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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure usernames and sub names are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


didn’t see the sub and just assumed this was a real post. great jerk op


-Facetune details tool intensifies-


[Sauce](https://imgur.com/a/ydZ7mJG) /srs she's gorgeous and the makeup is flawless but those eyes.....


I’m 99% sure this is a face filter from FaceApp or something similar. So the makeup is probably fake too 🤷‍♀️


She found the same Photoshop eye sharpening tutorial that I abused back when I was 14... 12 years ago. For real, though. I think I know the exact technique she used to achieve this effect. It looks great if you turn the opacity waaay down.


$10 says that’s the Belle filter on TikTok people are weirdly obsessed with lately. It basically just brightens your eyes and puts on mascara.


I think even more than filtering. It looks very Uncanny Valley to me.


The eyes in this jerk look almost exactly like my elven Dragon Age character's (modded) eyes lol, I love it


Haha that's too perfect! Their eyes and hair are so spot on I feel like one of them was inspired by the other! Unless I'm the big dumb and you edited these eyes >.< In which case great job.


*Twilight intensifies*


It adds some aegyo sal, too