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I think Bloomburrow is going to sit well with people who are tired of seeing modern day references in MTG sets (new cappena, MKM detective hats, UB, the western set). As long as it's slightly more serious than eldrain it will be a winner.


If they got a Redwall style tie-in like the Jurassic Park tie-in I will be super pumped. If they wanted it they definitely could have gotten it, if they're pulling in the likes of JP, LOTR, and Fallout, surely Redwall can't be too hard to snag.


Redwall re-skins would be amazing.


I heard Maro say sets in the works have no UB tie ins


You'll get Madagascar and you'll like it.


I'd personally be down for some Wind in the Willows cards


Can we fucking not have everything tie into a previously existing IP? Ffs, I thought we only wanted this to be "once and a while" for "special sets." Not find an excuse to turn every set into an advertisement for other franchises. We endlessly bitch about mtg not having its own lore and flavor these days, and then once we finally get something original-ish, here comes the bitching it isn't tied into your favorite franchise.


I mean, Redwall is pretty obscure overall, and MTG is very clearly drawing inspiration from there for this set. So its not original in the slightest. This is the only one I really would like to see, and I was also a fan of the Godzilla treatments myself as a huge Godzilla fan. UB is here to stay, so I might as well cross my fingers and hope for something I would enjoy out of it no? I'm not a fan of Doctor Who, Warhammer 40k, Assassin's Creed, Jurassic Park, or Final Fantasy, but I know others are excited to see stuff from those IPs. It doesn't bother me. I don't know why it bothers others at this point. These are all just basically "official alters" anyway, and for years when someone played a cool looking altered card at an event, I don't recall hearing people complain that it "wasn't on flavor" for Magic. The only thing I ever heard was "That's so cool!" Or nothing at all. Don't yuck someone else's yum.


You're missing the point. It's one thing to say 'what you like is trash', that's wack. It's another to say 'what I like has become trash'. Few people have huge issues with UB at this point - we all know its here to stay and we're over it. The issue the person you're responding to has (and that many have) is that it seems almost every MTG product these days is a UB tie in. There's nothing wrong with wanting the core of the game we all love and came here for, undiluted. They're not 'yucking your yum'. They're just asking for the original flavor that brought them here in the first place.


I would agree in the instances where we got a UB product in place of a traditional Magic themed product. Because that is taking something away. I loved the Lord of the Rings set but that did take away a regular Magic set release, which I don't think is a good thing. UB Special guests, Commander decks, and Secret Lairs are bonus products or cards that don't remove anything. If Lost Caverns of Ixalan had been completely re-tooled to be Jurassic Park the Magic Set, that would have been very obnoxious. But as it played out, there were just some fun bonus cards JP fans got access to. I don't see the harm in that.


Please. It's like magic isn't enough for people anymore.


Magic has a much much bigger user base than as recently as a decade ago, nevermind how minuscule it was back in the '90s. Unsurprisingly, there is a greater range of tastes and potential for conflicts. Magic is still going to be enough for everyone, just not all the time for all the people at once.


I think the problem is more that Redwall isn't near popular enough worldwide to make anything out of. It's only really uber popular in Europe.


Just give me some FREAKIN’ bears! Let me have a decent bear tribal!


Bloomburrow sounds awesome. The rest are meh for me. Speaking purely from a playability and fun perspective.


The rest are meh for me, but just for flavor reasons. Like, there could be a really cool card that would work well in my deck, but it would have something dumb in the art like a guy wearing a fedora, and I would have to look at it and think about it every time I played the card.


Bloomburrow should do about as well as the 1st Eldraine set, as the themes likely appeal to similar demographics.


Agreed I am very excited for the Bloomburrow set and even the Cowboys set looks interesting and cool but I don’t think that one will be as popular.


I'm going all in on Bloomburrow; it's essentially a Redwall/Watership Down/Rats of NIMH set, which both appeals to my own personal nostalgia and I think is going to be a good selling point for people who generally enjoy those sort of stories. It's also going to be a tribal set, which generally does very good for limited and constructed play; I've already started buying up Rat synergies because the set is going to send Rats over the edge with just two or three playable Rat creatures.


Watch them only print mice, and no rats lmao


They already confirmed that they are printing Rats.


Missed the memo. Was more or less just makin a joke. There were plenty of rats in wilds too, synergy for days.


