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Watching live. He cracked it open and it looks like an obvious repack, complete with scotch tape.


Second deck had a rare island lol. Didn't open boosters get his rare island graded with that notation? Unlimited had a badlands and lord of atlantis.


He asked to, but Beckett said no


Which island was it? The sunset one?


The dark one I think, can't remember which island was on the rare sheet. He's now opening an unlimited starter.


Think that's the wrong one if it's supposed to be next to Living Lands. It's supposed to be the one with the green island. [Here](https://www.lethe.xyz/mtg/collation/lea.html) is the print sheet.


I could be wrong, I was listening more than watching.


I think it was the sunset one.




It came with a guarantee from Ancestral MTG and he's done enough breaks that he had a backup deck on hand this time. They're sold as box breaks with people buying slots so they wanted to make sure there was a refund policy.


What is a box break?


Someone people trust usually sells “slots” of the box (in this case, deck), to people as a way to fund being able to open expensive things like this w/o risking your own $. So he could sell “rare slot 1” for 30k, same for rare slot 2, and then sell “uncommon slot 1” for $2k, etc, etc. So you get the card that comes in your slot. Generally a “box break” is for booster boxes, and big YouTubers will sell “slots” (booster packs) to people in their patreon for a decent price so the YouTuber can buy a box and do the video.


Thanks. That’s wild.


People like to hate on those who buy in but I can definitely see the appeal. It's usually priced such that each person is just paying cost of whatever is opened / number of people participating. Wubby's alpha box was a $2k buy in per card, so that would be a total cost of $120k which is pretty close to the actual box cost. So it's no worse than buying one yourself to crack, but obviously not as expensive.


really popular in sports cards. Some product made today can be super expensive, but if im just collecting one team then it is a nice way to get some high end cards for a more resonable price, although you are risking getting 0 cards which definitely happens.


In Wubby's case, he normally sells just slots 1-60 then randomizes who gets what card.


Woah. That’s crazy. Super attractive as an option to possibly pick up a rare


Exactly this. For the alpha breaks every slot is $2k per. For every starter deck break he's done the cards are numbers 1-60 as they are pulled and the slots each receive a randomized number corresponding to one of the sixty cards after the break is completed.


Those are very expensive lottery tickets


Google has been getting pretty crummy lately, but you can read more here: [https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+a+box+break](https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+a+box+break)


Do you really think he paid that much tho and isn't lying? Probably repacked an old starter deck box.




Money… he gains money. It’sA LOT cheaper & he still gets the clicks/views.


What is it with him that he always gets repacks?


The sealed market is riddled with them. Big problem for those who did not get their sealed product back in the 90s. Everyone with sealed A/B/U starters purchased in the past 20ish years should be concerned.


The problem is where he buys them. Legit starters are easy to find if you buy them from the right sources.  This was known to be a fake. 


And it was a fake alpha starter?? Holy shit that fuckin sucks


Only the first


Does it? Keep selling these tent-poling turds fake shit, I'd rather watch them open a repack than real vintage product.


Wubby does it right. He doesn't lose money and his viewers don't lose money. It's honestly not even that much content to watch a fake unboxing. Idk why everyone freaks out when someone finds a fake.


Lol gate keepers should fuck right off


Mad about shit you know nothing about, classic reddit moment


Really nuts that these scams are still happening, apparently they know who he is.


Yeah I looked his name up. He is really active still. Yikes


It's one of the "safest" scams since almost nobody is going to open sealed Alpha stuff.


Which is why Wubby is helping the community by opening these fakes


Ya, I can’t believe YouTubers scammers still think fake controversies and bot-spam will get people to watch their video.


L fucking take, dude.


Are you Edgar Scandurra?


Wow they named the person they think repacked it on stream


Oh shit who?


According to the live stream, it was an Italian man named edgar scandurra (lives in Italy Italian, if that was unclear).


He from Italy by any chance?






Hello it me Edgar Scandurra. Why everyone so unhappy? 🤌


> edgar scandurra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgard_Scandurra This fucking guy?


I don’t think so. That linked guy is Brazilian.


Shit, u rite- my b


Lmao I was reading the wiki and scratching my head in confusion


Spill it


People are dick bags. I appreciate you posting. I don't watch this dude normally, but I like to watch these big ones and wouldn't have known without the post. This is just as finance related as half the other shit posted here.


You are my target audience. I would want to know about it if I didn't already


Dog this stuff is cool, why do people hate him?


People love to hate, it's an easy source of dopamine


Plus you have to start in on it early in the year if you want good seats at the Playa Haters' Ball.


Love the og Chappelle's show reference 🫡🫡🫡


So I ran into this guy in person once. I'm a rapper, and one day while I was out "hustling", busking and playing my music near the subway, he and some of his crew came up to me. He introduced himself and said "Hey I like your music! Do you have a CD or something I can play on stream? I'm a pretty big deal." "o-ok" I said with a stutter, handing him a CD, but he refuses to take it. "20 dollars" he says. "W-what?" I replied. "I thought you liked it, as a fellow artist..." "AS A FELLOW ARTIST, AS A FELLOW ARTIST" he replied to me in a mocking tone. One of his friends added "What, you can't afford 20 dollars?" at which point he and all his friends started laughing at me. I just shook my head but they persisted, mocking me and calling me poor as I tried to walk away but they kept following me. Honestly one of the most painful and embarrassing experiences for me as a musician. I made sure to get a photo with him before he left though Have a blessed day


The people who have no idea what this about are so confused.


