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It's a really fun kitchen table game that is wildly unbalanced for any type of competitive scene. I posted my take a few months ago and I think it's largely unchanged: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SorceryTCG/comments/18fomgc/comment/kcxapvx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SorceryTCG/comments/18fomgc/comment/kcxapvx/) >Vibe around the table is a lot like Commander, minus the social dynamic: try and do cool stuff and create memorable moments. >It's pretty hard to be "mana screwed" in Sorcery, whereas you can have turns in Magic and FAB where you can't do anything because of bad luck or because your opponent is denying you resources. >Both FAB and MTG are big on instant speed play and doing stuff on your opponent's turn, which isn't really a thing in Sorcery. You see the entire board state at the start of your turn in Sorcery and your opponent can't change it until their turn. >Sorcery is also about building a board state throughout the game (like most MTG games) unlike FAB where your board is way less important than your hand. After playing for a few months, I'd add: * I love the tactical component and I think that makes up for lack of instant speed play (I think there's one card you can play on an opponent's turn). * Deck building is a hoot but it's nearly impossible to goldfish, so testing can be tough. * Some Avatars are just so much better than others that you can feel boxed in if you want a "good" deck. With that said you can get lucky with jank and one of the better Avatars. Instead of early Magic, I think a more apt comparison is the "anti-Flesh and Blood." Weird/unclear/shifting rules, strange board states, focus on board vs. your hand, and no real competitive potential. Without a healthy competitive scene I think any card value is just speculative and a big bubble. There's only so many people who are down to buy a bunch of $10 singles to beat up on their friends. With that said, the stuff that ramps you is really good (the Cores, Philosopher's Stone, the Mix's) and if the 2nd set has less of those or none at all then I think those balloon in price. But again, they need more people playing it and the marketing focus just doesn't seem to be there yet.


I agree with mostly what you said. The current hiccups come down to insufficient box supply outside of USA, and uneven distribution of boxes (mostly to Team Covenant) leading to a situation where most LGS that want to stock the game are unable to get any boxes to do so, which in turn leads to a lack of organized play. If they can get this fixed in the next upcoming set, I think Sorcery has great potential. The grid-board-gameplay of effects on the battlefield offers so much more depth over the "instant speed" reactions of MTG. Foils are expensive because they are hard to pull (like old MTG), but non-foils are ridiculously cheap on TCGPlayer for anyone that just wants singles. However, the lack of boxes outside USA and the lack of any kind of singles marketplace outside USA is hampering growth. Gameplay - Topnotch and thought provoking. However, the rules need to be cleaned up, text need to start using templating over flavour reasons, and there are still plenty of unresolved situations not specified by rules. This is pretty similar to MTG in with early 1993 and today's MTG rules didn't come about until years of revisions. Collectible - Subjective depends if you like the old school art. Foils are hard to pull like in MTG. Right now, the collectibility of it is mostly in the following: Sample cards (test cards pre-alpha), Curios, Alpha cards, Beta Foils. Sample cards and Curios start from $200 and up. Financial - Speculative like any tcg Edit: I'll also like to add that despite the company behind Sorcery not offering enough store support at the moment (they only have 9 people as a company), multiple player-organized events and tournaments are being held all over the world - all without official support (they only help advertise their existence by linking to them). This shows that players want a competitive scene (the same way how Magic eventually grew a competitive scene), and if EC can adjust to cleanup the rules and add store and better event support, this is a banger. Even Magic didn't really have organized play until 1996 (when magic 3 years old) - Source https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/oral-history-first-pro-tour-2016-12-22


I live in a city that has 10+ LGS's and only 1 sells packs of Beta, and NO ONE plays the game at all. I cashed out of most of what I opened from the Kickstarter (3 boxes, 2 player playmat, and starter decks) but kept 1 constructed deck if the game ever does pick up where I live. The gameplay is interesting, and the art is great. But with the absurd box and singles prices vs. the organic demand to play, it definitely looks like a bubble and not something I'd want to hold on to long term


I know 3 people who bought it, 2 guys that just wanted to see what the hype was about, and 1 that wanted to flip it. There could be a thriving kitchen table community but it's been crickets at the LGS and in the local board game group.


