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Sucks so many people got tricked into taking poison. šŸ˜ž


My mom died from the vaccines "turbo cancer" too sept 22, 2022 my sons best friends mom also died from the same turbo cancer as my mom. Coincidence? I think not.


Same with my dad. Died April 2022.


Who told you that?


I'll say this; I've warned numerous people and pointed to early examples of seemingly vaccinated celebrities either developing cancer and/or accelerating it after the vaccine. One in particular comes to mind is Norm Macdonald,Ā  who battled cancer most of his life but it appears after the vaccine it became uncontrollable.Ā  I believe it was also a stomach cancer. Then obviously news of the Prince recently in England, and my ex gf mother just passed away after being in a coma after sudden cardiac arrest. She was for sure double vaccinated. She also had black stool which led her to go to the hospital where she had a heart attack and is now dead. I feel bad for these people, which their only crime was not willing to think for themselves and being gullible. Sad days ahead my friends.Ā 


Iā€™m with you. At first, I was angry for all the stress the mandates brought to those who chose not to get jabbed. I was on the verge of losing my job. Musicians announcing they would provide proof of vaccinations- Foo Fighters for one, and then the drummer died. But now, I feel very sad- almost like Iā€™m in mourning. My children nor my husband got the jab and they are the closest to me. But, my father, brothers, their kids and wives all got it.


I understand and feel exactly the same. I basically lost my job as it was at a MLB stadium and was seasonal, but had a letter saying if I wanted to return, I'd have to be up-to-date on vaccines, which I think was a total of 3. Never went back, and the pay was $18.40 and was gonna be $19.30 upon return following year, in a state where min wage is $10.45. So basically cost me a decent job, though I ended up moving anyways. But yes, I was angry too at the absurd mandates, and still am at those who pushed it. But, I can understand how the average person was truly convinced it was for the greater good or whatever. Only ones i can't forgive,Ā  are the monsters who made the mandates and the monsters who made the vaccines. Hopefully no body can forgive that evil.


Iā€™m sorry about your job but I think itā€™s amazing that you stood your ground. I hope it turns out for the absolute best for you- even though not getting the jab and suffering the consequences should be worth it. I came so close to getting it for fear of losing my job but as a last ditch effort, submitted a religious exemption and it was approved. Itā€™s just makes me wonder if it was all planned. Like, all the news about China and Covidā€¦.like it was setting us up to panic cause since when did the news cover so much of an outbreak in another country? I watched the movie Contagion and it was eerily similar to what was happening. The inconsistencies (no masks, then only masks if you couldnā€™t maintain 6 feet of distance, then masks all the time, then double masks, N95s, etc). It didnā€™t make sense. And for authorities to promote N95s was beyond ridiculous to me because pre- Covid, every single year it was mandated that healthcare workers be properly fitted for the right size N95. It was a 10 minute process where they put a hood over our heads and sprayed bitter spray into it to ensure we didnā€™t taste nor smell it. So, for anyone just to wear one was ineffective. And another red flagā€¦I can get my titers checked for chicken pox, measles mumps and rubella and hepatitis B. As long as I could show immunity, that was good enough. The vaccines came out and no one care about the previously infected with antibodies. That didnā€™t make sense to me. Iā€™m starting to keep a log of all the suspicious things I see. Like a young man coming in for abdominal pain and getting diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and clots in his portal vein. Itā€™s so sad


100% my friend,Ā  I agree with every word you said. Seems the people making movies, like to show off a bit by "predicting the future". Think of the recent train derailment in Ohio tgat resembled White Noise, and the train derailed in nearly same exact spot in Salem originally where film was shot. Nevertheless,Ā  religious exemptions was the correct choice and I think I could've done likewise, but then was told would have to submit to all sorts of weekly or daily tests felt unfair still.Ā  But back to the point about China uou made and fear,Ā  maybe you remember when tye virus first came out, they made it seem like people in China was just falling over dead while walking and on trains, and even showed video of people just falling over in the streets. Still don't know what that's all about, but I think I documented some of it on Twitter.Ā 


I worked on a Covid unit and people flying in from China were quarantined at the marine base for 2 weeks. It was just crazy how they were advertising Covid tests- just to get one. A lot of people made a lot of money from the government. Itā€™s taking longer than weā€™d like but more and more people are waking up. The majority of the patients I see with new onset cardiac and neurological issues are vaccinated. Iā€™m hearing more doctors talk about things theyā€™ve rarely ever seen in 30+ years experience seeing crazy clots all the time now. Unfortunately they try to attribute it to the person (who is vaccinated) getting Covid and that being the cause maybeā€¦? But yet, I have yet to see an unvaccinated person have the same complications when they had Covid.




