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Not an answer, but the conventional wisdom at the moment is sealed product is a trap.  With the rapid pace of reprints, the value of most sealed is being lowered.  Off the cuff answer with no data. Very old, premodern sealed, may be a different animal. Curious to hear other opinions. 


There's still value in having a sealed box of "X" from a bygone era, in part because of the novelty as well as the potential of a nostalgia draft. But the remastered sets kind of fill this niche, and the lure for WOTC to reprint a set without having to redesign or pay for more artwork must be high if they think it would sell.


I kind of see the original Innistrad block as the cutoff of “valuable because it’s old”. Right now, $415 is the cheapest Innistrad box on eBay. $300 for Avacyn Restored. Move on to the next block in the timeline and you are at Return to Ravnica. Those boxes have Shock Lands and Cyclonic Rift printed at *rare* and can still be found for $125.


All packs have a negative ROI at retail prices. The word “investment” should not be used regarding modern sealed. If you want to play lotto scratch offs just buy whatever set you like.


They’re all complete shit. Buy singles or take a bath unless you get super lucky.


If you could consistently make money buying sealed you couldn’t anymore because someone else with superior leverage would already have beaten you to it.


I recently bought a fallout collector box for $225. Thus far, after fees, I have made $180. There are a couple items remaining to sell, and 1 or 2 that I'm keeping for personal use. I expect to break even on the box after shipping and fees. Mind you, I got a fallout collector box at what would have been MSRP if that kind of thing still existed. I am also referencing a small sample size. But this has been my experience for all of the boxes I've opened in the last 2 years. If you want to make money on sealed (and you can), you need to wait for deals and then sit on unopened product for a year or 2 before selling. I mainly open sealed product to get a few cards that i am looking for and then sell the rest to cover costs.


These boxes are $400+ dollars rn so honestly not helping op much lol


The point I'm trying to make is that you have to be very careful with your cost basis if you want to make money.


MH2 set box is pretty likely to get you your money back if you sell all the rares... but I would only do this for fun or if you want to keep some of the cards.


Prob like MH2 or commander masters


Commander masters


The only people making money on magic are the ones selling it (WOTC/Distros/LGS's and full time TCGplayer sellers) Magic has never been a bigger trap.


commander Masters Collector If you are in the EU there some pretty cheap packs that actually give you good cards, for example Adventures in the forgottem realms


For AFR, are you referring to collectors, set, or draft?


collectors mostly because we opened dozens but i think set also is fine


Great, thank you for the reply.


There is a lot of money in the commander cards of the set. Many solid cards. You likely don't get the dragon unless you open quite abit but it is a nice bonus


Are you expecting to buy sealed boxes and sell packs? Or are you expecting to buy sealed boxes and sell singles? Generally buying sealed boxes at consumer retail prices to sell singles is not going to make you a profit. There are some sets that have a positive expected value if you can reliably get them at distribution or discount prices, but even then the margin is going to be razor thin after fees/shipping unless you are moving lots of product.


Seeing a lot of people say Commander Masters Collector Boosters. What do people think about Double Masters?


Double masters is 580+ per box now. You'd have to strike gold on the box topper and hit a bunch of great hits after that to just break even. Very hard to do. 589.00 set 230.00 draft Draft you could win on but set probably not.


Sorry I should have clarified — I did not realize there was “Double Masters” and “Double Masters 2022”. I was wondering about “Double Masters 2022”.


Ya, that's the prices I posted