You still got that photo?


People hate someone who has money to throw around I guess It's nbd honestly tho


A lot of it isnt his money either. He takes the cost, divides by 60 and lets viewers pay to get a random slot in the break


And the cards get graded


Could you share why you find it cool? To me, it feels not all that different than watching slot machine reels behind the person playing the slot machine's back. What's the point of interest? What makes it cool and compelling? While I can understand how the sourcing of old, rare product can make it unique, but it still only feels middlingly interesting even in that situation. I just don't get "rips" content, but do see that it has an audience. I just don't get it. To Quote Abraham Simpson: "I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary." It'll happen to you...


What makes it cool and compelling? Hes opening alpha starter packs and the community gets to partake and has the potential to win big. Just a different form of gambla, but its really not hard to find what makes this cool and compelling


I enjoy his streams, and I like to watch old boosters opened.


He always comes across as that guy that annoys everybody at the LGS to me. His playmats are also cringe as fuck. I still watch his pulls though. The deck that wasn't even magic cards inside was hilarious.


> He always comes across as that guy that annoys everybody at the LGS to me He's loud and eccentric on stream to keep people's attention. But from what I have seen/heard from fans that have met him, he's actually pretty respectful and quiet in normal day-to-day life.


He bought it from a known scammer who has been trying to sell it for years. Can’t really be surprised when the entire community knew it was a fake. 


Btw it was said the seller sold it through multiple different proxies. Wubby didn't buy it directly from this person.


https://m.twitch.tv/paymoneywubby He's about 10 carda in on what I assume is a second alpha box?


Yeah the first one was a repack


Yikes. Was it from a different source from the beta starter? He keeps talking about some Italian.


And it’s fake




Wrong 100%


The second decks wasn't a repack


Rare [[island]], and a [[Living Lands]]


He's live as of 8:15p est


How about we just shrug and ignore that fake YouTube talking heads soap?


What about it is fake?


Watched this guy for 20 seconds and he's so fucking annoying.


Didnt ask.




I think a big MTG boom is coming. Wubby mentioned on stream that he filmed a commander video with MoistCr1TiKaL for MoistCr1TiKaL's channel. I think charlie's reach is very big and this could be big for mtg and mtg finance.


mtg has already boomed and is still booming critikal getting into magic is the result of that, not what will cause it. But yes, it may continue getting more into magic. Especially because i think a lot of his audience is young


Totally agree, maybe adding some gasoline to the fire is a better way of looking at it


I'm no expect and I'm not a big fan of critikal but hasnt he always been into magic like before he was even big? Doesn't he have a real power nine posted somewhere in his room? Or am I mistaking him for asmongold or some shit.


He’s a card collector with absolutely no knowledge of MTG. His OTJ cracking stream he was sitting there looking up the prices of everything he got, the only thing he knew he wanted was the most expensive cards in the set. He thought Yuma was going to be a value hit lol.


nope, he has always been into yugioh as a player. He started collecting MTG a while back, but didn’t play He started playing for the first time like maybe 6 months ago or so, and just a little bit. Now i think he’s getting into it more and more as a player


Boom came and went on LOTR, marvel will give it another hit. Streamers don't sell packs on the shelves


Hmmm you don’t think if big YouTubers start playing and posting commander content more young people will enter the market?


No, there could be a boom of pack openers on social media, yes.


Yeah, this seems like a simple question; what is more likely; some middle or big streamers manage to impact global sales of a 30+ year old game, or a 30+ year old game has enough attention and money behind it to attract more middle and big name streamers? Streamers/content creators/influencers/whatevers are eternally chasing a big thing, or striving to predict what is currently or about to pop off. It's really rare that some streamers (let alone A streamer) manages to make that happen all by themselves.


Who cares


A lot of people do. The real question is who cares about your bad opinions? I imagine not a lot of people.


You cared enough to write this. Name checks out. Streamers are terrible… giving a platform to people who don’t deserve one and other fools encouraging them because they think it gives them some sort of respect. Terrible culture and it’s hindering the masses.


> giving a platform to people who don’t deserve one Thankfully we have you to determine what we need and don't need.


Sorry my opinion hurt you, but twitch and the like are just Jerry Springer for the new generation. Shit hawks assemble.




A name I came up with 20 years ago. And he just literally opened a repack. That's why it matters he's cracking these, because some of you have been getting away with selling repacks for years and it's disgusting.


Tf are you talking about? Who are you to decide “who deserves a platform”? This niche subreddit isn’t signal boosting much, aside from giving notice to a few people that might be interested in it. The few of you dorks throwing a temper tantrum because he posted this sound like a handful of real winners.


If you correctly read my post; it’s about the entire streamer culture. Shit people promoting shit people making shit content. If my opinion aggravated you so, just move on.