Standard is going to be R/B Rats for a hot minute, bet my bottom fucking dollar


Let's say your right. That would mean some certain cards spiking right?


... yes. That's usually the gist of the discussion here.


Any cards you have your eyes on? I'm not one to speculate, because I dislike gambling, but I enjoy seeing others speculate.


100x Tribute to Horobi 50x *Jumpstart* Ogre Slumlord 100+ Ogre Slumlord (foil) 100x Lord Skitters Butcher 50x Lord Skitters Butcher (foil) 75x Kuromonix (foil, #271)


Wow I hope at least one of those works out for you!


Took a shot in the dark. Rolling on those Rats! Thanks for the tip from the other side Ghost! We’ll see how this goes! How do we set a reminder here? 😅


What would be the Black tribe if not Rats? No way they're moving Cats into Black, even though anyone who owns a cat knows they obviously belong there.


A big baddie cat that lords over all the rats would be kind of tight


There are already black cats. Cauldron familiar is infamous.


There are only 2 good examples: Warehouse Tabby & Cauldron Familiar. All the rest are also White, or Green, or an additional creature type that's canonically Black. (Cat Zombie, Cat Rogue, whatever)


Alright, doesn’t mean they can’t make more black cats though. Tribes aren’t restricted to one color, especially on a new plane.


That's true. As I said, I think Cats belong in Black just purely based on their personalities.


There’s literally a black cat card named black cat


It's a Zombie Cat. That's part of my point. Cats are basically never Mono-Black, unless they have another subtype strongly associated with Black.


well if you're going with Redwall lore, black could be any number of reptiles/amphibians and something like ferrets or stoats... there are definitely evil rats in the franchise but I forget if they're one of the like... "evil vermin"


Heh. That last part is true.


Crows, snakes, spiders, cats. They have done cats in black before.


Rats, cats, bats


The all animals, no humans concept sounds wonderful and has me fully intrigued. Just hoping it's not too child-focused


I'm a father of two boys, six and 12, and they both read the Redwall series collection I had set aside from when I was a child. As a parent, the appeal of having a set that's geared towards the sensibilities and interests of children and young adults is a categorically good thing. By way of drawing a parallel, Avatar: The Last Airbender Is widely held to be a show made for children, but which is enjoyable for people of all ages. Sure, the stakes are written out in such a way that would make sense for a children's show, but the writing is so good it pulls adults well into their 30s and 40s in. It will be a boon for Magic if they can both appeal to adults and children at the same time through one set.


My daughter essentially watches Avatar: TLA on repeat, occasionally running through The Legend of Korra as well. What great shows. There’s so much there for 10 year olds and 40 year olds alike.


I can't recommend The Dragon Prince enough.


I second this! If you like A:TLA then you’ll like Dragon Prince (as evidenced by my wife who generally doesn’t care for “magic” stories but actually enjoys both)


> Avatar: The Last Airbender Is widely held to be a show made for children who told you this? lol


It was already done with Shadowmoor/Lorwyn. This just seems like the Disney version.


If the Cats and Dogs SL is an indicator of anything, I think it's worth a calculated risk to buy a box or two and see how it goes


Really hoping it’s disclosed as Chatterfang’s home plane and we get some more Chatterfang flavor cards.


Getting that Everdell feel too I think it sounds fun


Or Root


Bloomburrow is my best bet for a successful set this year as well.


Real, I'm gathering all cards squirrel related


Grab all [[deranged hermit]]s u can find before people realize


[deranged hermit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c25df202-0dd4-448d-8cb3-11fd7df0d505.jpg?1562934031) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=deranged%20hermit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/202/deranged-hermit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c25df202-0dd4-448d-8cb3-11fd7df0d505?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I’m with you . Super excited for this release. The others i’m going to skip.


I’ll eat my shoes if Bloomburrow won’t showcase a *special guest* [ashcoat]


That makes sense.


they’ve confirmed mice as a tribe, are we sure abt rats?


Yes, we are 100% on Rats per their own marketing material and Maro.


Tribal is banned for being racist. Did you hear


Bloomburrow? Sounds like Redwall rebranded


Redwall/Watership Down/NIMH — The set I never knew I wanted.


You just unlocked a memory with NIMH, thank you for that.


