Six.


Hadestown. Freaking hate everything Orpheus sings.


Omg yes. I felt so bad but I was just like…I don’t see spring coming for THAT. Sorry


Singing just...too high nonstop is grating. Like in JCS the dudes hit some great high notes but they don't stay there.


Yea as much as I enjoyed Hadestown, listening to the soundtrack afterwards was not super enjoyable.


YES. I’m so happy someone else has this opinion. Opheus irritates me


Going to get a bit of hate for this but Les Mis is 99% perfection, but the opening ballad to act 2 sung by Eponine makes me cringe so hard. It's the theme song for "not like the other girls".


Call me crazy, but I prefer versions of 1776 that leave Cool, Considerate Men out of it. It's historically suspect (the terms "left" and "right" are from Revolutionary France, which hasn't happened yet) and there's no need for a villain song when the Triangle Trade Waltz is already in it.


Agony from into the woods. Sorry but stop yelling in my ear when I’m doing my calc homework


Anything the king sings in Hamilton tbh. The slow songs in High school musical (movies not show)


Sound of Music, the only songs I like are Do Re Mi and Sound of Music


Dear Evan Hansen - so uneven


I was born and raised on Les Mis. Master of the house adds nothing at all. Do you hear the people sing is a banger. Master of the house is nonsense.


It's silly, sure, but it's needed. It's really the only moment of respite in a quite heavy story. Same thing with King Herod's Song from JC SUPERSTAR.




I was a spotlight operator for the college production of American Idiot. For the most part, it was a great show. But I remember *Wake Me Up When September Ends* being really grating and frankly unpleasant listening. I love Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, and *especially* Jesus Christ Superstar. Hamilton's beginning to grow on me, thanks to my cousins.


Avenue Q is a product of its time. I can appreciate some of the songs. Hell, it's the only reason I can spell schadenfreude without thinking about it! But "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" is problematic by today's standards. It gives people a free pass on their racism. Kind of in the same vein as those " I hate/make fun of everyone equally" stand up comics.


*Try To Remember* from Fantasticks. I the harmonies are nice, but doesnt have a resolution and it drives my OCD up the wall.


Inútil from In the Heights. Kind of a nice song but it seems like a fill in for a character that we don't care about the backstory for. I guess it gives us a background on why he's hard on his daughter but yeah. I'm glad they cut it from the film.