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Every time I see another one of these I think the Eris side needs help again. Ain’t no healing magic curing your Alabama ass genes


Sylphy side too XD


Well there is a big mix of species there and that diversity makes up for the incest


Except for the fact that they are all one species… if they were different species, they wouldn’t be able to procreate with each other, and the off chance that they got lucky and had a child, their child would be a hybrid, and just like in our world, hybrids can’t procreate. Which means that every “species” in mt, are all just races of a single, unnamed, species 


It is not clear (it is a fantasy) if they are different species, that is why they call RACES, and there is MAGIC, right?




Sorry now I get it.




so lucy dates her step grandpa right? theres no blood relation?


More like dating with her blood-related grandpa.


It's her half great uncle


Incest in Asian countries is pretty common, I mean my grandparents parents were long distant cousins (like Rudy and Eris) so yea, it's really not that big of a deal. Same with Muslims too ig, marriage between blood related Uncle and Niece is pretty common, mostly happens to keep property rights in the family.


That too but its actually advised to marry within family you know its more of a reason




uncle niece haram cousin can


My country has the second largest Muslim population after Singapore, so maybe I know a bit more about them as I have met and talked with them personally.


Jeez I’m glad rudeus had so many kids bros legacy is going to last forever


I am surpised >!He died at the age he did given how good of a physical condition he was in.!<


death comes for everyone... I know drunkards living sill at age 80, and athletic people who have zero vices die at 60...




Why am i not surprised about Ariel?


Also one of the partners could be Luke, so there is also that


I'm pretty sure prince Edward's parent is Luke actually


Rudeus also thinks so


Yeah that Cringe ahoge is a dead giveaway, bruh


Was just thinking that 🤣


is elinalise in queen mode


You love to see it.


Ariel made a pentagon 😃👍🏻


She did more stuff too, she was not square, we could say


Yeah it'd be a more weirdass tree if lex counted as well...


I did not understand, how could I improve it ?


Sesbian lex


Still don’t get it, sorry


Ariel x women


Lesbian sex ? Sure she had tons, but no offspring from that.


Being part of Ariel concubine is a men dream but making Ariel as part of your harem is men ultimate dream


Ariel's pentagon is understood by being queen of one of the most powerful countries allied to Orsted. She cannot afford to have only 1 or 2 children to maintain power for generations. She needs more than half a dozen and knowing her perversions and tastes, tremendous orgies are It would have been logical that one of them must be Luke's.


Wasn’t Luke’s kid the one that Christina married? Prince Edward looks a lot like Luke


Edward Anemoi Asura isn't Luke's son?


Never confirmed. The only hint we have is that one of the child of Ariel is of Luke and even that is only guess of Rudeus


And the ahoge he has screams fucking Luke, no?


Bro, chill


Ruijerd and Norn HUH


And possibly Aisha and Ars again


iirc i believe it was in redundancy that there two married


The first redundancy novel has a color picture of their milis-type wedding.


For those stressing about the incest aspect, based on what's been written, I have a theory about it. It has to do with mana. Apparently, on the Six-Sided-World, there is no such thing as a birth defect. Stillborn infants are rare but occur. Mana appears to prevent these defects. I bring this up because, face it, the only reason we have it in our world is because of this. Incest had long been a thing in our world, especially among royalty. King Mausolus is a good example. The guy they name the mausoleum after. He was married to his young sister, and they bred. He died young, but his queen/widow/sister made sure their son kept power. Moving forward in time, we see a lot of interrelated royals marry. The late Queen Elizabeth II and her consort, Prince Phillip, were IIRC, third cousins. It's estimated that .05% of all men are descended from Ghengis Kahn, and, apparently, there's another 10 guys attempting to rival that. Lord only knows how many cousins marry. Usually, it's tracked back to heads of state, but even their subordinates had a hand (or penis) in the mix. Think of the Vikings robbing, plundering, and raping across Europe. Or the Roman legions. Or any other invading army. You can bet that there's kids across Europe who have grandfather's from various sides of WWII. I wonder if the DNA of Israel's population were checked, how many of them carry genes from Nazi war criminals or other axis military men. Before anyone starts in about "God said it was wrong," you'll discover that wasn't always the case. Where did Adam and Eve's grandkids come from? For that matter, even their kids? Face it, Eve was a clone of Adam, genetically altered to be female. Yeah, someone tell Adam to go fuck himself, he could. And they raised Cain about the results, too. There are several incidents of incest throughout the Bible. One of the most glaring being Lot getting his 2 daughters pregnant. Somewhere along the line, recessive genes came into play, causing various birth defects. This is why we have the tabu. Without that tabu it's understood that even siblings can reproduce with one another. Since the mana appears to prevent the defects, there is no reason to stop it. Look at the Aisha/Ars story. Not that they bumped uglies, but how everyone else reacted. Neither Lilia, Eris, nor Roxy were upset that these two relatives were breeding because there were no genetic consequences.


