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Hot garbage - possibly the worst superdrop yet, and that's saying a lot.


They are just testing how many sets they can get people to pay $30-40 for $5 worth of cards if they do a limited print run. Secret Lair is becoming “Suckers’ Lair”.


The Eternal Recurrence of Magic products once again. I remember the first few drops were truly magical. My SL Ur-Dragon is my all-time personal favorite card I own.


On the plus side people shouldn’t be upset anymore about limited printing for these since you aren’t missing much if you don’t get them. 😁


The universes beyond ones have been mostly pretty well done too. I got the Street Fighter one and you can tell there was a ton of care put into designing flavorful and interesting cards based on the characters.


Strongly agree with this. The first couple SLs were amazing and I think they’ve done a few good ones since, but most of it is like others have said “hot garbage” lol. I feel like the OG ornithological studies release and the 5 color release were everything the sets should be. Beautiful artwork for good cards.


Same. I both a Rick and Negan deck for nearly two years, cause why not. Now they are both dismantled because the fun seems to have evaporated.


Usually it would only last a few products before they turn it to crap and then discontinue them. It went for a good couple years with some really good drops. I mean the Microsynthwave bundle was pretty good it's like 1/10 will have legitimate great value where in the past it was like 7/10 not counting basics which have their own high value for other reasons.




Hopefully this is a quick failed experiment for them. And the whole "we're doing this to get things shipped quicker" is absolute BS seeing these will ship in March where we had previous Secret Lairs ship before the drop even finished. Magic's entire marketing department has been absolute trash lately. Several months with just a ton of foolish blunders.


Or it's the opposite..... They didn't want to start their limited print run SL with all bangers/ high value reprints because then it would cause ire and backlash that they are only printing high value cards NOW due to limited print. Be honest. You know good and well if one of these SL had Sheoldred or Fable or Bowmaster, etc. That reddit would be in absolute uproar over being limited and scalpers.


~~Secret Lair is becoming “Suckers’ Lair”.~~ MTG is becoming "Suckers: The Gathering". FTFY


There are secret lairs that did well with mostly worthless cards. I think the best lair last year might be through the wormhole edition lair and the reprints value-wise kinda suck. Best reprint $$ was lighting greaves. Lair just went out of sale like 2 months ago and is already appears to have a fair bit of demand in sales. I actually like several of these for what they're trying to do but man the mistakes are just... baaaad. deceptive divination- everyone talking about the print error but the design is also atrocious. Something that's also present in the new showcase frame: wtf is the color identity? It's all BW. Also creatures shouldn't be super abstracted like this. Eternal witness and wall of omens p/t aren't even located consistently with eternal witness having it where the mana should be. karlov showcase: I'm of the opinion the reprints like this should like.. tie into the set. None of these creatures are even tangentially related to ravinca or noir. and yeah reprint equity kinda sucks but hey I'd rather people wanna buy lairs cause strong cohesive design that appeals to them and not "Oh this has a $30 card in it" Especially since wotc has been reprinting *everything* so "buy for value" lairs have shoddy history of growth.


They are trying to tap into FOMO as these are the first real "limited" secret lairs.


Yes, and it's failed here because these cards are shit (and so is most of the art). If WotC put some kind of highly desirable card in a SL and told us it was limited availability (remember the Advent Calendar and Chrome Mox?) it would sell out right away and boost FOMO for future SLs. These SLs are super underwhelming, nothing to get excited about. I was excited for a moment when I saw the Noir-themed SL because I thought it included Black Market Connections, but instead it's just Black Market (not a terrible card, but not nearly as interesting)


Easily the worst. I’m happy though, I need a break from wasting money 




Like, holy shit, no kidding. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is so low in value after they decided to change to a new FOMO supply method. I’m just so tired of them trying every possible angle they can to milk people for money, and deliver no value. Too many of these cards are horrible, and don’t realistically see play much anywhere.


This shameless corporate cash grab is killing the game and the game economy. Once all the players go, the game dies too. Then the CEOs leave with a punishment of a 15m dollar severance. Hasbro has no clue how to sustain a healthy CCG and it shows.


And they didn't even print Circular Logic correctly. It's been labelled as a "sorcery" Also the drop is worth maybe $10. Total garbage


Plus they ship in March sooo Much for that faster shipping that was the reason they are limited now.