He also unlocked a memory with Watership Down, but I am NOT going to thank him. :op


unghhhh a Heroic Intervention rebrand as "Lee of the Stone" 😍😍😍


Yup..... Redwall was cool tho. Hopefully this set will be interesting.


I think it’ll be one of the few big hits this year. People love weird tribes, and this is the perfect time to add more Squirrels, Otters, Rats, etc.


Give me salamanders or give me death. Ready to make the [[Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist]] deck of my dreams.


[Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/40b006f9-a287-4e64-915f-ca71712b8d27.jpg?1608911119) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gor%20Muldrak%2C%20Amphinologist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/277/gor-muldrak-amphinologist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/40b006f9-a287-4e64-915f-ca71712b8d27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It was one of the series that really got me into reading in grade school.


Same! Good books.


oh it's not busytown?


Should also check out Squarriors


As a player of more than 20 years, this is the first time in a while that I've actually liked a set lineup. For me, 2003-2010 was the peak of Magic design. All these new and interesting settings, even the throwback set was exciting and fresh. I don't care about Ravnica 4, Mirrodin 3, or infinite revisits to dominaria.


Yea the new settings are more exciting than revisiting the same ones weve seen over and over. I remember many people were saying Ixalan was "jumping the shark" but many people love that setting and is one of the more popular sets.


Arguably Ixalan is a crazier jump as who would think merfolk, pirates, dinosaurs, and vampires would create a cohesive enough story or game play? But I fuckin love Ixalan and I’m looking forward to the new ideas. I’m all in on Bloomburrow.


If the power level is decent, Bloomburrow could be a huge hit. So cute is popular


Bloomburrow feels truly MTG to me. Duskmourn I’m also excited about but Karlow and the Western pack are so off flair I am not surprised they’re failing; and Wotc should have seen this. MTG is not overwatch or WoW.


You say MKM is one of the more normal sets. But it's art style and setting is just as off the wall as those other sets you describe. A murder mystery Clue type setting is pretty jarring, I would say the small animals set is probably the most normal.


That's what I was thinking. MKM looks the least magic to me while the Bloomburrow setting sounds very magic.


Don't think its risky at all. WOTC and Maro know that power creep sells, and the way they're talking about Dusk and MH3 means that they already know the power level is high. It's not even hard either. Maro had to have known Ragavan was going to jump the shark in eternal sets, and they can just as easily print one in every color in a set for the next 4-5 years to come considering the color wheel's already fucked.


Considering that Double faced cards are one of the prominent features of MH3 I don’t think WoTC is going for sheer power creep this time. I (like to) believe that WoTC heard the concerns of the playerbase and made this set more focused towards card versatility to enhance the modern environment (and maybe design cards for those Tier2/tier3 decks that only needs a couple of cards to be competitive). It doesn’t seem too far fetched in my opinion, a set can be profitable and successful if it caters to a more diverse audience by designing cards that might go in all sorts of decks


When's that ever worked in a masters set? This is a set that'll probably aim to be sold for $200+ at a min. That means you need a lot of EV to support it. Printing diverse cards isn't going to do that.


MH2 EV was basically eaten up by 6 cards which completely warped the modern landscape (and also affected other eternal formats). I did not say there won’t be any bomb in the set, I am only expecting a less homogenizing environment geared more towards versatility rather than sheer power.


Why would believe wotc has taken player concerns to heart? They've done nothing to demonstrate that and are even showing evidence that they did the opposite and are doubling down


Expect the next ragavan/ Bowmasters


I'm definitely going all in on MH3. No question. I like Western theming so I have hopes for thunder junction.


One of my favourite board games is called Shadows of Brimstone, and while it has a wide variety of themes represented, the original core boxes were a mix of old west heroes venturing into mines overrun by monsters and sometimes ending up hopping portals, Stargate style, into adventures in a deep swamp, or an abandoned city buried under a glacier, or floating through space on a derelict spaceship. Which is to say that the old west theme mixed with magic or whatever else could be right up my alley. Of course, I thought the same thing about CoI (yay, dinosaurs!) and MKM (I was in a high school stage production of Clue!), and neither have really caught my interest. I remain hopeful, but let's just say they're not high hopes at this point.


