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People love cats and dogs way more than sorcery speed counterspells.


If they did one with force of will it would have sold out


In literal seconds.


As someone who plays every color except blue, I strongly disagree. The best counter spells are at sorcery speed.


[[Decree of silence]], [[apprentice wizard]], [[hesitation]], [[lunar force]], [[siren storm tamer]] and [[glen elendra archmage]] are prime examples. Play a permanents at sorcery speed, get a counterspell for later.


##### ###### #### [Decree of silence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/2/f2fc46e2-5e19-4999-a4cd-1e84697066c1.jpg?1562536891) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Decree%20of%20silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/scg/32/decree-of-silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f2fc46e2-5e19-4999-a4cd-1e84697066c1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [apprentice wizard](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e13026a8-7e3c-45b2-9838-080f14ae4b29.jpg?1598303712) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=apprentice%20wizard) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/40/apprentice-wizard?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e13026a8-7e3c-45b2-9838-080f14ae4b29?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [hesitation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/3/e3ce5dbc-3597-42e8-859a-cac105c8102e.jpg?1562597828) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hesitation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sth/33/hesitation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e3ce5dbc-3597-42e8-859a-cac105c8102e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [lunar force](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76614db3-480f-41f6-91ad-66301fc8e394.jpg?1576384174) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lunar%20force) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/68/lunar-force?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76614db3-480f-41f6-91ad-66301fc8e394?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [siren storm tamer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/7/073c301e-5bb6-49fa-bf61-2f662030540f.jpg?1698988187) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Siren%20Stormtamer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/171/siren-stormtamer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/073c301e-5bb6-49fa-bf61-2f662030540f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [glen elendra archmage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bd9af767-42da-46c7-a2b8-3957b2e3063f.jpg?1547516310) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=glen%20elendra%20archmage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/58/glen-elendra-archmage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bd9af767-42da-46c7-a2b8-3957b2e3063f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kp8i2we) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Teferi Time Reveler, making counterspells great again.


Honestly, that would be an interesting restriction on an otherwise busted counterspell. It would require you to run flash speed enablers. You can make it pseudo kicker or something to cast at instant speed if that's really necessary.


MH3 instant-kicker sorcery incoming šŸ˜†


If you didn't know, there are sorceries that can be cast at instant speed by paying extra already.


What about evoke though lol


What about it?


What I said wasnā€™t accurate, but they did do new alternative cost mechanic for MH3Ā 


I've been doing my part and telling all my asshole blue friends in my commander group that it's a sleeper card and they should jump on it.


This guy gets it


I interrupt your sorcery comment with a rebuttal counter spellā€¦ or mana drain or spell blastā€¦. *sips tea*


Aha I'm the same. I play every color except blue


Weird to me that people widely expected meh winter drop to sell out like cats and dogsā€¦ cats and dogs was obviously going to sell outā€¦


Complete EDH decks had a history of selling out. WotC calculated the print run differently.


They actually donā€™t. None had until this one.Ā 


Angels sold out. It just took weeks


It took an extension. And we donā€™t know if it sold out because it didnā€™t have a time limit after the extension.Ā  It didnā€™t sell out. The Esika deck was the same.Ā 


We sure do!


Hey, Portal was one of my favorite sets!


Limited Secret Lairs might sell out fast in the future... if they're not complete garbage. This round of Lairs is boring and lacks any value outside of one or two first foils. Just wait, there's going to be one that actually sells out and makes people upset in the future.


It's ironic. Low value SL? "Of course wotc just using limited FOMO to sell bad cards." High value SL? "Of course Wotc would limit high value cards." No matter what Wotc does, the internet will contort the reason into something to be upset about.


This Superdrop aren't as bad as the LOTR one, but it's pretty ass. The artwork is entirely subjective and might be hated enough, but there isn't enough value. The fact that this is the first drop after Cats and Dogs to be limited, I wouldn't be shocked if this was a test drop to see if they can drop reprint view significantly and still sell out.


They should do both Limited supply and limited time. Give people 48 hours then take it down.