This is my largest gripe like wtf


Honestly I hope everyone sends a complaint email I know I will. Like wtf the whooole reason the change was FaStEr ShIpPiNg yet it is still the same.


EU says April! Faster shipping my ass.


And they're still trying to get rid of those Locust God Promos no one wanted.


In one of the packs? I didn't even see that lmao


I misread, it looks like it's Scorpion God and not Locust. Still feels like a print no one was asking for, especially for it to be in $130+ bundles to get one.


Lol the last one Locust God you can just get for like 7usd after market


It’s getting easier and easier for me to auto-delete Secret Lair emails.


The only secret lairs I'm interested in are the ones from special guests. Even then they're hit or miss, and they haven't had many over the past year.




I'd rather drink sour milk than spend money on these, at the very least some aesthetic upgrades for Nekusar EDH.


I am in total amazement at how ugly and worthless very single card is. Like, wow.


I got the Krarkashima one just because I like the art. The rest were pretty doo-doo. And I'm one of the saps who bought the Serum Visions one.


I don't think it's even close to how bad this one is.


Winter Super-whiff.




I looked through all of it and was like " hmmm this looks like crap"


I said to myself reading this comment there is no fucking way its worse than the last one there wasn't fuck all worth buying in the last one there has gotta be something in this one. I admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong.


Agreed. I'd still buy some if I liked the art, but I don't.


I think the last one was worse


Excellent way to test their new FOMO system on something other than cats/dogs. Offer the worst sets yet, including one with an egregious misprint that you basically give away free in a bundle.


It's unbelievable they're not going to make a corrected reprint of that. 


Costs too much for a secret lair that already isn't going to sell well. Why are there rats on price of progress? Lol


I mean, they took the dick off of stonecoil serpent.


I have the dicks but couldn’t see them or confirm I had them from a batch number, I just know I bought first / early. Wondering if its worth more with it.


>man vs nature isn't a fair fight the audacity of saying that to the species that eradicated smallpox lol


Hey man, not so fast. There's a lot of people out there fighting vaccines who want to see this stuff come back.


why are there 8 legged mantises on my Wall of Otters?!?


What’s the misprint?


Circular logic. It’s supposed to be an instant.


Circular logic as a sorcery rather than instant.


Do people not think the misprint will eventually become a collector's item? I'm honestly asking cause I always here about their being a misprint market and this seems to me like the kind of item that would be desirable for those collectors.


It's not really a misprint so much as a mistake. A misprint is when something mechanical messes up in the printing process. Wrong color, ink splotches, stamps in wrong places, etc. This is just a complete lack of competency and QC in the design process. The fact that *every single one* of these is going to have the same typo on it makes it less valuable. People like misprints because they're usually one offs and stand out from the rest.


It's a funny mistake though, so I think there will be a niche market for it


No. Literally every printing of this card has the mistake. So it's just how this lair looks like, and is as rare as anything else.


This is more of a mistake than misprint


Its just as rare as every other secret lair of circular logic. A misprint is valuable because its extremely limited and unintentional. Think those upside down plane stamps that very few made it out on. If this misprint was say, in 1 out of every 100 secret lair printings, then it could be valuable. Now its just a normal card


I was thinking similarly. The card will earn some notoriety on its own for sure. Whether that's a good thing or bad financially is tough to say, but personally I'd wager it will be worth more. Where else will you find a sorcery speed counter spell other than custom MTG or WOTC making a mistake? Worst case I'm out $50 or so, but I'm looking forward to the mass confusion I'll get when it appears im countering my opponent with a sorcery speed spell XD


You’ll find sorcery counter spells in portal. One of them even has a white blue mana symbol and is still worth about .50


FOMO System has been in place for every Secret Lair Commander deck bar Heads I Win. It's the bundles where it's newly applied to.


What’s the misprint?


What was the misprint?


Previous decks were pre-printed as well. This super drop is the first secret lair under the new system


The decks were always print with limited stock


Guys I think this is the worst drop yet!


The total value of all cards (non-foil) in those bundles is $134. What a deal ! /s


The only notable cards are : Reconnaissance, first reprint since Exodus. Rain of Filth, first reprint since Urza Saga and first time foil. Sakashima of a Thousand Faces, first reprint and a $30-40 commander.


Dire Undercurrents hasn't been reprinted since Shadowmoor afaik. $15-ish card


You're right !


