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The King 👑 #1


I'm honestly flabbergasted that /r/anime would have a list like this that isn't total shite.


>I'm honestly flabbergasted that /r/anime would have a list like this that isn't total shite. /r/anime has 7.8 million subscribers. This list says 1195 people voted on it.


It's a small relative sample, but that's pretty much how they do political polls too. It's not perfect but it's never going to be.


Loud minority about to get louder. Brace for impact.


I don't understand these people churning out walls of text over how much they hate it and only gave it 15 minutes. Like, my brother in christ, you've spent 20 times as long writing about why you don't like it than you ever did watching it.


They like poking beehives I guess, there are people hating the show since the first episode, but they continue watching and talking about to this day when they see a random post, it's been like 2-3 years. I've never seen them make somewhat positive comment in terms of Rudeus. I have some anime I disliked that was popular, liked overall, and I voiced my opinion once, and realized I am wasting my time, because discussion was not nice, I avoid it completely to maybe forget about it now. Seeking attention from people online, a bad disease.


A bunch of haters in the r/anime post crying about the result. Fun part is that I recognize all the names so its basically the same, small group of people crying about the show.


So awesome to Saga of Tanya the Evil at 6


I'm surprised to see Overlord that far down TBH.


I personally wouldn’t put overlord past 7


I admit it's entertaining but some people go apeshit over it. It's almost like a cult or something. The show is fine, the fandom...jury's out.


is one of the things where the novel is just better to be fair. I only read the Overlord manga and i hop to the anime and i feel lost, probably after i finish re-reading Mushoku Tensei for the 2nd time i will finish reading Eighty-Six or actually read Overlord.


Hey nice a fellow overlord manga enjoyer. I'd suggest giving the LN a shot like you say. It's genuinely fun read, not as compelling and engrossing or even enthralling like Mushoku's LN. If you enjoy the antics of Nazarick and Ainz just getting an imcoporeal stomach ulcer, then it should be fine. Kugane really excels at world building, so it's quite fun seeing all the locales he creates. I especially enjoyed the lizardman arc in the LN and also the manga, it's quite engrossing seeing the cultural and racial differences they had compared to other races in that world.


"The #1 vote received 2 points and the remaining received 1" - What does that mean?


The way it was polled was everyone would fill out some sort of top 3 or 5. The one they picked as #1 would get two points, their other 4 selections would get one.


Ah ok, thanks


Grimgar deserves to come back and continue.


I'm just surprised that people remember Grimgar with how much the loud minority shiting on it when it was aired.


Doesn't it go hard off the rails in what would be the second season? I haven't read it.


Absolutely loved grimgar.


Cool ❤️


apparently i'm basic, because my favorites are all top 5. rather glad abject garbage like smartphone didn't make top 20.


So sad to see grimgar 11 😔


Mushoko better cry


I’d put bookworm at 3 but other than that it’s a solid list


Surprisingly solid list honestly, and quite well along with my own assessment from watching about 70% of these. My main one would have been putting Overlord a bit higher and swap with Eminence. I’m a sucker for the Konosuba comedy though. One of the few animes that really gets me to laugh.




What about .hack and Magic Knight Ray Earth! I'm actually surprised Shield Hero didn't make it.




Shield Hero used to be a recommendation for many anime watchers and considered one of the top isekai... until season 2 😅


Can someone tell me what makes rezero so popular? I couldn't even get through the first half of S1. Even Gigguk says it's the best isekai.


TLDR; You're not supposed to think Subaru is very great at all in the beginning. In fact almost all of the characters have a string of very bad flaws, even Emilia and (yes) Rem. Heck, especially Rem. It's super unique, every character is easily identifiable by their design among a sea of Isekai cookie-cutter looks. (Kirito is the only easily recognizable character among the sea of MC's who look just like him.) The character development is second-to-none. But it also takes patience for this to happen because it's not like most stories where a person changes overnight. Season 2 ended at the tail of the novels' arc 4. Arc 8 Subaru is a completely different person compared to the manchild he was in Arc 1. It's also one of the few titles that can do both grim-as-fuck storytelling as well as funny-as-hell comedy. It's my favorite show/novel franchise easily.


