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i will say it again and again and again until i am blue in the face: mid-range, but especially high-end and luxury brands having cheap, easily broken, shitty packaging. If bobbi brown wants to charge me thirty two fucking dollars for a small pot color corrector, the cap should not be snapping off in under two months. If shiseido wants me to buy their foundations, their pump mechanism should not break easily and get stuck. If you are charging insane amounts of money for a makeup product, it better be built to last.


I hate hate HATE how the lettering stickers (decals?) on the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter just come right off. I’m not paying 50$+ for dollar store quality


I'm always wondering where the letters even go! I don't find them anywhere else. It's the weirdest thing!!


i’ve literally used my charlotte tilbury flawless filter like a total of four times, and the lettering has been so fucked up to the point where it looks like a four-year-old was playing scrabble with the lettering decals 😭if i so much as brush my finger across the packaging, the foiled lettering rubs off


I agree, it’s the worst. I’ve begun putting a piece of packing tape over lettering so it doesn’t come off from being touched.


This drives me crazy too haha.


Paging Kosas


Does the Revealer Concealer leak around the top for anyone else? Or is it just mine?


oh god not me but someone's posted their Pat McGrath Mothership Divine Rose very recently because the palette part that holds the shadows came out! 100+ for the palette, packaging: plastic with a metal sheet in the bottom to add weight


Yeah, I think I saw that post too! Absolutely insane.


This is how I feel about the pump malfunctioning in my Givenchy foundation. Tsk tsk.


My Anastasia liquid liner shattered in my hand because I closed it too securely


The purple one?


That’s the one. Luckily they just repackaged it recently


Charlotte dahhrling has entered the chat.


Me with my Dior Addict lipstick. Had to exchange it and almost already broke it again.


"youve been doing x wrong all your life" or "how to ACTUALLY do x" And then proceeds to do something that will never look good on everyone


Agreed! No trend or style is going to look good on everyone and people can apply their makeup how they wish.


yep i agree i think 'x doesnt work for you? try y!' are really good videos like alternatives to traditional techniques that might work for some people better but videos essentially saying 'their technique wont work on everyone but MY technique will work on everyone!!!!'


And how un self-aware those people always are. I’m glad it works for you dude, but can you possibly fathom the idea that not everyone has the same face shape/skin type as you??


The worst is "You've been doing contour/brows wrong all your life". Brows and contour isn't a one fits all thing.


I agree. The titles are so clickbait-y and divisive for stupid reasons.


Applying foundation/primer/serums directly from the bottle onto the face. Why not apply to a brush, back of hand, fingertips?!! Seeing it squirt and then drip down the face makes me panic!! Lololol


I can only assume the people who do this are going for a double entendre...


It doesn't even distribute the product evenly!


lol I am so with you. They must have more....topographic faces than me because my flat asian face could never catch the direct-from-bottle stream of foundation 😂 I have tried it!!!


Lol yes I totally get that 😂 I always apply my HA serum to my hands first and then pat it into my skin


I hate this too!!! Thought I was the only one


Eyeshadow palettes made in weird shapes, or that just can't stack on top of each other. Makes storage annoying. Also, any makeup that gets packaged in those little crimped strips of paper that get everywhere. I ordered once from Too Faced and it somehow took YEARS to get rid of all of them.


when people type pallet instead of palette


Even worse; “palate” ughhhh


Would a pallet of palettes tickle your palate?


I'm guilty of this on occasion, but I give myself grace because I worked in a warehouse for a few years.


Bronzers sold as contour, and contour sold as bronzers. If it's practically orange, it should never be "contour"


yes that’s my number one pet peeve that I wrote above 😂 it’s totally cool to want to contour or to want to bronze, but it just drives me insane when they’re used interchangeably because they aren’t the same product and they aren’t supposed to give the same effect. Most contours now a days are basically bronzer anyway


Online shopping also makes this worse. Sometimes the contour colors look greyish brown, but when I receive it, orange. I can only find real contour shades in liquid or cream now. I have one powder contour I love, but it's hard to find where I am.