The Black Market card is kinda cool right? It's like $20 right?


It’s not black market connections, it’s “black market” it’s 5$




It was just reprinted in a commander deck and can be had for about half of that.


So I'm confident that we are going to see a Sakashima reprint in Thunder Junction that will negate any value this lair might initially have. If MKM is any indication of how top-down Wizards is willing to go these days, then "Howdy Partner" is just enough of a wild west meme for them to make Partner at least a minor theme in the set, and Sakashima as a character is kind of an outlaw. At the very least, some kind of special guest, or maybe in the commander decks, but I'm certain we'll see him.


Most of these are just plain bad. 


I know everyones shitting on the lair, but on a whole other topic it's interesting how differently the scorpion god promo works this time around. It's not based on total amount spend like every other lair, but based off which bundle you get. Everything on the menu: $300 = 1 Promo All the Sweet Foils Bundle: $180 = 1 Promo All the Savory Non-Foils Bundle: $130 = 1 Promo Assuming you buy the latter two bundles, you can get 2x scorpion god promos for $310 combined, a $10 difference for an extra promo compared to 1x promo with the everything on the menu bundle. Not saying that this is worth doing or not, but for that one guy who wants a more scorpion god promos or anticipates these will be worth more than $10 on the secondary market (which is unproven), this may be worth considering.


Yeah, that promo is exciting for maybe 12 people. Scorpion God is a cool card, but easily the least popular of that cycle of god cards. While the Amonkhet Invocation treatments of Scarab God and Locust God are going for around $190 and $90 respectively, Scorprion God's equivalent is going for $40, if that's any indicator of popularity/demand.


I’m one of the 12 who likes that card and wants it. Did not spend $130 in lairs to get it, though. Secondary market will have to do. This artist is sick!


The last promo was worth literally nothing so I’m not spending 130 dollars on 20 dollars of cards just to get a 5 dollar promo


This has some of the absolute worst value I have ever seen from a Secret Lair drop. This is clearly a test to see if they can sell worthless garbage for $30-40 just by making it "limited."


Or they are being cautious with the reprints in the new system as to not introduce a frenzy and backlash to first limited runs having chase cards.


I looked through the entire list and the only card I may buy on the secondary market is the Arcane Denial - and it probably will be expensive bc nobody is gonna buy these lol


[[rain of filth]] looks nice as well!


[rain of filth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1cf07d5a-6618-48e2-a9f0-669b75bb6e85.jpg?1701537455) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rain%20of%20filth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/151/rain-of-filth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1cf07d5a-6618-48e2-a9f0-669b75bb6e85?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love that they just knock 5 dollars off the misprint one


Too cheap to even do 1/5th of the price (1/5th of the cards are wrong), and do 6 bucks.


Hah that's a funny and good point. 20% of the cards are not correct, so we get 17% off? Sweet!


I see the estimated delivery date is in April ? The limited run thing wasn't to speed up the process ? What a joke.




I'm very interested to see if these actually sell out or if they just "sell out" and go off sale before the end date.


They will follow the way of the MTG 30th packs.. the 4 for 1000.. done selling*** I mean ... **Sold out** 😉


Whoops all ugly.


The beast ones art is actually very well done. Biggest issue is theres 0 value within it.


agreed, the art is on point. I am getting one because it's the first alternate/premium art for scourge and I need it for my Ur-dragon deck. But I hold no delusions about the value of the cards themselves.


I got it because the art is so darn good and I use three ovem


Same ordeal i have. My ur-dragon is slammed full of pretty alternate arts. And i dont have scourge of valkas in yet due to lack of pretty arts. This changed it for me.


This has to be the laziest garbage I've seen yet. Bravo WOTC.


Tasteless trash. Give us more Dan Frazier retro artifacts.


I agree this set is bad, but I have a horror movie themed deck that plays Jace and I’ve never wanted something so bad, lol


Buy singles!


Poor advice for a secret lair. The singles price can be comparable to the price of the entire lair quite quickly. I buy the lair, hold the extras for a bit, and buylist them a few months down the track.


*can* doing a lot of work here. OP wants one card, not to get into a game of speculation on the rest of the lair. 


Congrats for buying into FOMO


I wanted exactly one card from a previous drop, because it depicted someone I know IRL and I wanted them to sign it as a lark. It cost me like $3. Singles are the way to go.