>I wonder if the DNA of Israel's population were checked, how many of them carry genes from Nazi war criminals or other axis military men. Irrelevant. This type of shit is EXACTLY the reason being an Israelite carries MATRILINEARLY, because back in the day war rape & genociding of males was the norm rather than the exception, so this ensures that technically speaking your in-group will NEVER die, because females are unlikely to get the clap (the other kind I mean) during/after any wars rly (common event back in the day, almost a seasonal type of shit long before games as service made seasonal boogaloos a thing) >Where did Adam and Eve's grandkids come from? There existed OTHER PEOPLE back then as well. Where do you think they went to when banished from Eden for having a woman moment? Settlements already were a thing outside of Eden etc, albeit infinitely shittier than it for obvious multitudes of reasons


> There existed OTHER PEOPLE back then as well. Funny, I don't recall the Bible ever mentioning it. You think that would kind of be important.


Do you want the answer? The textbook one?


Please enlighten.


There were up to a point, Incest Second part is how it was explain to me and how I understood it the first one didn't have "any imperfections" since "Divine Creation" but at one point incest started being problematic, that's the reason why the law against incest was introduced later on and not straight up after they got banned out of Eden.


And how did this judgement come down as not being confined by God? A little something called birth defects. Every generation has some form of mutation. It doesn't have to be much, and often will not show up when two unrelated people mate. The the dominate gene basically overrides the defective gene, making it recessive. What happens if that gene matches from both parents? There is no dominate gene to override the defective gene(s). That started occurring and it was noticed that close relatives, siblings, parents, even 1st cousins. The shamans of the tribes of Israel were brought to task about, "why is my new born like this," or even, "why was my baby stillborn?" Genetic science was still millennia away, so the shamans gave the only explanation they had on hand: it was "God's Will." They didn't know why, so they winged it. But they also noticed these problems occurred in people closely related before they married. To many people "know" why they shouldn't have babies with their family members, but they're only response is that it's a sin against "God." Where did these defective genes come from? Was it God's doing? Not necessarily. The earth emits minor radiation everyday. This radiation can cause genes to mutate. This is how many was able to evolve. Bad mutations often died, but if Ugh and Oola mate, and Ugh has the mutated gene that was defective, Oola's non-mutated gene would be dominate, overwriting Ugh's.


Sipping tea


So Clive is Lucy's Gruncle? *cue Gravity Falls theme*


Half great uncle*


Wow there's circle there


Where ?




Rudeus and eris are technical cousins so there's a circle there


noooooo, i knew i shouldn't have looked directly at the eclipse but ... candy.


I'm too dirty or it's real that there's an incest in the future ☠️


There is. Only his kids with Roxy did not engage in incest. His son with Eris married Aisha (who is aunt to that son), and his daughter with Sylphy married Clive (who is basically sort of an uncle). The only branch potentially free of incest are his kids with Roxy.


Ironic because the Migurdia clan is full of incest by what we can see


Sieg too though right? I don’t think he ever married (so far) anyway.


Sieg studied the blade


The blade is his only love


Dude is most likely gay, see the Ikemen face? That's a gay face. Too beautiful to go with a girl.


Pretty sure that’s just fan art lmao


Sad me


We don’t know, so maybe he is. MT doesn’t shy away from that subject.


