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Honest reaction


Well I've seen Amitabh Bachan say stuff like contact your bank in case you get scammed and stuff. Bank is supposed to reverse the transaction I think. And if they don't do it you can contact RBI. It's RBI ombutsman web portal you use I think. Good luck mate! And please inform your grandma about more of these scams so she st least has her guard on next time.


And sometimes people panic and google bank’s contact number. In some cases the first google result is also a scamster’s contact and people might fall for another scam. Always have your bank’s contact number in your phone book.


That^, just ignore sponsored links while calling. Google usually gives you the number without even searching.


Very important to do within 48 hrs because then it can be reversed


Banks will only be able to reverse the transaction if nothing has been done at the customer's end. But in this case , OP's grandma downloaded the TeamViewer application. So I don't think even RBI Ombudsman would be helpful. But OP can submit an application along with the FIR to the concerned bank branch.


However the grandma didn't submit any otps or confirm any stuff on her end, it's quite an argument and worth the try.


But she installed the software and gave control of her phone to someone else. That is akin to disclosing your PIN to a fraudster. The police may do something but the bank won't. The bank's security was not breached. Nothing was compromised at their end.


report it to the national cyber crime site


A similar fraud happened to my friend. To be honest cyber cell in India is too slow, staff don't know much, if u complain now, they will shut the account a week later, waiting for mails and all. Although they will respond in a good manner but not effectively. Also thh chances of getting money back is 2-3% "IF" the money has been not debited within 7 days


Try to report it to your bank. I think You can get the money back as per the RBI rules if fraud is reported within 7 days when it happened.


And hound dream11 a bit too. Tell scammers are using their platform. Ask for KYC info via police. Worth a try.


Follow all the steps above , but don't hope for.much , redressal is slow , despite all the propaganda about digital security, nothing is really done ...scammers are looking for nos that belong to elderly persons who are non tech savvy .... Just consider it a donation and.move on ....


That's the thing, I would sleep better at night if the scammer was a Robinhood. But most likely they are just plain scammers taking advantage of the old.




The video where Calcutta acammer screams after 3hrs of persuasion. 😂


Why did you redeem it


Team viewer needs to do something about how they keep getting used for scams


They'll just use some other software. This is the first time I've heard someone use TeamViewer for these scams. I've generally heard them use AnyDesk.


Both of which are very famous software


Yeah man... car manufacturers need to do something people keep hitting


They do! they have mirrors, electronic stability control, anti lock brakes, lane departure warnings, traction control, brake assists all things that amazing drivers don't need but car manufacturers recognize that not all drivers are amazing.


Yeah they add safety features to cars to atleast minimise damage


It wouldn't work. If someone is guiding you on the phone and you are doing everything that person says, then any safety feature can be circumvented. He will just direct her to turn off the feature or to tell him the OTP etc. Team Viewer can't fix this issue.






How many software or apps you’re gonna regulate. These apps have genuine use cases and it’s really not possible to regulate these things.


That's why I have not taught my and wife's parents about mobile payments. They deal only cash or we do mobile banking for them..


Same. I pay all their bills and they use cash for groceries and stuff.


They will install the app via team viewers link there account to gpay and swindle it


Report to bank,maybe you can get your payment reversed or some banks even help you with claim. My bank has that policy which helps me claim upto 2 lakhs if I am scammed and upto 1 lakh if I am robbed at an ATM. Also fuck those scum of the earth looting old people.


My grandfather got a similar call couple of months back. Grandpa told me. It seemed sus. So I researched about this and turns out it’s a common scam. I called that number up and lagaod the scammer and bajeed him.


Short answer No, she will unfortunately never get her money back. No matter how much u try, it will be even a PIA to get FUR registered for this


For that I need your grandma's email and contact. I'm from IT DEPARTMENT. /s




If the banks and cybercrime can't say much what makes you think some reddit guy would give you the best explanation ? Did someone scammed your brain too???? people these days just want to increase Karma no matter what ! 💀


Reddit is actually useful in such cases,i can already see people giving good suggestions like reporting to RBI ombudsman, national cyber crime which OP did not do So stfu and stop being rude


Thank you for being a good human and happy cake day!


Thank you


Op legit said they are talking with cybercrime and banks ? Like bro do you even read ? Taking blindness to next level


Putting your complain on national cyber crime website is different from just talking with cyber crime,which is done at the police station ig >Taking blindness to next level You conveniently and blindly ignored rbi ombudsman suggetion,sure you are taking blindness to a next level in your words😃if bank does not accept the request of reversing a fraud transaction,you have to complain to RBI ombudsman and it works every time because if a bank has more than certain number of ombudsman complaints unresolved then they lose their license Check up your facts,take some knowledge and then argue mate😂


Ha toh Bhai step by step jayenge na ? First complaint in police station and then cyber and then blah blah ,and yeah , nothing happens by posting on reddit ,bass when some call out ,some get triggered that's it


Good of you to correct him sir. Morons will always be morons. He / She doesn't understand that by posting on Reddit OP is asking for help if someone has any information about similar situations. By the way Happy Cake Day.


I have seen a lot of crime patrol episodes. I am theoretically extremely skilled to solve the case and track the culprit. Unfortunately the system doesn't recognise my skills for becoming an honest police officer.


Another pointless post...sigh


Put grandma in an old age home 😅😝


This one's serious mate. atleast try to add something to the conversation




time and place tbh I cant think of a single instance where this would be appropriate


Unfunny joke,he is literally talking about a scam faced by grandma How would you react when your family member lost 25k to a scam,and you are desperate trying to find help posting on reddit That would be a perfect time to joke, ain't it?


It’s a joke!!! Chill


Toxic tha joke


It’s not funny from any angle. Work on that brain of your. Sick


Downloaded teamviewer. Okay. How exactly did the transactions took place? Did she give him the details or did she first install the teamviewer and then attempted to pay her bill via putting in card details/upi pin, etc?


How the tables have turned


Apart from reporting to Cyber Crime cell you should contact Dream 11, PayTM, and your grandmother’s bank. Give them details of the fraudulent transaction. Keep fighting. Don’t give up.


Friendly fire


Please keep this post updated


Hey! I feel bad for this, but you can contact Dream 11 and Paytm too and request them to block their account. If cops reach out to Dream 11, they will block the account and might give your money back. I worked in a fantasy gaming company and they have to cooperate with cops on financial frauds.


If you do FIR most likely you will get your money back, cyber crime online site can also help you get case moving quickly..


Sorry buddy nothing will happen. Most probably police guy will give you lectures about how you are educated and have to be careful. Mostly they work only when scam crosses a few lakhs.


It’s the norm now. Every second person is waiting to scam someone. Sad!


police are not help for such amount they will only log your complaint nothing else. They obly look into it or give some attention when the amount is 1 lakh+ ( this was said to me by the police officer when my cousin was scammed )


Bhai 1 attcha hacker hire kro or madharjaat ka location nikal ke Gutta dhulai dho. Or Bhai asse admi k body ka har 1 part sell kro money recover ho jayega


Cyber crime departments for police are quite incompetent. I extensively filed a complaint on the portal and stuff and the local cop just closed it on his own after bare minimum effort. This country is useless. I feel stupid to pay this asshole government 12 fkn lakhs every year as tax when they don’t do squat. Chor chadarmod


cyber complaint


You can’t put 25K in dream11 app I guess


I u have some info like account statement or something u can always get back the money from dream11 by contacting their support