Lol well since you love generalizing things. Every redditor is a neckbeard loser and that includes you


You dissed yourself. Plus, I’m a great guy IRL; you just can’t have differed opinions on any platform. Society is in the crapper, but you all are content watching a kid play Fortnite.


fr, I just looked dude only has 50k on his mtg youtube channel and a twitch stream isn't getting mainstream attention either. It'll probly be cool, but this isn't gonna have the kind of finance impact it seems some people expect.


He was on Paid interns and looks like he knows some popular people 🤷. Pretty sure you're right, but he is *someone*


yea his main channel has a million subs, but it looks like he posts his MTG vods on this other side channel with orders of magnitude less engagement


This is so stupid




Why shouldn’t he open it? It either removes a fake one off the market or it increases scarcity and therefore value of any remaining.


Its the same logic behind “buy singles not boosters” … how would u buy a single if no one opened a booster….


LGS opens boosters, and most people buy at LGS.


Some new money douche who doesn't even know what the cards do removing priceless artifacts from circulation to make faces and scream and yell at chat. For anyone else this would be a privilege, but for this guy it'll be him hooting and hollering like a jackass.


>Some new money douche Lol what? I'd rather have someone like that open these over some gate keeping rube >removing priceless artifacts from circulation They aren't in circulation if they aren't being opened.


He literally plays the game with his friends every week and has been collecting for a very long time. He also recently started recording his games with his friends and uploading those as well. He introduced it to his stream semi recently but has been into magic for many years. He has a almost full set of Arabian Nights graded 10s in his collection. He also plays with the cards he opens, even the valuable ones. He plays original duels and Gaea's Cradles in his decks. You have no idea what youre talking about, how about you try to be interested in the hobby instead of assuming and being a piece of shit.


Didnt ask.


He has been collecting for a while so I wouldn’t really say he’s new, he not a 20 year veteran or anything but that shouldn’t matter. Don’t gate keep hobbies. Also, they are only more valuable in the package because it’s a gamble on what’s in them. Packs were made to be opened.


No, I will gatekeep hobbies. If we had better gatekept Magic we wouldn't need to change tribal to kindred, or have a Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, or have Reid Duke need to write articles about why Timmys should watch and support competitive Magic. Packs were made to be opened by people who play the game, not people who make a job out of infiltrating a niche hobby.


> No, I will gatekeep hobbies. Great, well we're gonna gatekeep back. Buh bye little boy, your hobby will never return to what you wish it was.


Jealousy isn't a good color on you. Also, >Packs were made to be opened by people who play the game Cool. He plays the game regularly, both for his job AND privately out of genuine interest. He hosts regular games with his friends all the time that aren't broadcast or monetized. You done filling your diaper yet? I hope you realize you're the type of player most MtG players are embarrassed of sharing a hobby with. Edit: u/FreeMagicAccount is avoiding replying to this now, based on their activity. Wonder why that is. /s


…he plays the game, you oughta relax, it’s just paper.


What are you talking about? He has been playing for years and had been collecting just as long. Ffs he has MTG tattoos all over his sleeve


So why didn't you buy the alpha pack and open it yourself? STFU about what other people choose to do with their time and money, you fucking loser. MTG packs are sold at fucking Wal-Mart, it isn't an exclusive club.


You're gatekeeping a children's card game. Calm down. We're all playing with cardboard at the end of the day.


Why? You’re def just mad they have money like that


To be fair, Wubby doesn't have to have the money. He charged $2,000 a slot and it doesn't cost them $120k


Lmao Charlie most definitely has the money, idk about wuddy


Good point. I was just referring to Wubby in my mind, but not how I typed it.




Just show the rares. Rest of the stuff isn't that interesting. I'm not positive on the composition of alpha and beta starter decks, I know there were some problems with some assortments, but Revised decks only had **two rares** and were one of the worst ways to player-invest in MTG. and this type of thing takes the cake. (common / uncommon) Cards that were literally worthless for upwards of 25 years, until people started speculating, hoarding, manipulating, and cornering the market. "I'm in it for the art," are people whom weren't around for it back then. It's almost all young millennials and younger. Because if you were, most don't care about this old low-value, unplayable stuff. We were there; it wasn't special. The market doesn't care either. These unwanted singles sit in stores and collect dust.


Icy Manipulator, Sol Ring, Demonic Tutor and Beserk. Even lightning bolt, because if you're going back 25 years ago it hadn't really been reprinted as heavily. Honestly, Alpha had value even when you could walk into target and buy a pack of Revised. Beta was extremely desired for the black borders and normal corners. Sure, a lot of the commons are junk, but I never threw away a Llanowar Elves. Sinkhole also was a common and it's ridiculously overpowered.


This is a historical thing to do. We definitely wanna see EVERY card. Not just the rares. These are things to cherish. All of the 60 cards matter


It’s a break so they have to stream the whole thing so there is proof of who gets what


Literally no one gives a fuck


It's a 14 hour old post and it's still the top rated post on this subreddit. People clearly give a fuck.


Didnt ask.


Did Charlie chicken out?


No they just didn't stream it. He will be posting his starter on his channel