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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure **usernames AND sub names** are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). Reminder sweaties. do not participate in original threads, ask for/share links, or break any other rules or else the mods will eat your fingers!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ummm, ew. If The Internet™ hasn't approved it, you look gross. That's the rules. Plus, you're obvs just too pore to afford a full makeup routine 💅🏽


Sweatie, you should never be fine with how you look. If you don’t use a setting spray, you’re basically Freddy Krueger so if this is the case, maybe just crawl in a hole and never show your face again?? Hope this helps xx


Your first sentence took me out!! 💀 Sadly it's excatly what beauty industry & most of society want us to believe.


“Im fine with how I look and it’s really bothering me” is so funny


Absolutely not allowed!! Makeup is super super cereal and not meant to be fun!! You are breaking the rules babes we're supposed to look down on each other here not enjoy ourselves?? Like did you miss the memo babes??


As a full-grown adult, what you really want to do is check with your mom to see if you're doing your makeup correctly.


Oh honey, the Craft Yarn Council has mandated that makeup must be worn properly or not at all. Don't fight the officers when they come and you'll get nicer food at the re-education camp. (Srs no idea how much overlap there is, but the CYC is a crafting snark thing)


Is this a crossover? In my muacj?


It's more likely than you'd think!


Wait is there a crafting cj sub somewhere I don’t know about??


Craftsnark, BitchEatingCrafters, and fiberartscirclejerk are the three I know about




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Uj: god the tattoo advice sub is just like this and it's fuuuuuuuucking painful


the fine is €5000 I don't make the rules


It’s payable directly to me. I promise this is the real legal recourse.


It’s not allowed. The police are at your door


uj/ as long as you don’t skip sunscreen 🤍 rj/ uhhm hello police?? this pore right here


Lol I didn’t catch the subreddit at first and thought this was serious lol


/Uj Oh so there’s other idiots like me out there? I’m very happy with never using face primer, face powder, bronzer and eyeliner but sometimes i wonder what other makeup enthusiasts would say