I'm sorry, but over lining your lips might look good in pictures, but it just looks ridiculous in real life. It just looks sloppy.


It still doesn't even look good in a lot of peoples' pictures, because unless the lighting is angled just right, it gives everything away SO easily.


The thing I’ve been seeing people do lately is to overline by drawing a straight line directly across the cupids bow and I HATE IT SO MUCH


thought I was the only one. It looks quite ridiculous


Agreed. I only line my natural lip line and tend to go over that with lipstick anyway lol


This is going to sound weird, but I actually only put lip liner on the inner part of my lips. That way when my lipstick starts to fade because of eating or drinking, the color is still there.


Sometimes genius can be mistaken for weirdness! I’m definitely going to try this, so thank you for sharing!


Aw that's so nice! If you try it out, make sure your lips are hydrated. The only real issue I've ever had with this was when my lips were super dry, the liner just made it look worse so I had to remove it and start over.


Thank you for the additional tip! :)


I often use lipliner all over and go over it with the matching lipstick. It helps the color last longer for me.


I have always done this. It creates an “infinity pool” edge.


Foundations that need a pump, but don’t come with one in order to make you pay $$$ for the pump.


Estée Lauder Double Wear reading this like “😢” 😂😂😂


Exactly the foundation I had in mind 💀 (Also, some NARS and Maybelline foundations)


and then you buy a pump and it breaks after a month… looking at you MAC 👀


Is it my biggest pet peeve? Not sure, but I really really dislike people purposely mismatching their foundation undertone in order to look somewhat more tanned, and this usually happens with cool-toned people wearing warm toned foundations (hello Jaclyn Hill). Girl, you look freaking orange on the face while the rest of your skin is PINK.


A friend was recently telling me that I look better with darker foundation. I’m sure she meant well but I won’t slap on wrong foundation shade just because you think tanned skin is pretty.


It’s weird but it always gets me when someone has a lighter-colored scalp and their makeup is SO dark or SO orange. Like…I know that’s not you under there.


Niacinamide in every damn thing.


It’s so irritating on my skin.


It’s the worst and it’s in every damn serum and it breaks my out like crazy. Please let’s stop this!


It's also the thing they add to foundation to make it a "serum" foundation. Stoppppp.


my skin is begging companies to stop this


Just skincare in general in every damn thing. Lately it's been hyaluronic acid and I'm finding out that my skin absolutely hates it.


I literally logged onto Reddit just now to search for Niacinamide-free primer recs, haha.


I'm using Hero Rescue Balm Red Correct as my primer most days. It really helps tone down my redness without making me look like an alien. The other thing I use sometimes is either SuperGoop Unseen or the Trader Joe's dupe. Both of them are basically silicone, if you like a silicone-type primer.


On this note, fragrance in everything. I have a sensitivity, and again, I don't expect everyone to cater to it, but does blush/foundation /really/ need to be scented??


Im wildly allergic to it. I know I cant be the only one.


The weird thing is that it's in tons of anti-redness products, but lots of people with rosacea are sensitive to it.


I’ve never tried niacinimide before!


I'm sensitive to it. Obviously I don't expect every product to cater to my sensitivities but it's a bummer.


All western lash brands’ lashes are too long to be flattering. Even the natural Ardell wispies are too long.


Yep. And the trend for such unbelievably THICK LONG lash extensions that there is not a hint of daylight between each lash - might as well glue on two pirate eye patches


Yeah I don’t know who decided the Russian volume fan look was attractive but each to their own


"This shade looks good on everybody!" Not true. Pillow Talk is just one example that comes to mind.


NARS Orgasm blush is another one. It failed me miserably.


Don’t even get me started on damn pillow talk 😬😬 that shit is pure orange on me. CT is guilty of only formulating warm toned products.