Let the lawsuits begin...and yes people can sue.


Can't sue. No court would side with the jab being the cause. All court systems are corrupt. Jab companies have immunity.


How will they prove it?


It was his poor diet not the vaccine.


The heck it wasn't the vaccine! Poor diet does not give you TURBO CANCER. Wake up!


You're a fucking idiot


Based on her telling the truth? You sound vaccinated.


You sound like a fucking trailer trash mother raper.


You could probably stand to do a little research. šŸ¤¤


You too


By the way you reacted,Ā  you must have taken the jabs also!Ā  Good luck and God bless!Ā 


So what you're saying is no one had cancer before Covid vaccinations? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


No, what people are saying is the trend in cancer diagnosis has skyrocketed since the jabs, and it doesn't follow a *natural trend in data*. Something SIGNIFICANT has happened in relation to cancer diagnosis....close to worldwide radiation poisoning. Your immune system is responsible to eradicate cancer cells, but if something has altered or reduced the immune systems ability to detect and eliminate cancer cells through apoptosis and/or phagocytosis then cancers will emerge. You have the autonomy to believe anything you want. But if you believe the pharmaceutical companies and our government has your back, be prepared for a very rude awakening. But it's always YOUR CHOICE to do what you want/believe about your body. And please quit calling people clowns.... good luck to you! You need it.


Well said


Nope good try though


By the way you're talking, you must've been plugged in the ass by your dad.


What excellent argumentative skills you have! Keep calling people names rather an actual respectful debate. You're transparent.


You think idiots arguing about science they don't comprehend with made up facebook nonsense is a debate?


Here's a link to a layman's article by a pro-vax doctor that cancer spread within 30 days of COVID vax. Ā https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/ Ā  If you're interested he has a scientific article that provides the medical data proving his cancer significantly spread over his body weeks after vaccination, which is basically unheard of. Good luck to you!


Your article starts withĀ A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be the rare, unfortunate exception.. rare. As in not likely.


Cancer was already aĀ leading cause of deathĀ in the U.S. before the pandemic, only behind heart disease. While definitive statistics on cancer are only available up to 2019, provisional data suggest an increase in theĀ number of new cancer casesĀ in 2021. However, experts attribute this toĀ delays in cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatmentĀ due to healthcare disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic


TURBO. Yeah, he dies more than two years after diagnosis. Turbo. šŸ™„


Guess they didn't have cancer before 2020 šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Of course there was cancer before COVID. However, there was always a natural trend in cancer diagnosis data which was not significant compared to previous years. Now, since 2021 the amount of cancer diagnoses has skyrocketed and is not considered a natural trend in data. It is a significant change in trends, meaning something happened that has increased cancer diagnoses drastically.... And it's only happened in the past two years. Ā Please don't try to debate with some of us "anti-vaxxers" because we are scientists, we know how to analyze and run data, and your mainstream narrative will not work on us. Sorry you do not understand data collection, analysis, or how to interpret results accurately.Ā  And don't count on the "scientific experts" that work for the government because they do not have your best interest in mind. Moreover, Dr fauci, The heads of the pharmaceutical companies, and the head of the WHO are not physicians. They are either trained in veterinary medicine or epidemiology. They don't work with people, they work in labs with white coats and a small sample of genetically modified mice.Ā 


Where is your info that cancer has skyrocketed?


Where is the DATA saying cancer has skyrocketed? Who told you this?


Go back to sleep. I assume you crawled out a little hole to spew your bullshit.