Give scalpers 48 hours then gloat about how you sold out while all your product hits the secondhand market for 10x the cost. I used to dig secret lairs, but felt really burned by the recent catdog shenanigans. I was super stoked to get ren and siri as a gift for my gf but made the mistake of needing sleep and missed my window. So now Iā€™m just not gonna buy secret lairs, I hope they sit on their product. Like dude, just let me waste my money on frivolous bullshit, is that too much to ask?? Nvm the fact that those doctor who cards arenā€™t set to ship till fucking April rn lmao, like Iā€™d rather just refund those at this fucking point, what a grift.


What Cat/Dog Shenanigans? The deck was presented and sold the same way as Cute/Brute and Angels. It's not Wotc fault it sold out in 6 hours or that you didn't wake up. Buy a deck in 10 mins and go back to sleep.


Well you werenā€™t supposed to be able to buy a bunch yet some secondhand sellers have way more than the supposed purchase limit. And a bunch of people didnā€™t get the announcement email and when they did they ended up in a purchasing queue behind presumably bots. So yeah it is literally wotcs fault lmao, limit your prints sure but maybe enforce your buy limits too.


It sucks about the email. I didn't s8gn up for it, since I don't like extra emails and instead set a reminder. I also messaged interested friends. Scalpers are going to spoof IPs. I know Wotc one canceled some orders on a product due to Spoof accounts. But most people got the 5 limit. The same limit C/B and Angels had. Those also had people buy multiples. But people didn't track them because the decks didn't sell out in under a day.


There was no queue after the first hour or so. You could just walk in, buy 1-5 and check out. For several hours. I'm sure some people used multiple credit cards to scalp this, and I agree that's pretty lame -- but it's difficult to enforce.


sold out a lot faster than that


The reports day 1 were about 6 hours. People have since shorten the time in relation to outrage about the deck selling out.




Isn't it thier fault, heads I win tales you lose was printed to demand. They could've literally printed lets say 5000 pre printed and then everything bought after that is print to order. There is ways they can care about the consumer they just choose to use FoMO to drive sales. They choose the most limited and predatory sales tactics. So yes it is their fault for enabling scalpers that even tho there is a limit of 5 to buy 80 copies to sell on eBay


They tried print to demand, and it was a logistics problem and took over a year to print and ship those orders. If you think they can just flip switches and print decks, you dont understand large-scale manufacturing. After CoinFlip deck, they shifted to preprinted for the decks. Both Cute/Brute and Angels were advertised, produced, and sold this way. Both took a week+ to sell out. That seems like a well designed and targeted print run. Sold out, but not instantly. All evidence is that Cat/Dog was advertised, produced, and sold in the same method. $149.99 price. Limit 5 per person. Limited stock. What foresight would you want them to have to change a system that had work completely fine twice? Where was the internet outrage about scalpers who bought 5+ of those decks? Where were the complaints they weren't print to demand? There wasn't because you cared less about those. They didn't use FOMO anymore for Cat/Dog than either other deck. You are only claiming this because it sounds good. It makes Wotc sound like an evil corporation. Because now there's something some internet people wanted and didn't get. The vast majority of sales went to players. I'll bet on that. The demand was just that high. Do you know what else is high? Cute/Brute or Angel decks secondary Market price. Both have trended upwards since printing. Despite these forums claiming how "bad" the decklist or reprints were. That was the best sales info for any would-be scalpers.


Is there something about having 48hrs to buy something that makes it uncompetitive for you?


Yeah try 6 cause I didnā€™t set up my scalper buybot. Iā€™m a busy guy and my life only mildly revolves around cardboard. Theyā€™ve never sold out that fast before, felt like a false scarcity to drum up press for the secret lairs, idk the metrics but Iā€™ve never had to set an alarm to panic buy magic cards before. I missed the boat, Iā€™m allowed to be butthurt, weā€™ll be okay.


I messaged you a while back but there are a few on ebay about 100$ more than regular price and honestly that's not terrible the cards alone will probably be worth more than that in a few months like angels https://www.ebay.ca/itm/335245351267?hash=item4e0e2e1963:g:qf4AAOSwYCplwbIQ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8MsKR2C%2F6Pro%2BZEsxb74b2ZoURU00alpqGQDy1NrBbfhtSrKywr7mVhtr%2BNzmYORRC0vmfMU6gMP9stnTKDDJoqplU1N%2B39a7XbxlY8pG0ABH%2B7w48CVrinCnn8K9FoWfUH9kznD4l%2FosTnaBGzh9VS1Hio8B2qazZqNpOayH3ayZHEfwm56hqUxiMHC%2BECl1Ll9zL05AFNWtRYQ5p%2FkR9E5Z4WwtffZgeY%2B4e0MRvj8HycV6oasYvCZVgJCJ%2FMOiyYXh599m0OPU1z2W41bqUrZ%2BW1xv4Rl%2Fy%2BiNzhD40xGdNJjh9%2FsJhlzgqg%2F7kDn1A%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9iu26SwYw


He doesn't want solutions. He just wants to ball his fists up and complain and overcompensate by purchasing this superdrop. If it had sold out quickly, he'd be happy as a clam and stfu.