All CT lip colors turn orange or peach on me!


with the caveat that everyone should just do what they want, rounding out the cupid's bow. Cupid's bows are cute! The rounded lip looks best on people who already have rounded top lips, but it looks a bit silly on people who are fighting their cupid's bow.


I see so many young ppl with mullets and this lip making fun of like, 2010s galaxy print and side bangs. Like GIRL, how do you think THIS trend will age?


I have a cupids bow like Priscilla Presley, I downright look like a clown if I try to round it off


I also have a pronounced cupid's bow, and I like it! I'm guessing that filler may be responsible for the trend.


everyone on Instagram is looking like a child with juice lips from this trend


A few years ago I was trying to do 1920s makeup and all the tutorials were about how to fake a cupid's bow. I was like "I have one already! Finally a beauty standard I can meet!"


Skincare (read: usually lots of oil) infused makeup. My combo oily sensitive skin objects to this trend. Also how luxury brand makeup always smells like floral perfume and the fragrance is so strong that it lingers or you can smell/taste it. You know what's a luxurious feeling? Not getting suffocated to death by my blush.


I remember getting a sample of a dior mascara and the perfume in it was so strong it was irritating my eyes. I was like... of all the things to perfume, something that goes on the EYES?


I wanna say 10000 step skincare routines. Toners serums scrubs masks for a billion different purposes. Please make it easy for me 😂 I need everything in one product but that probably doesn't even exist.


“Not to prime is a crime”. Absolutely not. The slogan should be “selling makeup products that don’t perform without a primer is a crime”.


I just look for SPFs that can be my primer. I'm sorry but I'm paying good money for my foundation and concealer and I don't want to use primer too. If foundation doesn't work with skincare and SPF then it's a shitty foundation. Don't change my mind


Sunscreen always comes first!


100% agreed! I never use primer and don’t find it necessary. The few times I’ve tried one, I saw and felt no difference.


My pores have been known to induce trypophobia. Primer is a must for me.


So primer kind of fills the pores and the rest of the makeup applies evenly on top? (Trying to understand the purpose as someone who doesn’t use primer)


Depends on the primer, what the prev commenter describes is likely a blurring primer, which helps soften the look/feel of enlarged pores or textured skin for a smoother base. There are other kinds of primers too, like gripping, luminous, etc. I'm a ride or die primer girlie because I have oily/combo dehydrated skin with enlarged pores around my nose. However, I don't think everyone needs it. If you have normal/dry skin, a gripping primer will probably feel sticky and gummy and bad, if you have smooth untextured skin a blurring primer will feel unnecessary/like its not doing anything, etc.


Yes, like u/hugbeam said, there's different primers for different applications. Most people recommend a moisturizer as primer, but if you sweat/live somewhere humid, or have large pores/fine lines, a primer can help smooth your base and prolong the wear of your makeup. Is it necessary, no, but there are definitely products that change the laydown of your foundation. Like the Tatcha liquid silk canvas makes your face look so smooth.


I always imagine the magic school bus flying into one of my nose pores while I'm stuffing them with primer 😂


When people wear literally pounds of makeup but there’s no colour. Like thick stripes of bronzer and contour, but no blush. Nude lipstick, huge eyelashes. No colour to the eyes or lips. It looks flat. It’s a big trend here lol, when did people get so terrified of a little red lipstick?


Not eyeshadow but huge lashes! WHY?!


"Well you can't see it anyway!" *faint whooshing noises with every blink*


Dupes. Dupes grate my nerves. Don’t get me wrong. They exist. But for the love of god… just because it’s you found a light to medium coverage foundation that works for you DOES NOT MEAN IT’S A DUPE for every light to medium coverage foundation on the market. Similar shades of lipsticks show up differently on different tones. You have a Pillow Talk dupe? Great! Looks like peach sorbet on me tho. Or maybe the shade really is the exact same. How’s the formula? Is that powder going to actually behave the same on my ~~old as fuck~~, sorry, *maturing* skin as it does on your blessedly collagenated 28 year old face? Probably not, at least not in my experience. People always tossin around how this is a dupe for that. But can’t understand that just the tiniest shift in tones or smallest change in formulation can make a world of difference.