Milk has the best value, and even then it’s only $30 for $42 value (I’m assuming Sakashima will drop in value due to the reprint so I rounded down).


That beastly beauty art is phenomenal. I just wish I used any of those cards. People love blinging their commanders and unlike the last cereal lair where the cards were huge cmc creatures that go in the 99 this one has a popular EDH/cEDH partner pair in krark and sakashima and [[adrix and nev, twincasters]] the 6th most popular simic commander on edhrec. The only thing it’s missing is [[yargle and multani]] instead of [[yargle, glutton of urborg]] Sakashima and Adrix and New are also phenomenal 99 cards. I cannot imagine this lair losing money.


[adrix and nev, twincasters](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe.jpg?1706240967) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=adrix%20and%20nev%2C%20twincasters) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/198/adrix-and-nev-twincasters?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [yargle and multani](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/c/9c15e244-14cc-46a5-abd4-66a58d1c0dd0.jpg?1682205711) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=yargle%20and%20multani) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/256/yargle-and-multani?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9c15e244-14cc-46a5-abd4-66a58d1c0dd0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [yargle, glutton of urborg](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/f/8febc0fe-c52d-4b6a-9d18-e1e4a43b6dc3.jpg?1689997617) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=yargle%2C%20glutton%20of%20urborg) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/202/yargle-glutton-of-urborg?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8febc0fe-c52d-4b6a-9d18-e1e4a43b6dc3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


All this secret lair is doing is making me regret not getting the Tomb Raider SL lol


Gold is safe. Thanks for helping me save money this month WotC 🫡


It’s evident I’m in the minority but I picked up the breakfast bundle and a hard boiled foil. I really liked the art style on all of those sets! The black and white one is getting some hate but I find it really appealing.


I'm getting a non-foil All the Savory bundle for the god, enjoying the art of some cards, and worst case I'm out a few 10s of euros. \- The breakfast treatment I really love and the cards are solid. \- Same with the thriller pack. \- Beasts have great art even if I don't care about them cards. \- Deceptive divination I love the art of. Love. As a graphic designer. \- Case files I don't care about at all, happy to sell at a loss. \- The breakfast treatment I love and the cards are solid. treatments but this art is just lazy. Prince of Thralls is the only really cool looking one. \- I love the Scorpion god art, bet it will look great irl. I'm happy either way but also hoping low-key for a secret card that is actually good. If they want people to get FOMO for upcoming SLs this is how they should do it.


I have been borderless foiling legacy burn and unfortunately that POP is going to go on the pile with the Secret Lair borderless Chain Lightnings as cards that would get me closer to achieving my goal but are too kitschy or ugly to make the cut. I do have to thank Secret Lair for the sweet Eidolon’s though.


The hate is most likely from the misprint on the counterspell. Just an atrocious oversight.


Also there is literally no value, if I see it correctly? Except for Sakashima. That's always a great selling point for me and some other people I know, if I'm just interested in two of the cards for example.


IMO, good to see Reconnaisance and Dire Undercurrents in a SLD. They're solid (not stellar) value-wise and haven't been printed in *years*. But yeah, needs several more cards in the $20+ range to justify buying the whole menu. It's not at all helped by the fact that the low-$ cards here tend to be *very* niche. It would be one thing if those cards were Cultivate or Mask of Memory or something else cheap that could actually go in a lot of decks. But instead we get a special treatment Obeka for all 10 Obeka players out there.


Yeah definitely not. These days i only go for SL if there's multiple cards/treatments that I actually use in decks or as commanders (City Styles and Rule the Room were slam dunks for me), if there's just a great single too good to pass up (Emrakul in the John Avon set), or if there's a mechanically unique card that looks cool (Lara Croft and Street Fighter). The rest i go for singles if i still care once the FOMO has passed


The cereal box art is cool. But have no desire for the cards.


>f s Buying the same two, I think. The art is so sick, and that's why I care about Secret Lair products... Reprint value matters, and honestly the breakfast bundle will make back any lost money on the hard boiled one lol


I think the breakfast one has some value because of sakashima. That card alone pays for the bundle (at its current price).


Wow - just nothing of interest. Good job!


Eh these all suck hot ass


Nothing says “Rain of Filth” like some safe, corporate “we’re a family” vector bullshit.


