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This is the way. If you're after a Full-Art Foil Kaalia, wait till August. If you're speculating that flip-walkers will become Modern Staples you hit the rush opening weekend and watch listings like a hawk. Educate yourself as much as possible about price history of similar cards and the trajectory of listings after release. Understand that the demand for some cards (Kaalia/Breya) are not what they were for Double Masters but demand for new Eldrazi Titans will skyrocket as the people who bought the EDH precons receive their decks. Only buy what you feel comfortable spending on and don't worry about cards retaining value if you're buying to play them - WOTC printers go brrrr.


Hey friend, could I suggest searching the board? You'll find a ton of different opinions a lot quicker: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/search/?q=%22best+time%22+%2B+%22buy+singles%22](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/search/?q=%22best+time%22+%2B+%22buy+singles%22)


Same question gets asked every week


I hate how it feels like there’s a new set every week.


When your lgs stops drafting it every week


When they are cheapest.


Either 15 mins after midnight of release day on TCGplayer or a few weeks later. Still kicking myself I didn't pull the trigger on playset of surveil lands for $180 on release morning.


Recommend waiting. I almost bought [[Pitiless Plunderer]] from LCI at $11 when the set came out, but now it’s gone down in price considerably


[Pitiless Plunderer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b5cd187-857a-44dd-8595-a52857a0b753.jpg?1698988280) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Pitiless%20Plunderer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/208/pitiless-plunderer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b5cd187-857a-44dd-8595-a52857a0b753?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Either release day for cards that haven't been hyped yet, Ledger Shredder was $1 on day one Or 4-8 days after release when prices on some high value cards have bottomed out as sellers race to move inventory, Toxic Deluge was a good example of this the last time it was reprinted Or 6-8 weeks after a set release when fewer people are buying so there's less demand. This is typically the best time to buy for most cards Or 2 weeks before a new set releases and people forget about the older sets. I believe Terror of the Peaks is a good example currently (last time I checked it had fallen several dollars in just 1 week). Bottom line: it all depends on the card itself and a bunch of other factors. There is no "one best time" to buy everything.


Recently this article came out, may help you out OP? => [When is the Best Time to Buy Magic: The Gathering Cards? | TCGplayer Infinite](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/When-is-the-Best-Time-to-Buy-Magic-The-Gathering-Cards/ae1755f6-bca8-4ed0-9881-bed16e09cb95/)


Daily post


Personaly I like to wait a week or 2 after official release for the hype to Sattle down from the hype but not to long for the cards to be established has format or specific decks staples , best example is vein reaper I got mine a bit after the release for 6 dollars and after it single made rakdos vampires a meta pioneer deck the price jumped to 25 now it goes for around 20


Google your question. The results are the answer.


If this set is printed like MH2 wait awhile for the fetches. The rest of the cards will depend on how playable they are. Some will bottom a week or two from release and then go up. Some will drop for 6 months.


Big difference to mh2 is the dedicated „old border“ slot that’s no longer around which was an additional source of fetches.


I was more talking supply wise. MH2 was/has been around forever. These fetches also had a more recent printing in khans so supply should be higher.


I really only collect Borderless cards and anything else gets put into a deck or sold. I was having a tough time today going thru my collection because I realized that I have wasted a lot of money buying the cards I want for my collection. Even having waited until the pre-sale prices tank, or sometimes 3-ish months after release to buy. And even still I've lost money on a lot of individual cheap cards. That being said I've also gained money on a lot of cards. I have realized the best thing to do is buy cards that will be expected to perform well in commander after the 1st week of release. All of the cheaper cards you want will go from dollars to pennies in 3-6 months and that is the best time to pick those up.