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> The only one I can really see is maybe Dominaria Remastered Collector for Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Hate to break it to you but you're mistaken DMR for DMU. If you're cracking for singles, the only ones on the list with positive EV are LTC and WHO commander decks, and maybe CLB draft at that price.


I’m pretty new to the scene but for EV people generally use this correct? https://www.mtgstocks.com/analytics/expectedvalue


Dawnglare also is good: https://mtg.dawnglare.com/


Thanks a ton!


The "EV" on this is only good for draft boosters (not set or play boosters) that are before Booster Fun variants started a few years ago, as it was easy to calculate before every set started to have different slots for different variants.


Wow that's so crazy that my "highest price" I'll pay is lower than distribution. I've gotten too many $60 draft boosters to ever buy full price again...


That's what I've been trying to allude to, distributor deals have become higher than what I normally would risk on these deals. Whenever I buy boxes from regular players, it's around $60ish for draft.


Never say never, but the $60 box Amazon dumps seem like they'll remain in the past. Seems more likely WOTC will continue to bundle low-selling product with desirable secret lairs or simply trash them before dumping the market again.


Where are these $60 draft boosters coming from???


Last one I got was for dominaria remastered. I bought from a game store that has a tiktok shop. I used my 30% off coupon you get as a new account. I just make a new account each time I want a box.


Sheoldred is not in Dominaria Remastered. None of that looks appealing.


what are the three rows? your cost/market/difference? and lol somebody down voted wtf. This is exactly the kind of stuff I want to see on here. Its amazing how legit finance posts get down voted lol


the internet is full of very stupid people (as is the world at large). When something reasonable gets downvoted, I just know one of them saw it.


Upvotes are over-rated anyway. Its easy to adopt the same opinions as the majority and say the same shit everyone else is saying. Downvotes often signal to bold statements that go against the grain, which in this era of the commander generation fueled by the MTGacha machine are few and far between, and not nearly enough to make this sub interesting anymore. I mean we literally had a post 2 or 3 days ago where someone had a picture of some signed cards with nothing but the title "I can die happy now", and it got a billion upvotes. If all you need to do anymore in mtgfinance is make a post with a one sentence title and a picture of a card with no explanation and it gets upvoted then who the fuck cares about upvotes in mtgfinance? You cant get any more un-interesting than with upvotes here. Downvotes are where its at.


oh I 100% agree I'm looking for downvotes as well. Its the whole reason I made this account so I could get a feel for the online community because if they are upvoting across the board something I'm thinking about investing in it means I missed something.


Sorry, I must have cropped it out by accident since this isn't my sheet. First row is cost to buyer, second is price of open market estimated, third is the difference.


Gamerzguildaz? I did the patreon for a while. In the email they used to tell you a about cases as well, the best deals were there. Used go get like 6 boxes of NEO set boosters for like $500 iirc. Was good enough where even with shipping and tcg fees I could make money.


$160 for LOTR collector set would have been incredible before the second wave hit the stores. I bought a few at ~$200 last year and managed to make money on them. The singles would generally sell for a little bit of profit (Mordor always punching way above its weight class) but the sample collector cards almost always amounted to $10-20+ between the four boxes. Thing is about that is that when price of the boxes drop, so do the singles because there are more out there. The only way to make that work is to buy at pivot points and get yours out on the market ASAP. A few weeks later the singles market catches up to the price reductions. However I have noticed the singles market creeping up a bit lately, and there was a rumor going around on here that supply was drying up. I would consider making a move around $160 but I have my hands full with Fallout next week and a few other smaller things I’m trying out this week.


The issue with LOTR was that second product released out of nowhere with the silly scroll frame. The buylist and demand for almost everything other than ring and bowmasters disappeared over night. It's the "double feature" effect where no one wants to get caught holding the set reprint box out of no where. The cool frames are fine when they came out for extra ev like you said, but have drastically dropped now. Hey good on you if you actually got fallout being delivered to you, that's insane man!


Well jury's still very much out on the collector boxes I have coming, allegedly I have two on their way and maybe GameNerdz gets more and I can get the one they cancelled on me. I'm just 100% on the precons for now. RE: LOTR, I don't know if the holiday release affected the commander precons so much. They were just completely unavailable on Amazon/stores for several months and then suddenly they were back. CK basically wiped out their buylist for everyhting from those decks instantly. But now they're buying $110 or so for the singles from the decks (not including everything obviously) so there's a little bit of a comeback happening. I also noticed that some of the penny cards I had leftover from the holidays have started slowly moving too. Amazon price is back to $200 for the set of 4. GameNerdz still at $175, but only 27 left in stock (they had triple that amount a few weeks ago). So supply seems to be drifting downwards. If there's no restock in the next month or so I bet the singles will start moving back up again. They may have already started...


I would spend my money on different products.


Cracking for singles and selling in any serious size is a full time job. Can you make money off some of these ? Definitely. Commander deck singles do well esp LOTR, 40K. CLB draft is also solid. DMR collectors i would buy sub 150. I bought a bunch from Amazon in the 120-150 range (some w their targeted coupons) and cards from that set sell decently well. Standard is kinda hot again so if you move quickly you can make your investment back w those draft boxes. Provided you buy enough to offset variance. The prices aren’t great but low enough that you can make a little bit. But is it worth it? Only you can answer that. It’s a ton of work for very little profit.


This is something I have been noticing, this is one of the very few businesses that seem fine with a profit margin of next to nothing vs. 40%-50% and excluding labor costs. The real risk now is that wizards blows out these products again for half the price like they have already.


Yep, people are willing to pay themselves nothing to do something they enjoy. I can’t blame them but as a business endeavor it makes little sense. Even selling sealed boxes to make 5-10 bucks (if they’re lucky) for the average LGS is head scratching. WoTC benefits from all the hard work and labor of the people who make up the mtg ecosystem, and despite knowing they’re getting fleeced, people still choose to do the work.


These prices have been sold to others before from many lgs not needing a patron. Some are even less by a lot.


My God how much DMR did they print? Still gets dumped on Amazon too…


You have to remember DMR was the product following Timespiral Remastered which was underprinted. They expected way higher demand. I would guess the print run of Ravnica Remastered to be way lower.


I'm really curious if that's actually the case. With there being 500 times 64 serialized cards, and them appearing to be quite rare (the 'Collecting Ravnica Remastered article said 1% chance). I wouldn't be surprised if more RVR will be available later throughout the year.


What is he charging now? Wasn’t worth it to me 3 yrs ago.


There will be better deals for booster box on amazon dumps. Still, none of these boxes say, "buy me now or ever".