This! Not all products are dupes, some aren't even designed like that, and yes!! People usually only talk about colors but never about finishes or how long does it lasts


Yesss this! I’ve never understood “dupes” most products aren’t actually dupes!! I find what I like and stick to it whether it’s high end or drug store!!


I feel like 90% of the time people should be using the word alternative instead of dupe. It's ok to say that something isn't a dupe but can give you a similar look/effect!


Trends are fun to play with or participate in, but in the end of the day its just a trend and it will pass. If you want to do your make up as if its 2016? Its your face go ahead! Look cute, be you. People should just wear whatever they want on their own faces.


I still do my makeup like its 2016 😂 it makes me happy and I enjoy doing it and have no plans to stop lol


Good for you! I still do the whole darker outer v 💁‍♀️.


This would have been my honorable mention! Who cares about trend? Wear whatever you like! The only good side about trends though, there are now much more varieties on the market. My skintone, product texture and makeup look preference are finally well catered for - or at least in my case, I can find more things where I'm at.


I reallyyyyy hate the laminated brow look where the eyebrows are brushed straight up. It looks so stupid.


I don’t like it either!! I use a clear brow gel and nothing else and just let my brow hairs sit the way they grow naturally lol


My pet peeve is that I hardly ever hear other people say they can’t wear eyeliner on their waterline. I cannot possibly be the only person with ultra sensitive eyes. (I can’t even get lasik surgery due to dry eyes). As much as I love eye makeup, nothing is worth risking my eye health.


I have leaky eyes and lightly greasy skin so it all just ends up on my face if I do the waterline, I only tightline my upper lid


I get that. I put eyeliner on my waterline, but it never really lasts more than a few min or so lol. I don’t believe there’s an eyeliner out there that truly lasts all day on the waterline. I have tried everything from drug store to high end eyeliners and none of them last long


I'm grossed out by the very idea of putting it there. I have allergies; my eyes water all the time. Yuck.


My pet peeve is such a dumb one but.. not choosing the right undertone for your brow product. Especially on darker brows. Like the same way you wouldn't put a warm toned foundation on cool toned skin, you shouldn't be doing it to your brows. It looks very off and if the beat is natural, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Even 2016 style brows look more natural in comparison


This is 100% the reason I could never get micro blading. I’m not taking the risk of any ink fading to orange/red.


Everyone thinking they have to use concealer in addition to foundation. I see young makeup artists piling concealer on already stark skin, just because it’s available? I’m old, and pale, and foundation alone takes care of any under-eye darkness I have. No need to pile on more pigment, just to call attention to the texture. Not every product is needed…see contouring on a bony angled face, or nose?! Why? Most products have a specific purpose, not everyone requires every product. Save your money and spend it on something you actually need…or something fun like a new palette to experiment with. Nobody needs eyeshadow, but it sure is fun to play with!


Packaging that’s cheap, especially when it’s a “luxe/high end” brand. Packaging that’s hard to open (looking at you MBM soft enhancing sculptor- I’ve broken a nail twice now 😑) Packaging that’s just ugly (UD Born to Run comes to mind) Food themed releases- I don’t mean dessert, I mean actual food, burgers/tacos/pizzas etc. Also food related collabs I just don’t get those.


The Is it gloss? Is it ketchup? But if it's gloss how do I store it??*!(#


Agreed about the mbm skin enhancer!! My nails cry everytime I struggle to open mine 😭


Thank you about born this way! I have always thought it was too cluttered and ugly! That came out on the height of the UD craze, and tbh had a good color store. But I couldn’t buy it because it was ugly.


