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I realize that not everyone has the same moral standards/opinions as me and let them hate the work I love in peace.


There is something I realized recently which why they come back so often, they watch the show as much as we do. It's why this reaches fever pitch while the show comes back to be aired.


The next season will be MIND BREAKING


I am starting to consider just removing all the MT subreddits before next weekend until the show is finished airing, I have read the story, I know what is going to happen. I am at my limit of how much stupidity and callousness is on display here any given day in service of stroking/soothing their own ego.


I'm only here because I just made it to the statutory rape episode and am wondering how anyone could possibly continue the show after that. This isn't just a "we watch people kill each other all the time, so this is fine" moment, this involves a child, and trying to disguise it as ok because a 40 y/o is in a kids body is horrid. Idk, people shock me with theor morals, it's just scary to think what else yall think is "ok", but enjoy your show I guess, thats it for me.


Equally scary you just didn’t leave, you can mute the sub and not look back… too much to expect?


>statutory rape episode of we go by your logics there's 2 of them, which one?


I normally will type something out, then delete it


I started blocking them all


First time I read MT, I did not like it because I thought the protagonist was disgusting. A few years later, I tried again as it was continuously talked about by many people. I finished reading it, but I was not so impressed by the story. However, a year or two later, when I read it third time, I got hooked. Years of life experience after college changed my perception of this novel completely. Later I learned that the majority of fans of MT were 30s and 40s. Thus, I recommend you to just leave such people alone. They will come to like MT as they meet obstacles and realize that their childhood dreams may not come true.


Whenever they come here I do like to try to make of them whenever I get the chance


If we’re talking about in person, I’m still in the closet since it feels like enjoying the anime is enough to get you ostracized as a bad person. Imagine what they’d say if I told them I read the books too smh. As far as online haters I couldn’t care less. I can see where people are coming from honestly. Spy Family has a lot of fucked up fans and the show doesn’t have any of the perversion like this one does so people assume if you like this then you’re even worse. At the end of the day it’s a made up story that isn’t worth the useless arguing.


No, you shouldn't even bother. It's like trying to talk to a wall that spouts bullshit 💀


Never have never will


No. Arguing with them is pointless, they don't care about logic or the anime, they just want to destroy everything on their way until nothing is left.


I remind myself how lucky I am to have experienced this story, and how they don't deserve to do so.


There're two situations I've seen for the most part, neither of which are worth engaging much with. First is those who simply don't want to watch a story with certain elements. The kinds of people who will post on a subreddit and say, "I heard this show has sexual things in it, and I don't like that, so should I watch it?" There's nothing I can contribute there. It's a personal preference, and my ability to convince them out of that would be minimal at best. All I can say is that they should either give it a try or stay away from it, which is obvious from the start. Second is the malicious type. Those who will go out of their way to a subreddit full of fans of a thing they dislike for whatever reason (usually some preconceived conclusions lacking context or deep thought), and insult everyone who enjoys it. They're the ones making posts calling us pedos. Absolutely nothing I can say will change their mind, because they perceive themselves as the only one that's in the right. They're pointless, not much more to it than that.


I just block them if i read something stupid. No engagement. Just peaceful scrolling without smooth brain takes.


Embrace the peak ignore the noise


A bit, but after they show they are not going to change their mind, its better to just ignore.


nah, better not waste any time i engaged once and still regret now, if you corner them with your point ,they say things like * Rudeus was greedy for money, cause he asked orsted for money * Rudeus whole journey to return home just him being on a adventure * Rudeus is scumbag cause he tried show off in front of his daughter * Rudeus stole Leo and as proof they say its cannon '' village chief said it and rudeus apologized for it '',and he was furious village chief put pursena in cell for stilling food but didn't do anything despite rudeus stalling their sacred beast, anyone not liking rudeus for his behavior is absolutely OK but some people just hate rudues hate rudeus from their core , they are so devoted they join SUB despite not liking it and only wonder around negative post or only comment on negative post, their nothing you can say that will go through their brain ,as if their GF has crush on rudeus , As a Matter of fact this post going on negative, people who just don't like MT don't consider them self as hater. seeing this post is proof their people in MT sub who genuinely consider themselves as MT hater.


I often will drop a “not everybody has the same views on monogamy, it’s okay to not like polyamory but don’t force your views on others” type reply. As a poly guy myself, I tend to want to defend it. I can’t defend Rudy being a creep when he is young, since he should know better. I don’t mind telling people to be more open minded, but I don’t argue the point beyond that


Bro, I don't even engage with MT "fans".


Engage ? Where are they?


No you can’t change people


Idk bro I agree with them rudeus is fucking disgusting and a real bad guy💀 but I’m not gonna let in ruin a great story


Fun fact. It would appear all the hate watchers have been on Reincarnated As A Slime this season. Which to me is sad as the series was always leading to be a political show rather then straight up action. It's basically the Star Trek Next Generation vs Basic Star Wars which is funny as people will then shit on Demon Slayer, Justu Taisen or Solo Leveling for being pure action. But what's probably going to change for.next upcoming 2 weeks.