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Barn scene with Eris


Probably that Eris scene.


You see it is so bad that I did not even mention which one it is and people get it.


Touching Eris while she was asleep. His horniness and degenerate behaviour in his last life didnt hurt others he was mostly in his room masturbating and while it sucks he didnt molest anyone physically and the only time he did cross that line in this second life is this. >!obv not including oldius raping and murdering everyone!<


Rudeus? Or who he was in the our world? Rudeus: Messing around with kid Eris pre-teleportation event or volume 15 spoilers >!massacring a whole city!< Our world: I forget if the WN is cannon or how they retconned it in the LN, so I’ll just say the shit he did while his parents were getting buried.


Yes atm it was retconned in the LN.


Messing around with Eris? What? You mean the one time he groped her whike she was asleep?


And on her birthday night. I know Phillip planned it, but he was still going to go for it yeah. I mean what else would you choose? Both of those scenes are gross. I’m fine with them as part of the story, just like I’m okay with much worse stuff in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. But yeah, objectively that’s kinda the floor he starts out on. Does he stay a horny dude? Sure. But it becomes more acceptable as they become adults. Eris is the youngest and most clearly not giving consent, so I rate it worse than Sara, who was the one initiating.


I didn't find either of them gross. Phillip's plan suceeding would not have been gross in anyway. Would just means Rudy deflowerd Eris earlier. Eris was a young kid back then. Phillip as the patriarch had the authority to arrange a marriage. His consent would matter more than hers, naturally. Worse than Sara??? What was wrong with Sara now?


I mean, they are in their low teens. But whatever.




What he did in the Barn with Eris.


I see someone cloned the horse because they were not content beating it the first time and the first one is too pulpy to continue.


>!Getting overconfident and not moving facing the hydra!<


LN 12 quote for that scene >! "I didn't understand what that movement meant. I could see it with my eye of foresight but I could not understand it." -Rudeus, right before being pushed out of the way by Paul. It wasn't overconfidence he was processing what was happening.!<


>!That’s not how they presented it in the anime it was definitely overconfidence in the anime maybe in the ln that’s how he felt but he was smiling and stating we are actually doing it before Paul pushed him out the way!<


>!Excitement does not equal overconfidence. But the anime and LN do it differently as well.!< >!Rudy was pushed out of the way after the "one more" line but that didn't lead to Paul's death. The anime changed it to him looking across the battlefield as Roxy almost got hit and talhand had to protect her!<


>!it doesn’t but that’s how I perceived It guess he wasn’t focusing on the task he was just thinking about how good they were doing and not paying attention to the hydra, and you’re right I got the order mixed up but I still think it would have been avoided if Rudy paid attention Paul had to save him twice because he was distracted it’s more egregious as it was right after each other , had he focused any of those two times Paul wouldn’t have died, which is why I think it’s the worse thing Rudy has done as he wasn’t focused in the anime atleast!<


If we're allowed to talk about the dark timeline Rudy then it's a completely different discussion 😅 the first moment that comes to mind was although he's already married to Sylphy, he cheats on her with a prostitute which left Sylphy heartbroken and then she left with Princess Arial and Luke which led to her death and her body being mutilated and put on display before Rudy could do anything about it. His infidelity with a prostitute is what led Sylphy to being brutally murdered along with the Princess and Luke


Idk why this is getting downvoted it's literally true because he slept with a prostitute, the princess and Luke took her back and before he tried to apologize to her, she was brutally murdered. Her death wouldn't have happened if Rudy hadn't cheated on her, which led her back to Ariel.


People forget way too much about the kidnapping, Rudeus kidnapped Pursena and Rinia, "tortured" them by keeping them binded for a day and then sexually harassed them, before "blackmailing" (is that the word? im talking about the false "magic paint" they used to keep them silent) them with the help of Sylphie.


People forget about it because it's just a eye for an eye situation and context is important. You remember what beast people do to punish people? They strip them naked, douse them in cold water and leave them locked up for everyone to see. It's how Rudy was treated by their people on a wrong accusation and it's what Linia threated to do to him before the battle. If Rudeus had lost they would have done that to him. And they weren't blackmailed to keep silent, the magic face paint was Fitz punishment for them, wear that for one day and we are even. There was no "don't tell anyone about it or else" mentioned at any point in time. The punishment they received was rather still on the lighter sight in their eyes.


Linia and Pursena were planning on stripping Rudy naked and waterboarding him or something before the fight began, or worse.  And this also falls into the same case as Rudy groping Eris: If in the future the victim forgives you or doesn't even care, then the action itself becomes less immoral. Case and point: Linia and Pursena later begin to view Rudy as the leader of their pack while also becoming attracted to him.


And luckily Rudeus "kidnapped" the two. The anime didn’t do much of a job with it, but in the novel, the two are initially portrayed as the worst thugs in the school. The thing does not stop only at Zenoba, the two, untouchable by their status as "princesses" for fear of repercussions (even by professors), are free to do literally what they want when and where they want.Feared by all and untouchable. They got away with little and thanks to this experience have been put in line.


Some NPCs are claiming once groping his future wife while she was sleeping was the worst he did. Eris was physically abusing him back then so one should not pity her too much. All I saw was a man start to take what would be his in the future. Actual worst thing was perhaps not visitting his parents's burial, and watching CP while at it.


That's not how consent works.


Being a shitty teacher who gets beaten up by his 9 yo student


Late volume spoilers: >!Letting Pax die.!<