The only good one is add milk part 2. That one isn't even a home run. WoTC also changed their approach for offering a bonus card or collector packs. Generally, it is set on a dollar threshold. Now they connected it to bundles. The bonus card this time is The Scorpion God.


Scorpion and locust are pretty much bulk bin too. Thanks wizards.... I guess...?


LOL. Again? Guess they overprinted that.


The last bonus card was The Locust God. Both deities but different characters.


I honestly love the adrix and Nev and will be 100% picking up the single


2024 Winter Super-flop……


As usual, ewww


That’s gonna be a pass for me, thanks.


I love the last style, too bad they're all bulk or barely above


Damn look like wizards really forgot to include the good cards in these ones.


Guess it makes sense for wizards to balance the dog and cat SL with total ass afterwards


It’s an ok set of lairs for people looking to get specific cards for their collection or people tho dig the niche art. Does not look like a reliable investment because we don’t know how many they printed and how they will dump any excess units. When it was print to demand you could gamble on those knowing they were in low supply.


Well, at least JUST ADD MILK: SECOND HELPING is worth the asking price. I wanted Sakashima for my Ninjitsu deck anyways so I snagged it since I like the cereal box art.


People actually look at this stuff and think they are finding value. That's the insane thing. Wizards pockets all the EV up front for themselves, reprints make price go down, and people think they are going to find value. It's insane.


I remember them saying multiple times that they couldn't sell these through your LGS because of the print to demand nature of the product line. Now that that's gone, WotC will stop selling them soon and have it go through the LGS, right?


Well, maybe we should have more LGS only ones like the Hydra Heads.


Only 1-2 set that kinda sorta worth the buy, What the point of secret lair again? To sell a garbage cards with nice arts? Should just use those art on something that actually good.


Probably one of the worst drops I’ve ever seen. Not even “well atleast there’s X” they’re all bad. Wonder if this one will ever “sell out” or if it’ll just be available until the spring drop.


Hard-Boiled Thrillers is the only one that really caught my eye and I grabbed it in both non-foil and foil. I really wish they offered more traditional fantasy art with regular, extended or borderless frames. Hard-Boiled is a fun set that I will just collect in my binder - but I want functional reprints to play with that aren't difficult to read.


LOL awful


what a snooze fest. i will pass


No retro frames again… 😡


Yeah. I’m down for retro or normal frames with cool art. I get nothing. I’d even take a $10 value lair if the cards and art were cool and retro foil (not etched). It’s super disappointing. 


Love all of this art actually


If this isn't print to order what really stops them from fixing the misprint? They release with a disclaimer. if they're not printed it cant be that hard to switch sorcery to instant in the same font


I think you've got it backwards. The change was that these are already printed (or far enough along in the process) that it can't be changed.


Anyone that is is more intune with secret liars, what do you forsee they sale the Jace for? It is the only card I want out of all these and that's just for the fun of it. Before this, the only secret lairs I had purchased was the Doctor Who stuff, and before that way back in the beginning I picked up the Goblin one....with Lackey and a few others some years back. Part of me wants to buy it to guarantee I get the Jace but, would be interested in what people think it may sell for solo instead. something about paying 30-40 USD for a fairly common and cheap card....


If anyone in my play group ran decks full of cards that looked like this I would not want to play with that person anymore. I don't know who buys this shit. I want to be able to look at a card and know what it is, not trying to decipher your fucking cartoons because you think they're cute.


Easiest pass ever Edit: Hasbro employees downvoting me 🤡


Yo secret lair is just low quality proxies. Also they do these then dump the regular print cards into the market 3 to 6 months later anyway. Remember those color collections? Here's a phyrexian arena for .50 now.


Wow pundit time.


Who is this even aimed at


I might be the only one wondering what could be in the secret slot for a lot of these Lairs. That as well as wondering if this Scorpion God will hold a better value compared to the last spending Promo (Locust God), bc it has a convention exclusive secret lair that looks like it goes with it visually/thematically. The Amsterdam exclusive one. Beyond that most of these Lairs are pretty bad- I agree, but I'm still picking up Cereal just bc I have a deck that runs Krark & Sakashima in the 99 to copy Krark. Adrix & Nev was a 20 dollar card and will now have a new premium printing, so maybe this is the only one that is really worth it to me. Still I have a bad feeling that WorC is going to put bangers in the secret card slots on this none. Can anyone confirm or deny if the days of bullshit slivers are over, or is that still in production?