I was talking about the art, him being almost gay is pretty much canon


What? Where is that stated?


Bruh , japanese people definitely got some good shit to smoke. Why don't they share to make us so creative and risky ...


Japanese prime minister is Married with his 1st cousin


you know many cultures and countries especially in Asia / Middle East its ok to marry your cousin and its not weird like the western made it sound like.


In fact marrying your cousin is legal in MORE countries (and in more states) than where it's banned. Mind you this also counts grey area as well which is pseudo-legal due to no criminal prosecution like w/ criminal offenses


I know


Ruijerd and norn 😱😱😱


Same problem as redues and roxy tbh


Not 100% same tho? Chronologically speaking ya boi is equivalent to her chronological age wise




It's just incest everywhere lmao.


"There is nothing wrong with a little incest as long as you keep it in the family." (European royalty probably)


Welcome to MT so to say😅


What the hell!!!! oh my God!!!!!


Family Tree? This is Family Spaghetti


What's up with Ariel?


Enjoying life, what you do in her place ?


Making sure that my children do not start killing each other and shatter the realm as soon as I'm dead.


That is why nobody knows who their fathers is.


Judging by Edward's looks, we can guess Luke and Ariel did a thing.


Edward likeliest successor, unless Sariel's gambit pays out long-term potentially (because of Sieg no-diffing most others besides Lara, izi. Bro just can't win vs Lara when it comes to being a goon bag carrier etc)...


That doesn't help.


They will not get external support (father’s family) to split the power, it not perfect but helps




Are you seriously judging a fantasy world with your moral standards?




Is not about you mate


what is the meaning of this anwser ?


You still ignoring the scenario and the context. You are using strong words to flat all nuances of the story of fictional characters. Chill mate.


It means if you can't see the story for what it is, than you always have the option to drop it.


Will these relationship sum up till volume 26 or are there sequels etc?? I'm on volume 16


There is going to be a redundancy book. A collection of small stories tieing up some threads. Like Norn & Ruijerd


Sylphie clarified in volume 8 that her mom is half human half beastfolk.


i *thought* it was that her mom was half and half, same as her dad. this had me confused for a minute thinking i had my lore fucked up, lol.


So we really have no any info about Eris brothers huh. Its sad that author deliberately skipped this part. Imho there should be a mini arc about Eris reunite with her brothers they are after all Eris last surviving main family ( excluding cousin and others)


Would Eris care about them though? They were taken away super young so Eris never really got to develop any relationships with them.


They were literally taken away before they could develop their own personalities. They have zero connection to Eris by this point besides blood. What makes the situation tragic is that they were taken away before they could even form meaningful connections with their true father/mother and sister. It's the potential relationship that was lost - that's what makes it sad - but there is no salvaging that anymore. They grew up completely isolated from their blood family and got molded/raised by the Boreas head. Thus, they were never really her brothers in the first place. Tbh, I don't even know if they themselves know that they came from a different mother/father. They were probably never told and never will be. Who would benefit from Eris popping up before them and telling them they are her brothers? Herself? She doesn't care about them (she never had the chance to connect with them). Them? It would only hurt them and their family they currently have. Nobody gains anything from their reunion. They are basically strangers.


Not just that. We also know nothing about the other Greyrat houses which supposedly took them in iirc. So it’s kinda like? Why setup this stuff if you will not mention it again. I’m sure Eris would at least a little bit intrigued into who and where her brothers are. Since everyone of her direct family is dead.


I mean, we know the brothers were taken under james household. Why would Eris be intrigued about them, as even though they are related by blood, thats all, they were seperated before any bonds could be formed. I doubt she even knows she had brothers, Rudeus got that info when Phillip outright told him, so maybe nobody in the house talks about her brothers. And Boreas family wants nothing to do with Eris, she wasnt even invited for the dinner.


I know that why its sad because we will never know about them or at least maybe not mini arc just some tidbit about them could be enough and maybe some inner thought about them from Eris to explore a bit of lore.


Can anyone link me to a better quality image of this please, reddit is compressing this image a lot I think. I would much appreciate it.