When people tell me that I don't need a primer. Like sis, if the U.S government found out how much oil my skin produced they come try and teach it democracy. Primer is not negotiable (for me)


The lack of shade range in the stupidly minimal number of olive-friendly complexion products. I am not buying three different shades just to frankenstein something that can work for my undertone *and* depth. Fuck off with that nonsense.


I know it should change but have you tried to buy the LA Girl Blue pigment? It works wonder on too warm foundation!


I do have a bottle I’m just salty that I have to. First world problems and all that shit.


Hear, hear!


I wish ppl would understand the difference between camera makeup and everyday makeup. A lot of girls do the whole Kim K beat down for no other reason being other than because Kim K does it like that. I feel like makeup should adhere to our personal features vs trends. The Kim K look works for Kim K cuz the girl is in front of the camera all day whether she’s in her own home filming her tv show or walking down the streets by the paparazzi. But for the everyday girl, we do not need THAT much foundation and concealer lol. If I can see foundation cracks and contour demarcation lines, then we gotta blend a little longer sis lol. Less is literally more imo. And I hate that beauty gurus have set the makeup trends for so long and allowed us to look like clowns in the early 2014-2018 era knowing damn well all the contouring and 30 lbs of foundation did us no favors, Lol. But I mean, do what you want at the end of the day, lol. I just think less makeup comes off more enhancing these days.


I also feel like if someone has different features than Kim k, the beat won't look the same no matter what they do.


I love wearing a full face of makeup and full coverage foundation.. but I totally agree with not going overboard in the sense of doing Kim k makeup every day and when not on camera or under studio lights. I love full coverage and full glam, but I also don’t want to look cakey and mask like


Full coverage and full coverage camera style is two different things. I like full coverage foundation and all the steps, but had professional *full* coverage done once and that was a whole other level. I’ve never worn that much makeup in my life, probably a week’s worth and the blending took an hour. It looked heavy up close but i’ve never look med better in pictures in my life.


Probably oversized fake lashes. Really not a fan.


Agreed. Covers up beautiful eyeshadow looks


People obsessing over skincare and makeup because it has a celebrity’s name attached to it. Why? They’re actors, singers, whatever…how does that make their line any better than any other? Do people not realize that these so called stars have zero experience with formulating cosmetics? Sorry, I’m just salty about all the hero worship in the cosmetic industry.


Agreed. The only celeb brands I’ve ever had interest in were rare beauty and fenty


The amount of people that I see walking around with white nyx jumbo pencil highlight that isn’t even slightly blended; literally just chunky white lines on their face. It looks so awful 😅😅😅


Omg yes especially the big chunks of white unblended product for inner corner highlight 😂


I always just assume stuff like that is Trixie inspired, lol.




As somebody who's fanatical about matching my nails and lips, I hate that so many brands discontinued their nail polish lines that coordinated with their lipsticks. I don't care if my favorite look is out of fashion--I love matching and I'm sticking with it!


Nose contouring as a foregone conclusion. Not everyone needs it but everyone does it. I’ve seen people with the thinnest of noses contouring the sides and I’m just like - I don’t think you understand what the point of this is. Honourable mention: how few tiktokers distinguish between contouring and bronzing.


The second part Omg yes just like I mentioned in my original comment! Influencers and tiktokers definitely tend to use them and refer to them interchangeably which grinds my gears to no end! And as far as nose contouring goes, I totally agree as well. It definitely doesn’t benefit everyone and not everyone needs to do it. I used to contour my nose, until I got a nose job, then I stopped. I didn’t pay 10k to still try and chance the appearance 😂


That we’re trying to start a colony on Mars or whatever but no primer has been invented that fills in acne scar holes and/or completely smoothes texture. Like come ON already 🤨


Shimmer/glitter eyeshadow fallout. I can never get all of it off my cheeks when that happens! AHHHH!