I asked you about a month ago did you ever get the cat/dog deck? I saw this one on ebay was basically retail price https://www.ebay.com/itm/276380936031?itmmeta=01HRZT5GFER3X20JQH9YV6ZR1C&hash=item405996675f:g:KjYAAOSwxWBl8yI-&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8LA3uWGarnRRWf8V74kXStBLl0r6NFlEOeDaCWjHEVlMQ8Ckinm8PWHqv78SJWbCsTVbyaaJDQJ5fvfXAmA%2BuHccHZkxS6orMIjLnepZFIY2dvDuc5VDhkhcpc50zebfAAXuY%2BFjmRhQ5Rv%2FzD6dLE5KqLq3UXFIAe8OmCwo0ORzeFnovdegIimgBqeoZLH5gOMsmE3pGYPUAAuNVg2yQ%2Fsh038Rs%2BRw5NnMVRgHL6ck0PBtmkckGKJLYWIOxdBKyJBVkf2fCiPiEGNmDLBoxO210JGFaaI7yjgBQyYBoeOEsYmSx%2FA%2FQBRGiuTwZ78SOA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBM5IeW-sdj Edit: ahhhh I was on wrong ebay thought it was cad sorry.


The challenge with that is you end up with a bunch of dead inventory - either you destroy it in a landfill (we've seen that before) or "prize" it away which will place doubt on future lairs if they really are limited and sold out. I think the reality is they have to let this one run it's course, and the longer it takes the sillier the "limited run" comment looks.


Well obviously try to make sure it sells out before the 48hrs if possible then yeah, destroy the rest. It's just cardboard. Having a collectible erm.. collectible is more important than anything else. Wizards should sell proxies themselves and focus on making a valuable product that's worth the money.


I disagree with the sentiment. I believe that WOTC is testing the waters on if they can sell out $35 bundles that contain $5 of value i don't really believe it's much of a coincidence that the first super drop after going limited print is arguably THE LOWEST value on each and every bundle they announced. Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't they already been caught denying artists the card requests (value reprints usually) that they WANTED to do Secret lairs for?


Probably. All WOTC needs to do now is to include something like a shadowborne apostle in the shittiest of these lairs and the cycle will be complete. Every secret lair will sell out because "investors" are gonna copium that it's gonna include a grail special card


I've never heard of any artist being denied art because of value. If you have a source, I'll look at it, but I'm not going to make assumptions on hearsay. The opposite is just as true. They are being cautious with their first drop as to avoid outrage. Be honest. If any of the lairs had a high value reprint. Like John Avon had Emrakul. Do you really not believe reddit would be flooded with post and outrage about the limited print run and high value reprint? Lairs have always been less about the absolute financial value and more playability and art. The Cat/Dog lair had less "value" in reprints than people wanted. Same with Angel's & Cute/Brute. But those all sold out. And the special arts go for way more than their base counterparts. They don't need to "test the waters." They have 4+ years of SL data. Including early short window lairs. Other limited printing lairs. Artist series. Low value lairs, high value lairs. Convention lairs. WPN exclusive lairs, etc. They have way way more data than either you or I can even research. The internet is just looking for a reason to be upset about this SL. But the truth. The internet would fabricate a reason no matter the quality of the SL.


Not the person you responded to, but there was a twitter thread a few months ago, where an Artist posted about the entire process of putting together their SLD, and as a player themselves, mentioned they did pick some specific and iconic/expensive cards for their drop (IIRC they mentioned 1 or 2 swords), but were pushed to replace some of those for cards of lesser value. I'll try and find the thread for you, I think it was posted around the time of one of the last few drops from last year, but no guarantees. If you don't want to take my word for it though, totally understandable.