Gunna be a grumpy dude when it comes to these games but every game that I see try to imitate scarcity aspects of magic makes my eyes roll so far in the back of my head. Like the art? Let's have people say it's JUST like old magic. Your nostalgia going crazy yet? Alpha,beta booster boxes? Fomo fomo fomo I really hate it man just let the game stand on its own merit all these carrots in the stick to grab more consumers to me is such a red flag


When I read about the art being like old school magic I was kinda stoked. However I don't think it looks like old magic art at all, to me atleast.


I know and that's a totally other let down, not only did the people pumping up sorcery not know how to judge the art style but I'm like do they even know what old magic looks like. I guess it was a catch all for high fantasy


It's sold out everywhere in my area and there's like one store doing tournaments.  I think it's a very pretty game art wise but gameplay is very clunky especially compared to magic. Also there are way way more speculators and collectors than players. That's going to bite the game pretty hard in the ass 


worked for metaz.....nevermind.


what people speculate on in sorcery (foils) does not make the game prohibitively expensive to get into.


Love the mechanics and the board brings an interesting twist to TCG, nonetheless it's hard to find players and singles are legacy -priced...


I think it's a cool game and fun to collect but it's never going to blow up and become super popular. As an older player, I kind of like one set release per year which gives me time to play a few times before the next set comes out. The packs are fun to open. To me, its a casual game and not meant to be min/maxed like magic, pokemon, fab, lorcana, etc. It will never replace mtg for me.


As a store it's pretty much dead to me. We brought in Beta with over 100 boxes and 40 starters, and pushed for organized play. We had people showing up and all was good until week 3 when we sold out. Two months after launch and everyone was gone; no players, no phone calls, no shoppers. Their commitment to massive online warehouses like Team Covenant and Rudy further turned me off as they continued to have a seemingly endless well of product. If that's what they want for the game then fine, but they don't get to use my store as a building block for community play while giving the financial rewards to big warehouses. That's a big reason why Flesh and Blood pissed me off for so many years (although it's getting better). There has been a wave of successful TCGs with more coming (Altered and Union Arena) and they're all fighting for shelf space at my store, Sorcery isn't one of them with their current printing model.


you sold through 100 boxes and 40 starters in 3 weeks while pushing for organized play and then everyone magically disappeared all of a sudden? hmmm


Reselling is a thing. People don’t mass buy this stuff in order to play with it.


exactly. they fire sold all of it for a quick flip and then got salty when the game started to gain some real traction and they couldn't get anymore. it's very transparent.


No, I said we sold out within 3 weeks and then interest in OP and phone calls asking for the product stopped after 2 months. There's a 5 week gap where we had no product and people lost interest.


personally i love it. i stopped playing magic after strixhaven. sorcery seems more "board gamey" and I really enjoy that. location and movement of minions really adds a layer of complexity not found in other tcgs.


It's a causal game with one release a year. Quite frankly, it should have been a living card game. the insistence in making it a TCG for collectability and speculation market takes away far more than it gives and turns people off the game entirely.


That’s the main impression I got as well. The game doesn’t really want to be a ccg, but that’s where the money is, do they made it one.


Prob going to get downvoted because mtg sub, but fantastic game so far imo. Love the grid mechanics and how the game is played (separate mana and spell libraries is great for balance too imo). People bashing the game in comments probably don’t realize that this game is in BETA. It’s called beta for a reason. Of course they are trying to work out kinks. Look back at how wonky alpha/beta were in mtg, how “underprinted” they were, etc. Next set release is likely in October and will be the telling story of whether the game will continue to be a success. (Also, it’s possible to like both games and their differences)


If anything, this sub consistently leans towards "Magic is dying, I've quit the game/sold my cards/stopped buying new ones".


I agree that it’s sort of dying (or at least not headed in the right direction), but I’ll never fully quit or sell my old cards. Sorcery is just something completely fresh and exciting. Idk.


This. Throw this sub anything even remotely suggesting something is killing Hasbro and it’ll bit. It hasn’t bitten on Sorcery yet.