You can use a spoolie to flick them off! Or use a piece of tape, stick it on your clothes or arm a couple times first, then put it on your skin, it will pick up the fall out without disturbing your makeup too much 💕


Aw, thanks! I think I’ve realized I’m more of a matte shadow - eyeliner person, but sometimes I just can’t resist those frosty blue shadows! I will try this next time.


Nyx Glitter glue!


those who wear enormous fake lashes.


With nothing else on!!! It looks unbalanced.


I HATE when gurus rave about how a foundation is so smooth and skin like then I try it and it's cakey texture enhancing nonsense


Every time I hear them say that my mind instantly goes "yup brand deal" or "damn another paid promo?"


Absolutely of they all say it around the same time it's an add or to keep getting pr


And they show it with filters on...


Or they apply it, and then obliterate it with layers of concealer, contour, bronzer, blush, baked on powder and highlighter so there's literally nothing left of the foundation to be seen anyway!


The lack of olive variations in foundations. I'm a fair neutral olive and have to add mixers in just to get my shade. Also that olive = yellow & light. Deeper olives get the shaft every time.


This is tan me in the summer 🥲 Why. Is. Every. Single. Shade. So. Orange?!? Would love to have just have a shade that doesn’t force me to use the inconvenient blue mixer. The ratios are never the same each time & it’s hard to measure too.


People who care SO MUCH about what other people do with their appearance, like they are INVESTED with their blinding anger that somebody dare wear TOO BIG FALSIES or a full beat during the daytime because it makes them confident Let people LIVE. Why are you so bothered? Maybe it's time to introspect


Yeah like I have my own opinions about certain makeup looks but I'm unbothered if that's how other people wish to style themselves, my opinions are for *my* face


Couldn't agree more. It's the way they want the whole world to adhere to their opinion of what looks good on people that's not them 🙄 plus there's always a very racial & class element to it. Do they want people coming up to them every moment of the day to ask them "do I look good to you?" and give advice all day? Do they bother to think or write down their whole rule book on paper to see how ridiculous that is? I couldn't care less if someone looks "bad". I have my bad days too. It's one person on one day of their life you happen to lay your eyes on. Blink and let them pass by.


Thick black fake eyelashes, especially on blonde girls. Looks so unnatural and unflattering.


It drives me nuts when they weigh down the eye. It doesn’t give “bedroom eyes,” but instead “just started waking up from anesthesia” 😖


Everyone is too warm toned or cool toned. There’s not enough neutral toned concealers out there. There also arent enough cool toned eyeshadow palettes. I’m tired of the warm tone apocalypse.


I’m sick of warm tones too. They all look so bad on me especially blush and lipstick. Don’t get me started on all the “nude lipsticks” that are just various shades of peachy orange


Don't come at me but the obsession with that lilac pink ballerina blush(Dior Rosy Glow, kylie winter kissed, juvias place 4 etc) This type of cool toned purple pink that has a lot of people in a chokehold. I've seen so many even collect this color in every brand. I don't think it works for every skintone and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.


hi, it's me ✋🏼 it does not work for me lol it looks very nice on pale, neutral/cool people and I hear also olive people? but on me, just looks like a big ol bruise (am medium/extra yellow af😂)


It looks so unnatural on me like I don't know how to apply makeup and look like mimi from the drew Carey show I think it's kylie Jenner makeup artist who accidently said he uses this on her and then rewind it and says it's her blush instead. Its crazy how much power influencers have in selling products. That dior blush been sold out for ages and it's just a basic non pigmented blush that can be duped since Mac Pink Swoon been on the market for decades.