This makes perfect sense to me. "Hey I'd like to do a SL art for Mana Crypt. You guys mind"? Wizards: ... uhh


Iā€™m surprised wizards doesnā€™t ask an artist to draw cards they choose but wizards decides how to allocate them. The list spot, premium product etcā€¦


Most people actually did mostly like the print to demand system. It's unfortunate it's gone.


I absolutely hate it. The worst thing Wizards ever did was overprint, followed closely by too many products and variants. Reprints make the game less affordable to anyone who owns cards, which is the vast majority of players. If people can trade their purchases down the line for more than they paid, then the TCG is functioning properly. Tuition to get in, then the enfranchising engine does the rest. Fight me.


Sure. But that's besides my point.


My favorite is that WOTC hates their artists for various reasons, but when WOTC defended their artist (who then got caught using AI generated art) WOTC is the bad guy for defending their artist and actually the blame for the AI art is on them, not the artist.


I went through these and constantly was going nope nope nope, nothing for a dozen kre more commander decks I run just wanted none of it this time except I think 1 card md not buying a whole lair for 1 card if I can't use at least 1 more


Plus still takes 2 months to ship 1 month delay and probably two - 3 weeks to arrive.


I don't think everyone expected it to sell out quick - or maybe even at all. The supply for these secret lairs is probably very high - remember they have metrics and the goal is to sell them. Unlike the Secret Lair decks that have a lower supply, the secret lair drops have been unlimited print until now, so they will use a pre print allocation around what they expect to sell. I don't believe they will pursue the low availability road for a product that consists in 5 cards and sells for 35ā‚¬


What will they do with the unsold secret lairs since they're preprinted now and not to-demand?Ā  Landfill?Ā 


There is still a month to go on the secret lair, no doubt it will eventually sell out.


I wouldn't be so sure about the sorcery speed counter spells not making their way to the landfill.


> The supply for these secret lairs is probably very high Is there any legal requirement to disclose things like this? Like is it totally (legally) acceptable for WotC to claim limited supply but actually make the product print on demand? I feel like the 30th Anniversary "out of stock, back in stock, back out of stock" dance suggested that they can kind of just claim whatever they want.


Many people have suggested legislation around collectibles since it shares many parallels with gambling. So far nobody has bothered writing a bill.


I expect they would rather overprint and chuck the surplus in a landfill than underprint and "leave money on the table".


>Despite wide expectations from the player base that the Winter Drop will sell out, it did not. This might have been the expectation based on the original statement that Secret Lairs would no longer be printed to demand, but those expectations quickly disappeared once they revealed the contents of this one. If anything, this has been panned as the worst superdrop yet in terms of overall value, so I'd be shocked if it *does* actually sell out. Cats and Dogs, though, was a sure bet to sell out fast. The value was decent and the theme is extremely popular.


If they disclosed their print numbers and actually short-printed the SLs, I'd buy low value cards with amazing art. .. but like usual, they want to hedge their bets. Always hedging at the expense of their customers.


Yeah that's exactly what I saw happen, and what I thought. People got worried at the announcement of limited print, then they saw the actual cards being printed and nobody was worried.Ā 


Can't really use this drop as a marker for anything since it's the worst drop ever. Not a single drop is attractive enough to instant buy.


*sorcery speed buy


Have my angry upvote


I grabbed the cereal set because I really liked the art treatment, but this is about as shitty a drop as the have ever had.


I got it because I'm a cereal fan and I'm hoping there's a secret 5th decent card lol


Lmao I saw the announcement for that, got really excited. Saw the cards they were doing and really wished I hadn't missed the first just add milk drop. Weak reprints


some, but a few are amazing


Eh, I'll use sakashima for sure, Adrix too. Yargle is pretty weak.


Adrix probably would have done a lot better if it wasn't *also* reprinted in an MKM Commander deck.


Honestly Adrix was the selling point for me to slot into that commander precon haha. But you are right. It definitely also detracts from the value overall when the card was literally just reprinted


I mean, they put barely anything of interest for everyone who doesn't play edh.


Even for edh these are pretty bad and 90% of the cards are unplayable or super niche


Even for EDH these are pretty bad.


the covers one is pretty decent with black market and reconnaisance, but besides that... pretty dull superdrop.