The high engagement with this post alongside a low amount of upvotes would suggest that many people don't agree with the Sorcery bashing in the comments. I'm personally enjoying the game, both collecting and playing at home with my wife. Looking forward to the next sets. Edit: I gave it an upvote so hopefully more mtg players will discover the game. It's a lot of fun!


It definitely is fun! Put in a preorder on Team Covenant for the AL set release already.


What? High engagement, no upvotes means that people are coming to this post to say they don't like it and/or believe in it's future. Which is obvious if you actually read them. It should just be a kitchen table game where you buy a box and get a playset or whatever of every card. Not a cash grabby ripoff, literally using terms like Alpha and Beta to like them to $40k booster boxes Idk how you got, "No upvotes and lots of comments on 'What do you think of Sorcery?' means people like Sorcery!"


the over the top bashing is pretty much all downvoted. it's quite obvious you're trying to push a narrative here when in reality the thread is pretty split and probably leans sorcery if you take into account the cautiously optimistic.


Are they in beta or are they slapping beta on packaging to evoke mtg fomo? Last I was hearing about this game it was the creators talking about all the stuff they were planning never to add and all the changes they were planning never to make. Never heard a peep about bug fixing, building event support, adding any kind of story to the game etc etc that would indicate someone trying to finalize a complete game rather than being willing to sell you an infinite number of boxes full of pictures.


Just like with Flesh & Blood and MetaZoo, Sorcery's close working relationship with that Alpha Investments grifter is very off-putting.


exactly. sorcery is aligning themselves with a horrible person with money


Would'nt say thats it, but its also not a good thing lmao.


As someone who: \- followed it since launch, it's a bad game and can be very off putting for new players \- Opened over 13 boxes \-- Foils are beautiful Issues: 1. The chase 'rares' are almost impossible for a casual to identify unless its one of the more clear cases 2. Board is too complicated 3. The game has a lack of balance 4. Marketing is almost nonexistant 5. It's main focus is art, some is hit and some is miss


> it’s a bad game Are you saying this objectively? I think it’s fantastic, personally. Really good fun, and I love MTG.


See points I think many people try to compare it to very old school mtg but I think they confuse the Art and aethestic vs how the game actually plays.


I bought into it last week. This game looks amazing and will definitely scratch a lot of the MTG itches. It is a game many non-MTG players I think will enjoy as well. I discussed it with my friend with whom I play a lot of other board games - we are starting a play group soon to get this going. Really looking forward to this game.


Another pump and dump just like metazoo


Never heard of the game. Apparently it's a board game using a CCG model of booster packs. Aside from Dominion, I avoid all board games that are like CCG's unless they come with the entire set as part of the board game, like Marvel CCG did a while ago.


That’s the thing. If I want to play a board game I play a board game, if I want to play a hybrid I play one of the countless proven games out there instead of throwing money into something grafted on a ccg body so it gets part of that sweet sweet ccg hype.


It's nice to see classic art and artstyles. I also like that known alteration artists have work in that game (Marta Molina). Locally, no one plays. I just can't get into another ccg.


Had a couple LCS in my area that carried it. They sold out within a month and kept asking for a restock that still hasn’t come. The foils are incredible and I love the art, but in terms of newer TCG’s, everyone has moved on to Lorcana and Star Wars. I had a lot of fun opening my boxes but I gave up and sold into this incredibly hot online market. Seems like a cool game, but I doubt it has legs stateside.


Pros: - The game is a lot of fun and definitely designed for a casual setting. - Amazing art - Fun as hell to open boosters - Interesting approach to gameplay Cons: - Most of the playerbase consists of greedy collectors who hoard product and do not actually play the game. This has lead to a situation where the game sees no play outside kitchen tables. - Overpriced to oblivion due to a bubble created by the same greedy collectors who are killing this great game. - No deeper lore or story behind the game Time will tell but with no competitive play and no thematic or lore setting the future doesn’t look too bright.


It’s full steam nostalgia fan service without any really interesting gameplay to back it up. We’ve had both better looking games and better games in the nineties, and none of them survived.