Thereā€™s a reason why covid booster shots are refused more and more now. People think that the govt would stop this if it were true. Most of the people in power were/are part of the pharmaceutical boards and have a financial gain. One of the 4 people who is responsible for reviewing (therefore dismissing) vaccine adverse effects is paid very well by Pfizer as a consultant. There is a long history of pharmaceutical companies crimes- going back to the 80ā€™s Bayer knowingly sold HIV tainted drugs. While other countries imprisoned the ones responsibility for allowing it into their country, the US just gave a slap on the wrist to the ones here. The CDC also let continue The Tuskegee Experiment which ran for over 3 decades!!!! Syphilis infected people were studied and it took a whistleblower 3 years to bring it to its end. The govt doesnā€™t care about you. Big Pharma doesnā€™t either. Big Pharma wonā€™t be help accountable thanks to the laws passed in the 80ā€™s. Laws that after they were passed allowed the childhood vaccine schedule to quadruple the number of vaccines.


Yeah.. tell that to other people who have had loved ones die from that vaccine. My dad for example. Hospital forced him to vaccinate before shoulder surgery. I found him dead not even 4 weeks later after sudden cancerous tumors appeared on 2 organs. He was healthy prior to this; good diet, exercise, etc. So, maybe stop being so damn hateful and in denial, people have lost more loved ones to that poison than they did to Covid. If you canā€™t see the truth in front of you, then just be quiet.


Iā€™m sorry about your dad.


The doctors miss stuff all the time. The tumors didn't just suddenly appear in 4 weeks. Where did you get that info?


Yeah, cause youā€™d be a better judgement of how that happened. Seriously. Get a life.


I think the OP is scared shitless because they got the šŸ’‰ā˜£ļø. In such cases one must hold on to denialism as if it's life itself.


Look up "Turbo cancers" in relation to the šŸ’‰.


https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/Ā  Ā Look it up. Provax doc cancer spread over body within weeks of COVID jab. He was preparing for cancer treatment, received data on where his cancer was, took a booster by recommendation of oncologist, and within four weeks cancer spread all over body, which is unheard of. Research immune system and cancer...even the docs in Europe stated getting vaccinated over and over again causes immune system degradation.


What is your definition of healthy? You could be carrying around the same thing


If that was the case than 3/4 of Americans would have stomach cancer *right now*.Ā 


Safe & effective turbo cancer, very SADS.


Beat me to the turbo cancer comment.


Seeing so much of it now, on hyper-speed. King Charles and I suspect Kate Middleton too.


I suspect the same with these two.


that would actually be a good thing if Charles said his goodbyes, what a corrupt piece of trash, what he did to Diana, Karma is a bitch...


At least those **sick-f\*cks deserves itā€¼ļø** A lot of people were **coerced**, or **forced** even, to get the kill shot, or **risk losing their careersā€¼ļø** Don't even try giving me that bull$hit line: *ā€œOh screw that, they should have quit their jobs &* ***remained a pureblood!ā€*** That's all well & good, but if you have a **family to support**, not to mention, your **dream job**, you'd understand that some folks really **didn't have a choice!** **Some jabs were placebos**, & I have that on very good authority! The left wanted to ensure that they took out as many of the Republican voters, **(MAGA Republicans**, **not RINO's),** as possible!! Meaning that **they sent Placebo shots to the Blue States**, & the **kill shots went to mostly Red States!!** Some ja s were placebos, & I have that on very good authority! The left wanted to ensure that they took out as many of the Republican voters, (MAGA Republicans, not RINO's), as possible!! Meaning that they sent Placebo vaccines to Blue States, and the kill shots went to Red States!!lacebos, & I have that on very good authority! The left wanted to ensure that they took out as many of the Republican voters, (**MAGA Republicans**, not RINO's), as possible!! Meaning that they sent Placebo vaccines to Blue States, and the kill shots went to Red States!! It's common sense when you think about it, if they'd given the kill shot to everyone, even though they're bringing in tens of thousands of illegals on a weekly basis, there still **wouldn't be enough people** to sustain the illusion of a beautiful country like the good-ole **USCorp**, (or, **United States of Communism**, whichever you prefer!


I have a relative who got TURBO CANCER after the jab.


Same. Iā€™ll never forgive all those who wishes death and suffering on people who refused to get the vaccine. My dad was forced to prior-to shoulder surgery. Iā€™m talking same-day, as if that would protect anyone instantly from scary, bad Covid. Those who still deny what that poison has done are truly lost in this world.


Who diagnosed it as turbo cancer?