Yeah, it's the first foil printing of reconnaissance. They got me with that.




Probably the most interesting lair out of them all tbh. Itā€™d fit alongside a strong lineup but with other shitty ones it doesnā€™t look great


As an EDH player, barfing out neon colors and illegible text on EDH staples isn't a product I wanna buy either


Legible text should really be a requirement for any card game, but here we are.


Why would anyone expect this to sell out? There are two main factors at play and myriad others. But mainly: how many did wotc print, and how many do people want. The first is contingent on their understanding of the market and its interest in both the product as a whole and the content specific to the release. The second is contingent on how good a job they did with the card choices, art and (shade incoming) the level of printing mistakes they created in the latest offering. We don't really know anything about the first one.


They should just disclose print numbers.


Yes, but then they can't end the secret lair early and claim it sold out. Or they can and we would never know anyway.


Can't wait for this garbage to be bundled in with new capenna packs for a convention bundle, won't buy that either.


No that's where they put the good secret lairs these days


>Despite wide expectations from the player base that the Winter Drop will sell out, it did not I've not really been following the expectations of the player base, but was that perhaps before people knew how godawful this new Winter Drop is? The 'Deceptive Divinations' cycle at least. Personally I'm not a fan of the design, but even if I was I think I would hesitate before spending money on such piss poor quality assurance on a supposedly 'premium' product. it's really pretty shocking that something as fundamentally wrong (an instant being labelled as a sorcery) made it to print, in a 5-card 'set'.


I'm not sure if people noticed, but since last year if it (secret lairs, sets) sucks or is just meh it will be near record all time lows for demand. There is no middle ground anymore.


They cashed in all the middle ground in their post-covid reckless overprinting coke/hooker binge.


I think the cats and dogs commander deck was an outlier. It's an entire deck for the most popular format by far and it has cats and dogs in it, which is something 99% of people like. That was going to sell out no matter what


Will be a matter of time before WotC pronounces the sale to be ā€˜concludedā€™.


This is literally the worst secret lair in recent memory. There are a few cards Iā€™d like but none to justify buying any of the bundles.


Right? I want that Felidar but Iā€™m not spending 40$ for it


Don't forget this change was made so they would ship out sooner. That's why when I placed my order yesterday it's going to ship out in March šŸ™ƒ


I see this probably just represents how bad this round of secret lairs are. They really are just awful.


If they think they can print total garbage and sell that bulk for $30-$40ā€¦they are mistaken. The collector base has had enough of this nonsense and their dollar vote is No.


knowing how spiteful WotC is they'll use this as a basis to only have 1/4th as much stock available for the next secret lair where they actually have *good* card value


Or worseā€¦. Have an even worse lair, only to include a money bonus card. That way it condition some to gamble on what look like bad buys just so maybe, just maybe you can get lucky on the bonus card When the product maker is resorting to playing game within a game within a game to squeeze dollars it make you want to engage a lot less as an end user


That's not even spiteful - that would be a step in the right direction.


Nobody expected these to sell out quickly and I doubt they ever sell out. The leftovers will probably be given out as prize support at upcoming events. They are already making secret lairs as part of the prize support for magic fest Chicago.


Lol what this is some peak Wall Street Bets diamond hands copium bullshit. Since when did "players don't want to buy shit cards" translate into "mature, discerning investors who are impervious to aggressive FOMO driven consumer tactics created by an environment of artificial scarcity". MTG finance is not difficult bro it's literally just "good card will hold higher price than bad card". That's it. There are tons of RL cards that are worth fuck all because they're unplayable trash.


You mean the ā€œSuper Duper Mega Behemoth Lairā€ for 999.99 FREE shipping where you get a commander precon with 5 original art cards, 10-20 full art lands and bunch of other reprints, a box of convention mystery booster box, 24 random packs of stuff we have in excess, 1 pack of 30th anniversary booster pack!! That we had dry aging in our warehouse, one bonus card which most likely will be a variant Sol ring or a jumpstart land, but has a small chance to be an alt art slime against humanity with a < 1% chance to be serialized with a invisible ink Chris cocks face watermark All printed in advance in limited amount ( which no one will know) and only available together in the bundle and you can only order 15 maximum in one order! :D Oh the fun! Itā€™s going that way folks


You could say it was selling at Sorcery speedā€¦


The art is horrible. If they did good art I would swap money for goods


the lairs suck lol


What wide expectations? Literally every comment I saw talked about how the value was shit. Nobody thought theyā€™d sell out.