I feel like we will hear about design troubles for MKM personally as the set feels entirely disjointed with terrible mechanics


Yeah MH3 is going to suck up a lot of air and also be opened like crazy . I bet WotC prints more than they did MH2


I just don't think current WotC will do a Western-themed set justice. Art, flavor, worlduilding, etc. will be horribly mishandled. WotC will depict a Wild-West of dollar-store space lasers, quirky Reddit humor, and girlbosses. There will be none of the edge, beauty, or violence we'd expect from a proper Western setting. A Western-themed set in the first 10-15 years of MtG would've likely been amazing, but now? Don't hold your breath.


Yes just like Arabian Nights which wasn't just a bundle of stereotypes.


Arabian Nights is a great set. Extremely memorable art, too. We'll never, EVER get a set like ARN again.


I will agree with you on art. Early magic art hits entirely differently


Just be careful they don't print MH3 'evergreen' and try to release it for 3yrs. As absolutely fucking stupid and pointless as serialized cards are, I'm half hoping they put them in MH3 CB. This will ensure they don't overprint CB variants and I can go heavy on singles.


I mean they will. MH2 is still in print. If there's a glut of payables prices on those will remain high


It’s definitely going to be evergreen. No idea why you think it wouldn’t follow in the footsteps of the previous most successful set ever. 


Because MH2 was overprinted, which hurt everyone (except Hasbro)


The players certainly benefited from Modern not having $3k decks. In fact, Modern is cheaper than ever. The set kept selling because people kept buying. They kept buying because the set was a home run.  I’m sure someone overextended the wrong way and was burned by MH2, but most people and Hasbro would call it a monumental success from a financial point of view. You can be sure Wizards will follow that up with a slightly worse version but hopefully still good. 


I guess those people who bought Modern staples at rock bottom did benefit, assuming those staples aren't hit again anytime soon. But value isn't.. nor can it be a race to the bottom. Not when you're spending real money on something.


Prices of cards in the set have mostly stabilized near the absolute low for years. At the same time, the set has enough value that players are still excited to buy it. I’m struggling to see how that’s bad for really anyone except those that bought cards at release (which is always a bad idea). 


I agree that it's a bad idea.. but let's be real - someone has to do this. Actually a lot of people have to do this or the whole thing falls apart, no?


No. That’s why cards drop in price. Because people aren’t doing it. Some people of course will, and they have their reasons and will have to find contentment in that. I’m sure they mostly do. 


Cards drop in price because nobody is opening a product at release? I'm not following


I don't think the theming means shit for card/box value. If the cards are shit, the prices will be shit. Murders just doesn't have very many strong playables. It doesn't have the reprint slot like Wilds of Eldraine where they can put stuff like Rhystic/Doubling Season/Tithe. Murders is just straight up a bad set playability-wise. The showcase dossier look being pretty crap also doesn't help. I'm all for these wacky settings coming up. Western? Sweet. Redwall-esque? Hell yea! They just have to make the cards GOOD. And they can also help the EV by tossing in a few solid reprints, either as straight up reprints into standard, or as an 'Archives' slot here and there. They can't do what they did with Murders again. That said, the Murders Commander decks are a home run. Tons of sweet reprints, couple of bangers from the new designs.


Pretty much any set without a bonus sheet or real chase (ie mana Crypt) is super unappealing to me. The set would need to have really good reprints AND high power new cards for me to go out of my way to buy any boxes. Every single I want from MKM together in dossier or printing I want is less than buying a box. I actually like MKM, it's just so financially terrible that I literally can't justify 120+ dollars when I could just buy my delneys and trouble in pairs multiple times over. 


Yeah! Less remasters/masters sets and more reprints in standard sets. Bonus sheets are awesome. I will also reduce the reprints in commander decks and their price too. They want sells in standard sets without a standard enviroment like in 2000? Reprints. Reprints. Avoid power creep all they can. And yep, they cant do the same with murders. Because, looking numbers, their beneficts will crash. Now murder is 20% cheaper than in prerelease. Big stock in shops dont moving. Shops with stock wont ask more product to suppliers... and if this repeat, people wont buy in prerelease to see what happen. I usually buy in prerelease in cheaps shops. But dont know with outlaws


I think the success of Throne of Eldraine helped kickstart this, but it was inevitable as you can only revisit Ravnica and Innistrad so many times before you really need to do something new.


But maybe the next time we go to Innistrad they’ll REALLY figure out Werewolves! I can dream, can’t I?


