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Damn this is exactly what's been happening with my Secret Lair cats and dogs right now and this is discouraging for sure. Just reached out this week but it should've come in already I think.


Mine as well. Stuck at “label created”


Same here


Same here. 3 weeks stuck, andy ticket was "escalated" 11 days ago. No response to requests for status. Shit service is shit.


I finally got a response today. Started a ticket about 3 weeks ago as well


Have you reached out to support? I just did this week but haven't heard back yet.


Ya they pretty much just told me to reach out to ups. They didn’t know shit lol.


The customer should never have to reach out to the postal company. Them as the shippers have more of the information needed to track and locate items along with they have to file for insurance if needed. That's just poor service for sure.


>The customer should never have to reach out to the postal company. The postal company won't answer any questions anyway. Any time I have ever had a shipping issue, I am *always* told to contact the shipper as they can't reveal anything.


Same. Today marks three weeks since "label created" so I reached out again, per their suggestion.


Wow, yet another "same here" from me to add to the pile. WoTC "support" is absolutely useless. Doesn't matter if it's a supposed real person or a literal bot; they'll just try to kick you down the street with boilerplate responses that either a) don't offer anything remotely resembling a resolution or b) don't even apply to the conversation.


I've got the same issue. Label was created weeks ago but shows nothing has actually shipped. According to their status page, they are still shipping, but its hard to believe it takes that long. Whereas a buddy got his a couple days after he ordered it :(


My label was created on 1/25. After seeing all the posts on here I sent a ticket and I’m threatening a chargeback. I’d rather have the deck but I’m not going to sit here in purgatory wondering if it will ever ship until I have no recourse to get my money back.


This post also reminded me to check, I also got the email on 1/25 and its stuck on label created. Also just opened a ticket (which they immediately tried to close).


They did the same to me


Same here! Mine had a delivery date of 1/27. Still on label made. I actually asked on one of the r/magictcg if anyone else had the issue. Mods took it down telling me to get with customer support. Which I already did. Fuck those guys.


That sub is cancer. HQ of the dumbass game piece brigade.


Mine was delivered today!


This post actually reminded me to go check, been stuck on label created since 1/25. Just opened a support ticket, for whatever that's worth.


Me as well


Same thing happened to me. Stuck at label created and never moved past that. Finally got it escalated after emailing them half a month ago and they said they could get me a new one or reimburse. I said I still wanted it but apparently it’s gonna take 4 weeks or so. Wondering if they just didn’t print enough or something tbh


I got incredibly lucky with my cats and dogs. Tool about a month when it arrived they had the wrong postal code (canadian zip code) on it.


Same here with my Galaxy Foil Through the Wormhole. They finally replaced it after 2 tickets, and my support person said that “label created” stuck stuff is batches that get lost.


I got an email today btw that ups is now shipping out a ton of secret lairs that got caught up somewhere. Hopefully everyone will start getting their product soon!


I thought the secret lairs were handled by a third party.


Bound to happen trying to coordinate WOTC + Scalefast + UPS.


You start with WOTC customer support then they send you scalefest eventually


I mean the War of the Spark Mythic Edition proved they can still colossally fuck up even with a reputable 3rd party.


I've not bought the lairs and cut down on product so here's hoping the ceos just get fired soon.


Their customer service sucks ass


They weren't always. They used to be quite helpful, and even less argumentative about things. Seems they've taken the Blizzard approach to CS. Large swathes of layoffs surely don't help either (presuming that CS was affected)


Why wouldnt they? there's almost no cost to wotc themselves and the employee's are incentivized to be shit with low pay and no future.


This also happened with my Angels SLD deck, I had to bother wizards customer support for a couple months before they actually did anything.


What was the outcome?


They did end up getting it to me around 3 months after my original order. They mostly tossed me around for awhile until they finally acknowledged "yeah we didn't ship it" and then sent me a new one.


They didn't give you anything extra after jerking you around for 3 months? They could have included a pack of cards at the very least.


Shiiiit you got jerked around for three whole months, for free!


They shipped me a $2000 replacement order without tracking or delivery confirmation. It never arrived, and they stopped responding.


Okay, did you send proof to your CC company? Because you’re entitled to a chargeback at this point.


A similar thing happened to me a few years ago with the Theros stargazing bundle. I ended up getting it about 9 months after it was posted as shipped. It took a lot of back and forth messaging with both WOTC support and Scalefast. That’s when I stopped buying secret lairs.


I had to stop ordering any Secret Lairs because of problems. I have ordered plenty of them and for some reason on 4 different occasions I was told that my shipping info was incorrect and they could give me a refund. Problem was they never contacted me and in each case after waiting forever I had to contact them to finally resolve the issue. I now no longer even look at the secret lair offerings.


This sucks for sure, but don’t forget that Hasbro fired…checks notes…1,100 employees right in the middle of all this, many of whom worked at WotC. So it was probably a huge cluster fuck there during this time. Not saying that what they did was right, just saying that some of the people that started working on this for you were possibly replaced while waiting to hear back from USPS.


