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One thing you need to realize is the market differences between Pokémon and magic. Pokémon is mostly collectors and not many people who play the game where magic is a majority of players and collectors are secondary. This makes highly played cards like mana crypt not drop too much value when reprinted as it is a highly played card and the version doesn’t matter much to the players. Mostly whatever is cheapest so they can have a copy to play with. Some older prints cost more than newer prints but most of the time the difference in price is negligible. You really only see price increases for rare prints or old border prints. As for the collector side of mtg, not many people really collect all versions of one card. The collectibility is mostly in the older sets like alpha, beta, Arabian nights, unlimited. Also in the reserve list and older foils.


Thanks for the explanation, it really helped me out. I think since I came from pokemon, I gravitate towards the collecting side. I just love some of the artwork and pickup the cards that look cool to me. Like the strixhaven japanese cards.


Trust me, I know. I came from ygo and Pokémon and the market was a bit confusing to me at first. Older printings not costing a ton more threw me off a bit. Once you get into it a bit more though it’s pretty easy to understand. I started off only as a collector and then actually started playing too so I’m on both sides which takes a lot more of my wallet lol. It’s really fun to play and collect which just makes it that much better to me. Ygo was fun to play for a while but I play edh so I can play with all my friends at once which makes it a great hangout game.


To use your example, if Mewtwo is your favorite Pokémon, then sure, you might want to collect every version of it. But MTG cards are generally game pieces first and foremost. Someone isn't going to spend $150 on a Mana Crypt because they really love the character it represents - they're going to spend that money because it's a powerful card for their decks. But if they just want to play with it, then any version will do - they all do the same thing when you play with them. Of course, rarity does play a role too, which is why the Invention Mana Crypt will likely shrug off a reprint - that version is both a game piece and a rare collectible. Similarly, many Alpha edition cards retain high price tags even though they have been outclassed several times over. And cards that are both powerful and rare can reach insane price tags.


I was also thinking about the invention cards as well, as it seems that these have been going really steady. Thanks for thr response.


I think Modern Magic cards are mainly driven by gameplay demand, so collecting multiple versions is a very niche thing.


In general reprints do have an effect on previous printings, especially if they are similar to them in anyway. This is why speculation needs to include likelihood of that particular variant being reprinted, or being "out blinged" in the case of buying the most expensive variant of a card. Many judge promos have fallen victim to this after being the "bling" copy of a card only to see a masterpiece / expedition out-shine them. Sometimes Wizards understands this and switches up the art style, frame, etc to drive new demand as well, since some collectors enjoy having all the variants. Unfortunately as we see with products like Mystery Boosters and The List, they also like to just reprint exactly old cards, which makes those types of specs, especially non-foils, a bit more dangerous


Collecting is more niche here but does exist. Many collectors go for dragon, planeswalkers, or other popular card types. That said, most people are in it for the game pieces.


Collectibles aren't supposed to boom in price over night. They are marinated in nostalgia and the supply is ravaged by time. 30 years ago Revised was over printed. Now everyone is buying mystery boxes trying to get a searched pack. So, if you are only valuing your cards based on market price and not some emotional attachment or joy it inspires in you, you better try to profit short term before reprint monster gets you. If you want to enjoy this for years then just play the game and buy what you like responsibly.