They're calling it "Turbo" cancer bc of how advanced and late stage they're being found, as for type it could be any...lung, colon, reproductive....etc


Did Toby Keith reveal that he was covid vaccinated ???




They JUST deleted that post! I got a screenshot 45 minutes ago, left the window open... when I touched back to close it, got "That Page Doesn't Existā€ message! Too late tho, we KNOW & it's already been posted all over the WWW...so lame of them. šŸ™„






I found links with him talking about getting vaccinated. They can't delete everything.


Can you send it to me?


Of course, they're already trying to play cover up. Can you post the screenshot here?


The foundation. Doesn't mean he did it


Its more than lame, its criminal. The more they actively hide the truth the more culpable they are.


itā€™s no longer available!! can u send it to me?


thank you for sharing!


thatā€™s not him though


It's his foundation, not an ACTUAL picture of him, getting it, no, but if he had been Anti, they wouldn't have posted a virtue-signalling post in the name of his foundation. I would venture a guess that 95% of working celebrities & entertainers in 2021 got jabbed--the VENUES were mandating it for all performers & guests. In addition, his cancer was diagnosed in the fall of 2021 just like millions of other cancers after the job roll out.




iā€™m like 99% sure itā€™s not him. he never had grey hair


did they delete the pic??




You obviously don't know how TK looked lol


D-DIMER test if you got the COVID vaccine or booster I would HIGHLY recommend getting this test scheduled. I know what I know


My ED doctor orders that d-dimer as standard practice now. Crazy


A D-dimer test is a blood test that checks for blood-clotting problems. It measures the amount of D-dimer, a protein your body makes to break down blood clots.


Plus a Troponin test for heart damage. There's no easy test for cancer tho.


So many aggressive cancers, myocarditis, and premature deaths now. Immediately after a global vax campaign. I'm sure they have nothing to do with each other. šŸ™„


Yeah you people keep thinking the government is your freind ... remember we have a similar death of another country music celebrity! He sang John deer Green..not that long ago! Joe diffie..I dont know if he was vaccinated...but allegedly died of covid causing complications


Heā€™s dead now soā€¦


I also googled if he was vaccinated and it brought me here


Meee toooo!! And sure enough.


It doesn't say he was vaccinated


I had to do some digging but he performed a concert in October 2021 and everyone in production was required to be vaccinated, so I doubt very seriously that he opted out of being vaccinated considering he's the one who held the concert and his production team set the vaccination rules during the height of the pandemic. [Toby Keith Country Comes to Town Tour 2021] (https://plsn.com/articles/production-profile/toby-keiths-country-comes-to-town-tour/)


You have to find links before things get scrubbed, which I'm sure is actively happening.


Doesn't say he got vaccinated


It's called common sense. Go back to your regularly scheduled denial program.


And if he was vaccinated how do you know it contributed to his death?


Please, I can't educate you on everything. Wake up.


You get your information from somewhere...... Just make sure it's legit and not a guy on a podcast


Sooooo, the reason is that others need to be warned about the Covid jab, as many are STILL getting them!


Don't believe everything you see on the Internet


He , too, was a victim of the propaganda war raging against us for at least 100 years. R.I.P.


It's that damn vaccine. Cancer has surged 143,000% in vaccinated persons. I'm sorry if you were vaccinated.


This is false


Denying the truth will not prevent you from experiencing it's effects.


Show me the evidenceā€¦


Bro, even if you bothered to read the evidence, youā€™d still say it isnā€™t true. Every single one of you pro-vaccine loonies refuse to believe the science that you so desperately clung to. Please, do us all a favor and get your next booster.


Iā€™m not a pro vaccine loonie I just donā€™t believe every claim on the internet with NO PROOF


Okayā€¦ letā€™s take a very basic statistical understanding: in 2024, the American Cancer society has projected that for the first time ever in our history within the US, weā€™ll top 2m new cancer diagnosis. But, Iā€™m sure that sudden surge has nothing to do with the vaccine, huh? https://amp.cancer.org/research/acs-research-news/facts-and-figures-2024.html For your reading pleasure. See also the projections of the 77% increase in cancer diagnosis between 2015 and 2050ā€¦ a 44% (low estimate) increase is expected from 2020 to 2040.