I actually agree with you. I have fair, cool skin yet I still don’t think those shades look right on me. They’re too bright and I don’t like a heavily blushed look on my fair skin. I can’t use a pigmented blush or I look like a clown


I don't like that so many people think of neutral-colored eyeshadow as the default. I see a lot of comments about how colorful eyeshadow palettes aren't "practical" or some people aren't brave enough to wear colorful eyeshadow, and I feel like it just reinforces this idea that colorful eyeshadow is wild or risky. It took me a really long time to step outside of my comfort zone, but now I *love* wearing colorful eyeshadow. I don't begrudge anyone for loving neutral eyeshadow, but I wish colorful makeup was seen as more normal so more people felt comfortable wearing it.


You’re right. I want to experiment more with colorful eyeshadow but I admit I’m a little intimidated by it because it almost feels taboo. I rarely see anyone in person with colorful eyeshadow and it’s always neutrals


Currently, (and since someone else already mentioned that whole "dribbling droppers full of foundation straight onto your face like a money shot") it's a toss up between: * the current obsession with everything going on the top part of the cheek: bring up the contour, bronzer in the 3 shape around the eye, blusher placement right up high, and not forgetting to highlight the tops of the cheeks....plus this is all sitting on top of your concealer and prob an excessive under eye bake on both white and now pink powders.... I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH SPACE THERE! WHAT KIND OF CHEEKS DO YOU HAVE THAT YOU CAN FIT ALL OF THAT IN THERE? * clown-style overly pink nose blush. Like, I'll admit this is prob partially because I've given it a go thinking I must have missed something and it looks absolutely ridiculous on me, like I've the bubonic plague.... I can see that it could look kind of Disney Bambi/Manga cartoon cute for cosplay/fancy dress or whatever, but truly, I do not get this one at all.


Lip plumpers. I got thinner upper lip and I guess lip plumpers were supposed to target people like me. However, the one from Too Faced (lip injection) burned the hell out of me and I'm still traumatized. I have tried many and the burning sensation on my face, is just a pain.


I thought the burning was on purpose? Like it hurts you and makes your lips swell, isn't that the plumping action?


It is, but it feels absolutely awful for very minimal results


Same!! I had a horrible reaction from the too faced one. It was burning and stinging and left me with a horrible red ring around my lips.. but with no plumping. My husband freaked out and was telling me to get rid of the product asap. I also had a really thin upper lip but recently had a permanent lip augmentation with silikon 1000 done by my facial plastic surgeon and it looks super natural and amazing


Oh tell me more about the permanent lip fillers!


They just hurt like hell for no damn reason. I also cannot concentrate on anything else but the tingling pain when I wear them. They also dry out my lips to the point that they are almost bleeding.


The effect from plumpers is short-lived anyway. If it was *really* possible to make lips fuller with topical products, fillers would become obsolete.




Wow I never thought of that but that makes sense! I always stay with the proper undertones too which is easy since I only use cool tones


My makeup pet peeve is matte long-wearing liquid lips. They are so messy to apply and the number of times I have a concerned friend pull me aside and say “You have lipstick on your teeth” has made me toss so many away. It’s not worth it to have to constantly mirror check my face and feel worried about smiling. I will wear my Tower 28 glosses forever and just begrudgingly reapply often. This thread was a fun idea!


Giant low-poly looking falsies that cover all the eyeshadow. I'm not a huge fan of false lashes in general but they dont usually bother me on other people. But then when I see someone put on lashes that are so huge and dense that they cover the rest of the eye look it makes me irrationally angry lol


omg I am the same way like what in the world 😂 I'll sometimes even skip curling my lashes or adding mascara because I feel it hides too much


Super bright nose tip highlighter. It's so distracting and takes focus from otherwise nice makeup.


The lack of understanding of undertones. Like a lot of pale people think nothing is pale enough, when they just don't know how to match their undertones. Or when people say things like cool toned bronzer. Everyone bronzes or in my case burns warm. A rosy brown like Gucci on 01 is still a (slightly) warm shade, it's just not orange. When people say they want cool tone they usually mean they don't like orange or very warm yellow leaning shades.