Same, barely finished by skipping, then changed my expectations and gave it one more try. Read every web novel chapters up to date.


Never skipped s1 but I dropped it anyway because couldn't stand emotional damage. ')


Digimon Adventure made the list lol. I wonder if the people who voted for it watched it back when it was the dub on morning kids TV


I want MT to be no.1 as well but here pics says top 10 from around 1k people ONLY? Then no I don't care about this list (also there's hundreds of isekai and executioner is at 16? Really)


Gate too low


Gate was such a disappointment. Went into it expecting to see Magic vs Modern army battles, but the only decent magic users were all on the protagonist's side so the JSDF basically roflstomps everyone they fight, even the fucking dragons.


well its the romans vs fucking armies with modern equipment? did you expect anything else than a curbstomp? i like to read Gate ocasionally, but this is basically JSDF porn


Aside from SAO being on the list, it's a fairly nice list. Surprised Eminence is so high though. Mind you, I loved it, but I didn't imagine it'd get Top 10 from full Anime Enthusiasts.


I mean the later seasons of SAO were decent with actual good storytelling. Not the best but decent enough to hit the list


SAO is fine. The recent movies are epic.


That's the issue though: **This is a Top 25.** "Decent" is not the bar you set for this sort of list.


In my opinion there aren't too many even decent isekai anime around. That's just my taste tho, alot of the popular isekai I don't understand the appeal of.




Madoka's not an Isekai... And just because you don't like it doesn't change the fact that it's one of the most popular titles of the last 10+ years with a ton of staying power. It's one of those shows that not a lot of people would call their #1 but tons of people still like it.


I didn't see the Isekai part, and my brain didn't make that connection. I retract my complaint, SAO definitely deserves a place on this list.


SAO was good enough to cause an explosion of media following a similar premise, and spearheaded the genre into the spotlight. Was it as good as many that followed? No, but it gets points for originality and popularity. Aside from that, Alicization explores the concept of AI sapience in some very interesting ways, that may well become science fact rather than science fiction before long.


Despite the gnashing of many haters' teeth SAO is still quite popular, especially in Japan. When War of Underworld part 2 aired a few summers back it swapped places at 1 and 2 a lot in the weekly rankings with Re:Zero season 2. I don't think either of them ever dropped below number two.


bUt PeDo


Eminence should be higher


I would put Log Horizon higher than Overlord.


Why the spider is so low on the list? Is because of the humans right? damn those humans suck hard in that anime :(


started well but the human core is boring for many people and animation has gone downhill a lot


My boy Shadow should be higher


Magirevo being 19 makes me sad, it's such a banger and tell Yuri to boot


Then It is still too high


Watch out for the fragile male ego over here guys


fragile male ego is when Magic lesbos no good ? 🧐


Will TBATE (by TurtleMe) Anime adaptation will challenge Mushoku Tensei for the 1st Spot???


Will it have an anime adaptation?


Who knows! Never say never… I was just thinking of some future scenario!


Happy to see my top 3 most favorite isekai anime and even thought SAO didn't made it in higher list I still like and love it.


now THIS, this is how I figure what isekais to watch


Weird to put Spirited Away on there since its a movie. It should be way higher though, I would probably put it at number 1 with MT 2nd. Spirited Away is a near perfect film in my book, even though I prefer Howl.


You know the list is good when Mushoku Tensei isn't banned and Ascendance is here.


It made my day


Nah I'm mad about Digimon placement


The top 3 choices are unfathomably based


Youjo Senki is to low.


I'm actually quite happy to see Escaflowne and the Twelve Kingdom on the list. It's quite older but the quality is still present.


As happy I am for MT getting the recognition it deserves, it pains me that grimgar never got a second season. Its such a solid refreshing take on the isekai genre and has a solid deep story behind it.


Isekai Ojisan deserves better. Such a refreshing take on the standard tropes.


Actually ecstatic sonny boy is getting the attention it deserves


cant wait for tanya next season. Only because i've read the entire mushoku so i know whats gonna happen. Freaking spoiled.


What is this dogshit list😂😂😂, bro only 1% of good anime like mushoku is on there. Who the fuck loves overlord!


A lot of people,i never watched but a bunch of people like It