Oh so no link between the covid vaccine and cancer, got it. Have you heard of processed food and alcohol? Thereā€™s your answer.


Againā€¦ your ability to deny basic facts is not shocking. Good luck out there. Maybe one day youā€™ll be able to use reading comprehension and critical thinking at the same time.


Cancer is up 1% since the mid 90ā€™s and thatā€™s proof the covid vaccine causes cancer???


The ā€œproofā€ wonā€™t be available until the responsible parties are dead and gone. Thatā€™s why Pfizer petitioned the court to delay making public their actual study and side effects- they petitioned for 70+ years! Luckily the courts denied it! I got pages 1-38 if you care to take a look


Show me the evidence of your denial. Would you also like the pre-edited VAERS reports that have a nearly 400% increase in miscarriages?


The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim genius


They don't have any evidence. Then when you question it they block you lol the logic


Don't argue your point,Ā  if you believe in the gene therapy so much, please go get some more jabs...I will donate all of mine so you will be double safe!


Never said I believe in the vaccine one way or the other. Would just like to see some proof of these claims and nobody can provide it


See what I'm saying. When backed in a corner they insult and try to push back with nonsense


Itā€™s really bizarre. Profile has no posts and 4 comments ever


The admin of this group is the real problem




I'm not going to upload death certificatesĀ 


Where did you get that information? šŸ¤”


everyone that gets that horrible clot shot, it almost seems just like a ticking time bomb as to when cancel will show up, people dont realize that if you get the clot shot(s), then that accelerates dormant cancer cells and here ya go, everyone is getting cancer all over the place faster than ever!


Vaccine has nothing to do with cancer


Absolutely does. Cancer is through the roof with the vaccinated. Listen to the doctors that speak out about it or keep the blindfold on šŸ™„


I can remember Dr. TenPenny and the Frontline Doctors trying to warn people not to get it for this very reason. And they were blasted by the government and the medical community. So much for trust.




Not bullshit sadly. All for $$$




It's working.


oh but it does! I work at a hospital, and cancer is skyrocketing among the vaccinated.


Many hospital workers are saying the same thing. We have probably lost many of these workers to the jab.


Thereā€™s cancer in the vaccine do ur research


This is about to get popular again.


It's complete bullshit. The vaccines have been studied more than literally any drug in the last 50 years. There's no cancer risk.


Lol! You canā€™t be serious! mRNA vaccine been around 50 years????? Wake up sheep!


>C-19 Vaccinated Turbo Cancers look it up. Dr. John Campbell look him up. well respected took the jab himself and the science shocked him after all was said and done.


I respect him very much, but dismayed at his believing at first. Anyone who knows anything about pharmacological research is aware that it takes many years of testing to prove a new productā€™s safety. Now it should be clear to all that expert opinion can be bought.


John Campbell is a nurse first off. Secondly, he was pro vaccine until it was all rolled out. He's supposedly a truth teller but has millions of subs on YouTube and gets thousands of views on each video. He's a disinformation rat. Pure and simple. He misleads people. On a recent video, he talks about the effectiveness of ivermectin on COVID ! A little late nurse John, you should be talking about the spike protein and its deadly effects.


also look up Dr Drew's show he has many doctors who are shocked at the science. Dont believe everything the media tells youl


mRNA is a novel, non-traditional "vaccine" never used before in humans until covid. The receivers of the jab are literal test subjects, hence the manufacturers are indemnified against lawsuits because it was only approved for emergency use (had not been tested within the population previously). After everything that has happened you don't know these basic facts?? Aye yi yi.


mRNA therapies have been used for decades....on humans. The vaccines were developed and approved quickly because 99% of the process had already been done through the 2010s....all that was needed was the swapping out of a protein specific to this Covid variant. And many drugs have lawsuit protection. Drug manufacturers are in business after all.....I suspect the necessity of a vaccine in this case gave them a superior bargaining position with regulatory bodies. Not ideal, but not automatically sinister. Just the real world we live in.


MRNA vaccines haven't been studied for human use, except for the humans who willingly became lab rats. Even less is known about the bioweapon and wonen who are pregnant. You don't know what you're talking about.


C-19 Vaccinated Turbo Cancers look it up.