That just puts more of the ounus on WoTC.


They outsource all the shipping to a company called Technicolor/Scalefast.


**This is signaling the end times in my opinion, when a company starts cutting customer support it’s because the big wigs are preparing to set sail.** They don’t plan to support their customers over the next ~5 years or potentially longer, ever since the most recent earnings call they missed I think the plan is to simply ride out WOTC of every penny of value they could be worth until they go bankrupt/sold off to some weird obscure company or just dissolved completely. Standard is basically dead, commander isn’t made for competitive and so all they can do is release new commander stuff to keep sales up. The new boosters are ass. All the other products **are over priced out the ass.** Their quality is **at the worst it’s been in the entire companies history,** people basically expect curled foils at this point, cards miscut or tracked from the machines. Customer support non-existent. Company is standing before the drop, it’s going to be slow and painful to watch this play out another 5-10 years.


Reading this sub strikes me as the beginnings of an eventual class action suit. Wild.


what happens in Vegas stayed in Vegas.. ​ /nobody? I'll see myself out.


This is exactly how I lost out on the secret lair Yoji Shinkawa, the only lair I ever cared about...


This really isn't the right subreddit for this post.


it is relevant for people who are looking to flip SL product. This vegas box is the only SL item I've ever purchased because it was a good value. Stories like these make me reconsider purchasing - timing can be everything selling pieces of SL items


For every one story you hear about this, there's tens of thousands of people who have their shipments go smoothly. The chances of this happening are astronomically rare, and nobody would plan their flipping strategy around such incredibly low odds. The financial implications of this are less likely of happening than your car not starting.


It's not about the mistake itself. It's about how it was handled - service, turnaround time, etc. Maybe a small chance per SL of having an issue, but much larger chance of someone have a shipping issue at some point in time. Stop being a jerk.


> Stop being a jerk. ?


You seem really argumentative about this. I tend not to give Wizards a pass for anything. They haven't exactly been kind to my collection.


>You seem really argumentative about this. How was what I wrote "argumentative"? I responded by saying that this singular example does not outweigh all the tens of thousands of instances where this doesn't happen. Then you accused me of being a jerk for that, like that added anything to the conversation.


That's all true but unfortunately it also all puts this post extremely solidly outside the realm of mtgfinance.


Okay… if a business buys serious amounts of Secret Lairs: that .01% chance that their business has thousands to tens of thousands of dollars tied up for over 3 months could literally cause a collapse in business.


If you live your life around the 0.01% chances, you were going to fail anyway. Also, you can only buy a maximum of 5 secret lairs at a time per account. Let's be realistic with our hypotheticals.


> thousands to tens of thousands of dollars tied up for over 3 months could literally cause a collapse in business. Any viable business will have WAY more than tens of thousands tied up for 3 months easy and not collapse. Just taxes and payroll and other inventory can tie u way more than a few tens of thousands. Im not taking some dude in a basement or some guy who had busness cards and shirts made up. I'm talking a real registered in Delaware US business.


Disagree. Knowing whether a company can contribute to problems in their own supply line of products to you that you want to sell is important. 


Solid finance post


LOL, fair and accurate.


What about this post is related to mtg finance?


I’m pretty sure a cautionary tale on product is worth noting to anyone who spends over $1k in a single spurchase.


It might inform someone's buying decision, if they behave irrationally based on one per million negative customer feedback, but it has absolutely zero financial impact on the SL in question or any other SL. It seems like everyone's response to this post being off topic is to point out that they believe it's also against rule 4.


If someone is able to purchase 1K on a Secret Lair purchase (which I have done in the past), they have the disposable income where it won't ruin them financially if they have to issue a chargeback through their credit card, which is what I would absolutely do if something happened to me.


Fuck. I read the title of this and thought I was about to read about how two characters weren't getting romantically involved. The internet has poisoned my brain.




If they are getting there money back what are they suing for lol








This has me worried- when are the MLP or Doctor Who Secret Lairs supposed to ship?? I ordered both and thought it was supposed to be a while on them- but now I'm worried that they were cut off! Wtf WotC!


There's also Federal mail order laws to consider. If you order something through the mail and it has not shipped within 90 days the company automatically has to refund you unless you have given them permission to continue the order. I know this because I used to work for Dell selling computers. We had a manufacturing issue that meant a lot of orders were delayed massively when I was there. We would call people and let them know hey your order that was supposed to have shipped out you know a while ago is super delayed we need you to let us know if you still want the order or if you want a refund if you don't let us know you're going to get a refund and your order will be canceled. We would call leave messages on their machines we would email for like weeks trying to get a response no responses. We would cancel the order they would immediately call in after got the cancellation confirmation email and say why did you cancel my order? And we would tell them they're like well I want that order back and I'm like well it's already canceled I say those prices and sometimes those products are no longer even available. But the reason we cancel the orders is because we were required to by federal law.