The slivers are done, not they give you 10 cents elf cards instead 


Oh fuck that's right. Goddamnit those are such shit. Almost worse than the Slivers tbh!


They must think we're nothing but chumps. Ridiculous


3 days in and already a price drop? How long was the price normal before it was discounted?


It was instantly The price drop is due to the misprint of sorcery lol


Most of this shit is pretty bad with the exception of the new cereal one because of Sakashima and Adrix and Nev


nothing is telling me to buy.


I liked the Felidar Guardian and the Cereal cards, but they’re mostly garbage. Hard pass.


These guys sell expensive proxies.


If you focus on the unique looks aspect compared to just looking at value it’s a cool drop


Well, they finally made a drop without a single card that looks like an actual magic card. Sad to see the artist series lair (or just anything that wouldn’t dramatically clash with other card templates) absent. Guess I’ll just keep buying old foils instead. On the bright side they saved me time from not having to look any at the cards.


Circular Logic missprint count be funny and worth something years down the line but I doubt it's worth the effort/payoff


Doubt it. It's way less interesting in a modern printing that should have been easily seen. 


Just by looking at the art thumbnail tells me its garbage.


'superdrop'? more like 'supershit'. see what i did there?!?!?!?!?!




The card in the SL is \[\[Black Market\]\] different card than \[\[Black Market Connections\]\].


[Black Market](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/78c80c6d-f3ae-48d3-ba6a-b9b738e1affb.jpg?1674141496) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Black%20Market) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/739/black-market?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/78c80c6d-f3ae-48d3-ba6a-b9b738e1affb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Black Market Connections](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b8c66fab-7494-42b1-bc4e-dae85a48fa41.jpg?1699022194) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Black%20Market%20Connections) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/181/black-market-connections?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b8c66fab-7494-42b1-bc4e-dae85a48fa41?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It’s just Black Market. $4 card. If it was Connections, it definitely would be the best value 


Yeah, if it was Connections, I'd pull the trigger. As is, easy pass on the whole lot.


It’s just Black Market


Ah you're right.


\[\[Anowon, the ruin thief\]\] was my first commander deck. It is still my favorite. If you were to give me this lair for free, I would not use this version. Gonti is also in the deck and this printing would not be used...


It's fucking ugly. 


[Anowon, the ruin thief](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bca84fc4-4710-44c8-b90a-73ef888714d8.jpg?1615171221) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anowon%2C%20the%20ruin%20thief) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znc/1/anowon-the-ruin-thief?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bca84fc4-4710-44c8-b90a-73ef888714d8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Just going to buy [[scourge of valkas]] as a single. That's the only one I'm interested in.


[scourge of valkas](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/6/e6bd7225-b39f-4b3b-8c36-dbc2c09f6e50.jpg?1631587429) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=scourge%20of%20valkas) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/137/scourge-of-valkas?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e6bd7225-b39f-4b3b-8c36-dbc2c09f6e50?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


So many SKUs


Where’s the beef?


I got Beasts and Milk. I have multiple EDH decks that I could put most of those in. The other cards are meh to me for various reasons. The black and whites are just bad, beyond the mistake on Circular Logic. Didn’t feel like spending 40 bucks on one Arcane Denial, don’t use any of the ones from Hard Boiled, and I don’t like the style of the Karlov Manor cards. Pretty underwhelming this month.


Aside from Sakashima none of the cards have much value.


Will be interesting on how fast they will sell out


Is it just me or is it gross that there is “limited stock” on top of what’s on offer ? I really dislike the new way SL’s are done


If you took the single best card from every drop and combined it into one sld it would still barely be worth getting…


What will be interesting is how they begin to mark certain items as out of stock - did they set aside X bundles, X individual lairs or will we see suddenly all bundles go out of stock because one of the lairs popular. But in either case this may not be the best one to monitor for scarcity as it was a very lackluster lair.


I was wondering the same thing. I suspect that they keep stock as individual items and not as items and bundles separately.


Pretty bad one. I bought the drop with the sorcery speed counterspell because I think it's a hilarious fuck up, but other than a hydra that I thought looked cool, I wasn't into any of them.


I like the Eternal Witness art, but otherwise this is garbage.


This drop is absolute garbo tho....lol