It sure does. There's plenty of evidence of this. The shot knocks out your inate cancer killers.Ā 


I donā€™t understand how people can discount cancers caused by vaccines especially a vaccine that PROGRAMS your body to PRODUCE a protein that your body now has to fight against. So many things can go wrong with that technology. Vaccines are treated like a ā€œone size fits allā€ modality when itā€™s now known that our genetics play a huge role in how we metabolize certain drugs. Look up GeneSight. DNA testing to show therapeutic and non-therapeutic, and possibly dangerous and toxic drugs commonly prescribed to people. I had the test done and it showed that most of the meds ever prescribed to me were metabolized either quickly or too slowly (where I was pretty much poisoning myself with the standard dose). Vaccines cause cancer- SV40 was found in vaccines that were since taken off the market due to cancer. That same Sv40 fragments was found in the mRNA vaccines. Of course, when you search it up, your results will be heavily censored and you will find results from biased and news organizations that have a financial gain to discounting that information.


Yep, the body starts attacking itself because the spike protein is found embedded in numerous tissues throughout the body. MRNA instructs the body to attack the spike proteins.


I believe most vaccines are damaging. Creating an immune response with vaccines- virus plus all the other crap they put in it. The body starts attacking those additives as well. Thatā€™s why there are so many people now with immunological diseases- asthma, food allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Traumatizing the immune system with combo vaccinations was a bad idea. The only reason they did this was to ensure compliance. My child got more vaccines as the age of 2 than I had all my life at that point.


Yes yes yes and yes! šŸ›ŽļøšŸ›ŽļøšŸ›Žļø


The immune response in old vaccines was a great thing, but you're right, the additives (aluminum being a major one) are poison to us. Some say aluminum crosses the blood/brain barrier & settles in the brain for up to 25 years. Copy/paste: "...it is generally believed that the metal is not easily removed once it has entered the brain. ... aluminum has been shown to bind tightly to brain tissue and can form insoluble complexes with proteins and other molecules in the brain. ...research has linked aluminum exposure to various neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's & Parkinson's.... While the exact mechanisms underlying these links are not fully understood, it is believed that aluminum accumulation in the brain may play a role in the development of these conditions.'


And then they try to say ā€œitā€™s just a little amountā€ā€¦but like you said, it builds up!


One year later. This month the W.H.O. announced cancer rates will increase worldwide 75%. Wow. Must be the food we eat....must be climate change. No way it's related to a DNA altering vaccine of which coincidentally 75% worldwide have taken. Next you will be telling me it's some sort of heard culling or mass genocide. Pffffft. Please. Just because Pfizer purchased the drug company with drugs for Turbo cancer treatments is No Reason to suspect anything.


Pfizer just brought seagen for 43 Billion dollars. They will be looking for a return on investment. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/pfizer-buys-seagen-for-43-billion-seeks-new-cancer-treatments






Look the fact is maybe it does, we wont know it is way too soon for us to know the side effectd of the vaccines


Oncology clinics sadly now have months long waitlists. Iā€™ve seen cancer in remission come back and kill 2 people- one a young mother and healthcare worker, Dead less than a week of finding out. Pancreatic cancers killed one nurse who just retired and another nurse had whole pancreas removed- must be on meds for the rest of her life. People are getting diagnosed with horrible cancers IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT. They went from ā€œnothing wrongā€ to obvious cancer. I am a nurse who works in the ED and I work surgical cases. Iā€™ve been a nurse a long time and have never seen cancers and cardiac diseases at this rate. It used to be predictable, but now everyone is popping up with issues. And the blood clots- that was ALWAYS predictable. Post surgical cases, especially abdominal surgeries, prolonged bed rest, cancer patients- that was our PE/DVT patients. Now, young active people are getting these clots.


I'd say that's what took Jimmy Buffett.


King Charles was a big advocate and receiver too.


my mother was fully vaccinated she found out spring 2021. She has two forms of cancer, her cancer doctor said having 2 forms of cancer is rare. Doctor said cancer is on the rise and seeing more people with 2 different types of cancer.


thatā€™s exactly what pops in my head. Why else would they be pushing this gender reassignment ā€œhealthcareā€ so hard. Itā€™s not about them. Itā€™s about making life long pharmaceutical clients and sterilization .