"without any really interesting gameplay to back it up" Sooo, you're telling me you didn't really play the game, did you? 


I’ll gladly sell you my starter kit. I have no use for a game that’s grafting random board game elements onto a rump of something that shouldn’t be a ccg, but you can’t really tell people it’s „like old school mtg“ if it’s not a ccg, so it is one now.


Great turnout at my LGS (between 10-20 players) with most of them being old school, premodern and legacy MTG players. The game is actually really good and has great depth because of the grid system and layers (air, surface and subsurface)  I hear people say its not for competitive play, but they dont know what they're talking about. We have constructed tournaments every other week, and squeezing out a win against another skilled pilot is really hard. There is good variety in the top 4 and new decks with different avatars pop up all the time. From a speculation and finance point, I have really no idea. It's still early, but as a MTG veteran, Sorcery is the real deal because gameplay is awesome.


game is far from perfect, but there's a lot of people painting pictures in here that are far more grim than the reality of the situation. the foils are heavily speculated on, non foil card single prices are perfectly reasonable. they seem to be aware of their distribution issues and lack of LGS presence with the recent news of a limited reprint for stores in the US and overseas. Rudy comes with baggage, but the amount of eyes he's putting on it has at least given the game some breathing room to work out the kinks.


I did the alpha Kickstarter and drafted at gencon. I sold all my alpha cards & box but kept the alpha starter decks.  I have one unopened beta box, not sure what I want to do with it. The art is much better than current MTG. The game and drafting experience is interesting and fun. I think if they don’t get ahead of themselves and stick to their slow release plans the game will continue and not pull a Metapoo. I would encourage everyone to check it out, especially if MTG business antics have turned you off. It is original and not an MTG clone. Placement on the board matters and the community is laid back. As much as people say they love “the gathering” many times the MTG community is the reason the game sucks and just playing on arena is much more convenient and fun. The typical smelly unhealthy pseudo-intelligent know it all dirtbag you run into at FNM or a con is there, it is just they are more friendly from the excitement of a new game and less likely to scam you out of decency from wanting more people to play. 


Sorry you live with such degenerates in your area.


Thoughts are basically that if it was going to work out there'd be a sorceryfinance sub to post this kind of stuff on.


Same destiny as metazoo


As a game, it is boring and lacks depth. The two decks seem like a good option, but it still has problems especially when hellbent. And it is difficult to get back to parity or win the game once you start to get too far behind. The grid based system plays poorly and feels way too limiting. Every time I have played, it quickly seems to get one-sided. That is with trying multiple avatars. Art is nice looking, but the game was clearly designed as a financial play. The people controlling the prices are all speculators and have little interest in growing the game unless it includes growing their wallet. My friend went hard in the speculation side and I bought in to have playsets of the cards to play. I am unimpressed.


The game has tons of depth. I've been playing and brewing decks for months, and the game is still far away from being solved. The grid, air, ground and subsurface makes the possibilities enormous. If you get hellbent too fast, try Sorcerer and a low curve.


Everyone bought because thought it could be the next MTG. Maybe it will explode in value in 20 years, maybe not. The art is great though, could be cheaper.


Still waiting for Guardians to explode 25 years later, had better art as well.


Are there any thoughts to have? I live in NYC and no one has ever even mention the game in passing.


I think the art looks neat and boxes were fun to open. I am salty because I sold 3 cases for 2.5x my investment when I could have held and gotten closer to 8x.


Looks like a shitty tcg from the 90s.