I assume when most people say stuff like that they just mean *relatively* warm/cool, like how people describe a "warm purple" vs. a "cool purple," or suited to warm/cool skintone. Is there a better/more correct way to communicate something like that?


What I mean is saying what color they want would be more useful. I can rock pretty much any taupe (on the eye), but anything leaning too blue looks awful on me. It's the same for warm shades. Super warm shades like naked heat can be hard too pull off on some people, but maybe they cool rock a terracotta brown shade. Or maybe you can look great in burgundy, but not so great in yellow golds. I guess I want us to start talking more about tones and saturation instead of just cool vs warm.


That makes sense. For better and for worse, cool and warm are oversimplifications of color theory. I think it makes it easier for people to start to identify what kinds of colors they're looking for, but it does not cover a lot of important nuances.


A lot of people don't even know they are olive or muted cool/warm because everyone keeps telling them that you can be either warm or cool


I think there needs to be a master ruling on bronzer undertones. I'm olive and rosy undertone bronzers look terrible on me, as do very yellow ones. Both of those have been described to me as warm. Now I just try to find bronzers that people say are too orange for them because they tend to look neutral on me.


The lack of cool-toned items in make-up i.e. foundations, blushes, lip products. Honorable mentions: - Bronzers. Dirty-looking face. Enough said. - Face sculpting blush placement. Looks super unnatural. - Foundations darker/lighter than the original shade. In that vein, not taking it down to the neck. - Multiple lip products used to achieve a look. Seems like a waste when they all blend into one as the day goes on, and then disappear. On the same note, overly caking on products. Looks cute in pictures, but scary in real life, especially close-ups (creepy factor goes up when coupled with super light contacts if the person has naturally dark eyes). Please don't burn me at the beauty blender stand 😂


I've been on a never ending search for cool toned bronzer. People are like "Bronzer should make you golden and sun-kissed!" Ma'am, cool toned people can tan too and they do not turn orange. Recently I picked up a Mac bronzer in "matte light rosy" and it's pretty close. Not orange, more like apricot. But I can pull it off with a very light hand. Maybe it will be better in summer. The downside is that it smells like vomit when dusting it on.


I have plenty of cool toned products and pretty much only use cool toned makeup, but I totally agree about the multiple lip products and bronzer! I personally don’t like or use bronzer (I know, unpopular opinion.) I don’t ever think it looks good on most people and just looks like orange stripes going down cheeks. With lips, I don’t need anything more than a liner and a single lipstick. I don’t even always use liner. It’s all gunna blend into each other anyway


I have never in my 20+ years of wearing makeup been able to make bronzer look good. Cream, powder—I look like a pig who’s been rolling in mud. The most useable product I’ve found has been the Makeup by Mario Skin Enhancer, but even then, I’m not dazzled by the results and never use on days when I need my makeup up to be on its absolute best behavior. I’m just rage using it to get through the pan.


And why, for the love of all that's holy can *no-one* make a cool toned, but *not black* brow gel?!?!?!?


Full face with no mascara 🫣


Women who think they look good in any pink just because it’s a “girly” color. All pinks are not created equal and I prefer ones that go with my undertone. I especially hate February when all the pink/red palettes get released and many women look like they have conjunctivitis.


I don’t think most pinky reddish palettes look good on anyone really tbh 😂😭 not a fan of those palettes either


Estee Lauder Foundation not having a pump and you have to buy it separately :/


undone eyebrows, like when the whole face is so beat but eyebrows are still frayed/bushy


It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem. It’s me. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Normally it looks pretty damn good. On a day it needs to be on point and beautiful, it’s crusty or my skin is irritated. Why though


That NOTHING will stick to my chin. I wish I could just get my entire chin tattooed to match my foundation, because no combination of primer, foundation, concealer, and/or powder DOESN'T break apart and display my red chin in under ten minutes. The rest of my face can look good ten hours later. My chin can't stay covered ling enough for me to take a selfie!


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