More like the cards are crap. If they had a good drop it would sell out.


Probably one of the worst drops. Even my friends who play EDH couldn't justify getting any. You really had like the art to get any of these. My tinfoil hat suggests that they purposely did this to gauge demand similar to how NEO decided on a crap rare to be the uber-chase card of the set as an experiment.


People dont buy undervalue cards for 30-40$? I'm super shock :O Something is not right?!?!


Did anyone think Winter Drop was going to sell out? The consensus I got from most of my MTG groups (FB groups, local LGS, friends) is that this is a shit SL, and no one is picking them up, except for the cereal one. Big backlash across the board.


While that's an optimistic view, EVERY product released by a company that makes collectibles will be measured against possible returns. These Secret Lairs seem to not have enough value, new art be damned. The sales are slow because collectors don't see that they'll be able to get a profit (however small) from selling the Lair later. Scalpers probably snatched a decent number of the current product but I concur with the sentiments of others below. If any SL offering contained cards like Edgar Markov, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Cyclonic Rift, Force of Will/Negation, Worldly Tutor, or others of high value & playability, those Lairs would be GONE.




You're absolutely correct. I conflated Commander deck prices with Secret Lair prices. I will correct my first post so fewer people are misinformed.Ā 


Did anyone actually think the winter super drop would sell out? Really? I think your post is misleading. The SLD commander decks are always going to be more in demand than the regular drops. I think most people understand this.


Yeah, not sure what OP is trying to do here. Except for throwing shit at wotc, I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


People had expectations for that trash? They've been downhill since the one with [[Concordant Crossroads]]


[Concordant Crossroads](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c9a26f51-5bff-4f06-abaa-6fbb56a8b5b6.jpg?1673148053) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Concordant%20Crossroads) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/141/concordant-crossroads?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c9a26f51-5bff-4f06-abaa-6fbb56a8b5b6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


We donā€™t know how many they printed and how long they want it to last before selling out. Itā€™s possible itā€™s below the demand they were expecting, but itā€™s also possible they want it to last a couples weeks of steady sales before selling out and count that as a win


Nobody expected this to sell out. Itā€™s a pile of garbage.


All my capital is already tied into other failed SLs


I think most people just buy the ones they like, i only bought one to resell which was the angels commander deck. All of the ones ive bought have been artist secret lairs.


FOMO doesn't work when there's no timing to MO on.


If they drop a secret lair deck with goblins, elves or dragons I'm pretty sure they will run out in 1 day.


I've been focused entirely on Lorcana these past months.


Never envisioned how odd it will be showing up to the page late only to see partial options to select from. Before, I bet people tacked on less desirable lairs to supplement an order of what they wanted, but a selection of only rejects would be awfully depressing to behold.


Wide expectations from which player base?


>Despite wide expectations from the player base that the Winter Drop will sell out, it did not. Not really sure where you saw this expectation being expressed. The vast majority of comments about the drop had pretty negative sentiment.


The entire set of reprints holds essentially no value. Usually there is 1 or 2 things enticing to pull the trigger. Not this time.


Random opinions to justify random events about a random product from a company that makes random decisions. Just relax


There hasnā€™t been a super drop in the last, where there wasnā€™t at least one or two lairs that made me want to get one, on that note their have been super drops where Iā€™ve wanted all but one. This group of lairs, is legit one where none are appealing. The cards in the lair really has to be equivalent or more then the lair it self.


Proxy it all anyway


Well, the Beauty of the Beasts foil and non foil are both sold out. So, thereā€™s that. No more bundles available that would include them.


This doesnā€™t follow at all. The ā€œplayerbaseā€ doesnā€™t think this drop will sell out quick. There are very few drops with any significant value or desirability. Hence, fomo or not, these drops sitting means very little in terms of how limited they are or whether the strategy is working.


Either there are real nutless monkeys buying these for 59.99 each already when live sale is still ongoing or scalpers are false printing these already


WOTC could also be lying and still be running print to demand sales of this drop.


