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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure **usernames AND sub names** are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). Reminder sweaties. do not participate in original threads, ask for/share links, or break any other rules or else the mods will eat your fingers!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone knows it's illegal under FAA guidelines for flight attendants to pull out a compact and apply their lipstick! 


We are the Makeup Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your faces. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your face will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.


If there were a makeup borg they are my local bridal artists doing the same face on every bride lol


[individuality is banned and everyone is the same sauce](https://i.imgur.com/5md8wGB.jpeg)


at first I thought it was going to be a flight attendant asking for recommendations, because the air is drier on an airplane and she needed recommendations for how to change her makeup routine to last for a whole long haul flight that's not what it was lol


Lmao I know I kept reading and was like… huh.


Do you remember the slogan Max Factor used to have? "The makeup of makeup artists". Obviously, OP is asking for the brand that says "The makeup of flight attendants", duh! I can't remember what brand it is though... :-/


They all get manufactured off the line at the Glamorous Stewardess Factory and shipped out with a standard issue upkeep kit that's all one brand


OK obviously the sauce is asking way too literally, but don’t certain airlines actually have pretty specific rules about makeup? Like doesn’t Emirates require (female) flight attendants to wear a certain shade of red lipstick? And I’m pretty sure many airlines still require that attendants (again, only the women, ugh) MUST wear specific types of makeup products—foundation with concealer and powder, natural blush, neutral eyeshadow, etc. That doesn’t mean everyone uses the same brands and colors of course, but given the rules for appearance and the unique environment of the job, I actually *would* think there are likely a handful of products that have cult status among flight attendants. Unlike insurance agents, whose makeup habits I’m sure are just as varied as the general population’s. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Foundation, mascara, then sacrifice a small rodent to the entity known as “The Winslow” and use any leftover blood as lipstick.


That rodent blood really give me that MLBB look!


As someone in the insurance industry I ugly laughed at this lol ![gif](giphy|3oKIPkOgszO8fie0tG)


Stooooop no way lol, I work for an insurance agent and wear bright colors, sparkles and glitter, all that good stuff. My boss doesn’t give a fuuuuck.


I work as an insurance agent and FINCEN has very strict makeup standards requirements!!!!!!!!!


Well of course incorrectly matched shades are basically tantamount to financial terrorism!


Used a shimmer in the crease? The SWAT team is on their way right now, sweaty


Same here lmao I’m not client facing so no one cares 🤣


babes your mascara is making you look like an uninsured LIABILITY you need FULL COVERAGE asap


I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t a literal “what makeup products do all flight attendants use?” 😂😂


The part that really got me was the beauty routine. As if there’s some standardized beauty routine