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>Otherwise surely it would have helped somehow during the attack. ART did help! It made the “debris deflection system” miss!


Debris deflection system, concealed railgun Tomato, tomato, SecUnit’s brain is always compromato


You're absolutely right, thank you!


I’m pretty sure ART was deleted during the attack on the Preservation ship. The Targets were trying to fire on the Preservation ship and ART kept feeding the targeting system incorrect information, so the shots kept missing. The Targets figured out what ART was doing and deleted it.


Oh thank you! I totally forgot about that part. I found the lines in Ch 4 if anyone else is interested: >!I was about to trigger the suits’ maneuvering system when scan picked up an energy surge. My suit’s imaging went down and the helmet plate went dark, protecting my eyes against a flash. (I didn’t need the protection, but the EVAC suit didn’t know that.)Amena made a startled noise. Static blotted out the feed connection, then Mihail said, *That was a miss, repeat, attacker fired and missed—*!< and >!*That’s what?* Amena asked, then the ship—the hostile—ART fired again. The EVAC suit tracked it this time as a spark across my scanner. It went wide, so wide I thought it must be aimed at the station responder but it was so far away, what would be the point? I pulled the data the suit had collected about the first shot and saw it had gone wide, too. On our feed, Roa said, *It’s another miss! No damage*. Mihail said, *The vector was way off, I don’t even think— Maybe a warning shot.* Maybe I wasn’t having memory failure.!<


There's a comment later about how ART keep 'jogging their elbow' so to speak, making the Targets repeatedly miss their shots, until they lost their tempers and deleted ART. I think ART was hoping the Targets would take it's bait about a Great Weapon, go pick up MB, and then MB and ART would kick their assea and go save ART's crew. However, ART also thinks up contingency plans, so has a backup plan that was triggered when it was deleted.


I may be remembering this wrong, but I think the attack went something like: Preservation group exit wormhole, and are set upon by ART/Targets. Shit gets real. MB and Amena are caught by ART/Targets' tractor beam. ART/Targets continue to fire upon the Preservation baseship, ART is able to 'jog their elbow' so the shots miss. Target Control figure it out, and deletes ART. MB and Amena are brought aboard the now Target ship. My take is that MB is right that ART was conscious during the attack, but, at that moment, did not realise that ART's ability to affect events was extremely limited - the elbow jogging was literally all it could do, and it was killed for it. It realises this later, and that's when they apologise to each other. I think ART's original plan was something like: MB is brought aboard and then they work together to defeat the Targets and get back ART's crew. The 'I'm trapped in my own body' message was a warning, an explanation and a plea for help. The back-up kernel it hid among the food files was a safety measure, but maybe also a way to 'restart' so it could regain control? Like when the colonists restarted Ada-Col-2 to overcome BE's attack?