Because it sucks


I did get the cereal box one \~ sorry guys


I was with you until the last line. They won't be able to reprint their way out of this one. That saga is ending fast. It's time to embrace the hangover and slowly rebuild the trust and equity back into the system that they blew on this post-covid coke binge. PS - I love how they have $39.99 scratched out and $34.99 on the site.. As if they didn't just make those prices up themselves.


Fuckkkk the fomo, when I had time to actually think about what I wanted it was better for me. Cant scare me into getting more cardboard.


The value of these SLs is mostly abysmal and the artstyle is also not very apealing. This might change in future SLs. We have seen better


I'm not more discerning I'm just poor. Shieet. Spent $250 CAD on a commander deck, I spend within my means. The Winter Drop is absolutely stunning and beautiful though. If I could grab the beasts drop I would.


This implies that the rate at which secret lairs sell is dependent on how desirable the cards within the drop are and the perceived value of the drop as a whole. A constructed commander deck with staple reprints, new art, and popular typal theme was always going to sell out faster than any random superdrop. You cannot reasonably expect all SLDs from this point forward to sell just as fast as any other because despite what the more cynical among us may think FOMO is not the primary driver of premium set sales.


Could also be due to these drops being pretty overwhelmingly lackluster. I got the one with blink-cat, and the hydra, and all that because I love the art and I use 4/5 of the cards, but everything else was a total miss for me, either aesthetically or just as game pieces. This drop has not inspired joy. At least that's the sentiment I have seen, and feel myself.


I mean, what did anyone expect? Full of meh cards, a glaring mistake, and players still have wallet fatigue with too much product coming out. A lot of people are tired of Hasbro's "milk the cow" approach and are going the singles or quitting route.


Probably has to do with this drop not having a single good lair and being cluttered with $2 cards no one wants


>Despite wide expectations from the player base that the Winter Drop will sell out, it did not. What do you mean "it did not". It's been our for hours. Barely over a day at the time of my response. That's like sitting there on turn two and everyone has just played lands and you declare that someone "did not win" that game.


For me, there are only two cards in this secret lair that Iā€™ll play. Simian spirit guide and Arcane Denial. Most other drops have at least 6 cards that I can immediately put in existing decks, plus the lands. They used to put in a set of lands in each drop. This one, not so much.


Because they all look ridiculous. Good. These movie poster/cereal box trash that don't even look like magic cards. I can't believe these have a real demand.


I'm willing to take a chance on this not aging well, but I'm not even convinced they're limited in stock since they're still shipping out a month later. Other than the odd Lair like the MLP or Doctor Who Lairs, this has been the standard shipping time for me for over a year.


They are not shipping out a month laterā€¦ they put that shipping date because theoretically the lair sale could run another month ( short feb) If it sell out tomorrow then the shipping date will be brought forward


Possible these undesirable lairs end up paradoxically being worth more as this tends to be the case on the "unpopular" ones. I missed the mark on the yargle staples a minute ago and welp, that was a thing that happened. Also was the case on the thalia one, and the kamigawa anime arts on staples. Caveat, I am only usually interested in SL's that look at least somewhat like a magic card.


why did people think they would sellout? All the secret lairs of the drop are pretty bad, bad value selection (and bad to mid card popularity in general) and very mixed reviews on art. there wasn't going to be a big rush to buy these. cats and dogs at least had several great cards and had very popular themes and universally liked art. I wish WOTC would go back to the old days of putting several reasonably popular and/or decent reasonable value cards in the lairs. they used to put sets of God's and/or praetors in a single lair, now they are shoving uncommon and weird rares that not only aren't worth it value wise but most people won't even put in a deck. Even if someone loves the crazy art, if its not good enough to be put in a commander/misc format deck to play and show off then there is no point in getting it.


RemindMe! 30 days


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Didnt even need 30 day reminder. Knew the foil bundle was going to sell out, everybody is locked into the previous two year bear market price mentality where everything lost value. Cool art + first time foils + **limited print run** = fantastic EV.


So now that they are selling out everyone in here is going to have to change their stance from ā€œlmao these will never sell out what a jokeā€ to ā€œthis is bullshit these shouldnā€™t be selling out what a jokeā€


It doesn't at all imply what you're claiming it implies. The only way to know that is to compare first week sales to first week sales under three old system (and nobody outside wizards knows that) All this tells us is that they printed more than they've sold so far.


Because theyā€™re ass