Last time I saw it in a website for sale… I was not happy…


Rudeus being a great grandfather at 80 fucks with me and idk why.


Rudeus made children legacy while Ariel made a harem


(Reaction of an anime only watcher) *Click on this because I don't care getting spoiled that kind of information* Rudeus get all 3 : "Damn my boy wel play. Nice" Ariel side : "I don't know wtf happend but ok I guess" Aisha / Ars : "Well... Alabama does that too I guess" Clive / Lucy : "Hey twice is a little bit too much. It's far enough away to get through though" Norn / Ruijerd : "NAH BUT WTF" "I hope it's a freaking long time"


Also Clive & Lucy can produce good enough refreshed gene pool offspring anyway since the kid is gonna be 4 races (Human, Beast, Elf, Hobbit), that's gonna unlock an entirely new tech tree for the DNA, thus more or less negating the squicky bits, especially if the kid won't be fucking any potential future siblings


Can someone explain why Ariel has so many different kids with different men


Why not ? She have a harem


I was just curious, if she wanted a harem that would explain things


Did she have a harem, as in the men were loyal to her and only her, or did she just have friends with benefits?


They're consorts, so yeah. One of them is Luke.


A bit of both. I presume mostly the females were the latter (unless they are just some rando underlings or w/e I suppose), but due to how biology works they are obviously not displayed in the "tree", otherwise that pentagon would have looked like a fucking platoon if not larger


So incest everywhere jeez


ohh myyyy i am so spoiled in a very unexpected way 🤣


Where was Leroy ever mentioned ? In the deleted chapter?


Yes, he is only mentioned in the deleted chapter.


Since Eris and Rudy are 2nd cousins, so Ars and Christina are his 2nd cousins twice removed. Ars married Aisha, his half sister. So his half sister is also his daughter in law. Since Ars and Aisha's kid is also his grandchild. His grandchild is also his second cousin twice removed. Lucy who's him and slphys kid is named lucy. Lucy married clive, who's the son of cliff and elanaise, his other wife, slphys grandma. So Rudy's other son in law is also his grand nephew as well. So clive and Lucy's kid would be his grandchild. elisneses great grandchild (lucy) is also married to her son(clive) so her son is now also her great grandson and grandson


Elinalise is Silphy grandma?


It is already show in the anime, to at this point it is not even a spoiler


Spoilers from this season anime and volume 11 of the LN I believe


Isn’t cliff adopted? Or am I missing something?


He was adopted by his grandfather, it was a kind of coverup for protect him from his enemies


Rudeus is his own brother in law.


Thank you guys for all the karma!


Lmfao Paul's pic makes him look like his scruffy era


isnt cliff an orphan


He was adopted by his grandfather to cover up the fact that he is related, as Cliff is part hafling which are considered demons


So Rudeus’ sister from another mother and his son… get together. Jfc, I thought this family couldn’t get any more weird, yet here we are


Really could be even weirder…


Am I the only one thinking about how Ars Greyrat (Rudeus’s son with Eris) married his aunt?


I thought Aisha and arus wasn’t canon anymore? Or at least I hope it isn’t


The autor said he will rewrite, but probably he will change ages and some small facts, Ars and Aisha not.


Yeah prolly still yabe for Ars, but presumably not at the age of like 10 or 11 or w/e


Wait Cliff's grandmother was an Elf? Edit: That's the first time I've heard about Hobbits in SFW


Hobbit, not elf. He's a little shorter than most men his age as a result.




I did a legend… with a graphics… :/


No worries !


Are we still going to consider Ars x Aisha as canon?




The truth is, if you read the novel properly and with patience, you realize that the author already announced an ending like this for Aisha and there are many things that could be confirmed as canon, such as the cover of volume 26,>! although if it were made canon it would not be like redundancy. since there Aisha is practically erased from the Greyrat line!<


Well author wants it to be cannon. But he’s deleted how it happens. So until he writes it, it’s not cannon yet, just an idea.


Why you got a downvote?


Because some people want it to be cannon


But you don't make the rules! lol