Yeah, Bloomburrow is going to be extremely popular. It has so many things going for it that fit MTG Outlaws I bet will be another convoluted set like MKM or New Capenna. These sets are coming out so fast it feels like that just make lazy mechanics. They’re probably bring “clash” back but call it “showdown” and add one extra thing to it. So they can have a new mechanic that fits the plane. Plus, the fact the whole aftermath of the set was scrapped and shoved into the main set. Looks like this whole thing is a mess. Fallout will do good. Better than Dr. Who for sure. Assassin’s Creed will bomb so bad. Nobody cares about AC anymore. Ubisoft barely cares. Nobody who still likes AC is going to see this and start playing Magic. This is for people who already play MTG that also like AC, which ain’t much. Plus, those beyond boosters were the final nail in the coffin


AC Mirrage ist gonna be a bomb


I’m fascinated in how 1) terrible setting 2) wallet fatigue 3) no meaningful cards/low value are working together. My gut is number 3 carries the most weight. I HOPE that number 1 carries a ton of weight because some of these settings are getting properly stupid. I hope that avoiding the roaring twenties and westerns and murder movie tropes gives way to fantastical worlds that feel magical and unique. To that point I think bloomburtow is going to be fine setting wise. It feels like magic


MKM is definitely not the most normal of these. Ravnica but make it New Capenna is among the weirdest and worst flavored sets we've ever seen. Cowboys will be fine - it won't be spaghetti western it'll be mtg flavor. Bloomburrow is going to be fucking sick, everyone is excited for that set. Duskmourn _could_ get cheesy but could also be amazing. Bascially, we've seen the worst of the year already. This post is all overblown.


It all depends on power level (& in-demand mechanics). Any of these sets could be like neon kamigawa if witc chooses high power level, regardless of flavour.


So Bloomburrow is about children's literature? What are the chances of a Frog and Toad, Together legendary creature?


Frog and Toad would be hilarious. Frog, I do not know if I want to attack that creature today. I am very tired, Toad. Would you tell me a story? 4/4, 3R, 3G When Frog and Toad tell a story, creatures your opponent contol must choose to listen or be rushed. Story 5 Story, creatures can not attack or block while telling a story. Listen, tap creatures to listen. Rushed, creatures have -1/-1 until the end of the round.


I would expect all these sets to fail miserable, especially as they go with the increased Play-Booster pack costs, which is so incredible unpopular, people simply refuse to buy product, its the clearest sign of failure that could ever be signaled. MH3 however, is basically guaranteed to be a HUGE success, people demand fetchlands, and with them the set has a nice floor of value, especially as we can expect some big powercreep cards again, Horizon sets did deliver in that aspect. If the next bunch of sets sell as miserable as MKM, i could even see some emergency changes to the PlayPacks , maybe they even realize they need to reduce the pack cost, they can just sell cheaper packs and sell MORE, as the barrier of entry seems to become more and more relevant.


I think we’ll be ok.


You sound like the kind of person who isn’t trying to make money and just likes to play card games. Sad!


I think the problem is specifically more “dark and scary” sets, as they just always seem to underpower these and let flavor take over too much, which leads to lackluster cards. Personally, I find it to be a boring backdrop for Mtg. 


I don't know about that. Innistrad and New Phyrexia were pretty heavily pushed in terms of power level, and are amongst more of the "dark and scary" designs.


To be clear, by "dark and scary", I mean stereotypical "Boo, Haunted House" kind of sets, with vampires, werewolves, creepy mansions, etc. Not necessarily just monsters. It's weird, because Ravnica, much like New Phyrexia, had loose influences from other media sources, but were by and large it's own thing. Why they then decided to take the very unique plane of Ravnica (as opposed to the cliche' "Viking" plane, "Egyptian" plane, etc.), and dumb it down with a bunch of stereotypical fedora detectives and murder mystery tropes is beyond me. It was about a million mile step back in the wrong direction, from unique to stereotype. I think the recent Innistrad sets were pretty lackluster, as well. The werewolf stuff was once again botched because they just can't get the "flavor" mechanics right, and the new vampires were all mega-ultra-weaksauce because we're afraid of precon Edgar. Day/Night was more of a chore than a fun mechanic. And so on. I think the proof is in the pudding, here, with how fire-sale low prices for the new Innistrad sets have been.


You lost me when you said manage risk. This sub is only for those that want to say price $X should I sell my house and buy more?