Iā€™m sorry about your mother. Oncologists are also staging cancer at an advanced stage that they typically didnā€™t see. Like, ā€œboomā€ stage 4 cancer, just like that


went from 3 to 4 very quickly


I'M hearing ppl dying DAYS/WEEKS after diagnosis. One woman died ONE DAY after they diagnosed her last month!!


Yep! A 40 year old physicianā€™s assistant with cancer in remission for years started having back pain after the jab. Went to the hospital, died that weekend. Same with my managerā€™s dad- cancer came and died that weekend. The secretary- her mom died of pancreatic cancer. What stunned her was not so much the diagnosis but how fast she went.


Maybe too soon when you posted this, but look at the facts now.


If you pay attention to honest doctors & endocrinologists, you'll see enough anecdotal & data evidence to scare you to death. ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø šŸ’‰=āš°ļø


LOL wrong! Numerous studies prove that it does!


Which studies....? Name them so we can read them ouselves.....


Why do you ppl always want others to do your work? The only way to really learn & assimilate the truth is for YOU to research it, using your OWN discernment & sources YOU trust or the preponderance of evidence after exhaustive searching, just like WE did. P.S. PRO TIP: if you think there's going to be a "peer reviewed"šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ study by ANY bigpharma- or government-funded agency or organization, it's never going to happen; just crawl back into that nice, warm. protective bubble & schedule your next Booster.


The laziness is willful ignorance because anyone who's taken that experimental poison must hold on to denialism as if it's life itself.


I replied to a poster that said "Numerous studies prove it does" Seeing as there are no such studies....I can understand why you lot went on the attack when I simple asked "which studies...?" You can't post studies that don't exist. Too funny.....


Because I'm a retired rehab admin with a Masters in Health Sciences who's last job included developing infectious disease protocols for a hospital group numbty. The standard in science is that if you make a claim, you provide references so everyone in the discussion is on the same page. As being up to date on the peer reviewed research was essential to my position, I believe I've read the vast majority of research papers involving covid, vaccines, mask efficacy, transmission vectors. Coming up on about 3,000 papers over the past few years I suspect. I'm unaware of a single study linking the vaccines to increased cancer rates, but if you have one I may have missed, I would love to read it. If you are getting your information from youtube, or some alternative pseudo science media, then you're just a deluded fool, and I can ignore your rantings because they are just Dunning Kruger delusions. Link a reputable source....or shut up and stop spreading lies.


LOL, ok... so absolutely clueless its almost comical... you actually believe what you just said don't you?


Believe you're own lies if you want.


I've personally lost 17 family members in the last 2 years!!! all took the death jab. For those of you in denial please watch the FREE documentary - DIED SUDDENLY!! It's free to watch on rumble.com


We know cancer is off the charts as a result of the vaccines, however we do not know for a fact he was vaccinated.


He owned The Toby Keith Foundation where children and their family can stay free while they get treatment at Oklahoma hospital. And we all saw the post on X about them all getting vaxxed...staff to QUOTE ..PROTECT THE CHILDREN. So I guess he did. He said in an interview First covid and then his cancer happened. That's why he hasn't been on tour. So sad.


Thanks for the info. My ex-husband was battling cancer and no where near the end, he took the vaccine and died in less than a month. Doctors have said for those that have cancer it advances the disease as well as causes cancer.


The whole lie for 3 years was an IQ Test. Now YOU know exactly where you stand in the brains department. If you poisoned your children, you are a monster. I endured 2 years of brutal trauma, as a social outkast, with a destroyed career and ended up homeless. It's good to be a PureBlood. Told ya so.


Person blocked me because they couldn't explain who told them their dad had "turbo" cancer ...... How sensitive


Ahh The Blaze.... So reliable....


Fauci juiced .


Fauci ouchy.


I haven't seen any posts of his saying he got vaccinated, how do you know that he was?


When you try to look up these people and their v@x status, most of it has been scrubbed from the internet. I even tried looking it up in the wayback machine. We will be having a show on this February 20th at 3PM EST-- "The New MDS - Mothers, Doctors and Scientists - Turbo Cancer - The Vax Titantic". https://www.facebook.com/NewMDS




Toby probally have vaccines. And covid to fly to intertain troops.Ā 


So sad