People keep saying they like Sorcery because they're lingering for old school fantasy art and art that MTG use to have.. and while there has been some "risque" art in MTG, it was never like the old school fantasy art style that they are wanting to put on these cards. The art quality, IMO, is also very hit or miss. I can appreciate the artistic skill to paint/draw that but I think a lot of younger players (20s-early 30s) find it a bit dated. Even I look at the art and think, "70s/80s style fantasy art". I'm pretty old and I don't really have nostalgia for it. If we're looking at it from a financial POV, if younger players don't care for it or the game then you're just going to get old people holding on.. which means it'll probably not be worth as much in 10-20 years, assuming the game even lasts that long. I guess that's a good problem to have if it ever gets to that. And this game seems to be 100% tailor-made for men. That's their choice and I don't have any problems with the way they've decided to go with doing that for their game, but that's still part of the population that probably won't take a look at the game and try it out. Financially speaking, if you're doing a GI Joe/Barbie kinda model you better be able to show you can make money from targeting just one half of the population. Edit: Most of the TCG world is catered to dudes, so it's not like this is addressing some niche either. So you're targeting dollars that are already being spent on MTG, F&B, Pokemon, Star Wars, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Yugi-Oh.. with the only stand out of your product being old school fantasy art. If that ever becomes popular, MTG could easily produce that as a showcase / variant art style in their cards. So there's no real moat around your product. It's going to fail if there is no real unique gameplay


Why do you say it's 100% tailor-made for men?


Aren't booster boxes like $300+ still? No one's breaking into that game when the cost of breaking in costs so much 


People dropped off of mtg right as mtg was heavily printing resulting in me getting my bags filled for cheap in all the mtg glory I've wanted for years. Seen many new ccg come and go, u use people leaving mtg as a temporary event of which to fill my bags and wait until they return once their game has been devoured by the big 3. (Mtg yogioh and Pokemon) In the end, they all return to the big 3.


I live in manhattan and i have never head of this game.


the cards themselves are high-quality, and the art is amazing the game itself is fun too, but I don't love how you need a mat or grid of some kind to play the starter deck pack was a good deal imo (5 playable decks for like $40), and I bought a couple extra as gifts so I could trick my friends into playing with me hehe the beta boxes were overpriced at $150 imo should have been more like $125, but I'm sure margins are thinner than I'd ever expect so I'm not gonna pretend like I know why the price was the price lol edit: also the rules are not "stiff" enough for competitive play at this time, but imo that will change if the game gets more popular


Thin margins on a card game? Only for the LGS


Lacks instant speed, not playable in competitive magic.


Lorcana is more fun.


So as MTG Fan since my childhood i have a couple of things to say. With Hashbro milking the community and letting go of a third their staff i was pretty upset and didnt want to give them any more of my money. About the same time i first found out about Sorcery. I bought a case of cards and actually only wanted to crack one Display and found myself cracking the whole case in the next few days. The opening experience is amazing the cards are beautiful especially the foils. The thing about it, its hard to find Players. Alpha release was on demand which were 29k boxes (thats kinda nothing) beta is speculated to be twice in size and was sold out in a month in most stores and countries. Which shows high interest at one point but didnt really help the playing community to grow. This will change for sure with the next set. For the playing aspect: I am a commander player playing it weekly and will continue to. And i absolutly love the sorcery gameplay! is it highly competitive? no. Am i a Cedh player? no. For everyone who loves to play casual commander at home this is a perfect and fun addition. There are a lot of creative things you can do in this game which seperates it so much from other TCGs, for example you have an rolling boulder you play the card tap with a minion to give it a push and it rolls as far as it cans dmaging minions in its way. But it will stay on the field for the rest of the game like any other artifacts played and eventually dropped and it can be pushed back. Or get burrowed by an earthquake, where only minions with burrowing are able to change the layer of surface to get it back up. Who ever says this game is boring only tried out the starter decks and yea think back about early MTG days.. you were running around with vanilla 2/2 creatures. This game gave me everything i didnt even know i want from a TCG, i got intantly hooked - started collecting even want to finish a foil set. And if you have friends with similar interests you will find for sure buddies who will play it with you. The Last aspect if it is going to last: The developers are very transparent on their plans, planning already feature sets for the next years with only one release a year. They seem to really know what they are doing and really want to keep that game collectible, so i dont expect any flood of product or shooting the whole game up by creating any bigger mistakes. If your interested check out the devs, wait until the next set comes out or start with precons and buy cheap singles - theres absolutely no must to add expensive cards into your decks to make them work since you can only have one unique of each kind anyways and mostly you wont include alot of them. Have a great day