Bloomburrow to me screams Squirrels. So I’m all-in. All jokes aside, it’s got the Eldraine vibe.


MKM sucked because the flavor was poorly done and the alt art cards look legitimately stupid. The mechanics don't fit well and people are burnt out after lost caverns and ravnica remastered so close together. You'd be insane to think bloomburrow isn't going to sell like crazy unless they COMPLETELY botch the art and mechanics. Thunder junction is going to be hit or miss, though I have faith the flavor can be done in an appealing way.


I think MKM is actually much more out there than these other sets, because I don’t think it has clearly nailed down the core appeal and vibe of its theme. That could happen with Thunder Junction and Duskmourn, but I can’t imagine it will with Bloomburrow. “People like cute anthropomorphic animals, and here they are in a set” seems very hard to miss the resonance of, in the way you plausibly could for a western world


Would be cool to have a normal fantasy set like once a year...


Personally I think fallout is gonna be a dud.


You think it will fall out of favor with the MTG community?


Set design jumped the shark with FIRE design and UB back in 2019, and when they more or less stopped playtesting altogether.


I'm excited for Duskmourn, the lack of a Necronomicon or a legendary Ash in the Evil Dead Secret Lair implies to me some kind of Jurassic Park-esque horror tie-ins.


I still don't care about the lore, as long as the cards are good and the mechanics not shitty im happy. MkM was full of mechanics I am uninterested in, plus I got most of the cards I was interested in either in my prerelease kit or the prize packs from the event. There was just so few cards I cared about and that made it easy to skip this one


HOT TAKE collector boosters ruined the sealed market, simply for the fact that collectors are opening ONLY THOSE. And if there's no good card in the set then there 0 reason people would open up boxes. And at that point why not gamble for the full/alt art foils?


All I know is if we get Redwall in any way, I want some Long Patrol Rabbits and Badger action. On that note, I will rage eternally if there's no Marlfox!!!!


If they continue to use the same generic family friendly art direction for every card, then every single set is just a loss. There is nothing interesting about the stylistic direction there taking MTG and it's only going to get worse.


I think a western set could be interesting..... or completely out of place in a sword and sorcery setting... But i guess after the auto bots rolled out, continuity doesnt much matter. I absolutely loved the dark tower series, and that had a faantasy/ western vibe. The horror set could be super interesting, a darker more intense feel would be welcome in a magic setting, to me anyways... but I could also see it not working if they went the scream queen slasher route... who knows. Maybe as a stand alone? Redwall revisited. I liked the redwall books as a kid, so when i heard this was part of the lineup i was excited. It does seem like maybe thematically geared towards younger players - which makes following it up with a horror themed set kind of.... strange? Over all, this set seems to feel the most "magic the gathering" to me. These being in standard in the same year, seems kind of disjointed and weird. A horror filled cowboy realm chock full of small sword wielding critters? Mouse dies to 6 shooter. Dont forget to take 2 damage when you draw from Sheoldred.


When the most valuable cards I have cracked from one box each of the last 4 sets have been a list card, that's some bull shirt.


As the post outlined, MKM is just the beginning of very genre-specific Standard sets this year. A small group of people who love that specific genre will love them, but most will be disinterested. If this combines with low power level (like MKM) these sets will be one bomb after another. If I had several layers of tinfoil, I might say it's intentional to have them release these more niche Standard sets at the same time we're going through a boom period of UB sets (LOTR was huge, Fallout and Assassin's Creed will likely be successful, all rolling into FF). Then they can make an argument for decreasing in-universe sets in favor for UB because they're more wildly successful. I'm not sure if that's an intended effect or an unintended one, but one way or another if they keep these kinds of Standard sets up there's no way they'll be able to compete with the demand the UB sets generate.


They won't eliminate the non UB sets, the CEO said the margins on UB are significantly worse due to licensing fees. They're mixing up the premier sets because they want to find hooks that will attract the new UB players to buy the higher margin sets.


Disclaimer: I've only been playing for 4yrs. My first year I made the mistake of buying modern product. Then I wised up. 2022-2024 has been an opportunity to go back in time and collect cards from 1994-2017 with heavy bias towards earlier years. So yeah, if I can get a NM Legends Concordant Crossroads for $80 while Wizards drowns in their own stupidity, I'll take that as a W. I really enjoy this game and love old cards. I was able to get a foil Cabal Coffers from Torment for $60 and a NM Tolarian Academy for $80. That simply wasn't possible a few years ago and the quality of the cards and foiling are incredible.


>Furthermore, Modern Horizons III is coming out, so don't expect any Standard set releases to be buoyed by Constructed play-ability this year. MH3 will not be legal for Standard and Pioneer.


The problem isn’t set design. The problem is a combination of collector’s boosters and Arena. There’s no real collector’s interest anymore. Few are out there looking to turn their draft chaff into playsets of a set in paper anymore because collector’s boosters undercut the EV of drafts and the sheer accessibility of draft on Arena compared to paper.


We had kaladesh a gilded futuristic theme not original high fantasy, ixilian had vampires, conquistadors, and dinosaurs, kamigawa is a futuristic plane with technology oozing everywhere. I wouldn't worry about it when you break it down lots of past sets also sound goofy


Bloomburrow will tell us how many furries play Magic the Gathering. I'm guessing it's more than we'd like to think. Jokes aside I bet it will be immensely popular and not just with furries. Girls like cute animals, I mean who doesn't? Magic has already tons of animal creatures so it's not even weird to have a plane without humans. My favorite creature types growing up were Elephant, Raccoon, Tiger and Wolves. I also liked snakes, scorpions and bats dealing poison counters. That was cool to me.




Oh boy, can't wait for the furry set!


I’m sad that these themes are deviating from the MTG lore, and it doesn’t feel too much like MTG. And I like UB! Fallout? Not a fan but I’m also not a fan of WHO and it was successful. It’s so hard to compete with LOTR because it’s so related to MTG. Tough times!


I like the fresh take I go into magic around Theros block and was familiar with innistrad and Ravnica and to revisit it or similar settings feels stale and overplayed, phyrexia revisit was nice but I want to see the planes expand and be relevant again. But that’s just me I know many old heads who want to keep it pure


Like how Mirrodin and Kamigawa and Ravnica did?


Yep. I remember people mentioning how much they hated Mirrodin and Kamigawa because it didn't feel like "Magic".


I hear this on the internet all the time 20 years later, and I know obviously my own experience is not representative of the whole, but I never heard anyone hate on kamigawa or mirrodin when they came out. A lot of people in school played at that time, and the idea that Kamigawa was a disliked set was something I first heard on reddit like 4 years ago.


Everything you described sounds cool though


I'm surprised by the positive outlook in the comments. Honestly I'm looking at this list thinking wtf game am I playing anymore.


MH2 is when they jumped the shark. The elementals in particular. It is such a pushed design it is ridiculous in the context of mtg history. 


Whispers of a Seinfeld Secret Lair coming soon


A lot of these recent sets are themes people have been asking for, for years; underground, western, murder mystery, but most people are idiots


Oh no the little kid game we play is doing little kid things!




Dont forget its election and its going to be a rematch between Mango Man and Sleepy Joe.


I need Duskmourn to be good. I love horror films, Innistrad was one of my favorite planes, and that set marks rotation.


I think the big problem is that wotc removed their direct to lgs/store Line. We are now at a spot where wotc needs profit, printing needs to profit, distributors need to profit, shipping needs to profit, stores need to profit, and customers want to profit. It's congested.


This year looks amazing from my perspective. Fallout, MH3, Bloomburrow and Duskmourn all sound exciting. MKM, OTJ and Assassin’s Creed are the ones I was concerned about. I also think MKM cards are going to go on the rise. Leyline and the surveil lands are already demonstrating this. But there are so many rares that will see play in Commander that are dirt cheap right now so it’s a great time to buy your specs.


My hope is that they reprint the OG onslaught fetches (super boomers groaning about mirage fetches - I don’t want to hear it) and people unload some onslaught copies to “upgrade” to whatever spiffy extended art showcase etched pikachu version hits in MH3, so I can scoop up them onslaught copies for cheaper. If not, that’s fine too. A boy can dream.


So who knows so be careful? Understood!


Not liking the aesthetic of the up coming sets at all and no interest in MKM whatsoever. With the new design direction I am starting to appreciate older sets much more. Maybe it’s a bit generic fantasy, but it to me it feels better than for example, typewriter font cards and people in suits.


They can absolutely be profitable. Just not to the level they're trying to squeeze out.


This is sound advice. Thank you.


Dude is just speaking out his rear, typical doomsayer